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Can I do this legally in UO? Handicapp assistance.

  • Thread starter BeerBrewer
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  • Watchers 0


Without going into too many details, a recent accident has left me some extra time to play UO. Unfortuanatly it will be from bed and with the use of only one hand (lets keep this clean now:lick:).

Now to the question.

I have a program where I can put a digital copy of the keyboard on the screen so I can click the screen keys with a mouse stroke. Could I use this in UO so I am not letting go of the mouse and going to the keyboard then back to the mouse? Would this be considered legal? Or, would this be considered an illeagal third party program?

It would provide no advantage as I still would be slower with keyboard macros than if I could hit the keys with my OFF(pun intended:dunce:) hand.Plus it does not interfere with any of the data stream.

Also if anyone on chess shard would like to take along a one handed, bed riddin, slow connection, laptop using, medicated sidekick for a some champ spawns or something let me know. I dont think i'd do too well at pvp but dont mind trying.

If I could get an official uo answer too, it would be great.


Black Sun

Grand Poobah
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Stratics Legend
I don't see why it would be a problem using the virtual keyboard. It's not interfearing with the data stream, so there's really no way that anyone could tell that you were using it. As far as it being considered an illegal 3rd party app, I don't think it really could be considered one. I'd say it's no different than someone who's disabled and uses some sort of special software to use their computer. In my time I've heard of handicapped players who use special devices to play UO, this is no different if you ask me.


Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
I agree with Black Sun.

Even most Operating Systems themselves have features built in to help with disabilities, although not so much with the hands unfortunately. I wouldn't think that using this keyboard thing would be any different.

Sent you a PM as well! :)


Being a programmer who has worked on applications making them more useable with assistive technologies (programs to help disabled people), I can assure you that it is illegal for someone to disallow you to use assistive technologies to aid in using their applications. There are teams of lawyers who ready to get money from any company that tells you that you can't use them with their products.


Using these types of programs is not against the Terms of Service. These programs do not give an advantage over anyone else. They are there for those who need assistance.

However, if the assistance program is used to unattended macro then it would be considered against the TOS.



Also if anyone on chess shard would like to take along a one handed, bed riddin, slow connection, laptop using, medicated sidekick for a some champ spawns or something let me know. I dont think i'd do too well at pvp but dont mind trying.

If I could get an official uo answer too, it would be great.

Check your PM here shortly. We sound like just the guild you are looking for.


Glad to hear this is officially green lighted.

I have a rare type of MS myself ( somewhat controllable through alternative medical approaches ) and the twitch part of the game can be very challenging.

Anyway, you might look at a mouse with lots of programmable buttons as another option.

Good luck.


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
also get a logitech g15 keyboard, 18 programable keys help nomal players would be great one handers.
Glad to hear this is officially green lighted.

I have a rare type of MS myself ( somewhat controllable through alternative medical approaches ) and the twitch part of the game can be very challenging.

Anyway, you might look at a mouse with lots of programmable buttons as another option.

Good luck.

Der Rock

Using these types of programs is not against the Terms of Service. These programs do not give an advantage over anyone else. They are there for those who need assistance.

However, if the assistance program is used to unattended macro then it would be considered against the TOS.


Two questions for you Chrissay:

1.How can we get a certain amount of gold/resources with 1 hand from a bunch?
Try it and post the answer.(In KR Client)

2.What is against the TOS,
the use of this assistance program or UNATTEND macroing?
if someone is unattend macroing then his keyboard is against the tos ?
or do you mean UNATTEND macroing itself is against the tos?

your posts are very confusing sometimes :)


That is what you get for talking with baby speech, Chrissay...

I believe she was trying to make it simple...

"use it and stay clean"... was the message.

Old Man of UO


Also if anyone on chess shard would like to take along a one handed, bed riddin, slow connection, laptop using, medicated sidekick for a some champ spawns or something let me know. I dont think i'd do too well at pvp but dont mind trying.
Heh... that sounds pretty much like my guild using two hands! Hope you are feeling better.

PS - if you are using Vista, the virtual keyboard is built in works quite nicely.


If you are using the assist programs as intended this does not break our TOS.

Unattended macroing in any form is against the TOS.



. . .PS - if you are using Vista, the virtual keyboard is built in works quite nicely.
Sorry to be a bit off topic but can you explain this better? You can PM me the answer if you prefer.

To the OP - Hope you get to feeling better soon and enjoy your time in UO while you have the extra time for it!

Kensai Tsunami

a buddy of mine from long ago used a 'mouse/keyboard thing'
it was a mouse that had a kind of keyboard on it. he used it for speed. he had no handicap. he was just into being better and faster than everyone else. i wish i was still in contact with him but unfortunately he is gone from this world now, so i cant contact him about it. :(

i'd ck that option. there must be one around someplace ...unless he built it himself. that is entirely possible. he was a genius of sorts. i miss him alot.
if it isnt around i bet someone would build it fairly easily for ya.
good luck. sorry you dont have that second hand option to uh ...ok nm, you asked us to keep it clean! haha!!



Rares Fest Host | Ches Jul 2010
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Without going into too many details, a recent accident has left me some extra time to play UO. Unfortuanatly it will be from bed and with the use of only one hand (lets keep this clean now:lick:).

Now to the question.

I have a program where I can put a digital copy of the keyboard on the screen so I can click the screen keys with a mouse stroke. Could I use this in UO so I am not letting go of the mouse and going to the keyboard then back to the mouse? Would this be considered legal? Or, would this be considered an illeagal third party program?

It would provide no advantage as I still would be slower with keyboard macros than if I could hit the keys with my OFF(pun intended:dunce:) hand.Plus it does not interfere with any of the data stream.

Also if anyone on chess shard would like to take along a one handed, bed riddin, slow connection, laptop using, medicated sidekick for a some champ spawns or something let me know. I dont think i'd do too well at pvp but dont mind trying.

If I could get an official uo answer too, it would be great.

if you're a dexxer, you should be somewhat decent at pvp being only able to use the mouse, just set primary, secondary and heal self to the mouse buttons and ur good to go

Connection lost

if you're a dexxer, you should be somewhat decent at pvp being only able to use the mouse, just set primary, secondary and heal self to the mouse buttons and ur good to go

Even better yet, get a 10+ button mouse and you can assign heal potions, cure potions, stam potions and more to the mouse! :)


Rares Fest Host | Ches Jul 2010
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
they make mouses with 10 buttons? wow thats a lot... mine has 2 on the left only