Until someone shows me a victim, its a victimless crime.People are just stupid. I give up on most of you.
Until someone shows me a victim, its a victimless crime.People are just stupid. I give up on most of you.
So you are able to play the game in spite of the fact that someone in the game world scripted their skills to 120? Nice. Me too. Glad we can agree that it doesn't force anyone to do it.Never scripted even once. And I don't bother trying to "compete" because I know I can't BECAUSE of those that script. I just go about my business and yell at the idiots that pop up trying to stir up a sh**storm for no good reason other than to get their jollies, or their own ways.
What can't you play? Be honest. Tell me one thing you haven't been able to do just because someone else has 120 skill that they got from scripting it. Just one thing. Please. Must I beg? PPPPLLLLLLEEEEEASSSSE.Play it yes, but not play all of it, or enjoy all of it.. I find fun in what I can, yes, but I know there's a hell of a lot more out there that would be a blast to do or try, that I simply can't because of the people like you that insist on making the illegal legal.
PvP in any form; I know I can't match up to anyone that can change their template on a whim to match the newest flavor of the month, and if I were to try to catch up on my own, be it by matching them or finding a better way, by the time I got to where I wanted they've most likely switched 2 or 3 times to new things.What can't you play? Be honest. Tell me one thing you haven't been able to do just because someone else has 120 skill that they got from scripting it. Just one thing. Please. Must I beg? PPPPLLLLLLEEEEEASSSSE.
But you claim that you get your in game fulfillment from training your skills manually. So you should be enjoying the template changing. And I have never in my 11 years here seen anyone change their templates in the middle of a fight. Are you playing on an illegal free server that allows people to do that? You should try the official servers if so. You can't do that sort of thing here.PvP in any form; I know I can't match up to anyone that can change their template on a whim to match the newest flavor of the month, and if I were to try to catch up on my own, be it by matching them or finding a better way, by the time I got to where I wanted they've most likely switched 2 or 3 times to new things.
Never had that problem myself. My sense of achievement is how much fun I have in the game anytime I choose to log in. What someone else is doing when it doesn't impact me has no bearing on my fun level. I guess that's what makes me different from most stratics poster. I can have just as much fun at a spawn with 100 people with scripted skills as I can in a spawn with 100 people with manually gained skills. Different strokes I suppose.You should know by now when I explain myself I don't go out of my way to put any extra meanings in unless its a joke, so the moment I say " in the middle of a fight" will be the moment I mean that. And I do enjoy traning skills manually, but I don't enjoy sticking to "templates".. I train what I feel like if I think it might help.. has always been my way. The problem isn't in the changing templates (I love training skills even now), its in the abscense of any actual achievement from constantly being lapped by the ones that can work up any skill overnight if they want without even being at their computer.
Want an example of a victim? How about the scripter who cheats themselves out of the satisfaction of playing a game legitimately, and therefore loses interest in the game much more quickly than the player who plays by the rules and respects themselves and others?Never had that problem myself. My sense of achievement is how much fun I have in the game anytime I choose to log in. What someone else is doing when it doesn't impact me has no bearing on my fun level. I guess that's what makes me different from most stratics poster. I can have just as much fun at a spawn with 100 people with scripted skills as I can in a spawn with 100 people with manually gained skills. Different strokes I suppose.You should know by now when I explain myself I don't go out of my way to put any extra meanings in unless its a joke, so the moment I say " in the middle of a fight" will be the moment I mean that. And I do enjoy traning skills manually, but I don't enjoy sticking to "templates".. I train what I feel like if I think it might help.. has always been my way. The problem isn't in the changing templates (I love training skills even now), its in the abscense of any actual achievement from constantly being lapped by the ones that can work up any skill overnight if they want without even being at their computer.
You mean playing it your way, right? I have spent 11 years training magery to 100 then 120 on many many many characters. There isn't much satisfaction left in that for me. Maybe you still enjoy it. If so, more power to you. Unlike you, I would never try to take away your enjoyment nor force mine on you.Want an example of a victim? How about the scripter who cheats themselves out of the satisfaction of playing a game legitimately, and therefore loses interest in the game much more quickly than the player who plays by the rules and respects themselves and others?
You haven't shown how it impacts anyone, at all. Much less everyone. You can keep trying though if you want. I have time.Cheaters will say anything to justify cheating. They are small minded and do not see the entirety of the situation. Cheating impacts everyone, including the person who cheats.
I agree completely. Actions that do actually have an impact on others is different than those that don't.It occurs to me that this topic is going off very quickly, and likely won't stay open long at this rate.
Suffice it to say that there are many scripts that make active combat a lot easier, some of which are legal (UOA) and some of which are not. Skill gain scripts could be considered separate to these.
Nope, sure wouldn't. Still don't even see UOA that way, really.Let me ask you, if EA suddenly came out tomorrow and said that scripting skills was legal, would you change your opinion on it? Be honest.
So, the label 'legal' or 'illegal' has no bearing on your opinion of it. How is that different from me? The act remains the same regardless of the 'label' placed on it. For you, its not something you care to do. For others, its something they don't mind. For even others, its a daily way of life. The label is not important. The act itself is.Nope, sure wouldn't. Still don't even see UOA that way, really.
- Jumping in after a quick skim here... (use that against me all you like).I agree completely. Actions that do actually have an impact on others is different than those that don't.
All that and still nothing on how it actually impacts someone if someone else scripts their skills to the same level as someone that trained theirs manually. Sure, you can toss out things like "Because this is a multiplayer game and every action made ultimately and inevitably has an impact on everyone else playing the game" but without any actual examples, it doesn't mean anything.- Jumping in after a quick skim here... (use that against me all you like).
That right there is why anything that is against the rules, including what you may consider to be lesser degrees of cheating or even 'acceptable' rule-breaking, is bad for UO (and bad for everyone playing / involved in UO).
Because this is a multiplayer game and every action made ultimately and inevitably has an impact on everyone else playing the game. Sometimes the impact is more directly noticed & other times the impact is as unnoticable as a dev. having to spend many hours changing the game because of the actions rule-breakers are taking (because they see nothing wrong with breaking the rules as long as they are convinced that it isn't hurting anything... which is so easy to be convinced of when one wants to).
Well maybe the game should change?
Maybe it should but we should petition for changes rather than go all vigilante and consider ourselves above the rules, man. Of course it is often much easier to take the rules into our own hands and decide which ones we, selfishly, feel are worth following... and that is often why people cheat and how they excuse themselves of any guilt for cheating, imo.
K bye.
To quote Flava Flave...ignant.Ok I'm over it lets get on with UO life lesson learned
no harm done all scripters still working all scammers still working and speed is not an issue NEXT
You can't make the argument that I'm only looking at things from my perspective if you are asking for me to prove how cheating impacts anyone. I gave you an example - say if I were to cheat, I would know that I would be cheating myself out of the experience of having to actually work the skill. So yes I HAVE shown how cheating impacts people.You mean playing it your way, right? I have spent 11 years training magery to 100 then 120 on many many many characters. There isn't much satisfaction left in that for me. Maybe you still enjoy it. If so, more power to you. Unlike you, I would never try to take away your enjoyment nor force mine on you.Want an example of a victim? How about the scripter who cheats themselves out of the satisfaction of playing a game legitimately, and therefore loses interest in the game much more quickly than the player who plays by the rules and respects themselves and others?
You haven't shown how it impacts anyone, at all. Much less everyone. You can keep trying though if you want. I have time.Cheaters will say anything to justify cheating. They are small minded and do not see the entirety of the situation. Cheating impacts everyone, including the person who cheats.
Lol, be honest. Do think think I am scared to say I would script if it was made legal? I would probably be one of the first person's who has never scripted to embrace scripting if it became legal, because then it would be LEGAL. See the difference? If something is legal then anyone can do it. If it is illegal than only people with a poor moral code who can easily lie to themselves and are weak scummy cheaters can do it.Let me ask you, if EA suddenly came out tomorrow and said that scripting skills was legal, would you change your opinion on it? Be honest.
I said how does it impact OTHER people. You claim that it would impact YOU if YOU did it. That's fine. But that's not OTHER people being impacted. Victimless.You can't make the argument that I'm only looking at things from my perspective if you are asking for me to prove how cheating impacts anyone. I gave you an example - say if I were to cheat, I would know that I would be cheating myself out of the experience of having to actually work the skill. So yes I HAVE shown how cheating impacts people.
Not true. Because I jaywalk it doesn't mean that I will then turn around and rob a bank. The 'slipper slope' logic is flawed in so many ways.But you really want another example in this ridiculous argument about how cheating in a game with multiple players is a bad thing? When you cheat for skill gain you are validating it, at least to yourself. If you validate something in a manner you are moving the line from "cheating is wrong" to "cheating is right, in some instances". Once you change where you put the line it becomes something you can easily keep moving.
If I speed hack and run around alone with no one or thing around, is that also impacting other people? If so, how?"Oh well I can speedhack cause everyone who pvps speed hacks!"
Correct. The game is about fun. If I want to have fun in real life and do it in a way that effects no one but me, shouldn't I be able to? As soon as that fun impacts someone else, then its an issue. Not before."Oh I can xxx cause it's sooo boring otherwise, I've already done it 10000 times."
You buy accounts that tell how the skills were gained? I have never seen any for sale that used that as a selling point. Guess I don't buy enough accounts to see that trend. To me, a 6xLeg character is worth the same as another 6XLeg character regardless of how they got there.Are you ever going to sell an account where you have gained skill by cheating? You have just devalued the work of an honest player who was going to sell their account to the person who bought yours but now has to reduce the price they would sell it at.
Last I checked, the RNG doesn't take into account how a character gained there skills. Again, flawed logic. Everyone has an equal chance there. Everyone.Are you going to go out and work a champ spawn with your scripted character? You just took an arty away from someone who gained their skills legitimately.
So the truth finally comes out. You want to remain one of the 'chosen ones' that have such and such to their name. "I don't want other 120 skilled players because I only feel validated if I am the only one!" Sad.There used to be a certain amount of respect for people who had GM'd taming (or any tough skill), placed a castle, had a lord or lady title, etc. People who have scripted their skills have taken away the respect that someone deserves for the hard work of getting to 120 by dilluting the numbers. The few have become many.
So, you think players should only be allowed to play one hour a day because some people can only play one hour a day? After all, if they play 10 hours a day they are adding more gold to the game that the one hour player can't match. So, fair is fair, right? Let's put limits on game time to keep things balanced.Another example would be it could take 6 months for someone to get 120 magery or 1 week. Non-cheater versus cheater. The 6 months that the non-cheater is working magery, they are not out using their skills to flood even more gold and items into a bad economy. The more people who cheat, the higher and faster inflation rises. Or do you have an argument to explain why inflation is a good thing?![]()
No. Because those people that choose NOT to script will still suffer for the economy changes (your argument) caused by those that did. And those people like you that feel validated by having 'done it the hard way' will quit because now they have to share all that 'fame' of being a legendary tamer. Yep, you get validation in game differently than I. Its about fun for me, not recognition.Lol, be honest. Do think think I am scared to say I would script if it was made legal? I would probably be one of the first person's who has never scripted to embrace scripting if it became legal, because then it would be LEGAL. See the difference?
Exactly. I agree. EA should make it legal so everyone can do it. Since it doesn't hurt anyone there is no point to it not being so. We agree! And I would be sad to see you calling all those suffragettes scummy just because they fought to do something that was illegal. Sad, but not surprised.If something is legal then anyone can do it. If it is illegal than only people with a poor moral code who can easily lie to themselves and are weak scummy cheaters can do it.
No criteria fits every situation. Some random 'label' by some game designer really has no bearing on what is 'right' and what is 'wrong'. You said it yourself, if the 'label' was changed, suddenly its alright and doesn't hurt anyone. But, if that label isn't changed, the very same act hurts everyone. Flawed logic yet again.Just to reiterate the first point I made, when you are making your OWN rules about what cheating is justified and what is not, then you enter a grey area where everyone is able to say what they consider to be cheating. Once you enter this area, your opinion is invalidated because you are using your own criteria and not criteria that fits every situation. It now becomes your opinion on what should be considered harmful and what is not. The only way to avoid this is to stick to the rules of the game you are playing as absolutely as you can.
This almost even isn't worth addressing. People don't speedhack so they can "run around alone". That's probably the dumbest argument I've heard for speedhacking, ever.If I speed hack and run around alone with no one or thing around, is that also impacting other people? If so, how?
You missed my point, I hope on purpose. There ARE accounts that are for sale where the owners cheated to get the skills up quickly. More accounts for sale means they will have to charge less because of a surplus of accounts. So that means the guy selling off his 8 year old account where he painstakingly worked his characters up will get less money that the guy who spent a month cheating. Gosh I hope I made that clear enough so that even you can understand it now.You buy accounts that tell how the skills were gained? I have never seen any for sale that used that as a selling point. Guess I don't buy enough accounts to see that trend. To me, a 6xLeg character is worth the same as another 6XLeg character regardless of how they got there.
What you are referencing is my example about champ spawns and how a cheater took away an arty from a non-cheater. It is a time management example. Someone who cheats and scripts their skill gain now has a surplus of time that would not have been available to them before they cheated. So during that 6 month or whatever period that they would have been trying to gain legitimately they are instead out working champ spawns, which in turn reduces the opportunity for legitimate players to benefit. There are a million examples I could make of this point, I really hope I don't have to do that so that you finally understand it though.Last I checked, the RNG doesn't take into account how a character gained there skills. Again, flawed logic. Everyone has an equal chance there. Everyone.
There'd be validity to what you are saying if I cared about my character's skills. I think the only 120 skills I have are in tailoring and blacksmithing on my crafter. You asked for an example of how people are hurt in general, but you're trying to apply it specifically to me because my argument is upsetting you. It's pretty telling. I think even cheaters feel dirty inside, they just don't want other people to see that...So the truth finally comes out. You want to remain one of the 'chosen ones' that have such and such to their name. "I don't want other 120 skilled players because I only feel validated if I am the only one!" Sad.
This references my point that skill scripters cause inflation to rise more quickly. Somehow you have managed to try to make it look like I am trying to go Harrison Bergeron on everyone. All I want is for people to play legitimately, if that means 1 hour a week or 10 hours a day I don't care. We should all be in the same boat as far as the rules are concerned. You're trying really hard to pretend that skill scripting doesn't bring more gold into the economy faster though. Are you also going to claim that someone *could* work skills just as fast legitimately as they could with a script? Something running overnight while they sleep? Something that doesn't take breaks for going to the bathroom or eating or just flat out boredom? Please, don't bother and end up embarassing yourself by trying to make that argument.So, you think players should only be allowed to play one hour a day because some people can only play one hour a day? After all, if they play 10 hours a day they are adding more gold to the game that the one hour player can't match. So, fair is fair, right? Let's put limits on game time to keep things balanced.
It would be a CHOICE that everyone would be free to make. They could choose to script or not to script, just like people can choose to use KR or 2D or UOA or gargoyle pickaxes or multiple accounts...I am FINE with any method that is legal that people use to advance, even ones that I don't choose to use.Because those people that choose NOT to script will still suffer for the economy changes (your argument) caused by those that did. And those people like you that feel validated by having 'done it the hard way' will quit because now they have to share all that 'fame' of being a legendary tamer. Yep, you get validation in game differently than I. Its about fun for me, not recognition.
This is an absolutely horrible real life example. For one thing the suffragettes were fighting for the rights of all women. But cheaters only cheat for themselves. Just because some laws have been wrong doesnt mean in this case that the rules you are dealing with are wrong as well. Mainly because this is a game. It ain't real life. To quote an oft used phrase, would you cheat in monopoly?Exactly. I agree. EA should make it legal so everyone can do it. Since it doesn't hurt anyone there is no point to it not being so. We agree! And I would be sad to see you calling all those suffragettes scummy just because they fought to do something that was illegal. Sad, but not surprised.
Haha, it's not a random "label", its the rules of the game! Would you hide an ace up your sleeve while playing texas hold em? Why not? Because it's CHEATING and doing it is breaking the rules you agree to when you play the game. It is not only disrespectful of your opponents, it is disrespectful of yourself. This is fundamental to me, that I respect the choices I make as an individual. If you don't care about what you do to yourself then I certainly can't make you see how important it is. But how we feel about ourselves reflects in how we deal with other people. When you do not grant yourself respect you are less likely to respect others and treat them well, and that reverberates all the way down the line.No criteria fits every situation. Some random 'label' by some game designer really has no bearing on what is 'right' and what is 'wrong'. You said it yourself, if the 'label' was changed, suddenly its alright and doesn't hurt anyone. But, if that label isn't changed, the very same act hurts everyone. Flawed logic yet again.Just to reiterate the first point I made, when you are making your OWN rules about what cheating is justified and what is not, then you enter a grey area where everyone is able to say what they consider to be cheating. Once you enter this area, your opinion is invalidated because you are using your own criteria and not criteria that fits every situation. It now becomes your opinion on what should be considered harmful and what is not. The only way to avoid this is to stick to the rules of the game you are playing as absolutely as you can.
That's not an argument for speedhacking. You brought up speedhacking even though it has nothing to do with the conversation. IF speedhacking did not have any impact on OTHER people, then it wouldn't be as bad. But since it DOES have an impact, its not the same thing at all. I get what you are saying but you clearly aren't getting what I do.You missed so many of the points I was making I don't even know if it's worth debating with you anymore. I prefer to argue with people who at least get what I'm saying, but I'll take one more shot.
This almost even isn't worth addressing. People don't speedhack so they can "run around alone". That's probably the dumbest argument I've heard for speedhacking, ever.
Oh, I got it the first time. But, again, you didn't. I don't base my fun in this game on how much other people can sell accounts for. I don't care if me having 120 in magery means that 1000000 other people have to sell their accounts for less. I don't care at all. Its about people having FUN, not about making money.You missed my point, I hope on purpose. There ARE accounts that are for sale where the owners cheated to get the skills up quickly. More accounts for sale means they will have to charge less because of a surplus of accounts. So that means the guy selling off his 8 year old account where he painstakingly worked his characters up will get less money that the guy who spent a month cheating. Gosh I hope I made that clear enough so that even you can understand it now.
As would the person that plays 10 hours a day vs 1 hour a day.What you are referencing is my example about champ spawns and how a cheater took away an arty from a non-cheater. It is a time management example. Someone who cheats and scripts their skill gain now has a surplus of time that would not have been available to them before they cheated.
Again, miss on your part. If you go to the champ spawn from April till Dec and get an arty ten times, when I go in Jan I still have exactly the same chance of getting one as anyone else there at that time. Stop basing your game on what other people have and just have fun playing.So during that 6 month or whatever period that they would have been trying to gain legitimately they are instead out working champ spawns, which in turn reduces the opportunity for legitimate players to benefit.
You haven't made a point yet. You are talking about your person need for validation, not the enjoyment of a game.There are a million examples I could make of this point, I really hope I don't have to do that so that you finally understand it though.
Again, incorrect. I don't get upset. I enjoy teaching people things about the game. Nothing upsetting to me at all about people being wrong and then contradicting themselves over and over to feel better.There'd be validity to what you are saying if I cared about my character's skills. I think the only 120 skills I have are in tailoring and blacksmithing on my crafter. You asked for an example of how people are hurt in general, but you're trying to apply it specifically to me because my argument is upsetting you.
I thought petty insults were beneath you. Sadly, you disappoint.It's pretty telling. I think even cheaters feel dirty inside, they just don't want other people to see that...
You even admitted that the only thing keeping you from scripting skills is the label of it being illegal. But, if it turned legal you ignore the impact all of a sudden it would have on the economy you claim to care about.This references my point that skill scripters cause inflation to rise more quickly. Somehow you have managed to try to make it look like I am trying to go Harrison Bergeron on everyone. All I want is for people to play legitimately, if that means 1 hour a week or 10 hours a day I don't care. We should all be in the same boat as far as the rules are concerned.
Two words, advanced characters. Can you at least admit that EA allowing people to buy advanced characters also means that EA is supporting everything you are claiming to be against? Advanced characters get to champ spawns much faster than normal characters. Advanced characters bring more gold into the game faster than normal characters. And advanced characters get to pvp faster than normal characters. But that is ok to you, right? So, it has nothing to do with the economy for you. Its just the label.You're trying really hard to pretend that skill scripting doesn't bring more gold into the economy faster though.
No. I know better. That's the whole point. I know that people that script skills can gain faster than by not scripting skills. Thus, they get to be out having FUN in the game when otherwise they would be grinding away for months poisoning the same daggers over and over or walking behind a bull taming it. Its about FUN. Not profit. That's the difference between you and I.Are you also going to claim that someone *could* work skills just as fast legitimately as they could with a script?
No worries there.Something running overnight while they sleep? Something that doesn't take breaks for going to the bathroom or eating or just flat out boredom? Please, don't bother and end up embarassing yourself by trying to make that argument.
Even if they kill the economy? Gotcha. The economy doesn't matter, just the label does. Glad we can remove the economy (that you brought up by the way) from the discussion.It would be a CHOICE that everyone would be free to make. They could choose to script or not to script, just like people can choose to use KR or 2D or UOA or gargoyle pickaxes or multiple accounts...I am FINE with any method that is legal that people use to advance, even ones that I don't choose to use.
Flawed again. I will use ME here to mean 'skill scripters' just because its shorter. Same with 'I'. I have been on this thread for a long time trying to make the point that EVERYONE should be able to skill script should they choose. If it is just about 'me', I could just be out skill scripting and not worry about it. I want EVERYONE to have the choice, not just me. ME is not stopped by some label. ME knows that the act is not hurting anyone.This is an absolutely horrible real life example. For one thing the suffragettes were fighting for the rights of all women. But cheaters only cheat for themselves.
No. Because that impacts the person I am playing against? Would I cheat at solitaire? No. But, if I did, and you lost sleep over it, then that says more about you than me. Use some decent examples at least.Just because some laws have been wrong doesnt mean in this case that the rules you are dealing with are wrong as well. Mainly because this is a game. It ain't real life. To quote an oft used phrase, would you cheat in monopoly?
Rules in game change to. UOA went from being not approved to being one of the approved third party tools in game. Fluid. 'PK'ing' went from having statloss applied to it to having no statloss. Fluid. You really don't think rules in this game change based on different events? Really?The rules made by the game developers are an absolute, and when you signed the ToS you agreed to abide by them. Real life rules are fluid and are prone to being changed or overturned as our society grows and changes.
I didn't compare myself to anyone. I compared the typical 'its a law so right or wrong, suck it up' posters to people that said the same thing about suffrage. Nice try though. Or not.There are also legal ways to demonstrate and show that you think a law is unjust, and there are legal ways to show you think a game rule is unjust - like writing an email to the devs or chrissay or customer service and trying to get change enacted. Please don't act like you are a modern day Lucretia Mott because you script in an online game for your own benefit. The comparison is just embarrassing.
Its random because they could come out tomorrow and change it. Its not based on any real logic other than a whim on their part to allow or disallow.Haha, it's not a random "label", its the rules of the game! Would you hide an ace up your sleeve while playing texas hold em? Why not? Because it's CHEATING and doing it is breaking the rules you agree to when you play the game. It is not only disrespectful of your opponents, it is disrespectful of yourself. This is fundamental to me, that I respect the choices I make as an individual. If you don't care about what you do to yourself then I certainly can't make you see how important it is. But how we feel about ourselves reflects in how we deal with other people. When you do not grant yourself respect you are less likely to respect others and treat them well, and that reverberates all the way down the line.
- You had my attention after the first two words...You missed so many of the points I was making I don't even know if it's worth debating with you anymore.
No you didn't. But if you bothered actually reading the thread you would have seen me pointing that out to you already. Answering 'How does it affect other people' with 'everything affects other people' doesn't really show how it affects other people. Give an actual example of how. Just one. One example. But you probably won't read this so that won't happen. Then again, even if you did read it you wouldn't be able to.- You had my attention after the first two words...
(Maybe I can get back and read up on this humorous discussions later. But I'm thinking, 'you missed' is likely all I need to read)
Hey D: read over my earlier post. I already gave an example of how breaking the rules (even seemingly unimportant rules) affects everyone involved in UO.
I brought up speedhacking as an example of an argument a cheater would make. And all forms of cheating have an impact on other people. So therefore it was a valid example.That's not an argument for speedhacking. You brought up speedhacking even though it has nothing to do with the conversation. IF speedhacking did not have any impact on OTHER people, then it wouldn't be as bad. But since it DOES have an impact, its not the same thing at all. I get what you are saying but you clearly aren't getting what I do.
You asked how scripting skill gain can impact other people negatively and I answered. I fail to see what your "fun" has to do with the question, period. Trying to avoid that I'm obviously right? It's your opinion what should or should not constitute "fun", and has no bearing on the discussion whatsoever.Oh, I got it the first time. But, again, you didn't. I don't base my fun in this game on how much other people can sell accounts for. I don't care if me having 120 in magery means that 1000000 other people have to sell their accounts for less. I don't care at all. Its about people having FUN, not about making money.
If someone can farm gold, mine, or do anything else that is repetitive but earns them gold or some other pixel items for 10 hours a day then more power to them. They certainly deserve their rewards, and certainly don't deserve to have those rewards devalued by those who cheat.As would the person that plays 10 hours a day vs 1 hour a day.
I can't believe you STILL can't get this point. Time = money. When people script to save time they gain a chance to make more money. You LOSE OUT on having a chance to get an arty if the cheater goes to the champ spawn DURING the time they would have otherwise been trying to work their skill and gets the arty instead of you. I honestly don't know how many more ways I can say it so you can understand...Again, miss on your part. If you go to the champ spawn from April till Dec and get an arty ten times, when I go in Jan I still have exactly the same chance of getting one as anyone else there at that time.
But I am having fun...? BTW I probably have a couple billion worth of items and gold from playing the game legitimately. I don't base my worth on what others do, because I base my worth on who I am and how I act. Self respect is something that you can't buy or cheat your way into getting.Stop basing your game on what other people have and just have fun playing.
Actually I was giving a variety of examples in order to show that cheating hurts people in many ways on many different levels. You'd rather not acknowledge any of them though, because that would mean *gasp!* that you're wrong, and skill gain scripts are in fact bad for the game!You haven't made a point yet. You are talking about your person need for validation, not the enjoyment of a game.
If you're going to make a claim (example: I'm not upset), don't immediately follow it up with an incorrect judgment meant to make the person you are debating with look wrong. Cause it kind of highlights that you're getting upset...but please point out where I have once contradicted myself if you honestly feel that is the case.Again, incorrect. I don't get upset. I enjoy teaching people things about the game. Nothing upsetting to me at all about people being wrong and then contradicting themselves over and over to feel better.
It's a genuine belief. I think people who cheat lie to themselves, but they know the truth deep down inside and dislike themselves because of it. But then I guess I also think that everyone has been raised to have some kind of moral compass and will get resulting guilty feelings when they do something wrong. I guess I'm an optimist?I thought petty insults were beneath you. Sadly, you disappoint.
You say "admitted" like you forced me into some kind of revelation. You asked and I answered. I don't cheat, because by nature cheating is illegal. I'm glad we have come to an understanding on this point. It would be too difficult to get into an economics discussion right now, but you seem to be thinking linearly - as in; well a few scritpers script so they inflate the economy a bit, therefore if everyone scripts the economy gets inflated a whole lot! It's a lot more complicated than that though.You even admitted that the only thing keeping you from scripting skills is the label of it being illegal. But, if it turned legal you ignore the impact all of a sudden it would have on the economy you claim to care about.
I don't care for the advanced character system and think it was a real blow to people who had worked hard to get their characters how they wanted them. I can understand the reason they introduced the system, but I still think it hurt the game.Two words, advanced characters. Can you at least admit that EA allowing people to buy advanced characters also means that EA is supporting everything you are claiming to be against? Advanced characters get to champ spawns much faster than normal characters. Advanced characters bring more gold into the game faster than normal characters. And advanced characters get to pvp faster than normal characters. But that is ok to you, right? So, it has nothing to do with the economy for you. Its just the label.
Actually it's not about profit to me in the least. But the real difference between you and I is that I understand what it means to respect myself and others, and you do not.No. I know better. That's the whole point. I know that people that script skills can gain faster than by not scripting skills. Thus, they get to be out having FUN in the game when otherwise they would be grinding away for months poisoning the same daggers over and over or walking behind a bull taming it. Its about FUN. Not profit. That's the difference between you and I.
You keep forgetting that you asked for examples, and I provided them. I would script if scripting were legal and I would support the eventual economic corrections that the devs really need to put into place. The economic problems up till that point affect everyone's game. I cannot imagine that they would ever do any sort of gold wipe in totality (IE all the gold and checks just flat out gone), but I can well imagine that they would reduce all the gold in the system by up to 90% just to get people back on par with NPC prices and monster loot drops. If scripting is legal for 1 year before that happens then the majority of players will be prepared to be on par with each other post wipe. If scripting is illegal still and people still cheat then there will be a small majority made up mostly of cheater who will still be ahead of the game.Even if they kill the economy? Gotcha. The economy doesn't matter, just the label does. Glad we can remove the economy (that you brought up by the way) from the discussion.
Gee thats great that you feel that way. But it just wouldn't happen. There are people who would (and have) quit the game before they ever cheat. So as long as one is still cheating and there are people who refuse to cheat because it is against the rules (or whatever reason), then you are gaining an unreasonable advantage over them.Flawed again. I will use ME here to mean 'skill scripters' just because its shorter. Same with 'I'. I have been on this thread for a long time trying to make the point that EVERYONE should be able to skill script should they choose. If it is just about 'me', I could just be out skill scripting and not worry about it. I want EVERYONE to have the choice, not just me. ME is not stopped by some label. ME knows that the act is not hurting anyone.
Of course the rules change. They are absolute at the time they are made, and up until the point they are changed. If you feel like a rule is not fair then petition to have it changed, but abusing it and claiming it hurts no one is BS.Rules in game change to. UOA went from being not approved to being one of the approved third party tools in game. Fluid. 'PK'ing' went from having statloss applied to it to having no statloss. Fluid. You really don't think rules in this game change based on different events? Really?
The two do not cancel each other out. I have said on these boards before that I'd script if it was legal. You seem to not understand the rather basic concept that because something is illegal, people will not do it. Yes it is a label, and it stands for something that is important to certain people. Therefore people who decide that they don't like the label so they'll go ahead and cheat are giving themselves and advantage over others.As always, people contradict themselves as soon as they start to realize they are wrong. You went from 'scripting skills is bad because it kills the economy' to 'I would be the first to script if the label changed'. Toss out the whole economy argument because you admitted that it doesn't really matter to you. Again, try at least.
Too many people want people in game to do what THEY want them to do. Not what the person paying to play wants to do. Just like real life. I won't even get into examples of people trying to control what others do even though it has no impact on them *cough* prop 8 *cough*. And they use the exact same flawed 'slippery slope' logic to try to justify it.
You aren't playing solitaire though, you're playing a multiplayer game. Everything you do affects everyone else, whether or not you stick your head in the sand and try to ignore that fact, it IS a fact. Thus is the ecology of UO.Its random because they could come out tomorrow and change it. Its not based on any real logic other than a whim on their part to allow or disallow.Haha, it's not a random "label", its the rules of the game! Would you hide an ace up your sleeve while playing texas hold em? Why not? Because it's CHEATING and doing it is breaking the rules you agree to when you play the game. It is not only disrespectful of your opponents, it is disrespectful of yourself. This is fundamental to me, that I respect the choices I make as an individual. If you don't care about what you do to yourself then I certainly can't make you see how important it is. But how we feel about ourselves reflects in how we deal with other people. When you do not grant yourself respect you are less likely to respect others and treat them well, and that reverberates all the way down the line.
"Scripting is bad" because it allows people to do things that weren't initially intended.
"Using goza mats to raise objects is good" because its a creative use of game mechanics.
Last time I checked, most 'creative uses' of game mechanics were called bugs. But, some are ok bugs and others aren't ok bugs.
Again, using poker is another flawed example. If I had an ace up my sleeve playing poker, it CLEARLY impacts other people. If I had one up my sleeve playing solitaire, it wouldn't. Different.
You know how I feel about myself? Great. Why? Because I play a game online every day for enjoyment, not self validation. And I don't do anything in game that negatively impacts my fellow players. I also don't try to force my playstyle on said players. Again, that's what makes us different. Different strokes, as I always say.
Uh no, I respect myself because I don't cheat. That is where the respect comes from. It has nothing to do with the act of scripting, but instead the act of not cheating. You are disrespecting other players when you cheat. Your argument is like saying if you're married and you cheat on your wife, it isn't wrong because she doesn't know. So therefore she can't be hurt by it. I mean, what she doesn't know can't hurt her right? And "married" is just a label anyways, we all know those aren't important. I mean whats the difference, you could have had sex with a woman if you weren't married, so obviously it's no different...As for respect, what does that have to do with how I enjoy an online game? Suddenly you would lose respect for yourself if you started scripting skills when EA said it was ok? Its the same act. The only only only difference is the label. Its still as wrong or as right as before. And it still has the exact same impact.
- Look, I'm very busy but I did find it worthwhile to try to point out some of the nonsense you were campaigning because I find it quite detrimental to the game to have more and more players 'ignantly' believing that cheating is harmless and only provides a benefit to them. The rules are there for a reason (the Devs. didn't spend time writing them for nothing - hey there's something else that affects, had a direct impact on, everyone involved in UO). Jaywalking is illegal for a reason (even if you are personally wise enough to cross a street safely, good for you... but you aren't the only one in the world, ya' know, & you might appreciate that 'rule' if someone jumps out in the street in front of your car and you can't avoid them in time). Here, my original example:No you didn't. But if you bothered actually reading the thread you would have seen me pointing that out to you already. Answering 'How does it affect other people' with 'everything affects other people' doesn't really show how it affects other people. Give an actual example of how. Just one. One example. But you probably won't read this so that won't happen. Then again, even if you did read it you wouldn't be able to.
- Obviously you didn't consider that to be an example (x: of how breaking rules impacts & affects other people) or you didn't consider it to be up to your specifications.Sometimes the impact is more directly noticed & other times the impact is as unnoticable as a dev. having to spend many hours changing the game because of the actions rule-breakers are taking (because they see nothing wrong with breaking the rules as long as they are convinced that it isn't hurting anything... which is so easy to be convinced of when one wants to).
No, it wasn't. One HAS an impact on other people. One DOESN'T.I brought up speedhacking as an example of an argument a cheater would make. And all forms of cheating have an impact on other people. So therefore it was a valid example.
Ask me my favorite color and I say baseball. I answered, yes. But did the answer even come close to being an answer for the actual question?You asked how scripting skill gain can impact other people negatively and I answered.
I play to have fun. Not for in game validation of my greatness as one of the only 120 tamers in the game like you.I fail to see what your "fun" has to do with the question, period.
What are you right about? I haven't seen anything yet and I have read every word.Trying to avoid that I'm obviously right?
It does when people bring up comments like 'they are cheating themselves' to justify their flawed logic. Sound familiar?It's your opinion what should or should not constitute "fun", and has no bearing on the discussion whatsoever.
So, if EA came out and said that playing more than 2 hours a day was cheating, you would have no complaints? Really? I find that hard to believe.If someone can farm gold, mine, or do anything else that is repetitive but earns them gold or some other pixel items for 10 hours a day then more power to them. They certainly deserve their rewards, and certainly don't deserve to have those rewards devalued by those who cheat.
I still can't believe you think you made a point.I can't believe you STILL can't get this point
As do people that buy advanced characters (legal) and play for more hours than others (legal).Time = money. When people script to save time they gain a chance to make more money.
So, you want to be able to do spawns alone so you can get more loot? Really? That's what the game is about for you? Sad to be you I bet. I can go to the champ spawns every day and have just as much chance as anyone else there to get an arty. RNG, again, does not know how they got their skills.You LOSE OUT on having a chance to get an arty if the cheater goes to the champ spawn DURING the time they would have otherwise been trying to work their skill and gets the arty instead of you.
For someone that has so much you sure do whine a lot about what other people might get or how them getting a chance for something might make you have less of a chance. Greedy much?But I am having fun...? BTW I probably have a couple billion worth of items and gold from playing the game legitimately. I don't base my worth on what others do, because I base my worth on who I am and how I act. Self respect is something that you can't buy or cheat your way into getting.
Just saying you gave an example isn't the same as actually giving an example. Which, as we know, you haven't done yet.Actually I was giving a variety of examples in order to show that cheating hurts people in many ways on many different levels. You'd rather not acknowledge any of them though, because that would mean *gasp!* that you're wrong, and skill gain scripts are in fact bad for the game!
Sure. Here ya go. You 'claimed' all these things that were damaging to the game in regards to skill scripting. Which seemed to imply that you thought skill scripting was inherently bad for the game. Then, you turned around and said it EA relabeled it, you would be the first to do it. Which seems to imply that all those examples that you gave are meaningless to you when compared to the label of the act itself.If you're going to make a claim (example: I'm not upset), don't immediately follow it up with an incorrect judgment meant to make the person you are debating with look wrong. Cause it kind of highlights that you're getting upset...but please point out where I have once contradicted myself if you honestly feel that is the case.![]()
Sadly, I think you really think that. Just like all those people that try to make other people live the way they want them too really believe in what they do as well.It's a genuine belief. I think people who cheat lie to themselves, but they know the truth deep down inside and dislike themselves because of it.
The fact that you even attempt to use 'moral compass' in relation to training a skill in a video game shows that 'optimist' is not the word that should be used to describe you.But then I guess I also think that everyone has been raised to have some kind of moral compass and will get resulting guilty feelings when they do something wrong. I guess I'm an optimist?
No, I say admitted like the dictionary defines it.You say "admitted" like you forced me into some kind of revelation.
I asked, you acknowledged. Yes.You asked and I answered.
No one has denied that it is illegal. Just like other things have been illegal in the past even though they weren't inherently wrong or harmful to anyone else. Sure.I don't cheat, because by nature cheating is illegal. I'm glad we have come to an understanding on this point.
Really? Ten people pouring water in a pool gets such and such amount of water. But 100000 people pouring water in the pool doesn't get a lot more water in it? Really? Nice.It would be too difficult to get into an economics discussion right now, but you seem to be thinking linearly - as in; well a few scritpers script so they inflate the economy a bit, therefore if everyone scripts the economy gets inflated a whole lot! It's a lot more complicated than that though.
Not really since people like you wouldn't do it because its bad for the economy. Wait, you would do it because the label was changed and the economy wouldn't matter to you then. Wait, which story are you going with now? I can't keep up with all the changes.It is absolutely true that if scripting were legal people would make more gold and gold would devalue more rapidly than it would have otherwise.
So, now its boring to script? But you would be the first to do it if the label was changed? Again, I can't keep up with all your story changes.People would farm more resources and those would devalue as a surplus is created. As it is, the necessary correction that needs to be made (I think it needs to be made now and is long overdue) thanks to game inflation will occur more quickly. It's pretty much up to the devs to decide what to do, but at some point they will have to put in place some kind of gold sinks in addition to taking corrective measures. At least by that time everyone would have had a shot at scripting their way to fortune (yawn, sounds boring) instead of just a few.
How so? I never used one myself and other people using them wasn't a blow to me at all. Again, I am not about some game validation like you though. I feel good about having fun, not about being able to say I have something others don't.I don't care for the advanced character system and think it was a real blow to people who had worked hard to get their characters how they wanted them.
I have much respect for myself. How I gain or don't gain skills in an online game really doesn't change that. I know it somehow does for you, but my self esteem goes far beyond online game validation. Maybe one day yours will too. And its funny hearing how you have respect for others. Especially after all the petty insults you have tossed out here. Or, do you only respect people that agree with you even when you are wrong?Actually it's not about profit to me in the least. But the real difference between you and I is that I understand what it means to respect myself and others, and you do not.
Oh, I know I asked. And I am still waiting for some. Got any?You keep forgetting that you asked for examples, and I provided them.
You act like the economy is only an issue because of how someone besides you gain skill points. As if.I would script if scripting were legal and I would support the eventual economic corrections that the devs really need to put into place.
Again, the economy is damage by things that don't include how someone GM'd poisoning.The economic problems up till that point affect everyone's game. I cannot imagine that they would ever do any sort of gold wipe in totality (IE all the gold and checks just flat out gone), but I can well imagine that they would reduce all the gold in the system by up to 90% just to get people back on par with NPC prices and monster loot drops. If scripting is legal for 1 year before that happens then the majority of players will be prepared to be on par with each other post wipe. If scripting is illegal still and people still cheat then there will be a small majority made up mostly of cheater who will still be ahead of the game.
No more than those buying the advanced characters or playing more hours. Two are ok, according to EA, but one isn't.Gee thats great that you feel that way. But it just wouldn't happen. There are people who would (and have) quit the game before they ever cheat. So as long as one is still cheating and there are people who refuse to cheat because it is against the rules (or whatever reason), then you are gaining an unreasonable advantage over them.
No, its fact. Not BS. Until you can actually prove that it impacts people beyond your need for validation as Legendary Skillsoandsohaver.Of course the rules change. They are absolute at the time they are made, and up until the point they are changed. If you feel like a rule is not fair then petition to have it changed, but abusing it and claiming it hurts no one is BS.
And ruin the economy? Shame on you!The two do not cancel each other out. I have said on these boards before that I'd script if it was legal.
Another? I would settle for ONE.You seem to not understand the rather basic concept that because something is illegal, people will not do it. Yes it is a label, and it stands for something that is important to certain people. Therefore people who decide that they don't like the label so they'll go ahead and cheat are giving themselves and advantage over others.
Want another example?
Good thing its not about the money for you then, right? Or was that a false statement on your part too? Since you just said thisI have a mage who is at 112.something. I log her in here and there to get her GGS. I'm sure it'll take me a few months to get to 120. I'm not in a huge rush, but I'd like to get her to legendary so I can make spellbooks with good mods and not waste scrolls. In the few months that it will take me to get her to 120 player made spell books will devalue further, so I will get less for the good books I make by then.
So, which is it?Actually it's not about profit to me in the least
Every example you tried to use ends up being about how much money you can make. Either by selling items before anyone else or selling accounts before anyone else. But, its not about the profit for you, no ma'am.This is only an example, it's not some cricitcal facet of my game that I sell spellbooks to the masses. But this is just one example of a million about how cheating could benefit me but hurt other players (those who gain the old fashioned way and don't get to make their spellbooks right away.)
Not really since as you claim its not about the profit but about how you act. So, you would be able to stare at your moral compass and look down your nose at all those dirty miners and feel superior because of how you acted. Sounds like them scripting actually benefited you, huh?What if they introduced a new skill that lets miners dig up special stone, but was very hard to gain in? Skill scripters would be the first ones to benefit from the results of their "labors" and would reap the most rewards. Can you seriously not see how this hurts other players who play legitimately?
Cheating that impacts other people, I agree.Uh yeah. I don't think it's asking too much to ask people to NOT CHEAT in a multiplayer game. You are...too amusing.
Done and done. I get that you want to keep being big momma fat stacks and have all the loot you can get your hands on. If some 'new stone' came out, the first people that got it would be whoever trained the skill the most. If that was scripters, that's who it is. If it was powergamers, that's who it was. And if it was advanced character buyers, that's who it was. And I am sure that seeing someone else get some new stone before you would just give you nightmares every night. After all, its all about validation. Gimme gimme is just a playstyle I don't understand as well as you, I guess. No biggie, I don't understand Italian as well as Italians either. And I get by just fine. Cause I have respect for myself and for other people. Try it, you might like it.And as for "victimless crime", please see my "new skill" example and try to convince yourself that skill scripters aren't hurting anyone in that example. Really.
Saying it over and over doesn't make it true.You aren't playing solitaire though, you're playing a multiplayer game. Everything you do affects everyone else, whether or not you stick your head in the sand and try to ignore that fact, it IS a fact. Thus is the ecology of UO.
More power to ya. I have respect for myself in more ways than just how I do or don't gain skill in a game.Uh no, I respect myself because I don't cheat. That is where the respect comes from.
I get it. Its the label, not the act. Not the 'impact on the economy'. The label. I get it.It has nothing to do with the act of scripting, but instead the act of not cheating.
Bitter much? That's not even in the same ballpark.You are disrespecting other players when you cheat. Your argument is like saying if you're married and you cheat on your wife, it isn't wrong because she doesn't know.
Wow, your logic is out there. And not in a good way. Its really out there. Like, in a scary I hope you don't show up at my house way. Wow.So therefore she can't be hurt by it. I mean, what she doesn't know can't hurt her right? And "married" is just a label anyways, we all know those aren't important. I mean whats the difference, you could have had sex with a woman if you weren't married, so obviously it's no different...
People got Monk robes by scripting skill gain? Really? I wasn't aware of that. Good one! How exactly did they do that pray tell? You might not have noticed but the discussion was 'how does scripting skill gain affect other people'. Sure, you gave an answer. To what question I don't know. But an answer nonetheless. Bravo!Fine [brickwall thing], here ya' go:
Monk robes - a direct result of people breaking the rules and exploiting game mechanics that cost the Devs. (programmers/QA/community reps. , etc.) to spend hours changing the game because of rule-breakers.
x: oops, forgot to spell it out for ya', sir: Just that one example of 'harmless' cheating directly impacted everyone involved in UO because it costs them time and we pay for the time it takes them to work on UO.
If you sat and thought about it for a moment, I'm sure you could come up with dozens and dozens of examples just like that on your own; if you wanted to.
Wow, you really didn't read the thread did you? The 'jaywalking' comment was made as a way of showing that there are much worse things in game that GM's should be dealing with than someone gaining skill using a script. As in, would you rather a cop focus on jaywalkers or murderers?- Look, I'm very busy but I did find it worthwhile to try to point out some of the nonsense you were campaigning because I find it quite detrimental to the game to have more and more players 'ignantly' believing that cheating is harmless and only provides a benefit to them. The rules are there for a reason (the Devs. didn't spend time writing them for nothing - hey there's something else that affects, had a direct impact on, everyone involved in UO). Jaywalking is illegal for a reason (even if you are personally wise enough to cross a street safely, good for you... but you aren't the only one in the world, ya' know, & you might appreciate that 'rule' if someone jumps out in the street in front of your car and you can't avoid them in time). Here, my original example:- Obviously you didn't consider that to be an example (x: of how breaking rules impacts & affects other people) or you didn't consider it to be up to your specifications.
Ya, I have already gotten word from the inside that the crew has started working to get this shut down asap so that certain people won't feel bad about not being able to make any sense. So, expect that really soon. I am not surprised.I just want to apologize to the mods for having to read all this. I can be really annoyingly wordy sometimes when I'm trying to figure out exactly how I want to present an argument. Maybe you guys could assign chunks and break it up in pieces for each of you to read?![]()
Heh, guess I just won the argument and can stop giving the mods headaches now. I mean you clearly couldn't argue against my hypothesis in this situation that scripters who skill up first are the ones to benefit. You already admitted earlier that people who script gain skill faster than people who don't. So therefore in this situation a scripter would be cheating a legitimite player out of their shinies.Done and done. I get that you want to keep being big momma fat stacks and have all the loot you can get your hands on. If some 'new stone' came out, the first people that got it would be whoever trained the skill the most. If that was scripters, that's who it is. If it was powergamers, that's who it was. And if it was advanced character buyers, that's who it was. And I am sure that seeing someone else get some new stone before you would just give you nightmares every night. After all, its all about validation. Gimme gimme is just a playstyle I don't understand as well as you, I guess. No biggie, I don't understand Italian as well as Italians either. And I get by just fine. Cause I have respect for myself and for other people. Try it, you might like it.
Being first to get something doesn't prevent anyone from getting that same something later. So, you can get your shinies and anything else you want whenever you get them. Not sure how that 'wins' anything for you. I stated from the start that people that play for 10 hours a day get some things before people that play for 1. I just don't see anything wrong with that. But, as I said, I am not all about the gimme gimmes like you.Heh, guess I just won the argument and can stop giving the mods headaches now. I mean you clearly couldn't argue against my hypothesis in this situation that scripters who skill up first are the ones to benefit. You already admitted earlier that people who script gain skill faster than people who don't. So therefore in this situation a scripter would be cheating a legitimite player out of their shinies.
You didn't give any examples at of how anyone was 'injured' by anything. You did say over and over that you might not get your gimme gimmes as fast as someone else might.BTW for the record I made arguments against you, not personal arguments about how I've been injured by scripters. It's a little something about how I can look around and see how other people are affected by something that may not personally affect me. So no, I don't have a legendary tamer, I don't pvm much at all in fact, I don't do champ spawns except to get bone for my tailors and vendors at ilsh, and will rarely see them to completion if I'm there already.
I made no assumptions. You made statements and I mentioned those statements.My examples involving money are because this is an item based game, and money is the medium from which we buy all goods and services. Surely you can understand that point? I run about a million vendors and 95% of them sell piddly things like repair deeds, engraving tools, plants, furniture...I lose money on these vendors for the most part because I like providing things that people need. I have a lot of money because I've done a ton of idocs, and it's impossible to not get rich doing idocs. Pretty much all your assumptions about me are false.![]()
Acknowledge what? That its illegal? As if I haven't said that from the start. I know what is legal and what isn't legal. But, 'legal' does not always equal right. See, I can acknowledge things. Unlike you.Petra made a really good point anyways and without my long windedness. I hope you don't fail to acknowledge it.
If by hurting you mean not impacting anyone else, then I agree 100%.- Didn't see your post until now, Petra Fyde.
You're right about the subject of the thread.
But hopefully the OP doesn't have too many objections to discussing the difference between following the rules of the game and breaking the rules of the game. As, it is fairly obvious there are people playing UO that aren't playing by the same rules we all agreed to play by... and it would be great if this thread somehow got through to some of them and helped them realize how they are hurting UO and their fellow players when they choose to cheat.
PSA = over![]()