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Co Ownership


Always Present
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Stratics Legend
Is there a reason we cannot be co-owned to more than one house?
I'd like to co-own all my accounts to all my houses.


Black Sun

Grand Poobah
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I think it's just to annoy us.
I have the same problem, that's a big part of the reason I canceled my 3rd account.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Is there a reason we cannot be co-owned to more than one house?
I'd like to co-own all my accounts to all my houses.

This is a stretch in terms of my memory and of course things may have changed some where along the line .....

Co-owners do not bear the burden of House Ownership. Wait a minute, what is meant here is the house they are co-owner of is NOT counted against their House Ownership.

Here is the .... memory, that if a house is co-owned, and the Owner stops their account subscription, the house is NOT put into a decay mode.

If that memory is correct, then one might step back and say hum, I could .......


Slightly Crazed
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Stratics Legend
In the past there was the strongbox, which added additional storage to a house for coowners.
This is not the case any more since a long time, so the limitation should really fall.
With multiple accounts it is not even possible to friend people, which you dont trust 100% due to own characters, which need to access the secure containers as well.


Here is the .... memory, that if a house is co-owned, and the Owner stops their account subscription, the house is NOT put into a decay mode.QUOTE]

This is not so. I have three Accounts and I quit paying for third. Still stored stuf fin third house and still had co owners. This week house fell. I noticed and got stuff out so to me no harm, but ya House definitely decays.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
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Good luck with that!......

I been begging for changes to Co-Ownership for YEARS.

I have several accounts and I would LOVE To be able to Co-own all my characters to ALL my houses.... but that's not going to happen now is it?

I instead have to limit many of my houses to "just looks" for my guildmates... those house's that I need to "friend" guildmates to and things I'm left out in the cold on..... So I play musical characters all the time.... run here get this take it there drop it here swap go there pick it up.... yeah.... NOT fun.

And NO you can't use the Guild option.... half the time that makes it so you characters who are "friended" can't get access to things set to "guild" and then that also means you have to "Guild" the house owner... Just a royal pain... And then Alliance members can't access it either.

Phaen Grey

Lore Master
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The number seriously should be looked at, there is no good reason left to limit the number of co-owners.


Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
So true, it's a pain in the ..:cursing:..! Run here, change, run there, change :please:


Between the wife and I, we have six accounts trying to keep our guild town standing. It would be a great relief to be able to co-own main characters to them to handle all general tasks with the buildings.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Surprised it hasn't been said, but with KR you can co-own characters to as many houses as you want :) Just add them as friends then on the owner account upgrade the friends to co-owners.

Ken of Napa

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Surprised it hasn't been said, but with KR you can co-own characters to as many houses as you want :) Just add them as friends then on the owner account upgrade the friends to co-owners.

A reason to download the updates to KR and give it another chance!



Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Surprised it hasn't been said, but with KR you can co-own characters to as many houses as you want :) Just add them as friends then on the owner account upgrade the friends to co-owners.
Wish someone would have told me that a long time ago. LOL

Thanks for the info :thumbsup:


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I confirm this can be done with KR :D

Hopes the SA client offers this ability too.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
After waiting forever for it to finish patching I went and co owned one of my characters to all my houses. :D
Yeah, the patching sux...I recently re-installed KR on a formatted PC and was reminded how long it took to update...there are at least 2 800 mb update files...

I recently asked for the devs to incorporate the patches thus far to the KR download, but they might not have spare time to do it seeing SA's release has been slated.

Hopes it's available in the SA client! Plus all other cool KR features!


So where is the best place to download the KR client now? All I can find on the UO site is the file planet link


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Np, it's 2+ gb though, so I strongly recommend using a download manager.

Once installed, there's at least another 1.6+ gb worth of patches which will take a couple of hours. So be prepared.


Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
Once installed, there's at least another 1.6+ gb worth of patches which will take a couple of hours. So be prepared.
Sounds like I might want to install my already-dled KR executable, and start the patching right before I leave for work...might make it less painful.

Of course, knowing my luck, it would fail right as I locked up the apartment! :blushing:

I also hope this functionality is added to the 2D client eventually.