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leavin' on a jet plane

Lady Arwen

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
"i wish i had some poutine"

Granted, you now have all the poutine you could want. But you ate so much of it you got sick and threw up, and now the sight of it makes you sick :(

I wish I didnt have a headache.

Sorcon Gartius

Granted, you don't have a headache... Dead people don't have headaches.

I still wish I was immortal.

Sorcon Gartius

Granted, tomorrow is Saturday and you have to work.

I wish I had Guitar Hero: Metallica.

Sorcon Gartius

Granted, now I'm The Terminator and I've been sent back in time to kill...you.

I wish I was the Terminator.

Lady Arwen

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Granted, you are now the Terminator. But I am the terminator of Terminators!! :O

I wish Sorcon would give me a castle :)

Sorcon Gartius

Granted, Sorcon "gives" you a castle, then never logs in to transfer it or empty it.

I wish Arwen was 18.

Lady Arwen

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Haha, Wish granted, Arwen is 18, but she just moved to Texas with Leo.

I wish my cat wasent fat.

Lady Arwen

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
granted, your cat isnt fat anymore, it is in fact dead, and decayed into a skeleton.

I wish skeleton cats could meow
Granted, skeleton cats can meow, but they can also eat you! :stretcher:

I wish I could go to sleep right now.. :)

Sorcon Gartius

Granted, you can go to sleep, but you don't wake up.

I wish Leo wouldn't wake up.

Sorcon Gartius

Granted, you have some pie... Dead Cat Pie

I wish I had some Arwen Pie.

Sorcon Gartius

Granted, now I remind you of Godzilla and you're like my private Tokyo.

I wish I had some salt for my Blesh Pie.

Lady Arwen

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Granted, you now have salt for your Blesh Pie, but you die because you used too much and your sodium went out the roof.

I wish I could fly


I wish I could fly
Granted...you can fly! Sadly as you were out for an afternoon soar, you hit a 747. The collision cause a massive explosion in mid-air and pieces of you are now scattered all over Kansas.

I wish this thread would get back on track and stop being so gorey.

Sorcon Gartius

Granted the thread is clean, but now Jason Vorhees is at your house and you ain't seen gorey yet!

I wish I had the pieces of Arwen to make a Robotic Arwen SlaveBot.


I wish I had the pieces of Arwen to make a Robotic Arwen SlaveBot.
Granted...after days of searching you found enough pieces to make a Robotic Arwen SlaveBot. Unfortunatly, one of the pieces you found was her brain, and it still had thoughts of free will. The Robot turned psyco and killed you in your sleep.

I wish that I lived near a beach.

Sorcon Gartius

Granted, you live near the beach...on your own private deserted island with no food or a volleyball.

I wish I had the plans for a Stepford Wife.


granted! you now have the plans for a stepford wife, but you failed to notice the personality chip was set too ex-wife. Now you enjoy paying alimony payments each month, arguing daily over the dog you never actually owned and the kids you never had.

(second wish)
Granted! you never saw that, due to an unfortunate event that left you with brain damage, causing you memory to reset every 3 seconds, and have most likely forgotten what this was about by the time you finished reading it. :D

I wish I knew where all the bass are today. (thats a fish, for those not in the know)

Sorcon Gartius

Granted, you know where all the bass cause you are one...and yer on my hook.

I wish this thread was about Ultima Online.

Lady Arwen

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Granted, this thread is now about Ultima Online... But not for long!!

I wish my fridge was full of peanut butter pie.


Granted! your fridge is now full of peanut butter pies. Unfortunately, the fridge just broke and your out of milk. Better get too eating.

I wish that there was no drama involved in raising a daughter.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Granted! your fridge is now full of peanut butter pies. Unfortunately, the fridge just broke and your out of milk. Better get too eating.

I wish that there was no drama involved in raising a daughter.

granted! your daughter is now in foster care.

Sorcon wishes he could do this:


Sorcon Gartius


But your dps still sucks :(

I wish Uo had Epic Boss Fights.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
My dps may suck but we still got it done, which is more than you can say :)

Granted, uo has epic boss fights, but the graphics still suck.

I wish WoW had player housing.

Sorcon Gartius

Granted, WoW has Player Housing, but it is a veteran reward and you aren't old enough.

I wish Sims 3 was out already.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Granted, WoW has Player Housing, but it is a veteran reward and you aren't old enough.

I wish Sims 3 was out already.
granted, the sims 3 has come out, and you run out and buy it, and hurry home. after installing it you excitedly start the game, only to have your computer crash due to poor rushed programing. the damage cant be fixed, and your forced to remain computerless until you purchase a brand new one.

i wish i didnt like fishsticks.

Sorcon Gartius

Granted, you don't like fishsticks..Unfortunately Pariah has decided he will eat nothing but Fishsticks for the rest of his life.

I wish salt was a vegetable.

Tovladian Soltyr

Granted, you don't like fishsticks..Unfortunately Pariah has decided he will eat nothing but Fishsticks for the rest of his life.

I wish salt was a vegetable.
Granted....However what you didn't know is "Salt" was a nickname people had for you behind your back. But I guess that doesn't matter now huh? Man that was a bad accident....Vegetable :p

I wish I was a superhero

Lady Arwen

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Granted, you are a superhero, but you accidently shot your laser vision into a mirror and it came right back at you and killed you :/

I wish that I had some tacos


Granted! You now have tacos, but in your quest for tacos you traveled to Mexico, home of the best tacos ever, and inadvertently caught the swine flu.

Wish I could find more time in the day for everything.


Dang your fast! I noticed it right after I hit post. Edited it in there.

I'll wish it again, "wish I could find more time in the day for everything."

Sorry, it happens more often as you get older. You just stop wishing and start accepting. :sleep2:

Lady Arwen

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Granted, now the day never ends, and you are stuck in the same day forever.

I wish I had a brand new computer

Uriah Heep

Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
*Hands you a Brand New Commodore 64 still in the box, with an external tape drive included* There ya go, enjoy!!!

Wish this bad weather would pass us by safely...


Wish granted!
The weather passes by safely, without anything impeding it. Unfortunately every other storm recognizes the easy passage and follows.

I wish I could come up with better wishes.

(really do hope the storms leave you safe, Uriah. too many peeps I know in your area.)

Lady Arwen

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Granted, you just came up with a bunch of better wishes. But your computer just broke and you cant put them in the thread.

I wish I wasent so bored.


Granted! You are now no longer bored :bored:, or happy ;), or mad :cursing:, or anything, due to a freak of chance, you had a blood vessel burst in your brain rendering you unemotional and unable to feel empathy. Good news though, spock was looking for a logical mate. :D

I wish that I already had my garden planted.

Tovladian Soltyr

Granted! You are now no longer bored :bored:, or happy ;), or mad :cursing:, or anything, due to a freak of chance, you had a blood vessel burst in your brain rendering you unemotional and unable to feel empathy. Good news though, spock was looking for a logical mate. :D

I wish that I already had my garden planted.
Granted, However you have to plant it again tomorrow cause birds and other animals are eating the seeds, preventing any plants from growing after they're planted.

I wish I weren't so picky with my food.


Granted! You are no longer picky about your food, whether it be fillet min yon or a pile of dung beetles you eat them all with gusto, but the taste is all the same bland cardboard, never really stimulating your palate, so you search for anything that has a new taste to it and in the process die of gluttony.

I wish I had some fillet min yon.


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
wish fulfilled :p

cows overnight became incredibly itelligent beasts and fully understand the implications of your meal, henceforth all cows you encounter will be angry ones.... twelve hundred pounds of enraged burger, remembering you

I wish I had instant transport from New Jersey to Texas

Money, I like your new avatar soooooo much better




There was a new instant teleportation system invented that will take you to your destination instantly! Unfortunately, the new invention is now under the control of the goverment and falls into the department of transportation's control. The new system is expected to be operational in the year 2095, foregoing any unexpected problems, but if there are problems the new system will be semi-operational in 2198, with toll fees to be in the range of $100,000 per person per 20 pounds.

Glad to see you posting again!! hope your having a ball there!! :thumbsup:

I wish that I could get a decent connection with no drawbacks.

Tovladian Soltyr

I wish that I could get a decent connection with no drawbacks.
Granted, However you should have specified what "Draw Backs" ment, you're connection loads faster then anything in the world, however there are No Backgrounds or artwork to load, everything is in nothing but text.

I wish there was something good to watch on the Netflix "Watch it Now".


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Granted, tons of New content is available for viewing, but it is only available at an additional fee per viewing instead of being included in the regular subscription.

I wish laying tile was easier on the back, knees and forearms.


your tile is now easier on your back, knees, and back. you started tiling your walls and ceiling.

I wish I knew what rico's ......la meant.