Is in IMHO depressing. I'm beginning to have doubts that SA will ever see the light of day. I look around and its just sad.
Take the West Brit Bank makeover, they made over 3 shards and the rest are forgotten as are the poor contest winners.
Take a look at our EM events what started out as this awesome thing is nothing more than a mere shadow of its self. Thanks in part to greedy, whinerbabies.
Now the player run events are being affected. I attended the final "Name That Tune Contest" hosted by WWR. Sadly it was shut down in the middle not to be finished. I will not go into detail as to exactly what and why prompted the WWR Staff to permanently kill off what I found to be a rather enjoyable expirence. I will leave the details to WWR to reveal if they so choose. I will say this: its the same thing that is the slow death of the EM events. The me-me-me, mine-mine-mine, gimme-gimme-gimme greedy attitude that is the retched curse of UO.
Even more sad is the communcation between us and the Devs is drying up and blowing away like a tumbleweed in west Texas.
The latest nail in UO's coffin is reports from players that the phone Customer "NO" Service is telling players: "We are no longer trained in handling UO."
I can't help but wonder how much longer until they annouce UO is sunsetting.
Which brings me to this....What can each of us do to help revitalize, rebuild, and ultimate save UO from destruction? What can we do to show EA this game IS worthwhile and worth salvaging.
I think we could start by learning to be unselfish, more considerate and show some kindness to each other. I also think if every single UO player made the effort to turn in cheaters and the like every single time they saw them maybe it would encourage them to work on cleansing this unsavory element out of UO. I believe Respect is a two way street....if you want it you must earn it by respecting yourself and others. I really wonder if maybe, just maybe if we start showing the Devs and each other a little more respect then perhaps we could earn some in return.
As UO stands right this moment it make me so sad I could almost weep.
My one wish for UO is that it could rise from the "ashes" like the phoenix and become the game that it once was for all of us.
Regaurdless of what may come or go I will stay with UO until the bitter end. I only wish to delay that end for a while.
Take the West Brit Bank makeover, they made over 3 shards and the rest are forgotten as are the poor contest winners.
Take a look at our EM events what started out as this awesome thing is nothing more than a mere shadow of its self. Thanks in part to greedy, whinerbabies.
Now the player run events are being affected. I attended the final "Name That Tune Contest" hosted by WWR. Sadly it was shut down in the middle not to be finished. I will not go into detail as to exactly what and why prompted the WWR Staff to permanently kill off what I found to be a rather enjoyable expirence. I will leave the details to WWR to reveal if they so choose. I will say this: its the same thing that is the slow death of the EM events. The me-me-me, mine-mine-mine, gimme-gimme-gimme greedy attitude that is the retched curse of UO.
Even more sad is the communcation between us and the Devs is drying up and blowing away like a tumbleweed in west Texas.
The latest nail in UO's coffin is reports from players that the phone Customer "NO" Service is telling players: "We are no longer trained in handling UO."
I can't help but wonder how much longer until they annouce UO is sunsetting.
Which brings me to this....What can each of us do to help revitalize, rebuild, and ultimate save UO from destruction? What can we do to show EA this game IS worthwhile and worth salvaging.
I think we could start by learning to be unselfish, more considerate and show some kindness to each other. I also think if every single UO player made the effort to turn in cheaters and the like every single time they saw them maybe it would encourage them to work on cleansing this unsavory element out of UO. I believe Respect is a two way street....if you want it you must earn it by respecting yourself and others. I really wonder if maybe, just maybe if we start showing the Devs and each other a little more respect then perhaps we could earn some in return.
As UO stands right this moment it make me so sad I could almost weep.
My one wish for UO is that it could rise from the "ashes" like the phoenix and become the game that it once was for all of us.
Regaurdless of what may come or go I will stay with UO until the bitter end. I only wish to delay that end for a while.