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Self polinating flowery cacti



Does anyone know if you let the flowery cacti self polinate if they will produce more flower cacti or spider trees? I've only been able to find 4 of the seeds (mostly due to babysitting all week) and the ones i've found are going to bloom soon. I'd like to get a nice stock of them just incase they take them out (please dont, this has made growing fun again!) and not sure if i'll have time to wait for the spider tree's to grow to polinate them to get more flowery cacti.

Please respond if you've successfully let you're cacti self polinate for more cacti!


if you let the flowery cactus self polinate,they will produce more flowery cactus.


Thanks! *claps with excitement* ooo i cant wait for them to bloom!!


Definitely. :) I just planted some self-pollinated blues myself.


i was very lucky to get one of each color which bloomed today..gonna just let them polinate themselves to worried that i'll mess it up, and i had a chest full of all the different seeds which i grew up, not to mention all the ferns and campions i got farming for the cactus seeds LOL i'm gonna be crossing for hours!! no lucky mutants yet tho *small pout*


How do you get the self pollinating flowering cactus seeds? I keep getting barrel cacti seeds in red and blue but not any self pollinating flowering cacti seeds.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
How do you get the self pollinating flowering cactus seeds? I keep getting barrel cacti seeds in red and blue but not any self pollinating flowering cacti seeds.
It's a pain, but you pretty much just have to kill boglings and ID the colored seeds they drop. They will now drop all types of the legacy plants plus the flowery cactus, in red, yellow and blue. So expect to loot a couple hundred seeds just to get 1 "yellow cactus" 1 "blue cactus" and 1 "red cactus" seed.

Then you can grow them and let them self pollinate for 8 more seeds and don't have to bother the poor little boglings anymore. :D


Also Bog Things give 2 seeds so you have 2X the chance for flowery cacti,
just in case no one has tried to kill the big uglies :)


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
IMO the best way to go about it...

get the attention of the bog thing and any boglings around it. Kill off each bogling first (they walk faster than the bog thing so you can lead them around until they get enough of a lead to kill without getting hit by the bog thing). After they are dead, then take a whack or two at the bog thing until it spits out a bogling. Kill off that bogling, then go back to the bog thing. Keep doing that until the bog thing runs out of boglings (between 3 and 6 depending on how many has spawned with him to begin with). Don't beat on the bog thing until you kill the boglings though because he'll swallow the boglings back up to get his health back up.

By the time you're done, you have something like 5-8 seeds - the only other problem is that you can end up with other swamp junk following you LOL.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
IMO the best way to go about it...

get the attention of the bog thing and any boglings around it. Kill off each bogling first (they walk faster than the bog thing so you can lead them around until they get enough of a lead to kill without getting hit by the bog thing). After they are dead, then take a whack or two at the bog thing until it spits out a bogling. Kill off that bogling, then go back to the bog thing. Keep doing that until the bog thing runs out of boglings (between 3 and 6 depending on how many has spawned with him to begin with). Don't beat on the bog thing until you kill the boglings though because he'll swallow the boglings back up to get his health back up.

By the time you're done, you have something like 5-8 seeds - the only other problem is that you can end up with other swamp junk following you LOL.
I was alternating between two swamps (the one south of compassion desert, in fel and tram) and that worked alright for getting respawn.

You can't really lure the bad spawn away too well in the swamp, but I found that riding a cu and hopping off to kill stuff while wearing good armor worked pretty well. Invis a lot, and it's not too terrible to zip around and nap the stray boglings/bog things.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I was alternating between two swamps (the one south of compassion desert, in fel and tram) and that worked alright for getting respawn.

You can't really lure the bad spawn away too well in the swamp, but I found that riding a cu and hopping off to kill stuff while wearing good armor worked pretty well. Invis a lot, and it's not too terrible to zip around and nap the stray boglings/bog things.
I think that's the same swamp I was playing in too. The spawn is fairly consistant, and there is only so much bad stuff in it.

I actually worked some of the other spawn to help break up the monotony - killed plague beasts for healthy glands, paralyzed plague beast lords to do the puzzle. It made it all not quite so boring...only now I have like 35 mutation cores I have no idea what to do with *laughs*.