Oh, it was such a poor response that I missed it. You are seriously avoiding all my fabulous points now. Got no responses?
If you ever make a point, I will respond to it. Gladly. But first, make a point. Or keep contradicting yourself. Either one works.
BTW PLEASE quote where I have lied. It hasn't happened. Unless you count that I missed your last really poor response to me? I guess someone's getting upset that they are being shown to be wro-ong! *sing song voice*
Aww, don't get upset. You should be used to being wrong.
I guess. When you start telling it I will not for sure though.
Anyways, what it really boils down to is that cheating in any form DOES impact other players in the game. It isn't victimless.
You contradict yourself again. Make up your mind. Does it have a major negative impact or is it something you would do? Which is it?
When you skill gain script you are gaining skills faster which gives you free time that legitimate players do not have.
I agree. People that buy accounts get skills much faster than people that don't. Not sure what your point is there though. I have said that from the beginning. If your new method of 'winning' is just repeating what I say, cool.
You have by the very act changed the nature of the game. If they opened a brand new shard skill gain scripters would be the first ones to GM+ their skills,
And power gamers, and advanced token buyers. Don't forget those bad guys.
be out farming gold, placing houses in the best spots etc.
Yes, because anytime a new skill gets added, everyone has to GM that skill before they can place a house. Got it.
They would, because their poor moral compass would allow them to cheat, would cheat other players out of good house spots other competitive avenues where time is of the essence.
Exactly. I had to wait for years until I GM'd resist before I could place a house. So unfair!
I can't believe I've spent so much time arguing something that is patently obvious to anyone who is above cheating.
Again, you are missing the point. Again, point, missed.
But then again cheaters always will try to find ways to justify what they do.
Again with the justifying stuff? You already admitted that if the label was changed (NOT THE ACT) you would be the first to do it.
How many times did you say that you GMd or 120'd skills already and you now find it boring? That you want to have fun playing instead of training skills? That is your justification.
I state a fact that others share. It is not fun to keep working the same skills over and over. It is fun to you to do so, and I am glad. I want you to have fun in the game. Unlike you, I DO care about the enjoyment of others and not just myself.
I'm not the only one who does a lot of boring stuff in this game in order to get to the places I want to be. It's part of the game, and trying to short cut it is cheating and affects everyone who will not take those short cuts.
So can I expect to see you spend days on a thread that you created complaining about powergamers and advanced token users? Since you clearly have something against people that do those things. So, post away about it.
I've already shown many ways that a skill scripter can benefit where a legit player lags behind. You chant the mantra of soulstones and adv char tokens like that saves your argument.
Because it does. It is someone that uses something available to them to shorten the time it takes the to gain skill. Allowing them to get into the 'real' game faster.
I riposte that a skill scripter who uses a adv char token and powergames is a a cheater who will advance more quickly than a non cheater, and therefore they are able to reap the rewards (whatever those be) of getting to get that skill up first.
Again, you keep missing the point. You are mad at a LABEL. Not an ACT. You admitted that.
I showed many examples (and even added a new one about a new shard opening) to show how getting those skills up first would be beneficial.
You showed that having skills trained is beneficial? Heavens, I didn't know that. And here I was spending 11+ years with the same skill levels I started with. Shocking. Thanks for the insight.
And you had no comeback for this.
Comeback for how having skills trained is beneficial? Nope. No need for one. I agree. It is beneficial.
Quite simply I have proven your argument false, and have left you with trying to counter with the same old arguments that don't work, or you avoid the points I bring up entirely.
Again with the lies. I get it. You are hoping people won't actually read this thread and instead just pop on and see you tell one of those lies and take them as truth. That's fine with me. Your lies and their believing of your lies doesn't affect me.
BTW if you think I'm a liar and you think that is a bad thing, might be wise to refrain from lying yourself:
I don't think you are a liar. I know you are. See, when someone tells a lie, it makes them a liar. No matter how many times they claim 'I didn't lie' the fact is that their lies are in print for all to see.
Haha...call me immature again. Tell me its "sad to be you, I bet". Tell me again that it's beyond me to be logical. Call me greedy. Tell me I'm about game validation. Tell me I'm too scary to visit your house.
You are immature. I imagine it is sad to be you. It is beyond you to be logical about this subject. Others? I am not sure. But on this subject you have skipped all logic. Scary in the 'stalker' sense, not the boogie man sense.
All things you have said before, and I'm sure there's a lot more. I got tired of re-reading your logically flawed arguments to find more examples.
More examples? Try one.
To rehash your attempts.
1. You think 'all cheating hurts the game'. Ok, I can understand that viewpoint.
2. You think that people that use things like powergaming, soulstones, advanced characters, buying accounts and scripting skills are hurting the game. Again, that is your right to have that opinion.
3. If the 'label' of scripting skills was changed, you would be the first to do it. See, here is where you messed up. If it is 'so damaging to the game', why would you suddenly do it? Do you want to damage the game? Is that your goal? If you said something like "Even if it was legal, I wouldn't ever script because I think it, along with powergaming, soulstones, advanced characters and buying accounts, is bad for the game and I won't support it. Now, if you had said that, I would have accepted that as your opinion. I might not have agreed but I would have defending your right to that opinion.
So, the bottom line, as I have been saying for two days now, is that you don't have an issue with the act itself. Only with the label placed on that act. And you have taken a 'moral' stance against it, as long as the label doesn't change. If it did change, you would be all over it.
See, for me, I am opposed to killing puppies. Not because its ilegal, but because it is, to me, wrong to do. Now, should killing puppies because suddenly legal, I would still be opposed to it. I would even speak out against it while people like you would say things like "But its legal, so its ok. We don't question the label, we just follow and support it."
That, clearly, is the difference between you and I. If you really are 'opposed' to something, you should be opposed to it because of the fact that you think it is wrong. Not because of what 'label' is placed on it.
Clearly, doing things that harm others is wrong. Label or no label. Its wrong. So, if you really want to be opposed to people being able to take shortcuts when it comes to skill gain, be opposed to it. I support that view. I don't agree but I support you having it. Instead you come out with "Its so wrong, its evil, its bad for the game, it will ruin the economy" and then when its made legal its "I am all over doing that! I would be the first one doing it! Its all good for the game!"