If you have a problem with a moderator send it to
[email protected], we'll look at it.
However, there is no such thing as an 'unbiased' moderator because any and everyone who moderates will be accused of it at some point. I read a post and think 'no, you can't say that, that's a personal attack'. I look at who's said it and give that person a warning, unless his infraction record shows he's been warned many times before, in which case I give an infraction. They scream at me in a pm claiming I hate them and I'm biased against them. No, most of the time I don't even know them, they simply broke the RoC.
I get an email screaming 'he banned me for (insert petty offence)' I investigate and find, no the moderator didn't ban him for that, he simply gave the appropriate number of infraction points for the offence, however when added to the already accumulated total of infraction points it resulted in an automatic 24 hour ban.
I get 'you let [insert name] say that and didn't remove it, why am I punished for it?' I look and think 'oh heck, I didn't see that one!' No I didn't 'let' the other poster get away with breaking the rules, I'm just not capable of reading every single post that goes on the boards. I'm human, sometimes I miss seeing an offence. Of course if I then punish the poster when the post has been up for several hours, maybe even a full day, then I get a message from that poster claiming I'm picking on him.
On one momentous occasion I had 2 icq conversations happening at the same time. In one conversation I had demands to know why I was favouring person 'A' and not punishing him for perceived infractions, in the other I had that same person 'A' asking why I was picking on him!
The admin team has received several accusations of bias, we look at them all and most of the time find it not to be true. On the occasions we feel that a moderator has misunderstood the situation, or over reacted, we reverse the infraction.
We do have several posters who are incapable of recognising when they have broken the rules.