What does this have to do with a perfectly good example?
The same thing that people buying runics did I imagine. Nothing at all.
They weren't around when they scripted the skill to begin with. What makes you think they're going to be around when they're scripting other things?
Not even sure what this means. Who wasn't around and what other things are they scripting?
I don't have anything against fair and legal competition. I do have something against people that cheat in that competition.
Again, the point is WHY is one thing cheating while another thing that does the exact same thing isn't?
Wow, you really need it spelled out for you? Ok...
Scripter scripts the mining skill. Scripter illegally obtains raw materials needed to script Smithing skill. Scripter then scripts bod running, which then leads to duping val hammer bods, thus artifcially devaluing the market for those that sat in front of their computer and did all of that manually, and in a time frame not possible for a normal player, and it all started with scripting the mining skill.
You are adding a lot of scripting that no one is talking about. Scripter scripts mining. Yes. Then he goes outs and plays the game and gets the exact same things that someone that manually trains mining does. Powergamer powergames mining. Yes. Then he goes out and plays the game and gets the exact same thing that someone that manually trains mining does. One is legal, one is not. Why?
Dude.......are you on drugs?
No more than those people responding to 'Why is script skill gaining illegal while other things that do the same thing aren't?' with "Script skill gaining is illegal because people can dupe runics!" See the point? The answers don't have anything to do with the question. Get it? Thought not.
You don't honestly believe the quest scripters actually worked up lumberjacking and bowcrafting without scripting do you? If you do that would say that you're as thick as the Great Wall of China.
Irrelevant to the discussion. Quest scripting is not the same thing as skill scripting. Are you saying that if scripting for skill gain was completely removed, you would be ok with quest scripters? Since they didn't use scripts to gain their skills its ok?
I never said anything about advanced characters, or SoT's, or Alacrity Scrolls, just to head you off before you start bringing those into a discussion about scripting.
But that IS the discussion. Why are THEY ok with you while the other isn't? Why are THEY legal while the other isn't? They both accomplish the same thing.
I answered this. You brought up how difficult it was to raise Resist back in the old days when you had to walk uphill barefoot, in the snow, both ways.
You didn't answer this. You answered some other question that no one asked. The question, and I have tweaked it as much as possible so certain people can understand it, is "Why is scripting for skill illegal while things like soulstones, SoTs, advanced characters and powergaming aren't?" They all accomplish the same thing.
Uh, because scripters aren't sitting in front of their computers doing any of the actual gameplay. Because scripters are running scripts 24/7 day after day, which is impossible for any human to do. Because scripters do so with multiple accounts, thus destroying the market for crafters and others because they never have to stop.
So its a matter of degrees? I can instantly get an advanced character in about 2 minutes. Much faster than anyone scripting can get to those levels. But that's ok? Powergamers can get to 120 in any skill faster than any casual player can. But that's ok? SoT users can GM any skill in minutes by using SoTs, much faster than any scripter can. But that's ok? See the point yet? No, I know you don't.
There is nothing that can duplicate a computer running the game while there is no one sitting in front of it pushing the buttons. Not any kind of token, scroll, or anything else.
Wanna bet? As I said, I can get an advanced character in minutes. A scripter can't do that. Not even close.
That's ok though. We all know that you'll come back with some weak ass excuse why perfectly good reasons don't answer your stupid question.
There are no stupid questions, only stupid people trying to answer.
We also all know that you know scripters well enough to know how they're paying for their accounts and all that. We know that because you've already told us you did. As I said in that thread, we all know what side of the fence you're standing on. I bet the grass is green as hell on that side, what with all the BS that's being tossed around.
Pretty green yeah. On my side of the fence, there are people with common sense. On yours, not so much. Making up lies really doesn't help you out. Then again, with the company you keep. That may not be true. I am sure the people like you buy into the garbage you try to spread when you can't tell the truth.
But, I appreciate you giving up trying to answer a simple question.