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Devs : PVP Casting Hacks


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Ok, devs - can you please close the loopholes on the casting hacks once and for all?

Lord knows there have been numerous hacks to allow casting on the run (wands, Virtues etc) and they still exist.

I was running top speed away from someone who casted fireballs and explos on me from offscreen for like 3 min.

I mean, it wasn't a queued up single one they pre-cast and hit me - they cast over and over without stopping. Dead run.

Its just stupid that you allow this to go on and don't address it whatsoever.

Speaking the Truth

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Ok, devs - can you please close the loopholes on the casting hacks once and for all?

Lord knows there have been numerous hacks to allow casting on the run (wands, Virtues etc) and they still exist.

I was running top speed away from someone who casted fireballs and explos on me from offscreen for like 3 min.

I mean, it wasn't a queued up single one they pre-cast and hit me - they cast over and over without stopping. Dead run.

Its just stupid that you allow this to go on and don't address it whatsoever.
Sorry but everyone has to stop when they cast, at one point you could use a wand charge on the run and that wouldn't stop you, but now even wands make you stop. You sir are mistaken and who ever owned you was stopping to cast.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Ok, devs - can you please close the loopholes on the casting hacks once and for all?

Lord knows there have been numerous hacks to allow casting on the run (wands, Virtues etc) and they still exist.

I was running top speed away from someone who casted fireballs and explos on me from offscreen for like 3 min.

I mean, it wasn't a queued up single one they pre-cast and hit me - they cast over and over without stopping. Dead run.

Its just stupid that you allow this to go on and don't address it whatsoever.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I dont know about a casting hack, but this has happened to me several times.

Your being chased and the mage behind you is either out of range or completely off screen, you never stop, but you are still repeatedly hit by spells.

My thought was he was being stopped like he was supposed to when casting but "Speeding", surging forward to get in range and dropping spells on you. You have seen them skip completely across your screen, maybe only showing in 3-5 spots, so maybe when they are actually getting in range its not showing the graphic as it was part of the skip.

What are you gonna do though? EA doesn't give a damn, they might as well include a speeder in the next expansion and make it all even, that would actually be far more of an effort then they have showed in the nine years I've been here.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Yep, I know, no one cheats, no one hacks, no one exploits, no one dupes, and if they did, it wouldn't matter anyways cause it doesn't really give an advantage. It just doesn't exist, there back in my hidey-hole of forgetfulness and denial.... it's all gone now...I didn't really see what I saw, it was a pixel mirage.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Yes, that happens from time to time. Someone is next to you, falls behind when they cast and then catches you again with their speeder. Woopydoo.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
my guess is on his screen he was on screen with you, but on yours he was off. There is a youtube video of someone running a certain program, he was running two accts on two computers demonstrating the differences in the 2 screens. speedhacking i think it was they call it.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
my guess is on his screen he was on screen with you, but on yours he was off. There is a youtube video of someone running a certain program, he was running two accts on two computers demonstrating the differences in the 2 screens. speedhacking i think it was they call it.
That was JC the Builder and he was not speedhacking when he made the video...

What 'Speedhacking' does... is reduce that lag time between the two computers on the one computer with the server... basically, the same thing a good computer and connection would automatically do for you.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
That was JC the Builder and he was not speedhacking when he made the video...

What 'Speedhacking' does... is reduce that lag time between the two computers on the one computer with the server... basically, the same thing a good computer and connection would automatically do for you.
You are totally clueless.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You are totally clueless.
Ugh, when you figure out the simple stuff like how to gain stealing at 75.0 skill... we can talk about the complicated stuff such as what speedhacking does.

If you didn't look for any and every opportunity to "get at me" you might actually have a shred of credibility.

You DO make me feel special, tho. :D


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Dude, you DO realize that everyone here thinks you're totally clueless, right? Seriously, right???


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Ok, devs - can you please close the loopholes on the casting hacks once and for all?

Lord knows there have been numerous hacks to allow casting on the run (wands, Virtues etc) and they still exist.

I was running top speed away from someone who casted fireballs and explos on me from offscreen for like 3 min.

I mean, it wasn't a queued up single one they pre-cast and hit me - they cast over and over without stopping. Dead run.

Its just stupid that you allow this to go on and don't address it whatsoever.
hahahahahahahahahaahahah :dunce:

You are totally clueless.


This thread is made of win. Would read again.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Client Synchronization Video:
This shows how much difference there can be to what 2 people see of the same situation.. Add in a speedhack & it would just get worse...

No Casting hacks... Just people stopping to cast and "Speedering" hardcore to catch up to drop the spell.... what one person sees as "off screen hits from spells" the other might see as "a few tiles behind".....


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I dont know about a casting hack, but this has happened to me several times.

Your being chased and the mage behind you is either out of range or completely off screen, you never stop, but you are still repeatedly hit by spells.

My thought was he was being stopped like he was supposed to when casting but "Speeding", surging forward to get in range and dropping spells on you. You have seen them skip completely across your screen, maybe only showing in 3-5 spots, so maybe when they are actually getting in range its not showing the graphic as it was part of the skip.

What are you gonna do though? EA doesn't give a damn, they might as well include a speeder in the next expansion and make it all even, that would actually be far more of an effort then they have showed in the nine years I've been here.

You're exactly right.


Well.. lets help the Devs then...

How would You fix the speedhacking problem?
(you ... everyone... not a specific you... )


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
They can't prevent it, but they can police it.

If a few people get banned for speedhacking 90% of others will turn theirs off and remove it from their computer.

People do it now because there is no consequence.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Client Synchronization Video:
This shows how much difference there can be to what 2 people see of the same situation.. Add in a speedhack & it would just get worse...

No Casting hacks... Just people stopping to cast and "Speedering" hardcore to catch up to drop the spell.... what one person sees as "off screen hits from spells" the other might see as "a few tiles behind".....
I agree with your assessment.

I see almost the same thing between my wife's and my screen too. When we run around, on her screen, she's ahead of me, on my screen I'm ahead. Although it's limited to around 5 tiles of each other as our ping is good (server sends the updated info to us faster).

Movement is cached on your client side for 2 steps (you can tell when you get hit by a lag spike that you can move for only 2 tiles, then you can't move until the server and your client syncs). When the server receives any movement info from your client, it then sends it to the other clients on the screen. Meaning when you move (esp at galloping speed), there's always a delay between what you see and what other people see.

I suspect pushing the movement queue to the max using a speedhack that allows a client to behave as if it's running directly off the server (0 ping) will likely permit/cause a very high number of network requests to the server to send/receive updates on the positions of everyone else. If a speedhacker sends 10 request packets while a normal client sends only 1, subsequent normal requests are gonna be delayed until the 10 "speedhacked" packets have been processed.

Possibly causing the reported "lag spikes" or freezes for normal players near the speedhacker. Might also explain why normal players might never see the speehacker cast - the packet that sends an update to show that the speedhacker casting probably "expired" and got dropped.

But there's still an issue, there's an inherent timed delay based on FC before a targetting cursor comes up. I am not sure if and how sending/receiving extra packets interacts with that timed delay. I do know that if lag is good, I can create macros in UOA to cast 2 spells with a 800 ticks delay in between, if lag is bad, I sometimes need to increase the delay to 1200 ticks.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
They can't prevent it, but they can police it.

If a few people get banned for speedhacking 90% of others will turn theirs off and remove it from their computer.

People do it now because there is no consequence.
Completely agree. Even if they can fix this one, there will be others in the future. That leaves it up to GMs to police and ban cheaters. And publicize it to let them know that they are banning people and there are consequences.


Panic!!! People, this is absurd. Speedhacking/spell hacking/ tamers. LOL

At some point in your UO experience, you have to learn/adapt and overcome. If you have one computer that you surf the web on... download music and videos ... ICQ AND play UO... your computer will not be sufficient to outrun a gamer who knows better. I ping 90-110 to my shard and yes there are a few people who outrun me in a ridiculous manner, but for the most part, Im at a competitive speed.
If you want to play in felucia, you have to learn a few things. Simply running from someone will get you killed 80% of the time. You must use your head to get far enough away from them and get an invis off, you must learn to cure and heal when needed, you must not expect to live without pots and boxes and apples (unless youre good at house hiding). Finally, remember there is no way to ever win a fight if you just run away. These chars that are killing you are people pushing keys just like you should. They arent gods and can be beaten... learn to heal/interupt/para/wall of stone... LEARN TO USE WHAT THE GAME GIVES YOU (1000 ways to fight back and survive) and quit crying.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Well.. lets help the Devs then...

How would You fix the speedhacking problem?
(you ... everyone... not a specific you... )
Set the speed cap at a more realistic level, because right now there are only 2 types of people able to hit the cap.

1. Speedhackers.
2. The dumbass Dev that set the cap who was sitting 10ft from EA's server room.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Panic!!! People, this is absurd. Speedhacking/spell hacking/ tamers. LOL

At some point in your UO experience, you have to learn/adapt and overcome. If you have one computer that you surf the web on... download music and videos ... ICQ AND play UO... your computer will not be sufficient to outrun a gamer who knows better. I ping 90-110 to my shard and yes there are a few people who outrun me in a ridiculous manner, but for the most part, Im at a competitive speed.
If you want to play in felucia, you have to learn a few things. Simply running from someone will get you killed 80% of the time. You must use your head to get far enough away from them and get an invis off, you must learn to cure and heal when needed, you must not expect to live without pots and boxes and apples (unless youre good at house hiding). Finally, remember there is no way to ever win a fight if you just run away. These chars that are killing you are people pushing keys just like you should. They arent gods and can be beaten... learn to heal/interupt/para/wall of stone... LEARN TO USE WHAT THE GAME GIVES YOU (1000 ways to fight back and survive) and quit crying.
I really could care less about 'fighting back' as I see PvP pretty pointless.

At any rate, maybe its casting hacks - maybe its speedhacks....

But as long as you are RUNNING from someone without hitting obstacles with a good connection - someone should not be able to dump spells on you while you run. It should not be possible. Each time they cast they should at least fall a step or two behind.

Get an ivis off? I couldn't do anything but keep running and was still getting hit over and over. I ping 43 to Great Lakes with a fast machine (my laptop is essentially a server machine b/c of my work).

At the end of the day I really don't care if they catch me - i have hundreds of millions in insurance money to get caught all day long - but I'd prefer they catch me fair and square. If you have to cheat to succeed - it makes you a :loser:

Carry on.....


Its an illusion. Ever out run a fireball and ebolt? You can out run them and they follow you. The damage has already been taking but the graphics hit you at different times.

All you need is a delayed spell to have been cast. The ebolt and fire ball GRAPHICS hit you and the delayed spell then hits. It looks like 1,2 and 3. An impossibility. And it is.

Its delay.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Ugh, when you figure out the simple stuff like how to gain stealing at 75.0 skill... we can talk about the complicated stuff such as what speedhacking does.

If you didn't look for any and every opportunity to "get at me" you might actually have a shred of credibility.

You DO make me feel special, tho. :D
I repeat, you are clueless.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The OP has absolutely no idea what he is talking about. There is no such thing as a 'casting hack'.

Speed hacks, though, do exist, but they never have and never will allow a mage to cast a spell or use wands without stopping, and speed hacking most certainly is not mage specific, and is actually a much greater advantage to archers and dexxers.

What this thread should say is this -- "Developers, please fix speedhacking, it allows every template to have an advantage over non-speed hack using templates." Then it would make sense. As is, this thread is laughable.
By the way, OP, you do realize explosion has a three second delay, right? I guess that would explain him 'casting it off screen'....


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
LOL. If this is the guy on GL that I think he is, He was killed by a guy using purple pots spamming spell words in text followed by LoL.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I found this for Draxous, posted by Draconi in another thread just yesterday. Pertinent bolding/italicizing by myself...


UO Lead Designer

Join Date: May 2008
Posts: 383

Re: Fix Needed ASAP
Originally Posted by Splup
What I would love to see is some.. Some statement from Dev team about speedhack.

I if they would even say "We know there's a problem and something will be done about it in the future" would calm me down a bit.

But the fact that they seem to decline the whole problem by not stating anything about speedhack is just very frustrating.

We do know there's a problem, and something will be done about it.

Some not quite as patient as you will remind me that we've said all this before. Actually, that's not fair, they've been extremely patient - it's just a complex problem that can't be handled without significant resources, resources currently dedicated to an expansion shipping soon.

In the meantime, we're still exploring options for making the client more secure in general. Also, yes, KR handles movement differently from Legacy, for those who weren't sure.

Tim "Draconi" Cotten - Lead Designer - Ultima Online - EA Mythic​

So, it still doesn't exist eh, Drax? Pull your head out of the ground, will ya?


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Nothing is going to be done programmatically until the SA client is released and fixed and the SA expansion is released and fixed.

However since it is such a very high priority there is no reason why EA cant hire some GMs in India which will only cost $1/hr in India and ban these exploiters like they do in Darkfall or WAR. It would only cost $48 a day to have 2 GMs 24/hrs a day dedicated to banning exploiters.


doesnt matter if you care for pvp or not, if youre in felucia, youre subjected to being attacked... whats hard about learning to heal yourself and learn to evade your attackers.
Try this, Set a macro in uoAssist for heal/cure/refresh... get a char with parry/weaponskill/resist/hiding/stealth/ninja.... learn on that template or might i suggest something even more survivable parry/bush/swords/resist/hiding/stealth/ninjitsu (use items and jewelry for the skills) LEARN TO SURVIVE AND EVADE ... then as you get good at living thru attacks, go ahead and drop stealth/hiding for tactics/chiv... suit yourself up accordingly...

Take care of your computer... porn and performance dont work on same computer.
Stop crying about people being faster... I get outrun daily and sometimes die due to it... but im not a mindless animal runnin for my life... learn to stay alive if they catch up to you... chug some pots, try your human skill hide up against a house, use the backside of large houses as an opportunity to create distance between you and your gankers... change directions enough and most times they wont be able to keep up.. run in a str8 line and youre doomed =P
there are hundreds of things i could say but i think this sums it up... buck up stop cryin and learn or move to tram and stay outta the big boy part of the game.
PS sorry if this sounds crass, but really... its been the same crying for years and people still (with absolutely no training or suits) make chars that they have absolutely no idea how to play and that means everyone else is a cheater ... im gettin tired of it.

Arch Magus

LOL. If this is the guy on GL that I think he is, He was killed by a guy using purple pots spamming spell words in text followed by LoL.
lol. If this is true, it's one of the funniest things I've heard about.

Diomedes Artega

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Nothing is going to be done programmatically until the SA client is released and fixed and the SA expansion is released and fixed.

However since it is such a very high priority there is no reason why EA cant hire some GMs in India which will only cost $1/hr in India and ban these exploiters like they do in Darkfall or WAR. It would only cost $48 a day to have 2 GMs 24/hrs a day dedicated to banning exploiters.
New client means nothing to me. While having GM's constant in game to detect hacking issues, (e.g. using pots continuously without a cooldown effect), nothing new will really happen. Unless you include keystroke and anti-hack software included in the programming, not much will happen.

Those that didn't want to use it, don't have to play. While bot hacking occurs in Lineage II, it is the player base fault that, that stuff doesn't stop. You can PK the bots and/or report them. Few do either.

Anti-hack software is included...every single time you start the game. It does no good to erase the program as a new one gets downloaded each time you start the game.

In terms of this game UO...nothing will occur. And, as of right now, it is up to the developer's to do something. Period.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
In terms of this game UO...nothing will occur. And, as of right now, it is up to the developer's to do something. Period.
They just told us nothing is going to happen until SA is released. Then expect bug fixing in the following couple of months. Then you have December and Christmas. So most likely it will be Febuary when developers can maybe do something.

However if it is important enough, there has never been anything stopping EA from letting current GMs ban exploiters which wont even cost them an extra cent, or if the current GMs are too busy then there has never been anything stopping EA from hiring some GMs in India for $1/hr.

Stratic Fanatic

Everyone complained when Punkbuster was mentioned.

Sure, they will always be cheats but PB will catch 90% or more.

But for some reason people act like...."Oh NOES dont look at what I run", "violation of privacy" etc., etc. , etc.

Honestly....who gives a flying f*ck if you arent doing anything wrong?

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Actually, not to belittle people's concerns, the problem was 'oh noes I don't want anyone having free access to everything on my hard drive including all my banking and personal/work information'. In any case, the Dev's have stated that there was a problem with Punkbuster's EULA .


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Dude, you DO realize that everyone here thinks you're totally clueless, right? Seriously, right???
A clueless person could never grasp that.

Hence the paradox, and the irony of it all.

I am excessively clueless about a great many things.

It is the single most important concept I have come to grasp, as I get older; I know nothing.

But some people know it all...and the old adage certainly rings true:

No person knows less, than the person that knows it all.

Anyway...back to the excitement of running, casting mages!



doesnt matter if you care for pvp or not, if youre in felucia, youre subjected to being attacked... whats hard about learning to heal yourself and learn to evade your attackers.
Try this, Set a macro in uoAssist for heal/cure/refresh... get a char with parry/weaponskill/resist/hiding/stealth/ninja.... learn on that template or might i suggest something even more survivable parry/bush/swords/resist/hiding/stealth/ninjitsu (use items and jewelry for the skills) LEARN TO SURVIVE AND EVADE ... then as you get good at living thru attacks, go ahead and drop stealth/hiding for tactics/chiv... suit yourself up accordingly...

Take care of your computer... porn and performance dont work on same computer.
Stop crying about people being faster... I get outrun daily and sometimes die due to it... but im not a mindless animal runnin for my life... learn to stay alive if they catch up to you... chug some pots, try your human skill hide up against a house, use the backside of large houses as an opportunity to create distance between you and your gankers... change directions enough and most times they wont be able to keep up.. run in a str8 line and youre doomed =P
there are hundreds of things i could say but i think this sums it up... buck up stop cryin and learn or move to tram and stay outta the big boy part of the game.
PS sorry if this sounds crass, but really... its been the same crying for years and people still (with absolutely no training or suits) make chars that they have absolutely no idea how to play and that means everyone else is a cheater ... im gettin tired of it.
Really dude? this is your response to THE biggest issue in the game.. cheaters/hackers? **** poor!


I use speedhacks all the time... registry defrag, disk defrag, game booster (it's awsome, closes off all your unneeded services while you play, and optomizes memory), oh and most importantly adsl...

Diomedes Artega

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Everyone complained when Punkbuster was mentioned.

Sure, they will always be cheats but PB will catch 90% or more.

But for some reason people act like...."Oh NOES dont look at what I run", "violation of privacy" etc., etc. , etc.

Honestly....who gives a flying f*ck if you arent doing anything wrong?
I agree. If you aren't doing anything illegal at all...it should not matter. Period.


I agree. If you aren't doing anything illegal at all...it should not matter. Period.

Try to grok privacy.

I suppose you would like to have the cops be able to search your home at will because someone in your neighborhood committed a crime? Right? If you aren't doing anything illegal at all...it should not matter. Period???

Diomedes Artega

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

Try to grok privacy.

I suppose you would like to have the cops be able to search your home at will because someone in your neighborhood committed a crime? Right? If you aren't doing anything illegal at all...it should not matter. Period???
Comprehending privacy? No, I'm not sure you understand. Other games use this software, and by you agreeing to the user agreement, you are agreeing that they can have the software on your computer. I don't have a problem with that, nor do 17 million other people from the game I am discussing.

In this case, those so concerned about privacy do have issues. The software does nothing but detect what you are running. My advice is become computer literate if it is such a major issue. e.g. You should know what programs are running in your computer anyways. This means everything under windows manager. Get a clue.

As far as police searching a home at will...if its a police state they will. If they are looking for someone, and I'm not hiding that person, what do I care? That is not related to this issue. Stay on topic.

You want to comprehend privacy? Illegal wiretapping by the Bush administration. That is about privacy. But...I'm supposing that you are okay with that huh.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
How about they set a server-side minimum ping of 500ms? Give everyone a horrible connection by default. Problem solved.


I use speedhacks all the time... registry defrag, disk defrag, game booster (it's awsome, closes off all your unneeded services while you play, and optomizes memory), oh and most importantly adsl...
Same here all of above had my adsl company put me on fast path, optimized my network card,use priority on uo client. Dedicated one cpu for uo client only, Use Kr to add to my speed and a number of other things. Not many can actually out run me.
Like others are said if there tired of being outrun then talk to youre isp fix youre system or continue to complain untill they raise the server cap to 1000 ping for every one.
Sadly npc creatures still have a 0 ping to the server as they are on the server themselves. :( oh well will be fun watching everyone die to a mongbat.

Got to remmeber server cap is there already and no matter what program anybody runs youre connection still have to go through the hops to the server which has to do with isp line.
You cannot in no way have a 0 ping to the server unless youre on the server. The isp is youre major bottleneck. There lines will keep you from going too fast. Less hops and less latency to those hops faster you are and only the isp has control of that. The most you have control of is youre inside network and pc as well as hoping the isp puts you on fast path and youre closer to the co. oh and cable well thats extremly high latency so much of the time you might have 10k down and up but you can't beat some one on a fastpath line 3k down 700 up adsl also dependednt how many people uses youre node.
And not sure about fiber yet havent checked there latency average or the doscis 3.0 cable.
In other words there are so many variables that you can't expect EA to do the impossible except implanting a chip on everyones brain to make sure they do exactly what the other person does. When you see some one run from luna to umbra in less than 3 sec's let me know or if they can instant run around the fel world like superman against flash now thats a server hack and EA can fix it.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Got to remmeber server cap is there already and no matter what program anybody runs youre connection still have to go through the hops to the server which has to do with isp line.
Dude, no way!!! Who would of thought that there is a server cap in place. :dunce:


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I agree with your assessment.

I see almost the same thing between my wife's and my screen too. When we run around, on her screen, she's ahead of me, on my screen I'm ahead. Although it's limited to around 5 tiles of each other as our ping is good (server sends the updated info to us faster).

Movement is cached on your client side for 2 steps (you can tell when you get hit by a lag spike that you can move for only 2 tiles, then you can't move until the server and your client syncs). When the server receives any movement info from your client, it then sends it to the other clients on the screen. Meaning when you move (esp at galloping speed), there's always a delay between what you see and what other people see.
Good job. :thumbsup:

I suspect pushing the movement queue to the max using a speedhack that allows a client to behave as if it's running directly off the server (0 ping) will likely permit/cause a very high number of network requests to the server to send/receive updates on the positions of everyone else. If a speedhacker sends 10 request packets while a normal client sends only 1, subsequent normal requests are gonna be delayed until the 10 "speedhacked" packets have been processed.

Possibly causing the reported "lag spikes" or freezes for normal players near the speedhacker. Might also explain why normal players might never see the speehacker cast - the packet that sends an update to show that the speedhacker casting probably "expired" and got dropped.

But there's still an issue, there's an inherent timed delay based on FC before a targetting cursor comes up. I am not sure if and how sending/receiving extra packets interacts with that timed delay. I do know that if lag is good, I can create macros in UOA to cast 2 spells with a 800 ticks delay in between, if lag is bad, I sometimes need to increase the delay to 1200 ticks.


Grand Poobah
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Stratics Legend

UO Lead Designer

Join Date: May 2008
Posts: 383

Re: Fix Needed ASAP
Originally Posted by Splup
What I would love to see is some.. Some statement from Dev team about speedhack.

I if they would even say "We know there's a problem and something will be done about it in the future" would calm me down a bit.

But the fact that they seem to decline the whole problem by not stating anything about speedhack is just very frustrating.

We do know there's a problem, and something will be done about it.

Some not quite as patient as you will remind me that we've said all this before. Actually, that's not fair, they've been extremely patient - it's just a complex problem that can't be handled without significant resources, resources currently dedicated to an expansion shipping soon.

In the meantime, we're still exploring options for making the client more secure in general. Also, yes, KR handles movement differently from Legacy, for those who weren't sure.

Tim "Draconi" Cotten - Lead Designer - Ultima Online - EA Mythic​
What does this prove? That people use 3rd party programs, the Devs are aware of it and the Devs plan on doing something about it? Gee captain obvious... do you even know what we're discussing here? Obviously not because of course it's a problem... TONS of players are pancakes about 'hacking' and 'cheating.' Infact so many players are pancakes about it, that players who don't know anything about the subject are screaming blood murder over things that don't even exist (like this thread :dunce: )

So pat yourself on the back and try to twist the things I say a bit more.

You love my style

So, it still doesn't exist eh, Drax? Pull your head out of the ground, will ya?
A casting hack doesn't exist. :dunce:

You are clueless.


What does this prove?
Well the devs are specifically asked about SPEEDHACKS in that quote, and they answer specifically about SPEEDHACKS.

That people use 3rd party programs
Yes, and the devs are specifically talking about 3rd party SPEEDHACKS

Gee captain obvious... do you even know what we're discussing here?
Yes, but it seems maybe you do not.

A casting hack doesn't exist.
Nope, they dont. But speedhacks do. And the devs acknowledged that in the quote there that Tchalla provided for you. That was his point that went COMPLETELY over your head.

Im not surprised it did.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
A casting hack doesn't exist. :dunce:

You are clueless.

Good thing I was never talking about a cast hack, *your* initial post in this thread referred to speedhacking, at which point I informed you that you were clueless. Here, let me remind you...

Originally Posted by Draxous
That was JC the Builder and he was not speedhacking when he made the video...

What 'Speedhacking' does... is reduce that lag time between the two computers on the one computer with the server... basically, the same thing a good computer and connection would automatically do for you.

You are totally clueless.
I then needed to go and find Draconi's post wherein he confirms they *do* exist, and post it for you, since you are so clueless.

Pull your head out of your ass.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
What does this prove?
Well the devs are specifically asked about SPEEDHACKS in that quote, and they answer specifically about SPEEDHACKS.

That people use 3rd party programs
Yes, and the devs are specifically talking about 3rd party SPEEDHACKS

Gee captain obvious... do you even know what we're discussing here?
Yes, but it seems maybe you do not.

A casting hack doesn't exist.
Nope, they dont. But speedhacks do. And the devs acknowledged that in the quote there that Tchalla provided for you. That was his point that went COMPLETELY over your head.

Im not surprised it did.
Did I ever say that 'speedhacks' don't exist? No. What you've been so bent out of shape over is the fact that I said they don't really give you any advantage in PvP. I don't cheat in any way and I do fine. You're either good at PvP or you're not... cheating is nothing more than a psychological advantage at best.

The devs are aware of this 'issue' and have stated that they are working on taking care of it. So why the 50 billion cry threads about it?!?!? On top of that, why the 50 billion cry threads about 'hacks' that DON'T EVEN EXIST (HINT: like the one we are posting in.)



Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
A casting hack doesn't exist. :dunce:

You are clueless.

Good thing I was never talking about a cast hack, *your* initial post in this thread referred to speedhacking, at which point I informed you that you were clueless. Here, let me remind you...

Originally Posted by Draxous
That was JC the Builder and he was not speedhacking when he made the video...

What 'Speedhacking' does... is reduce that lag time between the two computers on the one computer with the server... basically, the same thing a good computer and connection would automatically do for you.

You are totally clueless.
I then needed to go and find Draconi's post wherein he confirms they *do* exist, and post it for you, since you are so clueless.

Pull your head out of your ass.
Nice backpeddal.

So, it still doesn't exist eh, Drax? Pull your head out of the ground, will ya?
So what doesn't exist? Who said what, where? Do you even know what you're trying to say or is this the same ole same ole BS from you as usual?

You are clueless and you don't even know what you're trying arguing with me about.

Way to fail. :thumbsup: