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Dev-Team:Why this disadvantage in KR..


Der Rock

and will it be fixed in SA ?

Why i have to pull the "target next" button(macro)every time like a machinegun in KR ?
in 2D i can hold the keyboard button down and the targets changes automatic.
it is annoying,realy.


You can't spam keystrokes in KR by holding down a key as you would in 2D. Not sure why, perhaps it's an anti-AFK thing? In any case, it's uniform as far as how the client behaves.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I think it was mentioned that it was an anti "Dumb-AFK-Macroing" measure. It's really not that big of a deal.


This is for what used to be called "stapler macroing." You rest a stapler on the function key and it will repeat indefinitely. It's a form of AFK macroing that is thankfully eliminated in KR. Perhaps at some point they could alter the client to accept repeat on the key bound to "next target."

Dermott of LS

UOEC Modder
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Stratics Legend

It's completely unneccesary anyway since you can set up some VERY long repeating macros in KR in the first place (we're talking 500+ and more step macros) simply by using the macro builder and Enable Repeating option.


I think you guys are missing his point. This isn't about macroing. He just has a key bound to cycle target. In KR, you have to press/release the key once to activate each cycle target action. I think this is because KR actually executes the action on reading the key up from the keyboard. Likewise other single actions that may be hotkeyed like chiv heal/cure, in KR you have to press/release the key again if you are interupted or fail, whereas 2d I think you can just hold the key down until it fires.

It is a disadvantage to KR and overall KR's performance at recognizing keypresses and mouse clicks seems much more sluggish/less responsive to me than 2d.

But overall, KR is my client of choice since it does so many other things well.

pacific lily

I think they all understood what he meant, and the reason it is like that IS an anti-afk-cheat measure that was added into KR. Rather than the action occurring when the key is touched, it occurs when the key is released.

To the original poster: Eventually, you will get used to it. As to whether or not it is a disadvantage... if everyone was playing KR, it would not be. Blame the development team for caving to pressure from the 2D fanatics to not eliminate the 2D client... and blame them for laziness in not changing 2D to have the same kind of anti-afk-cheat measure.



Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It might not be done this way to prevent paper-weight/stapler macroing. Because you can in effect write very lengthy macros in KR or even crafting menus that lets you "make as many as possible" until you run out of raw materials to continue.

This "disadvantage" in KR is balanced by a better targetting system - ie extra options of selecting target by "nearest guildmate" and a couple of others not found in 2d. (Though both clients lack a "target non-blue/non-green" option, which I want badly...)

Besides, you can still do the same thing by pressing and releasing the key repeatedly, or for people that use gaming keyboards/mice, record a series of key presses.

The only situations where you want to have scroll through targets indiscriminantly is when you are doing things like champion spawns to pull mobs around you to lure/whirlwind/wither them.

Most other situations, people would rather prefer to have better control on selecting their targets.

Arch Magus

Why do you all play in KR?

I find it so....ugly I guess?:blushing:


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I play both. In fact, I still play 2D more than KR.

The reason I don't play KR more is because of the graphics :D

Some animations are great, while others I think are plain fugly. Sometimes it's just that certain things don't mesh well together.

eg - Beetle sprite looks wonderfully rendered by itself. When you mount it, it would sound perfectly logical to place your charater on it's thorax instead of the abdomen where the wing casings are.

But when you look at it, it looks weird...your char seems to be sitting too far forward. The giant beetle is a tad too big compared to your character. The wing cases are a bit too long. You feet touches the ground.

And if you look at ridable llamas, you are sitting so low that it looks like you chopped a llama in half, then glued the front part to your chest and the rear end to your back - turing into a 6 legged llama...

Maybe it's about proportions. I dunno.

However, there's no denying that it has some very good features.

Arch Magus

Honestly, the best things I always hear about KR are the features.

And that's it. hehe. :bored:


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hehe, the spell animation is pretty neat too!

Individually, some of the art like the beetle is rendered very nicely, but just doesn't seem to mesh right.

But dragons look a bit too skinny though.

Der Rock

I think it was mentioned that it was an anti "Dumb-AFK-Macroing" measure. It's really not that big of a deal.
What is this? an argument?
do you mean: the 2D player CAN do it ,AND have this damn cheat programm and the KR user get muck so?

what do you think was the dev´s intention?
oh we kid the KR user as much as we can, so all will stay in 2D :wall:

Der Rock

Why do you all play in KR?

I find it so....ugly I guess?:blushing:
yes it is indeed mostly ugly, and do you want to know why?

it is, because 5 "WE HATE NEON COLOURES" poster from here ,got heard

so the dev´s (you know:"WE listen to the player base") used this ugly coloures
and the result was that MOST player dont like the KR client and 5 anty neons are happy

p.s. i remember cathats post how proud he was bacause of "NO MORE NEON" LOL

Arch Magus

yes it is indeed mostly ugly, and do you want to know why?

it is, because 5 "WE HATE NEON COLOURES" poster from here ,got heard

so the dev´s (you know:"WE listen to the player base") used this ugly coloures
and the result was that MOST player dont like the KR client and 5 anty neons are happy

p.s. i remember cathats post how proud he was bacause of "NO MORE NEON" LOL
I'd say it's ugly for other reasons. Not the colors. :bored:

Old Man of UO

I'd say it's ugly for other reasons. Not the colors. :bored:
I disagree that it is ugly.

Certainly it is a matter of preference, and playing 2D for some 10 years I also preferred that... until playing KR for a month. Now 2D looks silly and cartoonish, like a comic book, and it is so jerky with slow frame rates. I MUCH prefer the look of the BBE interface on my wide screen monitor.


KR is faster and smoother, but gads, the renderings are awful. Many things (especially beetles) are just too big. My crafter's beetle blocks most of my resource chests when I dismount in my house. Basically, pets look great by themselves in an open field, but they look misproportioned and ugly with a rider or in your house. I want to feel like my 17x17 is spacious, not barely large enough to contain my fire beetle.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
One thing that has really naged at me is that there is no target next mobile. There is target next friendly and hostile, but in a PvP environment not everything is blue and red.

These are the advantages I have found.

1. Your Graphics card will handle the few particle effects (Note. That you are still rendering 2d sprites via the CPU and not the GPU)

2. A dedicated Sound card will help free up CPU cycles (This also applies to the classic client)

3. The KR clients macros are faster in some aspects. Equip items is faster than the Classic. A nice feature is to make a dress macro with the KR client. Instantaneously dress and arm yourself in a blink of an eye. Very handy after a Rez.

4. With the equip macro you can swap out weapons as fast as the 2d equip last weapon macro as long as it swaps between 2 left handed macros or 2 right handed macro. For instance every bow you can swap out instantly, because they are left handed. You could swap out a kryss and a ubw mace for example. But if you were to try to instantly swap from a war fork to a composite bow, well you will have to disarm first.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I tried KR on my older laptop and it can barely run KR. I remember it used to run it smooth, but there must have been some changes in the past year or two and KR is sloooow now on that laptop. I aint using that laptop anymore! KR has gotten demanding over the years (like my wife ).

I use the mouse wheel to target next hostile. But sucks when there are EV's and summons.
I love the insta-dress macro. Love it.

I like swapping weapons of same type (as Lefty explained), but it's a real pain swapping a soul seeker one hander with a two handed Ornate axe. REAL PAIN! I macro'd it as good as possible, but I hate that delay of the swap. If you happen to hit another maco in mid swap, then you're unarmed! Grrrr!