If that is so why do I keep reading that much of the problem with scripting is because of the 2D client ??
It is not right then ?
Possibly, but it comes at a cost, unfortunately.
Tracking a number of players takes time and time cost money.
A solution relying on a client that would block scripting, automatically, would be quite less expensive than having to rely on personell that has a cost.
Does Ultima Online have enough revenues to allow for extensive Game Masters enforcement to go after scripters and cheaters ??
The reason why people have that misconception is because a particular scripting program currently runs on 2D only.
If UO stops supporting the 2D client and is made to only run in KR, scripters will create a new scripting program for KR. It might stop the scripters for a while, but it's like an arms race. Just like people keep creating programs for WoW and find ways to stealth around punkbuster.
As long people feel the need to cheat to get an advantage, they will find a way to do it. I can understand why they blame the 2D client, but if they look at the problem deeper, they will realise it's not the root of the problem and stopping support for the 2D engine is not the correct way.
As to increased GM staff, yes, it will likely cost time and money. 2 sides to this - UO definitely is generating enough revenue to support it. But EA at the moment seems to be reluctant on improving GM support.
However, they do not really need much extra resources. Starting small - consistent bannings only 1 cheater a day will curb 99% of the cheating activities. And this must be publicized.
This serves 2 purposes - instills confidence from the player base that GMs are indeed doing something and discourages would be cheaters from using cheats. At the moment, cheaters think they can get away with it because you rarely hear someone getting banned.
Same rationale whenever you read in the papers once criminals have been caught. If the police do not tell the public that they have caught the criminal, the public will think the police is not doing anything. Others comtemplating a crime will be enboldened to do so if they believe that there will be no reprisals.
Edit: Oh, adding a stealth detection engine into the UO 2D client to detect cheat programs is perfectly do-able, and I'd be surprised if they have not done it or thought of doing it. GMs would then have a much easier time to determine if the player was indeed cheating too.
Blocking it outright would work too, but reveals their hands immediately and allows the cheaters to work around the block.
Still, it boils down to letting cheaters know that they will be punished if they cheat. And not decommisionning the 2D client to stop cheating. It's like chopping off an arm to stop a fungul infection, instead of using medication to kill the fungus. The arm is gone forever, and the fungus will find a way to infect your other arm if you don't use medication.