When I create a character with one of the "special" faces, such as the skull, pirate, anime, or juka face, my character does not have this face in-game.
Why not?
Why not?
I am using KR. I see the RP faces and can select them during the player-creation stage. However, if I make a character with one of these faces, it does not show up in-game.
Of course that is going to depend on your computer. What are your specs?The more I hear about KR, the more I wanna download and try it out.
Guess I was just scarred that it would turn-out to be like the old 3D.
Does it hog your CPU like the old 3D did?
Noxxle, this seems to have been a one-time thing that happened after the publish or whatever was done to correct the negative resist situation back in late March. See this thread on the KR forum: http://vboards.stratics.com/showthread.php?t=134873.I am using KR. I see the RP faces and can select them during the player-creation stage. However, if I make a character with one of these faces, it does not show up in-game.
Deffenatly wanna up the ram to 2g if possible, how big is the harddrive?