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how to make archers less overpowered.

  • Thread starter Belanos/Icicle
  • Start date
  • Watchers 2


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
we all know that if they did that, a the poisoning skill will be heavily used again, and everyone will cry lol.


we all know that if they did that, a the poisoning skill will be heavily used again, and everyone will cry lol.
Well, yeah. But people cry anyway. They cry about greater dragons. They cry about archers. They cry about sampires. They cry about necromancy.

Not saying none of those things are overpowered or that any of them are. But I would imagine that they could come up with ways to make more templates competitive and usable without making them all overpowered. I know, I am dreaming again. ;)

Kensai Tsunami

my archer can stand in the midst of things and do just fine. in fact i like to be in the heart of a crowd at champs or other big groups that might surround me, as long as the monsters arent too tough, so i can use holy light. so the idea that an archer has to 'stay away' from things is a bit misguided ...in my case anyway. if i had horrible resists then yes i might be more concerned about staying away from something pounding on me.

yes i use a balanced bow and chug dex and str pots to keep him tougher and faster, but i rarely use heal pots cuz i can bandage so quickly with my high dex. heal pots are too weak imo to begin with and even more so now that they have a timer delay. i also have fast spell speed, so i choose to use the chiv heal over a heal potion 9 out of 10 times anyway. the fact that my bow is balanced is nothing more than a convenience. right after i got my balanced bow i would still hit disarm for whichever hand my bow uses just from habit. it took me a while to un-learn that habit too. it takes like 2 secs to pull the bow off, chug a pot and then put it back on. wow huh? thats nothing! so removing the 'balance' feature for me wouldnt really affect my playstyle much at all. it only means i'd have to skip ONE single attack basically to get the bonus from a potion. if i was human i could also use 1st lvl mage heals with the joat 20% yes? but i am and elf so i use the many other items available to me (e.g. the new stealables just to name one option). just tossin that out there.

granted i dont do much pvp and so maybe that xtra 2 secs would make a huge dif. but all this talk of archery being overpowered because of the 'balance' feature on bows kinda leaves me thinking ...what? huh? then i laugh, shake my head, and say to myself, "here we go again, more goofy nerfs". oh well. i guess life would be boring with nothing to pancake about.

for some reason, even tho it annoys me a bit every time i see it, i am visualizing "...la". haha. sorry guys i just couldnt resist. and i am not tryin to shoot down anyone's opinion on this subject. as i said, i dont pvp much usless i am forced to, so this argument just seems a little silly to me.
maybe its just me.

i'd rather worry about crashing 5 times a day going thru gates and portals! now THAT is an issue that needs addressing yes?!? i could name a buncha issues like that but i am tired of typing as i am sure you are tired of reading this, so ima stop now.

peace to all my uo friends.



Seasoned Veteran
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I agree with Cetric. The biggest problem with archers is the speedhacking. Yes they are lame and easy to play and totally dependant on gear but aside from pets pvp is reasonably balanced except for the fact that certain players can run at will. It doesnt matter tho because EA knows who is speedhacking and the players know who is speedhacking but EA refuses to take action aginst people account. Its speedhacking pvpers that are buying character transfers so EA turns a blind eye. I dont buy the argument that the new client is going to fix spreedhacking because as I understand noone will be forced to use it. With the track record of previous "new clients" we should be thankful we wont be forced to use it. The fact remains there is no forseeable end to the blatant cheating going on in game therefore people will continue to quit and no matter what EA does 6 months to a year from now in reguards to pvp it will still be a cheaters game.