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Stygian Abyss Box Art and Interface Screenshots and Goblins

Cear Dallben Dragon

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

Dont expect too much in terms of graphics. EA have already said the animations wont be as good as in KR. But the new SA client should be more stable and have a useable user interface.
Lord is that ugly.
I'm gunna say that that area is probably not finished yet......
Might be now
I think it looks good.

In Ultima Underworlds there were green and gray goblins. mountain men. and a few other faces in the abyss. Im glad their stickin to what some of us know.
There is box art because more than likley there will be mad box sales and marketing in Japan. Because Japan gets everything we want.

Stratic Fanatic

Some people will never be happy.
It coulda been the 2d client with hotbars/zoom......half will say it looks too outdated and the other half will say its too much like KR.



Well there hasn't been any reason to check the website much other than a Five on Friday, so I guess I just missed the screenshot updates. They seemed new because I remember there only used to be 3 or something on that page.
Looks like you failed at whining and causing a mini uproar. Kinda like how you seem to be failing at hawking parts of the Wintermoor Collection at Luna Bank. Just pathetic....


It would be nice if they showed some more screenshost of other things than corridors and buildings,like animals,monsters and whatever (besides goblins).


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Might be now
I think it looks good.

In Ultima Underworlds there were green and gray goblins. mountain men. and a few other faces in the abyss. Im glad their stickin to what some of us know.
There is box art because more than likley there will be mad box sales and marketing in Japan. Because Japan gets everything we want.
That does look a whole lot better.

I wish they would do a box here also. I'm one of those people who like to keep the boxes. I want a cloth map to go with it too. LOL :D


That artwork was posted on the Facebook page. You can see other screenshots the UO facebook page. This link takes you to the pictures on the page it self. It will be later released on the website or in a fan site kit.



Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
That artwork was posted on the Facebook page. You can see other screenshots the UO facebook page. This link takes you to the pictures on the page it self. It will be later released on the website or in a fan site kit.
Thanks Chrissay!

Fan site kit?! WOOHOO!!! Seriously... looking forward to a new fan site kit. :)

The Craftsman

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
And when take up of the new client reaches 95% they will close down 2d...

Hmm. Didnt I hear that pipe dream somewhere before?

Prediction: 2d will continue to be the dominant client. KR will go the way of 3d. SA will become the 'alternative choice' just as 3d and KR where before it.

Lesson: If you try to emulate The Beatles ... you end up with The Monkees.

Bottom line: SA=KR= Waste of time and resources. And if you dont think KR was a waste of time and resources then ask EA if they think it was time/money well spent.

The Craftsman

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It would be nice if they showed some more screenshost of other things than corridors and buildings,like animals,monsters and whatever (besides goblins).
Theyre afraid to. They stuck to zoomed out views as they know close up it looks like a pile of sh*te.

The Craftsman

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Something else that occurred to me...

On the old stratics forum, there was a prominent poll which read "will you buy SA if it is not 2d compatible"

About 80% of the replies said they would not.

In opposition to that were a few KR die hards that said they would QUIT UO if SA WAS 2d compatible.

Many of those people still post on these forums. You know who you are.

Dermott, Connor ... is your time nearly up?


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Aw... they lost the big pointy column thing? I was hoping they'd fix it up a bit instead. :\


Rares Fest Host | Ches Jul 2010
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It'd have been MUCH better had they NOT backpedaled on the "You will need the KR client to access SA" issue and moved the game forward. However since they are trying to cater to the 2d client, we get the lesser of the two possibilities.
real UO players use 2d


Crazed Zealot
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REAL UO players would just play the game and not **** and moan about the client.

Dermott of LS

UOEC Modder
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Stratics Legend

real UO players use 2d

Do you use dialup and a first generation Pentium with no 3d card as well?



Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I dont know if anyone can see any difference but the one below is a sharpened version

This one is a comparison of KR vs 2D

Maybe it would be nice to have a sharpen option in SA that you can toggle on or off. Is that criticising for the sake of criticising or constructive criticism that would make the client better and more successful?

Uriah Heep

Grand Poobah
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Personally, I will use any client they throw at me.
As long as it's functional, has at least the features of 2d, decent graphics (and yes, I still think the 2d graphics are good LOL), fair animations, and reasonable landscaping.
Third dawn was fair, I really didnt mind it, and used it fairly often, 30%? maybe.
Had high hopes for KR, but the first impression really really ruined it for me.
Interface? yeah, but if the SA interface requires me to download and install 3rd party interfaces to be functional, forget it...
I appreciate the work and love you guys (players UI programmers) put into it, I really do, but when the players have to correct the bugs and program the UI to be usable, then something is seriously wrong. So devs, take heed from the KR debacle, dont rush it out, and make it usable the first time.

Graphics? get real gang, what I wish they would do (cause im a 2d player like most of yall) is get the client and UI right, they already said with the Gamebryo client changes and whatnot will be a lot simpler to make, get it right on release, and then start phasing in the new art, sections at a time.

I still have high hopes for SA, and am excited about giving it a shot. But if I log in, pick up something to take home, and then can't set it down, forget it.
If I go home, and can't see the top layer of chests in my storage closet, forget it.
These are the things that make or break you, the artwork is important, but gameplay and function should be top priorities.

And no box?!?!?!? :(


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

This is why a simple sharpen toggle on/off option would improve the client.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

I am ok with the pictures, they are not such a significant departure as to require a redo/relearn .... or so the pictures would suggest.

My only expectation that needs to be meet is that it becomes more Windows Friendly than the 2D client is, and of course is stable, responsive etc.

And oh yeah, make sure on this one you include the action Target Nearest Follower :)

Dermott of LS

UOEC Modder
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Stratics Legend

When was the unsharpened picture taken because the sharpened one is MUCH closer to how KR looks on my system right now.

Here's one from January 2008, and just for fun, I threw the widescreen monitor into a 4:3 ratio just to recreate the widescreen look the KR client had at one point in its lifespan:



Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

When was the unsharpened picture taken because the sharpened one is MUCH closer to how KR looks on my system right now.
Taken sometime early last year without any skins. Maybe it is something the SA client focus group quickly look at. Take a screenshot in the SA client, sharpen it and compare. If it looks better, a sharpen toggle on/off option might be an easy option to put into the SA client to make it even better.

Dermott of LS

UOEC Modder
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Stratics Legend

Also consider that if you have a decent video card that the nvidia and ATI "dashboards" also have a LOT of options to tweak to help image quality. As well as the ones on your monitor itself.

Also, nothing we can do with the skins can improve the sharpness level of the game.

There was I recall very vividly, although I do not remember the EXACT patch that did it a "sharpness" patch that was applied to KR, but I believe it was later SUmmer of 07 that "broke" the widescreen aspect ability because it forced the game window into the 4:3 perspective. Shame too because the widescreen perspective in KR looked really cool from an environment aspect... character and creature models were a bit "stretched", but it gave quite a new look at the perspective of the game due to the change in the viewing angle.


Also consider that if you have a decent video card that the nvidia and ATI "dashboards" also have a LOT of options to tweak to help image quality. As well as the ones on your monitor itself.
I love this argument.
If all other games, and all other applications look flawless and perfectly sharp on my PC with my video card on my monitor, then clearly it's not the fault of my setup, but the KR client.

The KR client is so blurry and undefined for a lot of people that it's uncomfortable and eye straining to play. Yet all the other games and apps we use are fine on the exact same setup. If this isn't fixed in SA then I'm afraid it'll too go the way of KR and 3D. Hopefully they've found whatever it was that was causing this for some/most, but not all, people in KR.

JC the Builder

Crazed Zealot
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You need to be able to see things in order to play the game. I made some clips recently of a Harrower battle and the particle effects ended up blocking the entire screen. Even when there are only a half dozen people casting spells, it is a big light show. Combine that with an inherent blur-ness as an art style and you have a painting, not a game.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
While I stick to my original post... some of the criticism in this thread is borderline ********. It's along the lines of "MOMMY HE HAS MORE MILK IN HIS CEREAL SO IM NOT EATING MINE"

Honestly... functionality is the key. If this client is an upgrade, then it should offer what is currently offered on the 2d client and MORE... not something completely different.

It's why I can't stand the text format of players names since AoS... it didn't have the same look or feel. I was pleased when I found the option to turn it back and adjust my UI to be more "old school" but even then... I can't get it all the way back to old school.

I REALLY REALLY hope they are making it just like 2d with better graphics and on top of that... anything additional or cool they want to give us the OPTION to use... but, not be required.

That would transition this game from 2d to the new client... I guarantee it.


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Then do you have an explanation for the box?

And for those complaining already.. the "new" screenshots on the page are about 2 months old now, IIRC.
Obviously it was photoshopped, which isn't hard to do.

At this time the expansion will be for digital distribution only as stated in our press release.
All players feel like this is a horrible decision. This isn't bringing in new players. If EA wants new players, at least SOME boxes should be made. UO needs something on the shelves or else people can't be introduced- I personally have no gaming friends and anyone I do show UO to looks at it and goes "those graphics are crap- I'd rather play WoW". I hope there is some kind of advertising/shelving for SA.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I predict a box for Christmas. The digital dl is for us guinea pigs to be the test dummies prior to the new crowd buying it off the shelf.
I'm ok with that.
We'll help refine it so that the person buying it off the shelf will have a more polished game. Otherwise they will cancel after the 30day trial.


All players feel like this is a horrible decision. This isn't bringing in new players. If EA wants new players, at least SOME boxes should be made. UO needs something on the shelves or else people can't be introduced- I personally have no gaming friends and anyone I do show UO to looks at it and goes "those graphics are crap- I'd rather play WoW". I hope there is some kind of advertising/shelving for SA.

No, ALL players do not feel that way.

I think your quote says more about you and your friends than anything else.

Marketing is more critical than a box.


I've only been using KR a few months, but I don't see the blur many people mention. Maybe they addressed it recently and people are still going by initial impressions?

The legacy art looked a bit fuzzy, but I would expect that. The new (KR) art is fairly crisp without being pixelly. The mobiles look nice and well defined.

Speaking of the KR art, where is it? is SA going to have it as an option or is all that hard work and goodness being tossed out?


I think they should make the new client for new players (or those willing to switch), and not pander to the 2Ders who aren't going to change anyway. They'll fail to appease either camp by trying to please both.
Yeah, they should definitely pander to all the 'KR' players and not worry about the majority of their player base quitting. Who do those 2d'ers think they are having an opinion of their own anyway?

If and when EA makes a new client that I actually enjoy as much as I do the legacy one, I will make the switch. Trying to make people switch to a worse client just to pander to people that think that the new client is good is just another way to push people away.

What do you think would have happened to UO if they took your advice when 3rd Dawn came out? It would have folded from lack of players. The client was bad and most people didn't like it. And, its gone now. What do you think would have happened to UO if they took your advice when KR came out? It would have folded from lack of players. The client was bad and most people didn't like it. And, its going away now. What do you think will happen if UO takes your advice when SA comes out? I will let you figure that one out.
That's not even remotely what I was saying. Nowhere did I say you must upgrade to the new client or be excluded. I said make a client for those who want a new one, don't make a new client for those who simply refuse to change. If you're cooking for a vegetarian, you don't serve up beef, neh?

Why would the majority of players quit over a client they're not going to use? Did that happen with Third Dawn? Or KR? People didn't say "if this is the future of UO I quit" and cancel their accounts en masse (they did that over things like Trammel or AoS, but not clients). They simply kept using 2D. Because they had a choice, which is what I'm advocating.

Why would anyone say "I'm going to use SA client no matter what" when they haven't even seen it yet? I wouldn't, and I haven't been particularly impressed by any screenshots I've seen so far. This is why I have an opinion on which way I feel it should be going, why I posted. I don't intend to sit back and go "whatever you guys come up with is fine", I want some input.

I seem to have offended you deeply, somehow. Please keep in mind two things: it's just a game, and this is just UHall.


That's not even remotely what I was saying. Nowhere did I say you must upgrade to the new client or be excluded. I said make a client for those who want a new one, don't make a new client for those who simply refuse to change. If you're cooking for a vegetarian, you don't serve up beef, neh?
My point is that if you run a restaurant where most of your customers are carnivores then you should be sure your menu has some meaty items on it as well as vegetarian items.

That's not to say that SA should 'pander' to people that won't use it anyway. But if the only focus, or the majority of the focus, is on that small group that supported 3rd Dawn/KR over 2D then you are alienating a large portion of your player base.

Why would the majority of players quit over a client they're not going to use? Did that happen with Third Dawn? Or KR? People didn't say "if this is the future of UO I quit" and cancel their accounts en masse (they did that over things like Trammel or AoS, but not clients). They simply kept using 2D. Because they had a choice, which is what I'm advocating.
Me too. A choice for an always improving SA client for those that want it. AND a choice for an always improving 2D client. A stagnant 2D client is just as bad for the game as a stagnant SA client would be.

I seem to have offended you deeply, somehow. Please keep in mind two things: it's just a game, and this is just UHall.
No offense, but nothing anyone says on boards like this will ever offend me. In fact, nothing anyone says on the whole world wide webby will ever offend me.

But you have to admit, most of the discussion about 2D vs 3rd Dawn/KR/SA is filled with those that support the 'new' clients and think that EA should just shut down 2D altogether so the 'game can move forward'. Not the other way around. Most 2D players I know could care less who played 3rd Dawn or who plays KR or who will play SA. They just want the client they use to be improved and for attention to be given to it like those other clients have had. On the other hand, most 3rd Dawn/KR/SA supporters (on these boards at least) have constant complaints about the fact that EA is 'wasting time on 2D when they should just drop it".