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Interacting with GrimmOmen



Dedicated to the Lady Morgana La Fay (POV)... LOL

Niki at 1:17pm April 29
Well, there's MorganaLaFay (forgot what shard she's on), not to be confused with Morgana Le Fey (moi) of Napa Valley. She keeps asking for new undies as she's tired of wearing the same old moth eaten 11 year old ones. I agree with her, they are starting to rank. *pinches nose and shoos aways the flies* Think you could help some wenches out? LOL

Scott at 3:39pm April 29
hahaha I read that post. but so help me god if i see glacial undies i quit.

Niki at 4:51pm April 29
Oh, perish the thought! Please no neon undies.. I'd rather stick to the olde stinky ones instead!

Aalia at 1:20am April 30
i bet they could get you to wear a st of blackrock undies Cear :p

JP GrimmOmen Harrod at 4:46am April 30
OIC how it is, I say "I can't keep up with all this stuff" and you say "Can I have more, please?" You'd think I'd be used to this as long as I've been here...

Niki at 4:56am April 30
Awwww, c'mon... I know you know you secretly looovveee the challenge because we'll love and sing your praises forever! Pweeessseeee...

Guildie: My word m'lady, those are magnificent bloomers you have on.

Morgana: Isn't it though. It's quite the rage and talk of the realm lately. Some even say it's simply scandalous! But, I love my designer bloomers. They are just rad!

Guildie: In a word, chic. Who's this designer you speak of? I want to get me some.

Morgana: The one and only, infamous bloomer designer to the stars, GrimmOmen!


Jp GrimmOmen Harrod at 5:15am April 30
Ah-ha! High praise indeed! "Bloomer Designer to the Stars", I can see my EA business cards already.


Always Present
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Oh boy, reading other peoples' chat logs sure is exciting and interesting.


Not a chat log. It's taken from Grimms Facebook. And, the post is tongue in cheek humour.

Something to balance the frequent negative and nasty posts, I would think, would be welcomed. I know I appreciate a good laugh after reading through a lot of the threads here.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
And just when I thought that there was nothing dumber than your posts demanding all damage (pets/humans) to be capped at 35, I find this thread.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
And just when I thought that there was nothing dumber than your posts demanding all damage (pets/humans) to be capped at 35, I find this thread.
Ermmm....that would be the other MorganaLefey :D


And just when I thought that there was nothing dumber than your posts demanding all damage (pets/humans) to be capped at 35, I find this thread.
Pardon, I did not post that. Sorry.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Supporter
Oh I recall way back many, many years ago.... I went to a developer chat ..... in Skara Brae Trammel in the councilors hall..... on GL..

Everyone was asking questions of the DEV's.... and my one and only question... "Can I please have new undies.... Dyeable ones!?!?!".... To which the reply was simply "NO"....


I still want them!..... And please pretty please... don't put boxers on my character.... for the love of all things don't do it... I'd rather wear a loin cloth...

Actually I'd prefer not to have any at all ... or chose between various ones... we have a "body sculptor" why can't we have a "Panties/Undies updater".... go see the new "Pantaloon vendor" now in Luna, Brit and New Haven! Get out of those outdated Panties and into something rad and fab... Brand new Pink undies!... or get the dyables.... and change color every day to match your outfit!... can't you just picture it???