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form follows function by "Draconi"


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Form Follows Function

When we shipped the original Kingdom Reborn client it featured a completely redone map. There was a new waypoint system, icons for locations, and an overhauled look and feel. In fact, you could say the "new look" was more of a "ye olde looke" straight out of the Age of Discovery. A yellowed parchment with faded colors, crinkled edges – far more realistic as a "map" than the old UO way of doing things.

Unlike the 15th century Europeans, however, our own explorers quickly discovered that this absolutely gorgeous remake of our old map was mostly useless. In fact, the parchment version essentially diluted the critical detail that the Legacy client offered, combining large swaths of terrain into abstract blotches of mute hues, rendering distant obstacles and paths invisible.

So much time was spent on the new look and new functionality that when we finally shipped KR, well, the map wasn't even as functional as the Legacy version.

Where the older client would overlay player houses and other objects on top of the map, the KR version couldn't. Then again, it would've looked horrible for the housing art to be dropped atop the beautiful hand-drawn look of the map, so it became a cut feature, amongst several others.

For Stygian Abyss, we approached it from the opposite direction. Much of the unnecessary fluff was pulled out, and we replaced the map with the same kind you'd expect in Legacy – a full bird’s eye view of what's actually in the game, and redesigned the look of the map around how it should be used.

Our lesson learned was that in KR, we tried to make the functionality match the new look (often by cutting features), without success. In SA, we’ve done the opposite, letting the form follow the actual functions the players need.

Thankfully, the engineers have pulled off miracles to get this done, delivering a map system for SA that's actually a complement and improvement over the old one. The artists, too, integrated the result beautifully into the UI. Now it works like Legacy, but has a full Atlas mode (finally giving our players a way to see the whole map without using a 3rd party app). It's even rotated correctly (at a tilt) by default!

Some might miss the parchment look and feel of the KR version - that's understandable. Yet given the choice between the Google Maps of UO, versus a pretty piece of parchment, we wanted to err on the side of giving players more freedom.

there are pics of it on facebook
hope the link works



Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Thank you SO much for posting this. I don't have a Facebook account, and have no interest in making one.

Excellent article, Draconi! I agree - Functionality is all well and good, but if the form isn't accepted, it will have adoption issues. I think that was one of the BIG issues with KR that thankfully it appears that you are addressing in SA.

Here's to hoping for the best for the new client! I want Function AND FORM, dag nabbbit! *Rattles his old-timers cane*.


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I know alot of people dont have them so I check facebook everyday and see if draconi or other designers have posted articles if so I try to post them here ... for the ones who do not have it...

oh and did the link work just curious?


UO Forum Moderator
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ok thats what I thought you have to have a facebook I will try to copy the images over later if someone else does not get to it first

Old Man of UO

I've always wondered where Draconi got his nic...

I noticed that on a map in a book, in the Midkemia series from Raymond E. Feist, there is a city on the SW coastline called "Draconi."


UO Forum Moderator
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Stratics Legend
I've always wondered where Draconi got his nic...

I noticed that on a map in a book, in the Midkemia series from Raymond E. Feist, there is a city on the SW coastline called "Draconi."
I have read that series it was a long time ago I knew that name was familiar !! I may have to go to library and check it out :)

JC the Builder

Crazed Zealot
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I am glad the team comments are coming back. But I don't understand why this is all being posted elsewhere besides the main UO website.


Stratics Veteran
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I am glad the team comments are coming back. But I don't understand why this is all being posted elsewhere besides the main UO website.
Because it's Facebook, and Facebook is "cool" and "trendy"

Just like Myspace was last year. It shall pass, never fear.


Old and in the way
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Because it's Facebook, and Facebook is "cool" and "trendy"

Just like Myspace was last year. It shall pass, never fear.
I wish I was cool...

Dermott of LS

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Going back to the look of the original ingame map was a good idea. While I have supported the advancement of the graphics in the game, this is one area where they were correct in going back to the original look of the map.

The "classic map" was one of the early UI tweaks that we did as modders because of the way the new map looked.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Insightful story. Thanks Draconi.

Thanks Storm for posting.
I'm not cool enough for Facebook or Twitter.


Babbling Loonie
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Y'know, i'd love to see a large version of the original KR map.. I don't mean the one it uses now,either.. I mean the one that looked exactly like a real map.. i'd love to see the whole thing again.

Dermott of LS

UOEC Modder
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I have the first beta version on a DVD that would have those files, but nowhere to upload them.


Most explosive UO Legend
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Because it's Facebook, and Facebook is "cool" and "trendy"
Orrrrrr it's just way easier to post stuff that doesn't clutter up the Herald, on a place that has a strong UO and Ultima community.



Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
I've always wondered where Draconi got his nic...

I noticed that on a map in a book, in the Midkemia series from Raymond E. Feist, there is a city on the SW coastline called "Draconi."
What? Where? I am the biggest Feist fan out there, hence my name. I've never noticed this. I am going to look in any books and see if I can find this.


Nice look to the new map. I signed up for the SA beta, so hopefully I can see it first hand.



Orrrrrr it's just way easier to post stuff that doesn't clutter up the Herald, on a place that has a strong UO and Ultima community.

Hmm. A place that has a strong UO and Ultima community. And a place where you can 'post stuff'. Hmm. Maybe someone should make some sort of fansite where game developers and players can come together to talk about the game itself. We can call it Stratego! Or Strategery! It just feels right.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Orrrrrr it's just way easier to post stuff that doesn't clutter up the Herald, on a place that has a strong UO and Ultima community.

Easy, you say?
Perhaps it is easy for them to use these new sites.
I fear I might have to join the dark side.

But didn't they say Facebook is addicting? That's all I need now. *rolls eyes*


Most explosive UO Legend
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Stratics Legend
Hmm. A place that has a strong UO and Ultima community. And a place where you can 'post stuff'. Hmm. Maybe someone should make some sort of fansite where game developers and players can come together to talk about the game itself. We can call it Stratego! Or Strategery! It just feels right.
rofl - "And where my posts remain in one place, not subject to the whims of threads and flamewar."


Old and in the way
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*chuckles* I can see your point.


UO Lake Superior News Reporter
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Perhaps we should ask stratics to offer a forum for locked posts for devs instead? They can post without feedback from gamers or flames.


rofl - "And where my posts remain in one place, not subject to the whims of threads and flamewar."
Yes, because the fansite Strategery would have no capabilities of locking threads or making them unable to be posted to. Gotcha.

But you are right. Using some 'popular' social network that people have to sign up for in order to be able to even read to get out UO information makes much more sense than using an existing UO fansite to do so. Much much much more sense.

Carry on.


Lore Master
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Or add a RSS export mod to the dev's Facebook pages that can be imported to the fan sites. ;)


Old and in the way
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It makes sense to me.


Perhaps we should ask stratics to offer a forum for locked posts for devs instead? They can post without feedback from gamers or flames.
Too logical. After all, this is the same company that has apparently outdated screenshots on their OFFICIAL SA website while they have supposedly updated screenshots on Facebook. After all, where do you imagine players would go looking for screenshots of a new expansion for a game? The official website for said game or Facebook? Be real. Facebook of course.


Old and in the way
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Or add a RSS export mod to the dev's Facebook pages that can be imported to the fan sites. ;)
I expect "fans" will find the info and bring it to the sites. Much like how this thread started.


UO Forum Moderator
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I expect "fans" will find the info and bring it to the sites. Much like how this thread started.
That would be my plan :) I am on here all the time anyway so might as well do something useful


Old and in the way
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Thank you, Storm. It is much appreciated. *nods*


Most explosive UO Legend
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has apparently outdated screenshots on their OFFICIAL SA website
Well, outdated in the sense that they're development screenshots from areas of the game we're still building, since the expansion hasn't been released yet :)

Makes sense though, maybe we should tag them specifically as "In Development"


Well, outdated in the sense that they're development screenshots from areas of the game we're still building, since the expansion hasn't been released yet :)
Look, over your head, its the point you missed. Is there not an updated screenshot on Facebook showing an area that the current OFFICIAL website still shows with an old screenshot?

I wouldn't know since I don't use Facebook. I did, however, see two different versions of the same screenshot. One, from the OFFICIAL website (still there I believe) and one where someone claimed it was from Facebook. Is that not true?

Again, I would imagine that if you are going to put up new screenshots of something that you would do it on the official site where most people will be looking for them.


That would be my plan :) I am on here all the time anyway so might as well do something useful
Don't get me wrong. I totally appreciate the effort that people like you make to supply us with information. I just think that if you are going to 'post stuff' about your game you would do so in a place more related to the game itself. I don't know, like the official website or the main fansite for it maybe.

Adding more places people have to go looking for 'new' information because the official places don't have any is a poor idea. Look at Twitter. Last updated April 24th.


Old and in the way
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I disagree. It is Draconi's place he can post what he wants. You can look if you wish. Think of it as a blog... Draconi is by no means required to subject himself to Stratics... yet he does regularly. *shakes head* I don't know why...


I disagree. It is Draconi's place he can post what he wants. You can look if you wish. Think of it as a blog... Draconi is by no means required to subject himself to Stratics... yet he does regularly. *shakes head* I don't know why...
Of course its his place and he can post what he wants. Just like I can point out how stupid it is to use a non gaming place for this sort of thing. Its the beauty of freedom. People have the freedom to do dumb things and others have the freedom to point those things out. Ahhh, America.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
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Thanks Draconi! And tell everyone excellent job!....

Please while your working remember that I need to save my journals... (The only other 3rd party app that would keep me from making the switch to SA... UO Journal Converter!)....

Don't forget my new dyable underwear!

And then speech.... I can change the speech in 2d to things much more eye pleasing and easy on my eyes.... can't do that in KR...... Still a few things needing addressed in the switch from 2d to any new client.... But you are making excellent strides. (Still wishes you all would please pretty please change the default color of the 2d emote to something that actually shows up in the in-game journal).


Old and in the way
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Why do you say it is a "non gaming place"? It is about a game. It is written by a a game Dev. It is open for any gamer to read...


Why do you say it is a "non gaming place"? It is about a game. It is written by a a game Dev. It is open for any gamer to read...
Facebook is written by a game Dev? Really? I never knew that. And its about a game? Really? Then you won't mind me posting some other face book links here that I found? Since its all about a 'game' and all I assume its ok?


Most explosive UO Legend
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Of course its his place and he can post what he wants. Just like I can point out how stupid it is to use a non gaming place for this sort of thing. Its the beauty of freedom. People have the freedom to do dumb things and others have the freedom to point those things out. Ahhh, America.
Well, for a non-gaming place, its done well to have a thousand members sign up for the fan page in less than two weeks :)

Like any fansite, since we don't have an official one, we'll tend to release exclusive content to all that are interested. I've happily posted on UOForums, the Lost Lands, Stratics, and even my own blog (now defunct, and only personal things) for quite some time.

Unfortunately, blogging about ***work*** simply isn't possible, unless I do it under the auspices of the company. Having an official dev page on Facebook allows me to do that, so I happily do!

Keep in mind, many of the other fansites have gotten exclusive interviews and screenshots long before Facebook ever appeared :) This trend will continue, because the UO community, and the Ultima community in general, is spread out and not necessarily interested in refreshing the SA site every day hoping for an update.

But updating the site, you bet we will! There are entire sections greyed out now that will be chock full of tons of information, compared to the teasing morsels we give to the fansites.


Old and in the way
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Dread Lord
Facebook is written by a game Dev? Really? I never knew that. And its about a game? Really? Then you won't mind me posting some other face book links here that I found? Since its all about a 'game' and all I assume its ok?

*smiles* Really?


UO Lake Superior News Reporter
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I believe what we are trying to get at is that these sites weren't originally recognized as sites EA/Mythic would allow their employees to post information on concerning their project.

I may be wrong but since they have announced it in the herald that they gave the ok for devs/programmers to do such. That's why we are going to see more doing it.
Either we will have to adapt or just wait till we axcess the information through other sources.

Muu Bin

Of course its his place and he can post what he wants. Just like I can point out how stupid it is to use a non gaming place for this sort of thing. Its the beauty of freedom. People have the freedom to do dumb things and others have the freedom to point those things out. Ahhh, America.
No idea what Facebook does, don't have an account, and don't really see a need to have one. BUT... from what I hear about it, isn't there a possibility that people can stumble across it based on tag names associated with it? If this is the case then this may be an indirect way of "advertising" the game to Facebook users. Again... I have no idea if this is how the website works but if it does... then it may, just may, attract new players.

Just a thought :p


Well, for a non-gaming place, its done well to have a thousand members sign up for the fan page in less than two weeks :)
And how many people went to the official SA site to find outdate information? Got numbers on that?

Like any fansite, since we don't have an official one, we'll tend to release exclusive content to all that are interested. I've happily posted on UOForums, the Lost Lands, Stratics, and even my own blog (now defunct) for quite some time.
You honestly don't see the difference between UOForums (IT HAS UO IN ITS NAME) and Facebook? Really? You don't? Honestly?

Unfortunately, blogging about work simply isn't possible, unless I do it under the auspices of the company. Having an official dev page on Facebook allows me to do that, so I happily do!

Keep in mind, many of the other fansites have gotten exclusive interviews and screenshots long before Facebook ever appeared :) This trend will continue, because the UO community, and the Ultima community in general, is spread out and not necessarily interested in refreshing the SA site every day hoping for an update.
Again, you don't see the difference between a fansite and Facebook? I would say I am shocked. But, sadly, I am not.

But updating the site, you bet we will! There are entire sections greyed out now that will be chock full of tons of information, compared to the teasing morsels we give to the fansites.

I would imagine the least you guys could do, and that's the least, is actually update a very bad screenshot when you clearly (as evidenced by the updated one) have a better one to show. Do you really not want people to buy SA? Honestly, you have the pic (supposedly) and yet the one that got nuked on on these very boards is still up at the official site?

As for people having to go to the official site to see if there is an update, no. That's a much worse idea than having them go to 2000 other sites hoping that something new is out there for a game that so many people are interested in. Of course, that's only logical. After all, why would you want to check one official site when you can check a million unofficial ones instead?


Old and in the way
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Welcome to the 21'st century. Face book and Twitter are being used quite successfully as marketing tools by almost all corporations.

Uriah Heep

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And I will gladly take any information from the team, anywhere I can get it.
Be it Facebook, UOForums, Stratics...wherever! :thumbsup:


Old and in the way
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I would venture to guess the the face book pages are as close to "official" as we will get. I appreciate the Mythic folks posting here. They are by no means required to.

If you are talking about the mess that is Herald/UO.com... Well... That is what it is. I just hope they are busy building the future. That stuff is way back burner material.


Most explosive UO Legend
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I would imagine the least you guys could do, and that's the least, is actually update a very bad screenshot when you clearly (as evidenced by the updated one) have a better one to show.
Oh, there's no disagreement there. :p

And yes, I'm quite clear on the difference between fansites and Facebook.

Facebook is a communications platform like Wordpress, Blogger, or even a content management system like Drupal. Sure, it's good for just friends hanging out, but an entire portion of its functionality is dedicated to creating and managing fansites - we *inherited* the fan community that already existed there before we even founded an official page. A simple search for "Ultima Online" will show this amongst the dozens of unofficial pages.

All we did was open another door for UO :)


Excellent work Draconi !

Now can us cooks pretty please have my wield-able rolling pins or frying pans ?



PS. I PM'ed you a concern about SA, 'cause i don't have a facebook account.. yet...