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Vista or XP



Not really sure where to post this, so I'll ask here, is anyone running Vista 64bit while playing UO? how does it play for you?

pacific lily

Yes, and it runs fine (as administrator) except I play KR so perhaps we are not quite playing the same game.



Babbling Loonie
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In the question of "Vista or XP" the answer is literally ALWAYS XP.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I have Vista 64-bit and 2D will load, but the small splash screen 'loading UO' stays even after logging out, and I have to manually end the process to get rid of it. KR runs fine on it.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
just a note, some wireless network adapters on Vista tend to drop connection. . .


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I switched the last of my home PC's over to Vista about 2 months ago. No regrets and I'll never go back. XP seems quite archaic now.

The only issues with Vista-64 (or XP-64 for that matter) are hardware drivers and some BIOS tools (smBIOS won't run on 64-bit OS's so I had to write a 64-bit equivalent using WMI and VBscript).

All that being said, Windows 7, including a 64-bit version, will be out by August or September, so don't get too attached to Vista.


I switched the last of my home PC's over to Vista about 2 months ago. No regrets and I'll never go back. XP seems quite archaic now.

The only issues with Vista-64 (or XP-64 for that matter) are hardware drivers and some BIOS tools (smBIOS won't run on 64-bit OS's so I had to write a 64-bit equivalent using WMI and VBscript).

All that being said, Windows 7, including a 64-bit version, will be out by August or September, so don't get too attached to Vista.

Already running Win7 Beta, Just about to switch to RC1.
UO runs great.

I would wait for Win7 to come out.
Forget Vista.
Win7 is allot like Vista, just way less BLOATED... Takes up less memory to run.
Average load time for Win7, that is from turning the system on to logging in is about 25-30secs.
Shutdown is about 15-20secs
Vs. Vista's 2-3 min boot and 4-5min shutdown... :p


Grand Poobah
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Some of us aren't fortunate enough to be a participant in every single Beta that's ever offered. :yell:

Dermott of LS

UOEC Modder
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Windows 7 is/was a public beta. A quick Wiki and Google search landed me at the page necessary to download and obtain a beta key. I wasn't "invited" or "fortunate" to get Windows 7, I just paid attention and found where to get it.

It may still be available, but I am not 100% sure.


Grand Poobah
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Stratics Legend
i play 2d vista ultimate 64bit and it runs 100% fine

no issues what soever, on a side note like one of the guys above though. DON NOT PLAY IT ON WIRELESS, vista's wireless utility causes u to lock up for a few seconds every 60 seconds, due to the wireless service searching for better access points to connect to. There have been rumors of a fix but there hasn't been one that i know of.


Lore Keeper
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Just a quick tip for anybody interested. If you have a PC that you can use as a dedicated Gaming machine you can gain great performance by making a custom install of your OS be it XP,Vista, or Windows 7 with Xlite or Vlite. Do note that you must have your original installation and Reg key.


i play 2d vista ultimate 64bit and it runs 100% fine

no issues what soever, on a side note like one of the guys above though. DON NOT PLAY IT ON WIRELESS, vista's wireless utility causes u to lock up for a few seconds every 60 seconds, due to the wireless service searching for better access points to connect to. There have been rumors of a fix but there hasn't been one that i know of.
I have UO 2D running on a lean build of 64bit Vista without any problems. I even use a wireless connection without any issues and no lock ups. So I am not quite sure if it is a Vista problem or maybe a driver issue as it still can be a kind of a quest getting the correct 64bit Vista drivers for more exotic or older wireless cards.


Vista is the superior OS. However, it is only as good as the machine you're running it on. If you want to run Vista, make sure you have a top notch computer, or you won't get much out of it.

I use Vista and play both UO and Age of Conan without problems.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Already running Win7 Beta, Just about to switch to RC1.
UO runs great.

I would wait for Win7 to come out.
Forget Vista.
Win7 is allot like Vista, just way less BLOATED... Takes up less memory to run.
Average load time for Win7, that is from turning the system on to logging in is about 25-30secs.
Shutdown is about 15-20secs
Vs. Vista's 2-3 min boot and 4-5min shutdown... :p
The betas and the RC are all 32-bit Ultimate. We won't see the 64-bit version until the final release. That's the one I'm looking forward to. I'm going to download the .iso the minute I see it on their SA site. That's the version of the OS we are going to move to (at work) in 2010 or 2011. I'll probably move at least 1 machine to it on Day 1 of the release.

Black Sun

Grand Poobah
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Of the 3 computers in my house with UO installed on them, 2 are XP and one is Vista. UO and UOAssist runs fine on all 3 of them.


The betas and the RC are all 32-bit Ultimate. We won't see the 64-bit version until the final release. That's the one I'm looking forward to. I'm going to download the .iso the minute I see it on their SA site. That's the version of the OS we are going to move to (at work) in 2010 or 2011. I'll probably move at least 1 machine to it on Day 1 of the release.
Well you won't see the 64bit version of WIn7 till later.
BUt I am already running it on a Dell Optiplex 380.
Runs like a champ.
As far as the versions.

I have access to all.

We run mostly Enterprise version.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
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Windows 7 over Vista anytime.

I have two computers virtually identical to each other.

One I (multi boot) to Windows 7 all the time and ... well for some odd reason, UO runs with less lag spikes (in congestion areas, Luna on TC1 as an example) than the XP system does.

The Windows 7 Beta is down now, but unless things change it will be back online May 5th with a new RC.

Now, then just my opinion, based on some discussion I have seen, if Microsoft does do what is being speculated, then it is unlikely I would upgrade my systems to Windows 7.

I just do not see the value in the upgrade for a $350US for the Ultimate that is currently being beta'd. I DO NOT like the assertions that the lower you go the MORE INTENTIONALLY the Windows 7 IS CRIPPLED. Crippled NOT JUST in how many Cores's, how much ram, etc, BUT CRIPPLED IN PERFORMANCE. One version is being speculated to ONLY ALLOW a maximum of 3 Applications to run at a time.

I will also add that the Linux DISTRO UBUNTU (new 9.04) previous 8.10 with WineHQ, runs UO even better than Windows 7 does. And it is FREE.

One of the major obstacles for me at this time is I use the Logitech G15 Keyboard to perform repetitive tasks. This is not implemented as far as I can tell on a Linux Distro .... yet. I keep thinking I am going to get involved in the G15 project and put that part in but then ...... bottom line is I have not done so yet.

Stratic Fanatic

...small splash screen 'loading UO' stays even after logging out, and I have to manually end the process to get rid of it.
Dont use Windows Aero (in appearance settings) to stop this from happening.



I run Vista at work and hated it for the first 3 days. Now I wish my home pc would run it decently. Maybe Win 7 will run bettter.

Stratic Fanatic

More details plz! I have the same problem.:loser:
Right click desktop, personalize, Windows color and appearance. Use Vista basic.

Not much details....it just doesnt cause it to happen. You'll lose the transparency effects and stuff. But I dont care about those things.



I have had this same problem with Vista, only if I start the game from the client. The "UO Loading" screen doesn't hurt anything, I just can't restart the client if I close it, or it crashes. If I run assist, and that opens the client, I have no problems.

The other problem I have with vista is, when I am playing UO, windows will decide this is a good time to download updates. It doesn't do this all at once, just a small part of the download. It will download another part later when I am in the middle of doing something again.

This only happens every 2-3 weeks. I suppose I should feel lucky that Vista lets me play an online game when it doesn't want to download anything.

Haddy G

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
More details plz! I have the same problem.:loser:
You can also, Right click the UO shortcut or UO client.exe file select compatibility, check disable visual theme and disable desktop composition under settings.

The above settings will turn off Vista Aero anytime the game is launched and when you exit the game Vista Aero is turned back on.

For OP go Vista or Windows 7 if your computer is fairly up to date. If you have an old computer stay with XP.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I have UO 2D running on a lean build of 64bit Vista without any problems. I even use a wireless connection without any issues and no lock ups. So I am not quite sure if it is a Vista problem or maybe a driver issue as it still can be a kind of a quest getting the correct 64bit Vista drivers for more exotic or older wireless cards.
It is a known vista issue, you can google it, people tried to release programs to fix it, something like vista anti-lag rings a bell.


I run vista (home premium, I think?) and 2D runs just fine. I generally outrun everyone around me, and very rarely have connection drops. It happens, though. Mostly my wireless gets weird. It's the router, though, not Vista.

I can run KR, but even with a Custom UI and optimization, I can only use it for crafting (I LOVE it for crafting, and it gives me hope for SA! If I can run SA, I'll switch. But right now, performance issues with KR make hunting impossible.

Morgana LeFay (PoV)

I use 64bit Vista on 2 machines and 32bit Vista on another. UO runs fine, both 2d and KR, although I generally don't use KR.

Any problems people are having with Vista now that SP2 is out are local problems...or what I like to call Error Code 18...

...that's an error that occurs about 18 inches in front of the monitor.


I really like the posts about how 2d seems to be better for hunting, I have not played the 2d in years and I am wondering if in 2d can you set your moves to the 1 through 0 keys like you can in KR? I am so used to fighting in kr that I had no previously considered 2d, but after reading this I am tempted to DL it.

Are there ANY foreseeable downsides of 2d in hunting?

Thanks in advance!


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Any problems people are having with Vista now that SP2 is out are local problems...or what I like to call Error Code 18...

...that's an error that occurs about 18 inches in front of the monitor.
Sounds similar to an EBKAC...

Error Between Keyboard And Chair. ;)