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Things in SA that you feel must be addressed before launch

  • Thread starter Adder_Atl
  • Start date
  • Watchers 2


Since we are coming up to beta soon. What things do you feel must be changed from the KR client, for SA to be successful.

One for me was mentioned today, from a thread on Draconi's facebook page regarding the in game map. I liked the waypoints and stuff, but the map was horrendous. If it looks like that map on Drac's facebook page, it is a start.

Another item is the Bags..items need to place properly when to put them in your bag, also if the grid format is still there.It needs to hold it items in place and not realign up and down everytime you cross a server line ( at least thats what it did last time I played KR, may have been fixed, not sure).

What are your thoughts on this?


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Items haven't reshuffled in the grid view in KR for a long, long time (yeah, that was a real pain).

Kratos Aurion

When I played KR, there wasn't a 2d interface. I would prefer to have a 2d interface but the KR one was tolerable. I just hate scrolling down a list of tiles of 125 slots looking for what I need.

I'd also like for macros to be easier to set up. While they are pretty easy, it just seems like you go through a million gumps to set up a single macro. *I haven't played KR for awhile so I'm not sure if that is still the case or not*

Other than that, I really can't say. We do not know how the SA client is and that is what the beta is for; to answer these questions/suggestions we have which makes this post somewhat pointless.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
One thing I absolutely love in KR is how it will show container contents in a list. Invaluable imo...I hope it transitions into SA.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I would like to switch to KR/SA but until mouse-wheel targeting is addressed I will be staying with 2D/UOA.


I want to see them fix the 12 year old bug where characters with the same name cross up each-others macros and desktop settings.

Arch Magus

Potion macros in 2D so I can compete without 3rd party apps!
(uoa, i don't care if it's legal)


Arch Magus

One thing I absolutely love in KR is how it will show container contents in a list. Invaluable imo...I hope it transitions into SA.
Do you think this kills the classic feel of the UO backpack?


The SA client will be perfect the day I can launch it and not know it wasn't the legacy 2D client I launched. UO doesn't need a new client, UO needs to be fixed in every other conceivable way first.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Do you think this kills the classic feel of the UO backpack?
Yes, but there's times when I'm looking for something that I know I have, but it's buried inside a pack inside a box inside a bag. I can open a bag and toggle/toggle and then scroll down and find it quickly. I"m not a packrat, but I"m definitely a container slob when it comes to storage..

Arch Magus

Yes, but there's times when I'm looking for something that I know I have, but it's buried inside a pack inside a box inside a bag. I can open a bag and toggle/toggle and then scroll down and find it quickly. I"m not a packrat, but I"m definitely a container slob when it comes to storage..
As a container storage slob myself, I can see where you are coming from.:D

Stratic Fanatic

Yes, but there's times when I'm looking for something that I know I have, but it's buried inside a pack inside a box inside a bag. I can open a bag and toggle/toggle and then scroll down and find it quickly. I"m not a packrat, but I"m definitely a container slob when it comes to storage..
Grid view.

Problem solved :)


Since we are coming up to beta soon. What things do you feel must be changed from the KR client, for SA to be successful.

One for me was mentioned today, from a thread on Draconi's facebook page regarding the in game map. I liked the waypoints and stuff, but the map was horrendous. If it looks like that map on Drac's facebook page, it is a start.

Another item is the Bags..items need to place properly when to put them in your bag, also if the grid format is still there.It needs to hold it items in place and not realign up and down everytime you cross a server line ( at least thats what it did last time I played KR, may have been fixed, not sure).

What are your thoughts on this?
How about the 2675+ bugs currently ingame now that need attention?


Always Present
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Stratics Legend
I work nights. Sleeping now would throw me off my sleep schedule.

Stratic Fanatic

I work nights. Sleeping now would throw me off my sleep schedule.
Its the weekend!!! What schedule!?! Beer to Beer?

But I know what ya saying.....been working 2nd and 3rd shift for last 6 years. Suxs.
Im asleep while the world goes round.....and Im awake when it sits still. If that makes any sense.


Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
erm, can we not turn this into a babble thread please? The topic is getting rather distant.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I would like to switch to KR/SA but until mouse-wheel targeting is addressed I will be staying with 2D/UOA.

Yes, please fix it. I don't know what the issue is, not playing KR myself, but I've been attacked by sooooo many new players that have just been guilded it's not real. And they're always playing in KR. Not so bad if I'm on my mage, but for archer or swords, auto defend can drop new players in no time!

Stratic Fanatic

Oops Sorry. You can delete my babble if need be.:)

To keep things on topic, I would like to be able to drag and drop my spells/skills anywhere on screen like 2d. Making hotbars just to have an empty slot is a bit tedious.

Nyte Doombringer

I didt play KR that long as I didt have a problem with the 2d graphics if you want to compare them to the mostly bad KR graphics. What I did like about KR was the interface which was much more up to date with games out now such as wow, lotro ect. I know the interface also needed work but it was way better then the 2d interface.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Things I'd like to see in SA:

- Re-sizeable gumps including the backpack one and ideally even the paperdoll etc.

- Being able to re-arrange the items in your backpack eg by weight or most recently added or type etc etc.

- Full macro options that let you set specific targets for example (eg a vetting macro) so we have the best things from UOA without needing it. Would really love this as UOA never quite works with me on Linux ;)

- Which brings me to the most obvious thing for me - I hope it works under Wine emulation as well as everything else does.

- Silly things like sharp clear images of items in containers and also properly coloured pets so we don't just have 1 colour of nightmare, dragon etc. At least I'm assuming that's still not fixed.

- Options for how much spell effect bling we want to see on screen. Basically graphics settings we can really tweak especially folks on low end systems. Or if you're like me and find it a bit *too* much at times ;)

- Here's where I sound (more) nutty.... I'd also like to see completely different grass terrain, it just looks wrong to me. Seems like there's too much detail considering the range you're zoomed out at. I like to see the flowers, those could just be bigger plants, but the grass itself always distracts me lol.



Seasoned Veteran
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It would be nice if they started taking action against speedhackers but theyve said they dont have the resources which basicly means its not a priority. There tends to be alot of bugs and imbalances in pvp everytime they come out with a new expansion(understandable) and they always end up having to fix those for at least a year after it comes out. At least if they took care of the speedhacking first one could make a gimp themselves and be on an even playing field. The way it looks is the new gimps will still have the big advantage of speed over the legit gimps(i cant believe i just called gimps legit). I guess now with flying gargoyles people can complain about people flying off thier screens literaly. I understand the need for EA to make a buck but at the same time it seems as tho we are here for EA and not the other way around.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I think the new expansion is going to take preference over the changes re balancing and fixing cheats. I had hoped they'd get a bit further down the list of things to fix before hitting SA all out, but that was perhaps a little optomistic. I do believe they genuinely try to do what they can, if I didn't I'd quit UO altogether. But maybe we'll see a few fixes come in for the current client as SA edges closer to release.

Then there's likely to be another set of balance problems with the new client, skills and such. Glad it's not my job to sort it all out lol.



Its the weekend!!! What schedule!?! Beer to Beer?

But I know what ya saying.....been working 2nd and 3rd shift for last 6 years. Suxs.
Im asleep while the world goes round.....and Im awake when it sits still. If that makes any sense.

I always hated online players who think drinking beer is cool and have the need to mention it 101 times to everybody. "Hey, i'm drunk. hey, i'm drinking beer". Grow up dude.


The SA client will be perfect the day I can launch it and not know it wasn't the legacy 2D client I launched. UO doesn't need a new client, UO needs to be fixed in every other conceivable way first.

Amen to that. I don't want to relearn the game. Also don't want to lose UOA or UOAM.


Always Present
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I didt play KR that long as I didt have a problem with the 2d graphics if you want to compare them to the mostly bad KR graphics. What I did like about KR was the interface which was much more up to date with games out now such as wow, lotro ect. I know the interface also needed work but it was way better then the 2d interface.
So go play one of those games. Get out of mine. >:|


I didt play KR that long as I didt have a problem with the 2d graphics if you want to compare them to the mostly bad KR graphics. What I did like about KR was the interface which was much more up to date with games out now such as wow, lotro ect. I know the interface also needed work but it was way better then the 2d interface.
Why should UO copy inferior paradigms from simplistic games?


Things I'd like to see in SA:


- Options for how much spell effect bling we want to see on screen. Basically graphics settings we can really tweak especially folks on low end systems. Or if you're like me and find it a bit *too* much at times ;)

+1 It is nice to have a visual indicator when I don't have a 100% chance because I'm still training a skill or fail at times but I don't need "bling" for a spell that I succeed 100% of the time so I agree that the ability to "really tweak" would be nice. Likewise, the ability to use the tweaks to filter spammers on the fly would be nice.

Dermott of LS

UOEC Modder
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

Speaking from KR experience:

What you get in exchange for that "tedium" is a LOT more versatility in how you use that spell icon. In fact it is quite a bit LESS tedious to set up spells for different targeting situations (target self, target cursor, target current) using the hotbar system than it is using the 2d macro builder or UOA.

It makes targeting and hotkey setting MUCH EASIER than in Legacy simply from NOT having to dig through the User Settings menu to get to the macros page and then you do not have to scroll through the various lists to find the spell and find the needed commands (targeting) to go with it. Just drop the spell into a hotbar slot, set target, set hotkey and you're good to go. Want to make a dual setup that targets cursor and one that targets yourself, then set up two hotbars, one for Target Cursor spells and one for the same spells set to Target Self.


Must be addressed... improve the generic gumps so they SA gumps are not a revert to 2D gumps as it currently stands. Essentially, Draconi explained that KR had its own gumps. This was great where improvements had been made (e.g. crafting gumps) but it was a bane where the KR gumps were broke (e.g. Human-to-Elf quest, some Virtue gumps). According to Draconi, the engineers have designed SA to use what they call "generic" gumps that 2D uses. I think this is great on many levels as it means that there are less "moving parts" to worry about. On the other hand, they have not as of yet (but intend to) improved the generic gumps.

Why does this matter? Some of the KR gump improvements included UOAssist-type features that are available to 2D client users but are not available to KR client users and will not be available to SA client users. For me, this is a MUST BE ADDRESSED BEFORE LAUNCH issue... Draconi has said it will be but if I've learned anything from EA, it is to not hold my breath.


I have a hard time targeting things in kr. Why does CTRL+SHIFT only work part time? Someone recommended using a wheel on a mouse to target monsters. They say thats perfect but I use laptop. No mouse. Also sometimes I m trying to target corpses or items on the floor I cant. I dont know but for me at least that bothers me more than anything else at the moment.

Dermott of LS

UOEC Modder
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

History has shown that 2D will triumph over inferior pseudo-replacementsKR

2d's done a bang up job of selling... boxes are FLYING off the shelves and new accounts are being added daily...



oh... wait...

Tina Small

Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I have a hard time targeting things in kr. Why does CTRL+SHIFT only work part time? Someone recommended using a wheel on a mouse to target monsters. They say thats perfect but I use laptop. No mouse. Also sometimes I m trying to target corpses or items on the floor I cant. I dont know but for me at least that bothers me more than anything else at the moment.

When you use Control Shift, you have to press those keys down in that order. You won't see anything happen if you press them down as Shift and then Control.

Buy a mouse for your laptop. They're cheap. I finally broke down and did that after 3 years of playing and now I cringe if I have to play without it and use the touch pad.

If you can't reach or manipulate stuff (e.g., drop things on the ground), you may be zoomed out too far and the spot or thing you want to reach is too far away. Zoom in your view and that may help quite a bit.


Two things I'd like to see addressed to finally prod me away from 2d are this with the KR client I've experienced;

1) Random crashes. I know random crashes are hard to track down without specifics, but I do experience them quite frequently with KR when not at all with the 2D client. Therefore the only time I willingly use the KR client is for crafting.

2) I own a tower, and most of the time when I log into the game using the KR client I'll have items from the upper floors mixed in with items on the current floor, including the staircases. Nothing like being trapped in your own house because the KR client squishes two levels of a house into one.

Pet peeeves;

Hate how the circle of transparency in the KR client will show the grassy ground no matter what level you are above it. Makes it impossible to place anything using circle of transparency in KR unless you really want to lose something under the foundation of your house from the roof.... To add to this, hate that there's no macro option to switch Circle of Transparency on or off via a macro.

Hate having to switch from KR to 2D to place items on a vendor, even KR's legacy backpack does strange things to items placed atop each other. Would be nice to have a picture perfect 2D container gumps while using the KR client.

Macro choices in KR are very limited and tend to work once then never again. Never have got a "Use last item" and "last target" to work together in a single macro; ie mining macro. And many essential macro choices in the 2D game are left out of KR such as "equip last weapon" and never could get macro's to work in which you dropped and dragged items such as weapons and shield + equip item. The KR macro system is the height of frustration for anyone without a masters degree in computer science.

Hate how you can't type numbers in chat box without a hotbar macro going off.

Hate that when you use a boat in KR it, your character, and everything else jumps around so much it looks like we're playing a high school flash game project.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
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Pet Peeves with KR that need addressed...

Books, bulletin boards, paperdolls not looking UGLY, elves and the headgear... I like having mine NOT be seen....

DO NOT Make the graphics look muddy like KR....

Need to be able to fix fonts.....

I don't want to learn a new way of talking, emoting, using chats...

I want to be able to save my journals like I do now in 2d...

Put out a guide like the old Prima guides... I know I'd buy it.


Lore Master
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Toilet add ons! not a single head in all the lands but they offer us all this ale and liquor.


Always Present
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Stratics Legend

History has shown that 2D will triumph over inferior pseudo-replacementsKR

2d's done a bang up job of selling... boxes are FLYING off the shelves and new accounts are being added daily...



oh... wait...
Ah yes, that's definitely the fault of 2D and not the fact that there hasn't been a box for nearly three years, and no marketing before that.

I'll take stagnation over damnation, thank you.

Arch Magus


History has shown that 2D will triumph over inferior pseudo-replacementsKR

2d's done a bang up job of selling... boxes are FLYING off the shelves and new accounts are being added daily...



oh... wait...
Gee, couldn't be the fact that it's over a decade old and don't make boxes for it anymore is it?