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Launch a new shard with Stygian Abyss


Lore Keeper
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Stratics Legend
Basically make a new shard when you publish Stygian Abyss.. Production shard items & insurance + Siege ruleset.


The Craftsman

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Basically make a new shard when you publish Stygian Abyss.. Production shard items & insurance + Siege ruleset.

I have nothing against the idea of a new shard but why "Production shard items & insurance + Siege ruleset"?


Grand Poobah
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Well all kinds of people want all kinds of custom rules set shards, though some call their custom shards by a different name.

This one's not particularly more or less valid than any other.

Which is to say that I also find it to be a bad idea and kinda pointless.

-Galen's player


Nah ... not like that.

Production shard with Siege ROT and ruleset, then again Siege/Mugen will end up like that anyway! <nods toward Rico>

Move to Siege.


Lore Keeper
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Stratics Legend
As we all know items affect the gameplay alot hence the insurance. Felucca ruleset everywhere, no bullcrap RoT - let people train their characters as fast as they can/want. Maybe open up x-fers to the shard a few months after it has been launched.

Basically it would be an all-pvp shard for the PvP population. And as for the "Play Siege" comment: I would most likely play there but I don't like RoT. I dont want to train for months so that I can actually start doing PvP/cash farming. I don't care about the journey - I care about the destination.

Xalan Dementia

Slightly Crazed
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Basically make a new shard when you publish Stygian Abyss.. Production shard items & insurance + Siege ruleset.

Simply put....No.
when the subscription rate drops, you dont add servers. Just be thankful they dont close any servers.


Babbling Loonie
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Hmm how do you make a production shard with SP rulesets? SP has no trammel but production shards do. Are you asking for 2 luna banks/malas/tokuno/Illish? Production rulesets defeats the purpose of SP rulesets and vice versa.

Only thing I can think of thats remotely close to your idea would be "All facets are on the Fel sides like SP but insurance are allowed" And RoT can be a real pain to powergamers.

What about no passive reveal? I mean my stealther will be nearly godly if I cant get passively revealed ever on a production shard.

Interesting ideas but very fishy too.


Crazed Zealot
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Where would this shard have it's server? another one in the USA?
Sort of rules out alot of us over in Europe with our dodgy internet suppliers (damb you BT, damb you to hell!!!!!!)

Most of the time these days i'm normally playing with a 1 second delay every 5 or 6 steps i take. Which you can imagine causes alot of OoooOooo's.

So i vote they open up a new shard/server in the UK :thumbsup:

Dermott of LS

UOEC Modder
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I believe this thread in a nutshell is one of the examples they gave as to why they have not done a Classic Shard... noone can agree on what the ruleset is supposed to be. There's always a caveat, always a "but..." involved. "The rules should be like this... but... ".

I'll admit from time to time wondering what different rulsets and whatnot would be like. A shard that ONLY allowed the KR client that didn't have to accept different clients to see what the performance would be like, new loot ideas, "anti-magic" areas (like Wind, but in reverse... where you would NOT be allowed in with Magery OVER a certain level), removing Mark from dungeons and blocking existing runes INSIDE dungeons so you could recall out, but not into a dungeon and so on.

It's a fun mental exercise, but it's not really expected that such things will ever happen.

If you're more worried about the ruleset on a given shard than the shard itself, it really starts to take away from that whole "world" motif. It's kind of like an article link I read from another board about a mistake of an "event" in WoW. Much of the article was spent on dissecting the stats of the person involved than on the concept of or the effects on the world.

It's interesting to consider what we would want if we were able to create a specific shard ruleset... but never expect such a thing to actually happen.


Yes that is just what Uo needs another shard that no one would play.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
More empty shards to pay for? Since SP is such a HUGE success, lets make another one.

doing things like this will only quicken UO's death.

red sky

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I like. /Signed

Oh and BTW, playing a freshly created shard with no transfers for the first month was one of the most exciting and addicting experiences I've had in UO. Many players in this game have never actually felt the rush of when UO first began and everyone was a noob. They enter a world where everyone is built up and has a foot in the door. Whereas, on a new shard, everyone starts from the beginning and even the most elite, skilled players in the game have to learn to work with other players of lesser experience. So all of you naysayers should maybe state something positive and perhaps helpful instead of obvious and repetitive BS. I see this as an opportunity for a step up from Origin into a more immersed and epic world, where teamwork and skill are more needed than on production shards but not so much as on Siege. They should call it Apocalypse or something.