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Guards can now be called...

  • Thread starter Grimm_of_Oceania
  • Start date
  • Watchers 2


So I am sitting at luna bank doing absolutely nothing, and I am continually getting the "guards can now be called on you" message.

I was afk just sitting there while I went to get some food and came back to a totally decayed body. Lost a bag of loot and all.

Now I have to remain hidden otherwise I get guard wacked.

I have tried to call for a gm, but because I am not trying to accelerate the training of a few mindless skills, they dont seem to care.

Has nayone else come across this? Is this a bug?


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Were you wearing reflect physical armor?

*edit* wait, Luna Oceania? Nevermind...


8% reflect physical, but I cant see anyone casting AOE spells around me. I have a cu out of the stables but am sitting on it. Even while hidden the message keeps coming up.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
8% reflect physical, but I cant see anyone casting AOE spells around me. I have a cu out of the stables but am sitting on it. Even while hidden the message keeps coming up.
It wouldn't matter, since you're on a trammel ruleset.

My next question was, did you release a pet somewhere in town recently?


I have tamed and released two cu's outside of a guard zone in the last 2 hours, other than that I have been hardcore bank sitting. Very strange.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Those Cu's are committing aggressive acts. You may have released them, but they are still bound to you in name. Go kill them and you will stop getting the guards message.


Is that was is happening. I never would have thought that.

Thankyou for all your quick replies :)


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
One thing though, I thought Cu's were not naturally aggressive until someone angers them through taming attempts.

Perhaps someone was trying to tame your released Cu's :)

Nyte Doombringer

Intresting, amazing the things I still learn everyday after 10 years, lol


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I love the way initial postings are unbelievably vague, but by the end, the entire truth comes out. I guess that's the way it's supposed to work, but it's funny to watch/read it progress.

Old Man of UO

I love the way initial postings are unbelievably vague, but by the end, the entire truth comes out. I guess that's the way it's supposed to work, but it's funny to watch/read it progress.
Ya... the Op posted what he thought was relevant. This thread worked the way it is supposed to, people asking good questions to get at the answer!

Uriah Heep

Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I got that message from casting invis on an npc one time!
And then some kind soul actually said guards! (part of his bank macro :p) and I got whacked, from an invis spell rofl...
Live and learn :)

Bomb Bloke

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Odd that if you're guilded, a released pet will retain the green tag on release.

Odder still that this didn't start happening until pub 54, when this turned up in the changelog:

Pets will now immediately update their status (notoriety, guild flag) when traded, commanded, etc.
Go figure.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I'm not sure about the guild flag but this instance has been the case for quite some time. I can remember way back in '01 or '02 I released a dragon and was guardwhacked a few minutes later.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Oh, I saw someone release a unicorn inside guardzone about 1min later they got guard whacked. I originally didn't understand why, but with some thinking I got it....


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I'm not sure about the guild flag but this instance has been the case for quite some time. I can remember way back in '01 or '02 I released a dragon and was guardwhacked a few minutes later.
I am fairly certain it became this way when the concept of Muderer's, Flags etc went in.

Basically it was in regards to people taming things and leaving them to kill people and avoid the Murder Flag.

They were never able to come up with a way to flag people for Luring Mob's through a gate etc and giving counts, so they chose to stop the Mob's from following them through the gates.

Oh for the days of being able to go to Hythloth, get a Balron in tow, and gate to ... Crap what was the Dungeon with the Ogre Lord (No Not Despise) *Shrug* and watch all the folks that had themselves blocked in (to stop the Ogre Lord from getting to them) panic ...... :)

Or the one I really liked, was some one in the neighborhood was being a jerk, you go get a lot of Ogre's *caugh* and the Ogre Lord in tow, and gate back, hide, invis what ever and watch the twit start killing the Ogres and Laughing .... well until you loot him.