Are soulstone fragments the same as the soulstones everyone is always refering to for switchign skills between characters? where would i go about aquiring myself one of these?
Very true, and unfortunately a lot of new or returning players that don't know any better end up getting ripped off by people waiting for just those types of players to come along. There's a vendor on Pacific dropping runes daily advertising soulstones, all of which had already been claimed by another account and thus are worthless for anything other than deco, and are charging 100k per stone as if they were worth more than 1-2k.Keep in mind that it's useless buying a fragment/full stone off another player - only the account that first possessed them can actually use them. Tokens are safe to trade, but if you're paying someone for an actual stone/fragment, you're getting ripped off.
None!since my soulstone was bound to my account, what are my chances of getting them to re-issue it?
Really depends on shard. Ranges are 8-15milHow much do the soulstone tokens sell for in game?