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Scripter Website?

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The website (I wont name it here) that you can Search for items on all the vendors in Luna has a place where you can buy skill also...

Example 0 to GM Animal Taming in 2-3 Days for $30...are these guys scripting? How is it possible to go from 0 to GM in 2-3 Days? it took me like 4 years to GM Taming...

If they are not scripting then they are pulling 48-72 hour shift and at $30 thats like getting paid .50 cents an hour why not get a real job?

P.S Better Admin? Name has been omitted

Lord Gareth

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Grrr now I cant remember what I wrote in your last thread.


Try and remember, as Im really curious about theses guys....

Looking at it from a Legal prospective (Contract Law - Transactional Attorney) If they are scripting they can get into a heap of trouble if someone else's account gets banned.

Lets say Person A enlists them for their service, they script and GM catches these guys scripting and bans A's account

Well here you have a breach of contract. They had a duty to perform on the contract and they instead got the account banned. Granted defendants will challenge claiming they cannot be sued for breach cause the contract was for an illegal purpose BUT if plaintiff (Person A) can prove they had no knowledge that site was scripting and geniuely thought they were working his character legally there may be a case.

I would be down for suing them if any GMs want to actually ban for scripting


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
your legal perspective is highly flawed.

One - the contract has a non liability clause if caught
two - there is nothing illegal about scripting
three - what could someone sue for? the owner didn't lose anything but their account which legally has no value as all ingame items and characters are owned by EA not the account holder.

You might want to take a law class before trying to wade into the waters of law.


They wouldnt allow the account get banned as it's bad for business and all they have is word of mouth. So no unattended scripting for them.


One - Really? So they are admitting scripting?
Two - So you can script in game without getting banned?
Three - Sue for the consideration....plaintiff offered value consideration ($$$) for their character to get the skills they wanted, defendant (the site) breached the contract by not performing. They cant defend opn Impossibilty or Frustration of Purpose cause it was their fault the contract was breached. Sue for money you spent for the training + liquidated damages because your account which you spent X years maintaning and pay for monthly is lost...

You might want to actually have gone to law school before you reply back with nonsense, I appolize for not eleborating on the legal theories earlier but it has been a while since I took contracts in law school and I've never had to apply to computer gaming


One - Really? So they are admitting scripting?
Not sure if they come out and say it but most people that use those services take their own risks with it.

Two - So you can script in game without getting banned?
When you get banned from a game, its not a 'legal' thing. I can murder someone in game and not go to jail in real life.

Three - Sue for the consideration....plaintiff offered value consideration ($$$) for their character to get the skills they wanted, defendant (the site) breached the contract by not performing. They cant defend opn Impossibilty or Frustration of Purpose cause it was their fault the contract was breached. Sue for money you spent for the training + liquidated damages because your account which you spent X years maintaning and pay for monthly is lost...
Give it a shot. Make up a freebie account and let them get it banned and see where you end up. At the very very least, you would get your money back form the site if they got your account banned. Nothing you earn in game belongs to you, so you have no legal recourse if you lose it all based on your paying a third party site to use your account (which if I remember correctly is illegal itself) to train skills.

You don't lose anything from the 'x years maintaining' as you can start up another account anytime you want.

You might want to actually have gone to law school before you reply back with nonsense, I appolize for not eleborating on the legal theories earlier but it has been a while since I took contracts in law school and I've never had to apply to computer gaming
You studied law and you still don't know the difference between something 'illegal' in an online game and something that's illegal in the real world?

We live in an overly litigious society, clearly.


To breach a contract it doesnt have to be illegal thats what you guys arent getting...

If you agree to build a house for me and I pay you and you do it badly that isnt illegal but its a breach of contract in which I can sue you for Specific Preformance or damages...

If relief is granted I get my house built correctly or I get my money back (and if im really like some of your money to)

When i said its "illegal" to script I ment it violates the game's rules of conduct not the law


To breach a contract it doesnt have to be illegal thats what you guys arent getting...

If you agree to build a house for me and I pay you and you do it badly that isnt illegal but its a breach of contract in which I can sue you for Specific Preformance or damages...

If relief is granted I get my house built correctly or I get my money back (and if im really like some of your money to)

When i said its "illegal" to script I ment it violates the game's rules of conduct not the law
Forgot to address the "you dont lose anything for x years comment"

Yes you do if i paid $15 a month for 1 year I spent $180 on the account, my account gets banned I lost 180...If i plead in my damages that I maintained a game account for 1 year investing $180 before the defendant breached I could have an action...

Will it work? Who knows, I just looked up on Westlaw and there have been no cases addressing the value of online gaming accounts

Edit: Here is a real world example, I contract with you to add an additional room to my $180,000 house (which is fully paid for) the job will cost me $20,000 to add the room, you come in with your bulldozer and accidently level my house...Am I going to sue you for $20,000 since you didnt perform the contract or the 180,000 + 20,000 for Destroying my house and failing to perform?


To breach a contract it doesnt have to be illegal thats what you guys arent getting...

If you agree to build a house for me and I pay you and you do it badly that isnt illegal but its a breach of contract in which I can sue you for Specific Preformance or damages...
If you hire someone on the black market to build your house and don't take into consideration the permits required, then no, you can't sue. "Hey officer, my crack dealer sold me soap and I want you to go get my money back from them!"

If relief is granted I get my house built correctly or I get my money back (and if im really like some of your money to)

When i said its "illegal" to script I ment it violates the game's rules of conduct not the law
That only works when you are not engaged in illegal activity yourself.

The game's rules of conduct, if you choose to follow them as you claim you are, state that you aren't supposed to give your account info to anyone nor let anyone use your account for anything. You break that rule by giving your account to one of those sites to train your skills. How can you then expect to seek legal action after someone that you engaged in 'illegal' activity with does something you aren't happy with?

Green Meanie

LoL like they would script it try eating duped scrolls to 120.

The time delay is just to keep ppl from being to supsious but i promiss you that there is no way in 72 hours they can go from anything less than gm taming to 120.


Forgot to address the "you dont lose anything for x years comment"

Yes you do if i paid $15 a month for 1 year I spent $180 on the account, my account gets banned I lost 180...If i plead in my damages that I maintained a game account for 1 year investing $180 before the defendant breached I could have an action...
No you don't. You paid $180 for one year of service. You had that one year. So, you lost nothing.


I believe new case law does assign value to online/ingame items. Depending on your state, some new case law allows for prosecution of people hacking into accounts, I would imagine you can also use civil remedies for loss of the same.


I believe new case law does assign value to online/ingame items. Depending on your state, some new case law allows for prosecution of people hacking into accounts, I would imagine you can also use civil remedies for loss of the same.
But the difference is that you couldn't ask for remedies for a duped item. If you engage in illegal activity you can't then turn around and try to get legal support when that legal activity backfires on you.


If you hire someone on the black market to build your house and don't take into consideration the permits required, then no, you can't sue. "Hey officer, my crack dealer sold me soap and I want you to go get my money back from them!"

That only works when you are not engaged in illegal activity yourself.

The game's rules of conduct, if you choose to follow them as you claim you are, state that you aren't supposed to give your account info to anyone nor let anyone use your account for anything. You break that rule by giving your account to one of those sites to train your skills. How can you then expect to seek legal action after someone that you engaged in 'illegal' activity with does something you aren't happy with?
Now this statement I can agree with but I regarded in my first reply (3rd post of thread) I said if the contract is illegal then there is no case UNLESS the plaintiff can prove he geniuely believe the contract was legit.

Now I did not know another person couldnt use your account so your right in this sense the case would be dismissed. Wtihout that provision there would have been a case if the plaintiff claimed that he did not know the website was scripting the accounts


Now this statement I can agree with but I regarded in my first reply (3rd post of thread) I said if the contract is illegal then there is no case UNLESS the plaintiff can prove he geniuely believe the contract was legit.

Now I did not know another person couldnt use your account so your right in this sense the case would be dismissed. Wtihout that provision there would have been a case if the plaintiff claimed that he did not know the website was scripting the accounts
Absolutely. I don't think you could sue for any past payment for services or such, but you might be able to get a little something out of the deal. Depending on how the 'pixels' in question are judged. As yours or as EA's as most online game developers claim.


I actually found a Law Review article on Westlaw dealing with this, its like 100 pages with alot of case law if anyone wants to read it page me, I can PDF it for you...

Here is alittle piece of it, it actually mentions UO lol....

"Some gamers, it appears, are very time-rich and spend extended periods of time playing a game, thereby acquiring a lot of in-game powers, skills and possessions. Time-rich gamers can take advantage of their extended periods of game play for their own commercial benefit by auctioning these in-game items, such as gold coins or castles in the case of Ultima Online, on out-of-game online auction sites. The out-of-game purchase of these in-game items by other gamers provides the latter with a means of circumventing ordinary game play. Once an out-of-game auction has been completed, the seller and buyer agree to meet in-game to trade the auctioned item.

The out-of-game auctioning of in-game items has been, perhaps, the most controversial of all possible gamer rights. It has also come the closest to judicial scrutiny on two occasions because gamers who were ‘farming’ [FN10] loudly proclaimed their right to do so.

In the first such action, Sony (publisher of EverQuest), in 2000, changed its user agreement for EverQuest gamers prohibiting the sale of their accounts and in-game items. [FN11] The reasons cited by Sony for the prohibition were to maintain a level playing field between all gamers and to prevent instances of fraud, particularly given, according to Sony, people who are defrauded often turn to Sony or Verant (EverQuest's developer) for redress.

In a further effort to stop the auctioning of in-game items, Sony also approached online auction sites, asking that they remove the auction of items relating to EverQuest. eBay and Yahoo!, which each have a policy of adhering to requests by content owners, have complied [FN12] but another major auction site, Player Auctions, has continued to facilitate auctions for EverQuest items, apparently without Sony/ Verant taking further action."

7 YJLT 1
Yale Journal of Law and Technology

P.S I appologize for not properly bluebook citing this article :-D


Ahh nevermind dont page me for PDF Yale Law School actually has their own website for Law Review articles (bah should have known my law school stinky)

Here is the PDF of the article good read and if your into law I you will particularly like the derivative works for character creation argument



Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You're a law student I take it?

The important thing you need to know about the law, then, that they will absolutely not teach you in law school is that the actual law (as in the written statute as enacted by the legislature, or the common law) is not the only thing that determines the outcome. Jury nullification in criminal cases, for example, may be rare. Reverse jury nullification (where the Jury wants to convict on SOMEthing regardless of the facts and the law) is less so. (Or, at least, I'm personally aware of more instances of it.)

What's that mean for the present discussion? Until this stuff ends up in court somehow we won't actually know what the law is.

The use of the term "illegal" causes a lot of confusion. Sometimes it means "in violation of the criminal law." Sometimes it means "in violation of the rules of the game." Sometimes it means "in violation of the logic of a computer program" ("WinWord.exe has performed an illegal operation and will shut down"). Sometimes it means "in violation of some kind of agreement, such as a contract, that has the protections of the law."

Scripting is illegal....in the sense of violating the rules of the game. Scripting uses non-approved 3rd party programs that can automate certain actions to a higher degree than approved 3rd party programs can.

Doing things in-game while not a the keyboard ("unattended") is also illegal in the sense of violating the rules.

So....using an unapproved 3rd party program can get you banned, attended. Doing pretty much ANYTHING in the game, while unattended, that isn't 100% passive can also get you banned. Using an unapproved 3rd party program unattended, thus, can get you banned twice. (Not literally true but you get the idea.)

Now, are unattended doing of things and using 3rd party apps illegal in the sense of violating a criminal law or a civil agreement that has legal sanction?

No idea.

As to gaining skill for an RL money fee? It must be either scripted VERY heavily, OR using duped Transcendence scrolls like someone else said. (I never would have thought of that btw.) OR, most likely, both.

Scripting a dupe? :thumbsup: Well, why not? In for a penumbra, in for a clear statute.

Is there legal liability, of any kind, for the providers of the service if the customer's account is caught and banned?

Back to point one. When and if this comes up, we'll see. My bet is that it'll never make it to court because the stakes are so comparatively small.

-Galen's player


Back to point one. When and if this comes up, we'll see. My bet is that it'll never make it to court because the stakes are so comparatively small.

-Galen's player

Read the Law Review Article it has some good cases but nothing of Precedent yet just a few non-binding Persuasive holdings


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Scripting isn't illegal.
Unattended scripting is.

Quote from that page:

Third party programs are illegal, and the only approved UO-related downloads are available at http://support.uo.com/uopro.html.
Here is a list of allowed third party programs:


Also look at this:


A quote from that page:

Please keep in mind that using illegal third party programs is not only a violation of UO rules, but these programs may also be used to place Trojans on your PC that may cause your computer harm or pass your private personal information to others.
The emphasis is mine.

Another quote from that page:

Ultimately, the best advice is to not use unapproved third-party programs at all if you value your computer or your Ultima Online game account. Don't assume that we will take no action simply because you've heard of someone else using an exploit and getting away with it.
Another page:


It's well-established that using third-party programs that have an effect on game play that are not on the "approved" list is not allowed per UO's rules.

I am unaware of any activity called "scripting" that doesn't use an unapproved third party program.

Using the third party program that most people script with is, by definition, not allowed under the rules of the game.

Doing anything unattended is also not allowed, whether you do it with an unapproved program or not. (People get away with afk bank sitting or afk golem hitting because they aren't actually "doing something," just standing there. And even then, we've started to hear stories of people actioned upon for afk bank sitting. I personally hope these stories aren't true.)

So using UO assist, or a UO client macro, with the key held down and you being afk? You could get banned for that. But you could also get banned for using the popular scripting program, most of us know what I'm talking about, whether you're attended or not.

I have no idea how the weird rumor that scripting was allowed as long as you didn't do it unattended got started. I guess in practical terms they rarely act upon attended scripting because it's hard as all Hell to actually show the difference between someone who is using the program and someone who is doing things by hand, when they are present at the keyboard. The GM will show up and the attended scripted will be like "oh hi." That doesn't make the activity allowed, it just means they're really good at getting away with it.

-Galen's player


I am unaware of any activity called "scripting" that doesn't use an unapproved third party program.
Well, that's just plain wrong. Your definition of "scripting" is incorrect.
Scripting is nothing more than macroing. It's programming a set of keystrokes/actions unto a button or series of buttons.
I can (and do) write some pretty fancy and long scripts/macros in UOA and in the UO Client. No illegal 3rd party program needed. In fact, I wrote a pretty insanely long script last night using just the UO client built in macro system to raise ninjitsu.... it summons a mirror image, delays 2.5 seconds, targets the nearest mobile (the mirror image), runs deathstrike, delays 2.5 seconds, attacks nearest mobile, delays 2 seconds, uses meditation, waits 10 seconds, rearms my weapon, then does the whole thing over again.

Many people still do the old coin trick to jam a key down that has a macro (like the hiding skill) on it.

I do all sorts of automated things when I'm building skills or crafting. None are illegal because I do them ATTENDED.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I am unaware of any activity called "scripting" that doesn't use an unapproved third party program.
A UOAssist macro is nothing *but* a script, and I can write a legal one that will run for three days if the servers never went down.

Try again.


Society is really in the toilet when we start thinking about suing about things that don't actually exist.

It brings an old joke to mind-

What do you call 100 lawyers at the bottom of the ocean?

A good start.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Well, that's just plain wrong. Your definition of "scripting" is incorrect.
Scripting is nothing more than macroing. It's programming a set of keystrokes/actions unto a button or series of buttons.
I can (and do) write some pretty fancy and long scripts/macros in UOA and in the UO Client. No illegal 3rd party program needed. In fact, I wrote a pretty insanely long script last night using just the UO client built in macro system to raise ninjitsu.... it summons a mirror image, delays 2.5 seconds, targets the nearest mobile (the mirror image), runs deathstrike, delays 2.5 seconds, attacks nearest mobile, delays 2 seconds, uses meditation, waits 10 seconds, rearms my weapon, then does the whole thing over again.

Many people still do the old coin trick to jam a key down that has a macro (like the hiding skill) on it.

I do all sorts of automated things when I'm building skills or crafting. None are illegal because I do them ATTENDED.
And do you really think that this is what most people have in mind when they complain about "scripting?"

And no, they aren't legal because you do them attended.

They are legal because you don't use unapproved programs, AND you do them attended.

If you used the program that we all know we're talking about, your actions would be "illegal" regardless of whether you were attended or not.

-Galen's player


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
A UOAssist macro is nothing *but* a script, and I can write a legal one that will run for three days if the servers never went down.

Try again.
No; you try again.

When people come onto these boards and complain about "scripting" do you really think they are complaining about anything that can be done with UO Assist?

No they aren't, because UO Assist is specifically designed to NOT perform some of the "higher-end" functions that the programs we're talking about can do.

Indeed, UO Assist had a "macro loop" feature severed off from it pretty early in its history. That loop feature survives in a separate program, assuming you can find someplace that offers it without a virus.

Seriously guys....If you're all smart enough to make your own scripts without using an unapproved 3rd party application, then you're smart enough to know what people mean when they accuse someone of "scripting." I'm not saying they are always correct, I'm saying that you know God-damned well the program we're talking about.

Oh, and I can pretty much guarantee you those guys automating Heartwood quests, BOD acquisition and fulfilling, and gold-farming aren't likely to be writing custom scripts that don't involve an unapproved 3rd party app.

-Galen's player


No; you try again.

When people come onto these boards and complain about "scripting" do you really think they are complaining about anything that can be done with UO Assist?
You must not have been here in the old days. People whined daily about those 'cheaters' using UOA. Every day. And today, those same types are here whining about things that KR can do. Its all about ignorance really. If someone is doing something you can't do, be it through UOA or KR if you use 2D, certain types jump right off on the 'he is scripting!!' rants.

Seriously guys....If you're all smart enough to make your own scripts without using an unapproved 3rd party application, then you're smart enough to know what people mean when they accuse someone of "scripting." I'm not saying they are always correct, I'm saying that you know God-damned well the program we're talking about.
Some people, yes. But you are smart enough to know that not everyone accused of scripting is actually scripting. some are, of course. But not all.

Oh, and I can pretty much guarantee you those guys automating Heartwood quests, BOD acquisition and fulfilling, and gold-farming aren't likely to be writing custom scripts that don't involve an unapproved 3rd party app.

-Galen's player
You are right. People definitely script those mind numbing sort of tasks like Heartwood quest. Why? Because its mind numbing for one thing. For another, they know they can profit from it. Take those parts away or improve then and scripting won't be nearly as common nor as game impacting as it is today.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You must not have been here in the old days.
*sighs* This crap again.

Actually I was.

People whined daily about those 'cheaters' using UOA. Every day.
That I actually don't remember, but knowing my fellow players I'll take your word for it.

And today, those same types are here whining about things that KR can do. Its all about ignorance really.
I will freely and openly admit to knowing very little about KR's capabilities.

However, nothing I've read leads me to believe that it can duplicate the kinds of actions often being complained about.

Does KR for example, allow 24-hour BOD running that always puts you in exactly the same spot in the tailor shop? Does it cause you to recall into Jhelom near the teleporters, wander forward a few steps, say "bank," then become confused about the bank not responding, and recall again, only to repeat the same actions, 10+ times?

(For those who don't get it....these folks were scripting resource-gathering of some kind. This was during the early days of the Shadowlord invasions, wherein recalling into an invaded city redirected you to the comparative safety of the area around the Jhelom teleporters. And there ain't no bank a few steps north of the Jhelom teleporters. When the script didn't work, it tried again. And again. And again.)

If someone is doing something you can't do, be it through UOA or KR if you use 2D, certain types jump right off on the 'he is scripting!!' rants.

Nothing in any of my posts denies that false accusations of scripting can, and have, happen(ed). Other kinds of cheating too. Which is why back when I was PvPing actively I was accused of speed-hacking when in fact my connection isn't even all that great.

Indeed, when I point out your very point, that it's sometimes hard to tell the difference between a really dedicated "legal" player and a scripter, I'm often accused of being an apologist for scripters.

Next time this happens I'll eagerly await your impassioned defense of a point you agree with.

Some people, yes. But you are smart enough to know that not everyone accused of scripting is actually scripting. some are, of course. But not all.
Indeed I am. See above. And next time I'm accused of being an apologist for scripters for making this very point, I'll look forward to your impassioned defense.

You are right. People definitely script those mind numbing sort of tasks like Heartwood quest. Why? Because its mind numbing for one thing. For another, they know they can profit from it. Take those parts away or improve then and scripting won't be nearly as common nor as game impacting as it is today.
I've always been divided on this. I've seen people script things that aren't nearly as mind-numbing. PvP, for example. (There's healing scripts, I've seen them, not just seen them used, but seen the scripts.) I even saw one "RP Script." Mostly it made monsters smack talk to you. (Obviously someone with a good deal of ignorance about what roleplaying is.)

So obviously it isn't all about mind-numbing tasks. Many people don't consider running BODs to be mind-numbing, but rather an important part of role-playing their crafters. Some find it relaxing also. Yet those things are still scripted.

If they made stuff less mind-numbing would there be less scripting?

I used to think so, but I haven't been so sure of late. I've seen scripts used to gate to auction houses or vendors. How do I "know" those are scripts? I don't, technically. However, it's in the best interests of a gater to an auction house or a vendor to answer basic questions being asked. ("Has the auction started yet?" "What facet is your vendor house in?" "I really liked your vendor house, but there were no runes, do you have one?") I can safely assume someone that isn't answering questions that are clearly in his or her own best interests to answer isn't really there to begin with.

Now surely gating to vendor houses and auction houses is mind-numbing. I've done it. But on the other hand it's really in one's best interests to be at the keyboard when you do it, so you can interact with your customers. That doesn't stop people from automating the actions, even when it's not the best idea from a business perspective.

I've always stated that scripting and other forms of cheating has a major negative impact on the game, but that I often felt its impact was exaggerating. I saw little harm in, for example, scripting gaining tailoring. Even unattended!

But I've opened up my eyes a little more of late, and come to think that it's more of an issue than I ever realized.

Enough of an issue to warrant a major focus on stopping it? Enough to rework major game systems to provide more of an incentive to not script? More of an issue in UO than in other games? And, most importantly perhaps, how to tell the difference between a scripter and a legitimate player who is just really dedicated? (I've often seen screencaps of supposedly scripting gold farmers that look identical to non-scripters I know who are just really dedicated, legitimate gold farmers.)

Like you said, it comes down to ignorance. However I don't think I'm the only one ignorant of the answers to those particular questions.

-Galen's player


*sighs* This crap again.

Actually I was.
Me too. And I read these types of boards all the time where people whined about the guy 'cheating' by being able to slap on a bandage while running or down a potion on the go or disarm to cast then rearm right after while running. It happened and it happens today.

I will freely and openly admit to knowing very little about KR's capabilities.

However, nothing I've read leads me to believe that it can duplicate the kinds of actions often being complained about.

Does KR for example, allow 24-hour BOD running that always puts you in exactly the same spot in the tailor shop? Does it cause you to recall into Jhelom near the teleporters, wander forward a few steps, say "bank," then become confused about the bank not responding, and recall again, only to repeat the same actions, 10+ times?

(For those who don't get it....these folks were scripting resource-gathering of some kind. This was during the early days of the Shadowlord invasions, wherein recalling into an invaded city redirected you to the comparative safety of the area around the Jhelom teleporters. And there ain't no bank a few steps north of the Jhelom teleporters. When the script didn't work, it tried again. And again. And again.)
Never said there wasn't scripting. I know there is. I also know that KR can do things that people that don't know KR would think is also scripting when it isn't.


Nothing in any of my posts denies that false accusations of scripting can, and have, happen(ed). Other kinds of cheating too. Which is why back when I was PvPing actively I was accused of speed-hacking when in fact my connection isn't even all that great.
I agree. Some people will script anything they can. You won't stop those with basic game changes. You need hard coding to make what they do impossible to fix that. But if we can cut down on scripting, it would be better for the game than not cutting down on it.

Indeed, when I point out your very point, that it's sometimes hard to tell the difference between a really dedicated "legal" player and a scripter, I'm often accused of being an apologist for scripters.

Next time this happens I'll eagerly await your impassioned defense of a point you agree with.
Welcome to my world. Anytime I post anything at all in an attempt to discuss 'scripting' I am accused on much the same thing.

Indeed I am. See above. And next time I'm accused of being an apologist for scripters for making this very point, I'll look forward to your impassioned defense.
And I look forward to your defense of me when that happens to me as well.

I've always been divided on this. I've seen people sc[/quoteript things that aren't nearly as mind-numbing. PvP, for example. (There's healing scripts, I've seen them, not just seen them used, but seen the scripts.) I even saw one "RP Script." Mostly it made monsters smack talk to you. (Obviously someone with a good deal of ignorance about what roleplaying is.)

So obviously it isn't all about mind-numbing tasks. Many people don't consider running BODs to be mind-numbing, but rather an important part of role-playing their crafters. Some find it relaxing also. Yet those things are still scripted.

If they made stuff less mind-numbing would there be less scripting?
Less game impacting sripting? Yes. Will it stop people from casting gates using a script to get people to auctions? No. But, when compared to scripting runic hammers, runic kits or resources, what is more important to you?

I've always stated that scripting and other forms of cheating has a major negative impact on the game, but that I often felt its impact was exaggerating. I saw little harm in, for example, scripting gaining tailoring. Even unattended!

But I've opened up my eyes a little more of late, and come to think that it's more of an issue than I ever realized.

Enough of an issue to warrant a major focus on stopping it? Enough to rework major game systems to provide more of an incentive to not script? More of an issue in UO than in other games? And, most importantly perhaps, how to tell the difference between a scripter and a legitimate player who is just really dedicated? (I've often seen screencaps of supposedly scripting gold farmers that look identical to non-scripters I know who are just really dedicated, legitimate gold farmers.)
To me its about picking your battles. Would I, personally, rather see developers spend time fixing it to where people can't script skill gaining or fixing runic/resource/gold farming? The latter of course. What do I care if someone GM's poisoning using a script? What do I care if the person I am hunting with GM'd his provoke using a script as opposed to through game play? I don't care. Pick the battles and pick wisely.

Like you said, it comes down to ignorance. However I don't think I'm the only one ignorant of the answers to those particular questions.

-Galen's player
Not at all. But the number one cure for ignorance is education. If more people took the time to educate themselves about things they were ignorant about, how much better would the discussions in places like this turn out?

Instead, its mostly 'here is my opinion. Either agree with it or I will start making personal insults about you then follow you from thread to thread telling people not to listen to you.'


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
A UOAssist macro is nothing *but* a script, and I can write a legal one that will run for three days if the servers never went down.
I'm calling BS on this one.....

I'd like to know how you can write a macro that would run for 3 days since UO Assist only has a 200 line limit.


The website (I wont name it here) that you can Search for items on all the vendors in Luna has a place where you can buy skill also...

Example 0 to GM Animal Taming in 2-3 Days for $30...are these guys scripting? How is it possible to go from 0 to GM in 2-3 Days? it took me like 4 years to GM Taming...

If they are not scripting then they are pulling 48-72 hour shift and at $30 thats like getting paid .50 cents an hour why not get a real job?

P.S Better Admin? Name has been omitted

You asking if a group of people that use a website to profit and have the ability to or can aquire programmers to write code are using scripts?

I think the anwswer is obvious. Yes. The have the ability and resources.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Advanced cha token 85 tame skill quick and simple
35 1 full skill sot's and one 120 ps and look at that 120 tame skill in oh less then 3 minutes. I can see it being done without violation of the tos.
Though i do believe duped scrolls might also be the case.

to gm for 30 bucks probably do script it though.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I'm calling BS on this one.....

I'd like to know how you can write a macro that would run for 3 days since UO Assist only has a 200 line limit.
Ah, but the length of the pause can be infinite.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
No; you try again.

When people come onto these boards and complain about "scripting" do you really think they are complaining about anything that can be done with UO Assist?

No they aren't, because UO Assist is specifically designed to NOT perform some of the "higher-end" functions that the programs we're talking about can do.

Indeed, UO Assist had a "macro loop" feature severed off from it pretty early in its history. That loop feature survives in a separate program, assuming you can find someplace that offers it without a virus.

Seriously guys....If you're all smart enough to make your own scripts without using an unapproved 3rd party application, then you're smart enough to know what people mean when they accuse someone of "scripting." I'm not saying they are always correct, I'm saying that you know God-damned well the program we're talking about.

Oh, and I can pretty much guarantee you those guys automating Heartwood quests, BOD acquisition and fulfilling, and gold-farming aren't likely to be writing custom scripts that don't involve an unapproved 3rd party app.

-Galen's player
Your original quote:

I am unaware of any activity called "scripting" that doesn't use an unapproved third party program.
I put the most pertinent part in bold for you.

you know God-damned well
I'm not entirely sure what He has to do with it...


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Your original quote:

I am unaware of any activity called "scripting" that doesn't use an unapproved third party program.
I put the most pertinent part in bold for you.
No you didn't.

I am unaware of any activity called "scripting" that doesn't use an unapproved third party program.
Now I did.

Until this thread, I've never personally heard someone call anything that can be done with UO Assist scripting. I guess KR can duplicate some of the "medic" script functions (cast heal at half health and stuff like that). Though I've never personally heard anyone CALL that scripting.

Listen. I'll say it again. If you're smart enough to basically automate higher game functions without using any unapproved third party program, then you are also likely smart enough to know what I'm talking about. Contrary to popular belief I'm not quite dumb enough to name the program and get in trouble with the Mods.

Hey, if you have found a way to duplicate that program's functions without using it or any other program not approved for use with UO? If you can write such awesome UO Assist macros that you render that program superfluous?

Then yep; you'd have achieved "scripting," after a fashion without doing anything in violation of the rules (so far as I know!) as long as you're doing it attended.

If you have achieved this, I must applaud your ability to manipulate computer programs and hope you are pursuing a career that exploits your talents.

I will openly and freely admit that I can't say definitively that UO Assist can't be used that way. I am very, very bad at manipulating UO Assist. In fact, the first time I ever got a custom macro to work (something other than "arm," "disarm," "bandage self," etc.) in UO Assist was earlier this evening. (And I've played since 1999 or so. No idea when I got UO Assist, but I used it for only bandage self for a very, very long time.)

But I can say that if it's possible to manipulate UO Assist that well? Then it must be a rare gift, or that program we both know I'm talking about wouldn't be as big an issue as it is.


-Galen's player


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hmm....You play on Siege which supposedly has none of these issues. I didn't look at every post you've ever made, just noticed the only shard postings on the first page of your index were on Siege.

You talking about this stuff is, assuming it's true that Siege has none of these issues!, a lot like me talking about, say, Faction Artifacts on Siege.


-Galen's player


No you didn't.

Now I did.

Until this thread, I've never personally heard someone call anything that can be done with UO Assist scripting.
What do you think a script is then? A script just runs a series of actions without having to do them manually. See if this sounds familiar....

1. a single computer instruction that results in a series of instructions in machine language

That's one of the definitions of 'macro'. Sounds eerily similar to a script huh? Which, as I think you know, is something that UOA does. Press a button and it does a series of actions while you watch it.

This comes from webopedia....

Last modified: Thursday, February 21, 2002

Another term for macro or batch file, a script is a list of commands that can be executed without user interaction. A script language is a simple programming language with which you can write scripts."


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
What do you think a script is then? A script just runs a series of actions without having to do them manually. See if this sounds familiar....

Ok, children. This is getting ridiculous. Seriously.

This is a UO forum. In a UO context I've never heard until now of something being done with UO Assist referred to as "scripting."

I also asked multiple times over the years if it was possible to "script" without using any 3rd party applications, and to my recollection I never received any affirmative replies. Until now.


-Galen's player



Ok, children. This is getting ridiculous. Seriously.
We are children because you don't know what scripting is? Nice.

This is a UO forum.
Very nice. Can you also name this forum or is that in your next lesson?

In a UO context I've never heard until now of something being done with UO Assist referred to as "scripting."
Who were you asking?

I also asked multiple times over the years if it was possible to "script" without using any 3rd party applications, and to my recollection I never received any affirmative replies. Until now.


-Galen's player
Again, who did you ask? I assume some 'children'? Maybe you should have asked the people actually playing the game? Or were you too busy tossing out 'childish' insults? Seems so.

I have been around UO since 98. Late 97 actually but didn't have my own account till 98. And I knew the definitions of scripting and macros even back then. But, to quote you as you said so eloquently.....*shrugs*
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