You're the one that's questioning it. It would only seem logical that the person that is doing the questioning actually ask the people that provided the facts the question. It's not all that hard a concept to understand.I wasn't the one that brought up what they claimed. You did. You seem to believe them. I don't.
Ah, so you admittedly associate with long term scripters? I guess we see which side of the fence you're standing on.I know because I actually talk to people that know for sure what accounts they use and how long they have used them.
Please quote where I said every scripter uses them. I'm betting you won't be able to.Another person that thinks disagreement equals 'shooting the messenger'.. My mistake. You are right! Every single scripter in the world is using fake cards and EA bans them instantly which is why we have no scripter problem!! Yes, that's it.
I stated a fact, not an opinion. Please try not to confuse the two. You're the one arguing it as if it was nothing more than my personal opinion.Argue? Yes, that is pointless. Discuss? I am all for it. But people like you clearly aren't. You just want confirmation and support of your views. So, have at it.
I didn't state an opinion of the fact, you did. I did nothing more than quote what they've already told us.Exactly. But for some reason you think only you can have an opinion about those facts. Right?
I didn't say there was. What is wrong is you arguing with a statement of fact with someone that didn't make the statement to begin with. I merely repeated it. You're the one that disbelieves them, so once again, why don't you go and ask them since you seem to think they're a bunch of liars and are giving us false information?It is up to me, correct. And I did express my opinion about what I thought of those 'claims'. Nothing wrong with that.