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UO:LBR figurines



I seem to remember something about figurines issued as a promotional item with the LBR expansion, is this so? If so, was there ever a golem figurine?


here's lord blackthorn/betrayer figurine.
*edited update



Always Present
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I never had money on me when they had one in stock


*starts writing charter for UO Addicts Anonymous*

At $20 per member monthly I'll make a fortune...

Bomb Bloke

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It occurs to me that if you were to take the old 3D client's models and feed them to a paper-cut generator, you could build yourself a model of pretty much any creature in the game.

(Or even your characters, if you had the dedication to re-colour the textures to match whatever dyes you're using).

Trick is getting the models into a generic type of format. They were created with an older version of Granny (Granny1). They could be, for eg, switched to Max format via this GR2Decode method.

It seems the model files expect the texture files to be stored on a networked system (called "Avatar"), so the GRN converter on that GR2Decode page (which'll let you view models and animations) won't let you see the textures on them (unless you, well, have a networked system (called "Avatar") with the right folder structure setup). Not sure how hard it would be to put them on once they ended up in Max.

(It's kinda amusing to play around with the models and the animations. The Golem, for example, actually uses the Human animations (which there are lots of)... You can make it do the "up yours!" action, run around, do the drunk stagger, whatever...)


(It's kinda amusing to play around with the models and the animations. The Golem, for example, actually uses the Human animations (which there are lots of)... You can make it do the "up yours!" action, run around, do the drunk stagger, whatever...)
I thought the old 3D animations for golems were excellent, especially the hypnotic way they teetered when they walked. They had a relentless marching gait, like the "Sorcerer's Apprentice" brooms in Fantasia. I didn't play 3D but for a few brief outings to see what it was like; the golems were great. The KR golems are terrible. They're built like bricks and move with no fluidity.


Babbling Loonie
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Everything about KR is horrible.
Except not really.

Anyway, I got myself the Blackthorn Juggernaut figure a long while back... it's pretty sweet to look at. :)


Everything about KR is horrible.
Except not really.

Anyway, I got myself the Blackthorn Juggernaut figure a long while back... it's pretty sweet to look at. :)
I'm quite the fan of KR, and mostly like the new art. I tried it with legacy art on and I wasn't impressed, not as a long-time 2D user and not as a new KR convert.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
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I too have a full set except then elusive ancient Wyrm.... *sighs*....

I bought mine at a KB outlet for like 2 bucks each... but I do have all the figures sans the Wyrm..... which of course was the one I wanted most of all...

I used to have them all on hanging on my wall all in their original packing and they still remain unopened to this day... though they have a fair gathering of dust.... since I moved I can't really put a bunch of holes in the walls so they remain in a box for now.

But I love them and am always on the lookout for the wyrm.


I have all of the figures including the Ancient Wyrm. They live amongst my pewter dragons and wizards, a gargoyle statue, swords and shield, coat of arms (Italian/English ancestry), and tapestries in our computer room. The husband is the collector, I'm just the maid who dusts them. LOL


Got My LBR Lord Blackthorn On Top Of My Desk As We Speak!


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I think it would be cool if we could buy our char as they look like in-game, with their names ;)


Seasoned Veteran
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I think it would be cool if we could buy our char as they look like in-game, with their names ;)
There used to be an artistic someone that would sculpt your UO character. I looked for the link, but couldn't find it.

I would definately be interested in 'Littleblue' as a figurine for my desk. Would be cool to have options for your favorite pet or mount to be available too! :)


Seasoned Veteran
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Thank you, Nok!

I really thought that was pretty neat and wanted to pass it along. :)


I had like 7 of those figurines that came with the game and tossed them all when I moved.
:eek: Yikes!

You know, as cool looking as the Blackthorn model is, I just never could accept that version of him after being a player of all the original Ultima games. The "steampunk" version just came out of left field for me. But the model is still cool :cool:


:eek: Yikes!

You know, as cool looking as the Blackthorn model is, I just never could accept that version of him after being a player of all the original Ultima games. The "steampunk" version just came out of left field for me. But the model is still cool :cool:
I made a clockwork-inspired skin for KR because I like all those Exodus creatures. Body mods aside, I didn't like what happened to Blackthorn's character, though.. always been a fan of his original tenets.

I might just have to sculpt my own golem out of scrap. They're pretty tall, if I recall from the video.. hard to gauge scale in-game (eg: bowl of fruit is big enough to sit in). I might need a crane to stand it up if I go with life-size. Ooh, articulated would be good too..


Friend of mine had the Silver LBR. I missed out on it. I stared a month after those were gone. :(


Lore Master
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300 bucks :eek: is a hefty sum for 8 inches of painted play dough. Nice idea though.....
True... $300 USD is a lot of money.

Although you get a lot of value considering. The figurine is hand crafted based on your character. Kiln fired. Hand painted and finished. Trying comparing it to commissioning any other form of one-off custom art piece... and it is a bargin.


Finky i spotted some at Uncle petes toys here a few years back, i took a photo but i cant for the life of me find it. I might go back and check the shop out again see if they have em laying around somewhere


Finky i spotted some at Uncle petes toys here a few years back, i took a photo but i cant for the life of me find it. I might go back and check the shop out again see if they have em laying around somewhere
Sneaky Uncle Pete! Doing dark deals with Todd McFarlane no doubt.

I see a few online for cheap, boxes with the comic, figurine, etc. I have an LBR box around here somewhere.. don't recall it being stuffed with goodies though. Guess they were special edition.

Still keen on doing a golem sculpture in metal. However life-size, I figured out, would look over the roof of my house. I might need a permit to erect it. Might do a maquette first.. all ambition, no sense.