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Baja's Bad Tiles

  • Thread starter SmackeDaO
  • Start date
  • Watchers 0


Not sure how many people know of this or if they experience the same thing on thier shard but Baja has a huge amount of bad tiles that block you while running, trap you in once you get in them (some let you pass them one direction but you cant go the other direction)

Fel is covered in these spots and the main ones are:

right near compasion desert where and bunch of rocks were placed and a sign was tossed up there

the clearing north of Yew gate which blocks many a pvpers

East of Hyloth entrance/east Yew/South of trinny gate and a passage between one of the mining mountains have huge areas that trap you also.

Then there are the dozens of other spots that are blocking out in the open

One of the biggest problems is they also block good housing spots, from what I see they act as a house in some cases and make you place 5 tiles in front of them.

Are these on your shard also? I havent seen this much in tram so im thinking its a mainly before tram thing but it may just be a baja thing because Ive played Atlantic, GL, CHessy and Pac and havent seen such a mess.

Can they actually be fixed or is the only solution placing large boulders around the area and a sign that says please dont come in this area?

I actually called a GM the other day to just come look at one that I was standing on but got the old canned response.

Please if there is someoen what can actually look into this please PM me and feel free to post a pic of the desert rock mess if anyone wants too, Hell I'd mark runes to all the spots and show a GM or EM if they can do somethign about it.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hrm lets see. One near trinny where there are a couple of keeps. That one north of yew on the grassy peninsula. One right by the skara brae farms and the water, have to walk along the coast to bypass it. One in that mountain V to the southwest of wrong where you can put a house, it's like a wedge and you have to crawl by the side of the mountain to get past it.

Yep there's lots of them! I paged a GM once, for the one close to the yew graveyard. They had no idea what I was talking about cause they had no problem walking around in that area, and told me to file a bug report.

I don't know what it would take to get those areas fixed, I've pretty much just learned how to avoid them. =/


I seem to recall one outside the Ironwood Inn. That one was once a tent placed by a player. In the first release, you could place tents, which were temp houses that lasted a week (?).

Some tents were buggy, didn't decay or something, so the tiles got blocked.

Yes, it would be great if this were fixed. I think someone went into the map def'n files for Baja and borked the tiles manually.



Are all these null tiles a result of improper house removal? Did you notice them all at once, or over time?

I can confirm a null tile in Trammel on the GL server. A house could have been there in the past.

Could also be a result of objects left behind.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
They are all invisible walls pretty much. Cant walk through them at all. I remember hearing along time ago that some houses on baja turned invisible, and the devs couldn't figure out why or how to fix them. That was 8 or 9 years ago. Should we compile a list of coordinates for all of the spots? If we as players do this, will the devs at least attempt to fix them ? I'm not going to spend 10+ hours searching and logging all of them for no reason.

Ea please let us know what we should do.

Thank you:thumbsup:


You are expecting a direct reply?
Well something like "we are aware of this and we can fix it if we get some emails of locations or we cant do anything, or don't care about your shard" any of the following would be nice :)


If you haven't done so already please email the details to [email protected]. This will get to our QA department and they will be able to investigate the issue.



Thank you, Chrissay. As always you are our voice to the Dev team. :D


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
There's also one near wrong, in front of a keep over there, and then a bit north of compassion there's a bunch of poppies on the ground in front of another keep, and there's a buggy patch there as well. Then east of brit swamps theres a spot that looks like a castle or keep would fit with another buggy patch, and then trin swamps has a buggy patch somewhere around the middle south part of it as well.

I think that's all I can think of right now.


If you haven't done so already please email the details to [email protected]. This will get to our QA department and they will be able to investigate the issue.

Chrissay, I think it might be faster if EA/Mythic could develop an in-game reporting option for "stuck" locations, blocking objects, objects or tiles that block house placement, etc.

I think it should go something like this:

"Please select whether you wish to report a movement blocking tile, a house placement blocking tile, or a house placement blocking object." And a menu then appears with some buttons and options.

If it's either a movement or a house blocking tile, the player is instructed to stand on the tile blocking the movement or placement, and press a "record" button which basically records the location of the tile and sends it to QA and EA/Mythic Dev Members.

If it's an in-game bugged object, like the statues which were created through an exploit and which block house placement, the reporting option would have a targeting cursor appear for the last case. These could also be forwarded onto QA and EA/Mythic devs for analysis and removal action as needed.

Obviously, it would need filtering for those who can't be bothered to report the proper object type, and try to target a mobile object or something which should block house placement, like a placed house.

Speaking of terrain issues, maybe the house placement tool could be improved so that it would actually be able to show the player what object or terrain actually blocks placement. Could the 2D, KR, and SA clients handle highlighting of blocking objects/tiles in a certain hue?

If the system could report bugged items and enable faster deletion of bugged items by EA/Mythic staff, perhaps it could be extended to reporting of objects in-game which are not properly displayed.

In Luna on Oceania, there are supposed to be a stack of three white chests in a corner. Players had summoned some horde minions to remove large amounts of single gold coins some player had used to create some movement black hole lag, and during the removal of the coins either by a Game Master or the horde minions (I'm not sure which.) these chests were shifted upward and pushed into each other, and have not been reset properly.

I've no idea why the chests were moved upwards, but I would appreciate it if someone would move them back into their proper places. I would also appreciate it if the issue which created the black hole lag was addressed, which is smashing wooden crates with multiple copies of a stacked item in them does not recombine the stacks into one item, it leaves them as single items thus creating black hole lag.

Cheers ...
