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Should EA make vendor search engine?

Should EA make vendor search engine?

  • Yes

    Votes: 150 80.6%
  • No

    Votes: 31 16.7%
  • I don't care

    Votes: 5 2.7%

  • Total voters


Belaern d'Zhaunil
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Supporter
Part of me wants to vote yes....... for several reasons. First off, hundreds of people already use the search engines of other sites to do it... this would be more inclusive than just "Luna" vendors...

Would cut time when searching for that one illusive item at a fair price....

Might drive prices down lower to where newer players might actually aford them...

Might help UO to compete with some of the other games...

My thought would be perphaps this could be incorperated into the "new" client SA... if it was built properly it shouldn't create anymore lag or delay than there already is...

However.... much of me hates the idea... when I shop I never use those sites.... I do my shopping the old fashion way one vendor to the next... I find the the most amazing bargains... I also stummble upon things I have never seen in game... this is where I find things I haven't seen anywhere either here on stratics or at uo dot com...

Shopping by hand the old fashion way is also a way that you see the differences in how vendors are set up.... the shops... I explore the lands searching for vendors and it's at these times I find some of the most beautiful inspirations from other designers as I see 100's of homes...

I think if folk used such vending practices it would further degrade folk from exploring the lands...... much like runes, runebooks and gate travel have done... you see almost no one out in the lands just exploring anymore.... the only people I see riding around the countrysides are IDOC'ers.. looking for IDOC's...

I think it would further remove folk from a sense of community... Which is something I feel is already sadly being lost... I would like to see things done to further promote community... live vending... I want repair deeds removed from UO...

Perhaps it's already too late....


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I vote yes, it would be a wonderful idea!

Add-on suggestions -

1) To have your vendor listed in the search, you need to pay a fee (maybe higher vendor costs. Hey advertising's not free. Besides, it would act like a gold sink.

2) You need to approach an NPC to locate the item for you as suggested by a couple of posters. Can be a shady thief guildmaster or the merchant guild's guildmaster. Both will require a fee of course.

3) Both guildmasters' network of informants supplies them with hourly updated data (can be tweaked downwards if it takes too much cpu cycles).

4) From a database point of view, even though they have a massive database, queries shouldn't take too long using todays' db engines. They can even host it on a different server like the housing server. If scripters can do it and export the data into a database that provides decent response times to queries, I'm guessing the devs can do a faster and better version.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Yes. Other games have it, so should UO.

Not only that, you should be able to buy things off other shards, for an extra fee.

It is pretty easy to do. The should run it as a low priority service that returns results to the UO client. Outsource it to India today I say.


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It would already help a lot if one could have Jewel books (same kind of filters as for bod books). If you look for a ring with 0/3, LRC and some disco you could be facing a real nightmare having to browse useless jewelry in hundreds of vendors.

Nex Anima

Yes. Other games have it, so should UO.

Not only that, you should be able to buy things off other shards, for an extra fee.

It is pretty easy to do. The should run it as a low priority service that returns results to the UO client. Outsource it to India today I say.
yea lets give away more jobs in this time of struggle...

Just a question? whats on other shards thats not on this shard besides EM rares?


yea lets give away more jobs in this time of struggle...

Just a question? whats on other shards thats not on this shard besides EM rares?
Lower prices for one. But I imagine that would change it you could just buy cross shard without any transfer being involved.

Lady Aalia

Atlantic's Finest
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
i would like it impelemted... would finally take that monopoly away from Luna...

I dont like the Wow Auction house...

But i really loved the market Explorers they had in DAOC.

Its sad to see all the other small shops closed and aye i think the main reason was Luna its like a huge overpriced Walmart :(

Aye people may start out buying up the cheap stuff to resell it on the vendors but very fast they will be drowning in overflow stock since noone will pay the price anymore.



You all just dont get it. Once you do a search. All the significant items will be bought and horded. It will be speculators galore. The guy that finds out the next be things will, log on, buy the crap, and make you pay through the nose.

This will cause you to use your fancy search engine and find the good stuff is now selling for 10x the amount because players can search and buy up all the keys stuff.

This would ruin vending. Dont be short sighted.


UO Forum Moderator
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
lol I am reading these and just cant help but wonder how many of the nay sayers own luna houses

and vending is already ruined except for a few special people who have luna/tokuno houses
they have the market nearly cornered either destroy luna/tokuno or even the field those are the only ways I see to combat this!



You all just dont get it. Once you do a search. All the significant items will be bought and horded. It will be speculators galore. .
But the person looking for a specific mid range piece of armour would be able to find it at half the price of Luna...dont be so narrow minded and worried your luna vendor would lose money.

I pretty much guarantee every person who voted no have luna vendors...i have one but i would giv it up in an instant if i thought i could have my goods found somewhere else.

People dont shop they search and buy. Its the same principle of online shopping, you spend less money because you dont look at other goods, you know what you want and you buy it. The whole luna market ruined that instead of having a few well know (and some not) nice little boutiques you know have one massive online wall-mart(or tescos/asda for us brits).

Either, search the whole realm and allow some of these small boutiques to open up again or...somehow ban the sights. As option 2 isnt possible...vendor database. It would do wonders, people would search for an item...ooohhh i dont know that vendor, lets have a look around(even if some scripter has bought the item things dont refresh that fast)...I like that [insert whatever tickles your fancy], hmmm not badly priced either. I might buy that! Mark rune, and return without the search at a later date.

Old vendors used to be like that, if you found one you liked you would return...now there arent any! Theyve all gone to Luna!

P.S. Sorry for the long post.



You all just dont get it. Once you do a search. All the significant items will be bought and horded. It will be speculators galore. The guy that finds out the next be things will, log on, buy the crap, and make you pay through the nose.

This will cause you to use your fancy search engine and find the good stuff is now selling for 10x the amount because players can search and buy up all the keys stuff.

This would ruin vending. Dont be short sighted.
Its not short sighted to understand how the vendor community has pretty much been killed already because of Luna and the other AoS changes. Gone are 99% of all the cool vendor houses that used to exist. Why? People would rather have one stop shopping in a town than run around several facets trying to find what they are looking for.

You really believe that there are many vendors around today outside of Luna that have that 'next big thing' item on their vendor AND have a chance of someone happening to stumble across their tiny little vendor house in Timbuktu before the super vendors in Luna get ahold of their own and toss it on their Luna vendor? Not likely.

Making vendors outside of just the Luna area (and I get that you are protective of the Luna vendor setup.) more findable and successful is actually good for the game, not bad. On most shards, Luna is a cesspool. Its not an rp environment at all. So squash any 'immersive' ideas right there. And, Luna will always draw more customers than that vendor house in Timbuktu because instead of going to a vendor house in the sticks looking for a decent price on an item you want, most people will go to an entire town full of vendors. Why walk for an hour from vendor to vendor looking when you can just step to the next house? However, do a quick search on searchforuovendoritemsdotuodotcom and find out that what you really want happens to be in the sticks for a much better price and you are going to go there more often than not.

Will people buy low at the sticks and sell high in Luna? Sure. Do people already do that? Of course. Will someone try to monopolize the sale of a specific item? Sure. Do people already do that? Of course.

The Home Guild

StarWars Galaxies has the best vendor search system ever made in any mmo ever. UO could do with something similar. And you'd still find oddball items to buy since you still have to go TO the vendor to buy the item, the search only tells you which vendor has it and where it is.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
However, since there are people that are insanely wealthy thanks to Luna (or cheating), and many of them are complete a**holes who only care about money, it's most likely that if EA put something like that into the game those people would simply buy everything possible on the shards cheaper than their own prices and the end result would be the same.. you'd have to go to specific people to get anything, especially since there are plenty of scripters who could monitor the list 24 hours a day (could set up a complex script to buy any of a specific item thats cheaper than your price the moment it showed up on the list, im sure). And they wouldn't even have to sell the items, either! Having unlimited access to buy them means they can drain the market dry of those resources and charg whatever they damn well please for their own goods... you really want to see iron ingots at 1k gp per? A global vendor search would literally allow one or two people on every shard to monopolize the entirety of the game's economy. You can't even say i'm just being paranoid, i'm sure you've all seen what I mean in some form or another and know damn well there are people on every shard who would do it the moment it was put in. The only reason they don't right now even with the searchers there are is that there ARE all those alternative vendors on the shards outside of those cities.. currently its entirely possible to offer things much cheaper without worry.

What they need to do is work to shut down the search sites actively.. leaving them open only leads to complaining like this topic. It's a wonderful idea in theory, but in practice it would most likely kill the game, which i'm sure is why the devs have never done anything like it.
I highly suggest you take a basic economics class.

If someone tried to 'corner' the market on ingots - there would be MORE people join up to supply ingots. Why hunt monsters if Iron ingots are going for 1k?

Also - they only go for 1k if someone BUYS them at that. As soon as ingots go above 20gp each - I'll go ACQUIRE them myself. Its cheaper.

Vendor search is not going to drive prices up - rather it will lower them for all as prices are more transparent and you will quickly be able to find the best price shard wide. It will create FAR more price competition than it will create cornering of the market.

This is a GOOD idea for anyone who doesn't like luna prices.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

You all just dont get it. Once you do a search. All the significant items will be bought and horded. It will be speculators galore. The guy that finds out the next be things will, log on, buy the crap, and make you pay through the nose.

This will cause you to use your fancy search engine and find the good stuff is now selling for 10x the amount because players can search and buy up all the keys stuff.

This would ruin vending. Dont be short sighted.

No, no, no and no. You are completely incorrect.

I can use a search site now and go buy every soul seeker on Great Lakes for sale on the Luna Vendors. I'll put them up then at 1 mil each on my vendor.

Do you think I will get rich????

No. What will happen is everyone will dig into their collections and start tossing them on vendors first for 750k, then 500k, then lower as price wars start (IE more people joining it to supply at that price).

If the stored stash is exhausted, then people will start farming them.

The point is that for any item you can acquire - you can never 'hoard' the market. Its not like diamonds in the real world. In UO there is not a 'finite' amount of any item that still spawns.

I can try to hoard the market now with current technology on any item I want and it simply doesn't work.

ECON 101

Dermott of LS

UOEC Modder
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

Almost right.

In some cases it will raise CERTAIN price levels, in most it will lower them. However even in the case that it DOES raise prices, it will only do so up to a certain level at which point it will reach the point of diminishing returns.

Case in point:

If I wanted to "play the floor" (as I called it when I played the Auction House in WoW), I may decide to buy up all of a certain resource (say for instance, Shadow Ingots) below a certain pricepoint, then resell them at the new price pooint (which would become the new "floor").

In this manner the price of Shadow Ingots would in effect go up, HOWEVER there's a unique balance to this which you state above. And that is someone or groups of someones who then flood the market undercutting my price floor. If enough of the market does this, then I'm stuck with inventory I cannot sell unless I lower the price again to establish the new floor.

At that point, someone else with more gold would possibly try to re-establish a higher floor by buying out the market and the cycle continues.

In WoW, you never had an outright monopoly on harvested resources (such as ingots, leather, cloth, herbs) outside of the "purple drops" because there was always that ebb and flow of people putting stuff up for sale, others gaming the system, still others meta-gaming by sitting on a stash waiting to undercut and so on.

Also, in terms of resources, if you're working with Iron, normal leather, or any other resource purchased for an NPC, you already have a price floor which is what the NPC sells for. If the Market has all Iron starting at 100 gold per ingot and going up, then I'm going to skip the market and buy direct from NPCs (assuming I'm not mining or resmelting my own).

So there's a constant ebb and flow which becomes a game within itself and can be quite engaging.

Secondly, you're 100% correct in regards to the price of randomly created runic/enhanced/imbued armor/weapons and other spawning items. Those will see the greatest lowering in price.

Finally, someone COULD try and start putting stuff up at obscene prices, but that NEVER means they are worth or will sell at that price, and having a centralized system would highlight this practice and make the vendors involved much more apparant.

The UO vendor system worked well when there was only one or two facets with housing, however since everything has become so insanely spread out and with the addition of Luna, it's really become difficult for people who are not in Luna to be significantly involved in the Market without an AMAZING amount of devotion.


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
havnt u posted doing samethign now wonders if use that unnamed system to help pre publishes

:) afraid competion


You all just dont get it. Once you do a search. All the significant items will be bought and horded. It will be speculators galore. The guy that finds out the next be things will, log on, buy the crap, and make you pay through the nose.

This will cause you to use your fancy search engine and find the good stuff is now selling for 10x the amount because players can search and buy up all the keys stuff.

This would ruin vending. Dont be short sighted.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Ive suggested this a million times before, and we still dont have it.

UO's **JOKE** of a trading system is one of the unacceptable flaws that is holding it back from being competitive.

I've stated all the arguments on this subject too many times already and they've all fallen on deaf/******** ears. Suffice it to say in this post: I agree with original poster.

Vendor search engine for UO. It would be completely idiotic not to.

Lord Gareth

UO Content Editor | UO Chesapeake & Rares News
Stratics Veteran
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Wiki Moderator
I vote yes, it would be a wonderful idea!

Add-on suggestions -

1) To have your vendor listed in the search, you need to pay a fee (maybe higher vendor costs. Hey advertising's not free. Besides, it would act like a gold sink.

2) You need to approach an NPC to locate the item for you as suggested by a couple of posters. Can be a shady thief guildmaster or the merchant guild's guildmaster. Both will require a fee of course.

3) Both guildmasters' network of informants supplies them with hourly updated data (can be tweaked downwards if it takes too much cpu cycles).

4) From a database point of view, even though they have a massive database, queries shouldn't take too long using todays' db engines. They can even host it on a different server like the housing server. If scripters can do it and export the data into a database that provides decent response times to queries, I'm guessing the devs can do a faster and better version.

With all of these fees why would you even use it? Just get a Luna or Zento vendor and you are on a search engine. Seeing as the other searches are free why would you pay EA to use theirs? All the smaller shops are closing. I had to shut down my crafters hall where I made Spell books, Bolas, Golem Kits, Repair Deeds, Armor, Weps, Balms, Plants, Arcane clothing, Savage paint Etc etc because their is a massive Luna mall that sells all the same exact stuff but they are on a search site.

I will admit I asked my friend for some free Luna vendors. You know why I did it and that may make me a horrible person but their was no point in me wasting gold when all I wanted to do was bring decent priced goods to the community. I did runes daily and it was still more simple to go use a search site. I do now have a pure Crafters hall that sells Bulk amounts of Tables, Chairs, Chests, Alchemy stuff, Plants, Globes, Lighting etc only because its in my auction house now. Plus I sell it cheap and I'm the only shop anywhere on the shard of Chesapeake that sells bulk house deco.

So no on charging and no having to run around to some merchant GM and find them to use it. Many people are lazy and well I am lazy to, prolly why I only stick around my houses lol.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
With all of these fees why would you even use it? Just get a Luna or Zento vendor and you are on a search engine. Seeing as the other searches are free why would you pay EA to use theirs? All the smaller shops are closing. I had to shut down my crafters hall where I made Spell books, Bolas, Golem Kits, Repair Deeds, Armor, Weps, Balms, Plants, Arcane clothing, Savage paint Etc etc because their is a massive Luna mall that sells all the same exact stuff but they are on a search site.

I will admit I asked my friend for some free Luna vendors. You know why I did it and that may make me a horrible person but their was no point in me wasting gold when all I wanted to do was bring decent priced goods to the community. I did runes daily and it was still more simple to go use a search site. I do now have a pure Crafters hall that sells Bulk amounts of Tables, Chairs, Chests, Alchemy stuff, Plants, Globes, Lighting etc only because its in my auction house now. Plus I sell it cheap and I'm the only shop anywhere on the shard of Chesapeake that sells bulk house deco.

So no on charging and no having to run around to some merchant GM and find them to use it. Many people are lazy and well I am lazy to, prolly why I only stick around my houses lol.
Ahhh, but these in-game searches allows you to search EVERY single vendor EVERYWHERE in the entire Fel, Tram, Malas (including areas outside the ring of houses around Luna) and Tokuno (including areas outside the ring of houses around Zento)!

The fees that the seller needs to pay will be reduced if he sells most of his advertised wares quickly.

The fee that the buyer pays can include, or even be in the form of a transport service to the location. Since we are not dealing with Luna and Zento anymore, so some of these vendors are in really out of the way places. The guildmasters can even act as a proxy for you to buy the item and remove gold directly from your bank!

Consider this, would you still have needed to close your small shop had this service been available?

Would you pay this fee if you couldn't get a free vendor spot and had to rent a spot in Luna at outrageous prices?

If you were still running your own small vendor as a viable business, would you even need to question whether people would think you are a horrible person for renting vendor spots in Luna? (for the record, I don't think doing that makes you a horrible person or anything)

Would you agree that this is one more way to make a gold sink? For gold to leave the game system instead of being transferred from 1 player to another?


Always Present
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

Most of us know the search engines which search items from Luna vendors. Then problem is that this gives the Luna vendors Huge advantage compared to other vendors. Atleast I can't be arsed to be going through tons and tons of vendors and items when I can just use search engine which shows exactly where I find the item I'm looking for.

EA has the vendor item info on servers all the time, so making a search engine should be possible. I honestly think EA should make engine which covers all vendors, since the Luna search engines are there to stay. That would be the only way for EA to balance the situation.

I think yes.

The reason why I say this, is that while browsing vendors may be fun, at times, especially when one bumps into nice deals, occasionally, most times it becomes, at least for me, a time consuming chore.

If I need an item, a specific item, I do not want to spend days, weeks to find it.

It probably is out there but I may never find it and in the meantime, I cannot play as I wished because I am unable to find it.

Having a comprehensive search engine with filters I could find it in a few minutes and be ready to have fun in the game right away, without having to invest a huge amount of time.

Not to mention the advantages to small vendor places in the middle of an out of the way area which as of now see hardly any business but with a vendor search engine could thrive well if their owner maintaines them well and competitively priced.

That's at least how I see it.


Do you know what annoys me about stratics and the devs, if this poll had been about something pointless that wouldnt help the game in any way shape or form, then i almost guarantee we would have word of it being implemented soon. I mean look at the spread of votes 80% of people WANT a better vendor system! Yet polls about pointless thing(oh i dont know EM event items) had a much smaller gap in the polls, i think the em one finished with maybe a 15%spread, yet they were implemented.

Please Devs listen to the community...this change would revitalise the economy!

Looking for your gold sinks...heres one, more vendors=more vendor rentals=money leaving the game(admitadly not much but its a start)=lower base prices!


Always Present
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Do you know what annoys me about stratics and the devs, if this poll had been about something pointless that wouldnt help the game in any way shape or form, then i almost guarantee we would have word of it being implemented soon. I mean look at the spread of votes 80% of people WANT a better vendor system! Yet polls about pointless thing(oh i dont know EM event items) had a much smaller gap in the polls, i think the em one finished with maybe a 15%spread, yet they were implemented.

I may well be wrong, but my feeling is that no matter how great a players' idea could be, and usefull for them, like this built in vendors' search engine, the bottom line is how much planning and coding work it would take which may or may not fit with their current work plan and schedule.

I am not sure who determines what are the priorities for UO but sometimes, for the better sake of the game I think that changing jobs priorities while there is "work in progress" is not necessarily a bad thing if it can gain more subscriptions (or avoind losing too many).

But this needs, I would imagine, some "higher up" to evaluate the options and take a decision to divert resources from a planned job to a new priority felt as more important for the game.

I think that being over staffed may avoid this because it may give time to work on side projects which can meet players' requests more often.

That's why I think that monthly subscriptions are more important, IMHO, than one time sales like the 11th collection codes and similar, because they allow better long term planning and keeping of structured staff which can then meet players' requests more easily.


a search engine would just mess the game up... looking for bargains is part of the fun


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You can still look for bargains with such a system, plus race other people to the vendor!

It's slightly different, but instead of you walking around the entire shard, you "let your fingers do the walking".


WBB Contest...
Finish all WBBs...
Luna under invasion...

= Market Equity.


a search engine would just mess the game up... looking for bargains is part of the fun
You don't have to use a search feature if you don't want to. You can go around every facet and look through thousands of vendors with thousands of bags all you want. Not everyone finds that fun. Enjoy it though.


a search engine would just mess the game up... looking for bargains is part of the fun
Search engines already have, who honestly looks for bargains. when i say look i mean really look. As in wander the whole of the 3 facets looking for thatone bargain?

Majority, im not saying all, may look for a small period checking some old well known vendors or peopls gates at banks, dropped runed etc. but for the most part if they need something they will search luna and tok.

A shardwide EA run search engine, including links to gametime codes and the such could not only provide extra income to EA but also allow a more open market. People will probably still gate/drop runes to drum up awareness of there vendors and you may also see more of the "silly" item vendors, deco vendors and such.


First off. You are missing the point of the game.
Standing in a corner searching all the vendors in the game destroys the game further. If you dont get that you dont get that.

Dropping runes, advertising your vendor via gating, setting up a display on your house... etc. Lets just dumb the game down more where you can actually stand in your house and build skill, instance monsters too (why not), search the lands for items all in the safety of your home.

Create a vendor search.... No more vendor houses. That is... You stick your vendor in the back of your house in the cellar. A player searches and finds the location, recalls to your place, clicks the sign, and buys the product.

Are you talking about even having to go to the vendor? Why not just buy items from a terminal.

Im my opinion many of you are lazy. Sorry. Not personally lazy... game lazy.

Now a vendor search system for jewelry and armour pieces I can deal with that addition. It would make sense to have a vendor search function on THE HOUSE SIGN to search the players HOUSE vendors for specific armour or jewelry. MUCH LIKE THE BOD BOOKS work when you search them. A compromise.

Searching all the lands vendors from one place is a total game laziness.

Sorry. I love how you all think I have the high priced Luna vendors. Want to be able to make money vending? Have a luna vendor, 2 house vendors on your home plots, another vendor at brit gate.

To argue LUNA rules the land of vending is wrong. For all of you that blame LUNA remember YOU DONT HAVE TO BUY IT. You are a bit lazy. Dont shop at LUNA. I can tell you if I price something to high it doesnt sell. I lower the price. I wont sell at Luna, my houses, or Brit vendor. MY PRICE is to high.

Brother. Blame me (hehe).

And if they did implement a land wide vendor search. I would totally abuse it. As soon as I found out that rubies are need for new armour. BAM, I search rubies and buy them all. I put them on my vendor in my cellar. You go to the search function and see my rubbies for 3x as much.

HMM. I fail to see the logic of searching the land. The armour and jewelry search attach to the vendors home is not a bad idea.


You don't have to use a search feature if you don't want to. You can go around every facet and look through thousands of vendors with thousands of bags all you want. Not everyone finds that fun. Enjoy it though.
Youd rather just stand in a corner and get all you want without working for it.

This game is so sugar coated. Why not just give everyone everything they want?

Maybe a search feature on monsters of the lands so you can identify pre-emptively what items they have on them. Now you dont have to fight random monsters. You can just recall to the location of the monster that has what you want. That would be cool.


Oh wait lets have that feature on monsters and everyone that doesnt like it can just go and kill random monsters. That sounds fair.

Same thing... with land. Oh I hate looking for housing plots. Let me go to the available housing register in Brit and put in a search for 18x18. Once it shows me where it is... I can just recall there and place a house. NO NO. Let me place the house from the housing register and then I can recall to my newly placed house.

WHAT IDOCS... let me go to the IDOC register and scan the lands for locations of the houses that are falling. I will set a reminder to DING ME just before it falls. That sounds fair. Infact lets and insta recall that teleports me there 1 minute before it falls.

Does anyone work for anything in this game anymore? Anyone?

Lazy L-A-Z-Y

:loser: of an idea to have searchable vendors from a central location.


Search engines already have, who honestly looks for bargains. when i say look i mean really look. As in wander the whole of the 3 facets looking for thatone bargain?

Majority, im not saying all, may look for a small period checking some old well known vendors or peopls gates at banks, dropped runed etc. but for the most part if they need something they will search luna and tok.

A shardwide EA run search engine, including links to gametime codes and the such could not only provide extra income to EA but also allow a more open market. People will probably still gate/drop runes to drum up awareness of there vendors and you may also see more of the "silly" item vendors, deco vendors and such.
It wont add to an open market. It would open the entire market to power gamers. It will create power gamer monopolies. If it can be abused it will be abused. I know I am alone on this but you will have the vendors sucked dry via a search in the first 15 minutes of daily shard opening.

Sorry. The game mechanics are abused and thats exactly what would happen.

Putting filters on the VENDOR houses to search for items is a good compromise. A single search point of entry for the entire shard is silly.


Youd rather just stand in a corner and get all you want without working for it.

This game is so sugar coated. Why not just give everyone everything they want?

Maybe a search feature on monsters of the lands so you can identify pre-emptively what items they have on them. Now you dont have to fight random monsters. You can just recall to the location of the monster that has what you want. That would be cool.


Oh wait lets have that feature on monsters and everyone that doesnt like it can just go and kill random monsters. That sounds fair.

Same thing... with land. Oh I hate looking for housing plots. Let me go to the available housing register in Brit and put in a search for 18x18. Once it shows me where it is... I can just recall there and place a house. NO NO. Let me place the house from the housing register and then I can recall to my newly placed house.

WHAT IDOCS... let me go to the IDOC register and scan the lands for locations of the houses that are falling. I will set a reminder to DING ME just before it falls. That sounds fair. Infact lets and insta recall that teleports me there 1 minute before it falls.

Does anyone work for anything in this game anymore? Anyone?

Lazy L-A-Z-Y

:loser: of an idea to have searchable vendors from a central location.
No. I don't want to work for anything in a game. I want to have fun in a game. Its a game. Not a job. If you enjoy 'working' in a game, then more power to you. I choose games based on fun level. Making up 'lets make us insta recall blah blah blah' nonsense just shows your intelligent level when it comes to conversations like this.

No one is asking for insta anything. What they are asking for, and I know this is wasted typing on my part because you won't get it, is a way to make the vendor system work better and be more....wait for it...fun. You know who is having fun with the vendor system now? People like you with vendors in the one area where there IS a search feature. You know who doesn't want a multi facet search feature added? People like you that would end up NOT being able to take advantage of their Luna spots. Shocking I know.


It wont add to an open market. It would open the entire market to power gamers. It will create power gamer monopolies. If it can be abused it will be abused. I know I am alone on this but you will have the vendors sucked dry via a search in the first 15 minutes of daily shard opening.

Sorry. The game mechanics are abused and thats exactly what would happen.

Putting filters on the VENDOR houses to search for items is a good compromise. A single search point of entry for the entire shard is silly.
So vendors outside of Luna will actually be able to sell the things they put on their vendors within 15 minutes of shard up? Wow, that must suck for those vendors. After all, that happens in Luna every day now, right? People use the 3rd party search feature now to 'power game' the vendor system already. Right? So, you think that only Luna vendors should be able to sell out their stock? Gotcha!

And filters will do nothing to help non Luna vendors. Nothing. Which, as we know, is what you want anyway. Not everyone has a Luna vendor. Most of the good vendor houses outside of Luna are gone now. Why? No one wants to search through several facets to find a vendor to even USE any filter system that might be in place. Why would they? They have row after row after row of vendor houses all inside of Luna. Shocking again how certain people are anti 'non Luna' vendor play. Shocking I tell ya. Again, shocking. :thumbsup:


So vendors outside of Luna will actually be able to sell the things they put on their vendors within 15 minutes of shard up? Wow, that must suck for those vendors. After all, that happens in Luna every day now, right? People use the 3rd party search feature now to 'power game' the vendor system already. Right? So, you think that only Luna vendors should be able to sell out their stock? Gotcha!

And filters will do nothing to help non Luna vendors. Nothing. Which, as we know, is what you want anyway. Not everyone has a Luna vendor. Most of the good vendor houses outside of Luna are gone now. Why? No one wants to search through several facets to find a vendor to even USE any filter system that might be in place. Why would they? They have row after row after row of vendor houses all inside of Luna. Shocking again how certain people are anti 'non Luna' vendor play. Shocking I tell ya. Again, shocking. :thumbsup:
D'Amavir your playing the wrong game. If you don't want to work within a game (we know its not real life) this aint for you. Find a game where everything is at your finger tips.

Standing in one spot and having access to everything in game is simply stupid. It isn't in the spirit of this game. It make no sense and only caters to game laziness. If you cant see how a vendor search system would be exploited you never will.

As for wanting things at your finger tips. Thats your play style.

How about this...

A new craftable. A VENDOR CASE.
A player can secure it at their house and drop armour, weapons, and jewelry on it. The player can visit and search the contents like a bod book. The can give parameters and find matching items. And of course buy.

Thats to much work for you? This would be a great compromise for players. Then UO can institute vendor shop advertisement where players go and read about vendors shops (at a central location) and what they sell. They can get to cooridinates a go there.

There is a cost for vendors to list their shops. A gold sink. There is a cost to build and buy the VENDOR CASE. A gold sink. There is some organization for players to find a great arties vendor or great jewelry vendor and there is method to search the vendors at the homes.

The catch... You actually have to play the game to play the game. Sorry.


Oh and you can find a vendor spot in luna for 100k a month.
Try it.
I can find bargain at Luna. Try it.
I also sell at my houses and Brit.

So let me get this right. You dont like Luna cause its all centralized but over priced in your opinion.

Now luna is over priced because of it central location... logic states.

Now you want to make ALL GAME VENDORs centralized?
Argh. So the guy that once sold silver for 125k per 1000k instead of the 200k per 1000 in luna... is what going to keep selling it for 125k.

NO NO NO. He will raise his price up because now the whole freaking land has become one large centralized LUNA. (laughing). Now prices go up everywhere.

WHY? because now vendors have access to hundreds or thousands of buyers.

Short Sighted.:cursing:


D'Amavir your playing the wrong game. If you don't want to work within a game (we know its not real life) this aint for you. Find a game where everything is at your finger tips.
Fun. Not work. You don't get it, just like I said you wouldn't.

Standing in one spot and having access to everything in game is simply stupid. It isn't in the spirit of this game. It make no sense and only caters to game laziness.
Its not laziness. Its a desire to have fun. I have fun playing the game. I don't have fun running around 3 facets hoping to stumble across a vendor that actually has things for sale. Then pouring through hundreds of bags on that vendor hoping to find what I am looking for. Then buying that item hoping that the price on it is decent.

If you cant see how a vendor search system would be exploited you never will.[/qoute]

Everything is exploited in an online game. Let's take away loot on monsters because people can exploit that. Then lets remove pvp because people can exploit that. Then lets remove events because people can exploit those. The simple fact is that there already IS a vendor search system. The only difference a UO sponsored one would make is that Luna wouldn't be the one and only vendor spot. Again, I know thats bad for you personally. But for the game its good.

As for wanting things at your finger tips. Thats your play style.
No. That's you wanted to protect your Luna investment by making up things. Shocking.

How about this...

A new craftable. A VENDOR CASE.
A player can secure it at their house and drop armour, weapons, and jewelry on it. The player can visit and search the contents like a bod book. The can give parameters and find matching items. And of course buy.
How does that benefit the vendors that aren't in Luna? Why can't you grasp that the vendor system is dying for all players not in Luna? Sure, let's use a vendor case. Where are people going to use that case? Out in a wilds of Trammel where a guy has a lone vendor house because he loves playing a vendor but can't afford a Luna house? Or the dozens of vendor houses IN LUNA? Answer honestly.

Thats to much work for you? This would be a great compromise for players. Then UO can institute vendor shop advertisement where players go and read about vendors shops (at a central location) and what they sell. They can get to cooridinates a go there.
So having a list of a vendor site at your fingertips is ok but finding out what that vendor has without having to go to dozens of empty vendors is inherently wrong? How?

There is a cost for vendors to list their shops. A gold sink. There is a cost to build and buy the VENDOR CASE. A gold sink. There is some organization for players to find a great arties vendor or great jewelry vendor and there is method to search the vendors at the homes.
And who do you think will have money to afford this case? Vendors out in the sticks supporting themselves with the one or two random visitors they get or the dozens of already rich vendors in Luna? Again, I get that you are Luna centric. Its like real life, the haves do anything they can to hold on to their advantages and the have nots are stuck with nothing and end up giving up. Again and again, I get your love for Luna. If EVERYONE had a Luna vendor house, this wouldn't be such an issue I don't believe. But they don't. A few rich folk do while those same rich folk do anything they can to make sure they stay the rich folk. Even to the detriment of the overall game.

The catch... You actually have to play the game to play the game. Sorry.
EXACTLY. Most vendors quit playing the game because of the fact that they can't possibly compete with the vendor houses. So, ya, they don't get to play the game anymore. Some of us are trying to save that playstyle. Some of you are trying to do and say anything you can to ensure that they stay gone.

Personally, I don't even have a vendor. Never had a vendor and probably never will have a vendor. Its not my thing. But I do think that MORE play styles are a good thing. I don't believe that the Luna monopoly is a good thing for the game. Would I think differently if I had a Luna vendor house? Nope. I still wouldn't run a vendor. Why? Is it too much work? No. It has nothing to do with work. Its just not something I have FUN with.

People like you confuse supporting a different playstyle than their own and wanting to actually have FUN in a game with laziness. Its not that at all. But, as I said before, you will never understand that. I get that. Completely.


Oh and you can find a vendor spot in luna for 100k a month.
Try it.
I can find bargain at Luna. Try it.
I also sell at my houses and Brit.
Sure you do.

So let me get this right. You dont like Luna cause its all centralized but over priced in your opinion.

Now luna is over priced because of it central location... logic states.

Now you want to make ALL GAME VENDORs centralized?
Who said anything about wanting all the game vendor centralized? Besides you of course. No one, that's who. What they asked for was a search feature that enabled vendors that WEREN'T centralized in Luna to benefit from the same thing that vendors in Luna benefit from. Information. You admitted it already. You can find bargains in Luna. So, you go to Luna. If there was a search feature that allowed people to find bargains south of Trinsic at "Joe Blow's House of Sales' more people would go there for bargains. Who would benefit then? Joe Blow for one. The people finding bargains there for another. Who wouldn't? The people at the ONLY centralized vendor spot, Luna. Shocking once again that certain people are so protective of Luna.

Argh. So the guy that once sold silver for 125k per 1000k instead of the 200k per 1000 in luna... is what going to keep selling it for 125k.

NO NO NO. He will raise his price up because now the whole freaking land has become one large centralized LUNA. (laughing). Now prices go up everywhere.
Well, if I search a search site and find silver for 125k per 1000 at Joe Blow's and 200k per 1000 in Luna, where do I go to buy it? Joe Blow's. Who suffers? The guy in Luna selling it for 200k, that's who. Once again again again, overprotective of Luna much? Yes. If I go to a search site now and see silver for 200k per 1000 at Luna and that's it, where do I go? Luna. Why? Because I have no clue Joe Blow's even sells silver, much less that they sell it cheaper.

WHY? because now vendors have access to hundreds or thousands of buyers.

Short Sighted.:cursing:
RIGHT! Vendors in Luna have access to hundreds or thousands of buyers. Vendors not in Luna don't. You are right, there is some short sightedness going on. But, its the people like you that defend Luna so much that are short sighted. You don't understand that more people playing vendors and running vendor houses in UO is GOOD for the game. More players playing equals more people paying for accounts which equals more money for EA which means more resources for UO. Less people playing means the opposite. Short sighted indeed.


Dang I see your really hate Luna.
I hope the game relaxes you.

Never mind. Vendor search for everyone. Woohoo.

And remember... Once you turn all vendors into one big LUNA shop via a searchable vendor point... It will just be a massive LUNA.

Good luck in finding what you need.

Nothing left to do but dance. :danceb:


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I'd only be in favor of a minimalist search system:

1. One that is only updated during server downtime (after all, it's common in the real world to miss out on a sale price from the seller selling out of the item before the ad circular gets delivered in the mail, 2 days into the sale - similarly, sometimes, one can luck into a nice buy that hasn't been advertised yet)
2. One that does NOT allow you to direct-buy from anywhere, but instead, gives you the facet and coordinates of the shop you want. You could even theoretically have KR/SA able to automatically add a waypoint to your map, for directions there. This would encourage people to go places they otherwise would not go.
3. One that charges gold every query.
4. Add a feature that makes it to where any item bought from a vendor, can not be put on another player's vendor for 24 or 48 hours (in like of coding such as the vendor penalty, this should not be all that hard). This would reduce the amount of speculation buying, as trying to do this on a large scale to corner the market would result in a person eventually running out of house lockdowns.


Oh and you can find a vendor spot in luna for 100k a month.
Try it.
I can find bargain at Luna. Try it.
I also sell at my houses and Brit.

So let me get this right. You dont like Luna cause its all centralized but over priced in your opinion.

Now luna is over priced because of it central location... logic states.

Now you want to make ALL GAME VENDORs centralized?
Argh. So the guy that once sold silver for 125k per 1000k instead of the 200k per 1000 in luna... is what going to keep selling it for 125k.

NO NO NO. He will raise his price up because now the whole freaking land has become one large centralized LUNA. (laughing). Now prices go up everywhere.

WHY? because now vendors have access to hundreds or thousands of buyers.

Short Sighted.:cursing:
Just another point. You completely contradict yourself. You claim that you can find bargains in Luna. Then you turn around and say that having a search function would cause the market to be controlled by greedy people that buy up everything and mark up prices. Well, Luna benefits from a search feature already. And, I don't see many of those mystery 'every item buyer uppers' that you guys claim will pop up. The only difference, and that is ONLY difference a UO sponsored search function would make is that people not in Luna will start having more customers.

People are still out hunting for silver and putting in on their vendors. Some people sell it for less than others. Some sell it for me. And, there is a search feature. People are still out hunting for artifacts and putting them on their vendors. Some people sell them for less than others. Some sell them for more. And there is a search feature.


Dang I see your really hate Luna.
I hope the game relaxes you.
I love UO. You love Luna and your Luna vendors. Eh, to each his own I guess.

And remember... Once you turn all vendors into one big LUNA shop via a searchable vendor point... It will just be a massive LUNA.
No, it won't. It will turn into what it used to be. Several facets were people can make a living running a vendor. As opposed to ONE facet and ONE town where a few rich people make a living doing so.

Good luck in finding what you need.
Good luck taking advantage of the illegal search feature to support your vendors in Luna. Its a slap in the face of non Luna vendors but you obviously don't care about them. After all, you have your Luna.


The only one I can think of is Dor's: It would potentially be another loss of immersion. It's very hard to think of a plausible RP explanation for such a database. Sure I could think of one. Try this: The realm keeps careful track of vendors for tax purposes, and decided to make the information public to help commerce. But it feels like a major reach, doesn't it.

And the counter-argument to that: The existence of at least 2 "illegal" and unofficial databases that are widely known and widely used, and overwhelmingly showcase Luna vendors, already kills any immersion to the shopping part of this game.

Any loss of immersion for an official database is more than compensated for by the positive effects.

Does someone know of another good argument against this?

And does someone know database programming well enough to be able to speculate intelligently about how hard this would be for them to set up, and why they haven't done it already?

-Galen's player
Galen the one thing a searchable database would do is create a market that could easily be exploited. That includes the buying OUT of resources and elite items. There are other compromises that can create a better search function on the vendor houses.

We all know there are or is that is trillions of gold in "our" pockets. It wouldnt be a far leap for new items to be scarfed up to be resold for max. It wouldnt be a far leap to have a new recipe come out and someone snags all thee rubies at server up.

To me the manipulative features of a searchable vendor system out weighs the benefits.

And finally I dont want my game style ruined. I am a LUNA vendor pig. Just kidding. But I might as well become one as I am accused.


I'd only be in favor of a minimalist search system:

1. One that is only updated during server downtime (after all, it's common in the real world to miss out on a sale price from the seller selling out of the item before the ad circular gets delivered in the mail, 2 days into the sale - similarly, sometimes, one can luck into a nice buy that hasn't been advertised yet)
I agree there. It would cut down on a lot of the server usage that way as well.

2. One that does NOT allow you to direct-buy from anywhere, but instead, gives you the facet and coordinates of the shop you want. You could even theoretically have KR/SA able to automatically add a waypoint to your map, for directions there. This would encourage people to go places they otherwise would not go.
Exactly. I don't support a one stop shopping concept at all. To me, its exactly like you say. It should be a way to encourage people to go to more places to shop that just Luna.

3. One that charges gold every query.
Not sure about that one. But, depending on the actual cost it may not be so bad.

4. Add a feature that makes it to where any item bought from a vendor, can not be put on another player's vendor for 24 or 48 hours (in like of coding such as the vendor penalty, this should not be all that hard). This would reduce the amount of speculation buying, as trying to do this on a large scale to corner the market would result in a person eventually running out of house lockdowns.
I am all for that as well. Its a good way to both support non Luna vendors and cut down on those trying to monopolize. Its not perfect, by any means. But its better than what we have now by far.


Galen the one thing a searchable database would do is create a market that could easily be exploited. That includes the buying OUT of resources and elite items. There are other compromises that can create a better search function on the vendor houses.

We all know there are or is that is trillions of gold in "our" pockets. It wouldnt be a far leap for new items to be scarfed up to be resold for max. It wouldnt be a far leap to have a new recipe come out and someone snags all thee rubies at server up.
Isn't this happening now since Luna is already searchable? You claim to be able to still find bargains there so I assume its not. But maybe it is and no one notices it but you. Fill us in.

To me the manipulative features of a searchable vendor system out weighs the benefits.
There already is a searchable vendor system in place. Just the only people that benefit from it are Luna vendors. I don't get what's so wrong with non Luna vendors being able to play the game too. Honestly, I don't get it.

And finally I dont want my game style ruined. I am a LUNA vendor pig. Just kidding. But I might as well become one as I am accused.
So if I accuse you of being intelligent and able to carry out a conversation without calling people lazy for wanting to have fun in a game you will turn into that as well? Sweet. You are that.



Linking the rest of the game into a central vendor database would be a good thing as it would set up a new dynamic that would allow people not only to undercut the monopoly of Luna vendors, but do so in such a way that people can actually LOCATE The item without running for hours through the lands.

For all of its faults as a game, one of the best aspects of WoW was the centralization of the auction house. You could find what you were looking for as well as play the market on various items as a sub-game. It didn't "ruin" sales outside of the auction house as the /Trade channel was constantly busy as well.

Might make for a good use of Public Bulletin Boards at banks if they had this functionality. It would bring people to different banks based on the one that they like best asthetically instead of simply piling into Luna because of how it is set up.
You assume it would undercut. I wish you were right. It wont undercut anything. Two things would happen. For some reason everyone in Luna is considered a thief and steals gold by charging high prices. Well thats not true... But what will happen is the lone vendors NOT in Luna will either... raise their prices or be bought out. Very little price chance once the system has been up.

Sadly, people think LUNA BAD and other vendors fair and GOOD. Human nature leans toward greed. Even more so in a game. I would love to think the market gets better balance. It won't.


Isn't this happening now since Luna is already searchable? You claim to be able to still find bargains there so I assume its not. But maybe it is and no one notices it but you. Fill us in.

There already is a searchable vendor system in place. Just the only people that benefit from it are Luna vendors. I don't get what's so wrong with non Luna vendors being able to play the game too. Honestly, I don't get it.

So if I accuse you of being intelligent and able to carry out a conversation without calling people lazy for wanting to have fun in a game you will turn into that as well? Sweet. You are that.
I think your game style is lazy. Not personally. I dont know you.
But your arguements are weak. I cant make you go become a merchant in game.

You dont even have vendors your said.

You assume Luna rips everyone off and is searched away.

Okay. You win. It is how you see it.

Why I can walk to the north side of Luna and buy silver for 200k and walk to the south side (or is it vice versa) and sell it for 250k... I guess is a delusion.

Why the guy next to me has 100 rubies for 700k? Which I prefer to buy at 2k but if a recipe comes out I can snarf them. Isnt real.

Sometime (and I dont search luna illegally) I walk and say vendor look and I use my experience to find items I can resell at 20% profit. It doesnt matter what the item is. I dont deal in armour or weapons. PvM is way to easy and PvP is a scripters paradise. But thats another story.

When new stuff comes out I buy it a resell it.

I guess Im not doing that.

My vendor house in trammel has just had another player open a house next to me. He is getting up and going and we will be gating and dropping runes. I guess we arent really doing that.

If you play atlantic look for runes to MALKINS imports or something with Malkin it.

Time to dance my friend you win. :danceb:

red sky

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Client has NOTHING to do with server side lag. Adding in complex searches will kill it. Guess your opinion is void due to lack of understanding of client/server interaction:coco:

I thought people who worked on that unmentionable program were not paid?

So I'd say what those third party websites do that OSI couldn't do is make something that works reasonable well and fix issues quickly/regularly.

ROFL... if the search was only a client side issue, you'd be right. However, all the work is done server side which already has speed issues.
Okay, basically what I deduced from your post is that you believe that the third party websites are perfectly fine and should stay where they are. Which would means you believe it's okay for them to make tons of money from UO subscribers that they can spend on a new corvette or something IRL. Whereas if OSI did something like this, they could perhaps spend the money on actually improving these server side issues you speak of and making the game better, so that stupid trolls like you don't have to show their faces.

whos the ones allowing this to happen? Not the people running the third party engines, not EA but the players by using it. Its just like buying items with RL cash, its there because theres a market for it...so should EA just start selling gold as well?
Indeed, it is the players fault. But, at the same time you have to understand the nature of the beast. It's like baseball. One player buys a really nice bat. So the next player feels they should go buy a better bat in order to compete. Unfortunately, in this case, it's concerns pixels and people who have money IRL to spend on an addiction to a game. Oh, and your post did absolutely nothing to try and solve the issue at hand but stated the obvious and a sarcastic conclusion.


I'd only be in favor of a minimalist search system:

1. One that is only updated during server downtime (after all, it's common in the real world to miss out on a sale price from the seller selling out of the item before the ad circular gets delivered in the mail, 2 days into the sale - similarly, sometimes, one can luck into a nice buy that hasn't been advertised yet)
2. One that does NOT allow you to direct-buy from anywhere, but instead, gives you the facet and coordinates of the shop you want. You could even theoretically have KR/SA able to automatically add a waypoint to your map, for directions there. This would encourage people to go places they otherwise would not go.
3. One that charges gold every query.
4. Add a feature that makes it to where any item bought from a vendor, can not be put on another player's vendor for 24 or 48 hours (in like of coding such as the vendor penalty, this should not be all that hard). This would reduce the amount of speculation buying, as trying to do this on a large scale to corner the market would result in a person eventually running out of house lockdowns.

Number 1 is the INSTA killer. I agree with you. The vendors will be purged of all relevant stuff (hot commodities) in 2 minutes. No Walmart specials.

Number 2 that wont do much. Imagine the complaints now. "well I found my item and had to recall there and buy it"

Number 3 I would actually be for a searchable database if it charge 100k per use. YES 100k. WHY? I can feel for the guy searching for a weapon, piece of armour or jewelry. Maybe a steep cost would be a balance feature.

NUMBER 4 Well 24 hours, 48 hours, whats the diff. I would sell it 3 days. And think of the complication of programming it.

I say give use display cases made by craftsman. Let us set up cool vendor houses and advertise on a board at banks. People can read the BRIT PENNY SAVER and see whats going on.


I think your game style is lazy. Not personally. I dont know you.
But your arguements are weak. I cant make you go become a merchant in game.
Weak? How?

You dont even have vendors your said.
Correct. I don't. I use them though. And I know that all of the old ones that used to be around have pretty much left. Why? Because they aren't in Luna.

You assume Luna rips everyone off and is searched away.
I do? I don't believe I ever said that Luna rips everyone off. If I did, which I didnt, I didn't mean to. But, since I didn't, it doesn't matter.

Okay. You win. It is how you see it.
How do I see it?

Why I can walk to the north side of Luna and buy silver for 200k and walk to the south side (or is it vice versa) and sell it for 250k... I guess is a delusion.
Because there isn't a search feature in game? That's why? Obviously so. Because it there was, according to you, as soon as the 200k silver popped up, some mystery person would buy it all up and then corner the market on it. Good thing that vendors in Luna aren't searchable so that doesn't happen right now. Right?

Why the guy next to me has 100 rubies for 700k? Which I prefer to buy at 2k but if a recipe comes out I can snarf them. Isnt real.
What isn't real? I don't follow.

Sometime (and I dont search luna illegally) I walk and say vendor look and I use my experience to find items I can resell at 20% profit. It doesnt matter what the item is. I dont deal in armour or weapons. PvM is way to easy and PvP is a scripters paradise. But thats another story.
You walk around the sticks and say vendor look? Or you walk around Luna and do so?

When new stuff comes out I buy it a resell it.

I guess Im not doing that.
You buy out vendors in the sticks and resell them? So, you are able to do that without a search feature but no one else can? Hmmm. Guess you are smarter than all other players since they haven't figured out how to do that yet. Good thing you can though.

My vendor house in trammel has just had another player open a house next to me. He is getting up and going and we will be gating and dropping runes. I guess we arent really doing that.
Good luck. If you make a non Luna non Zento vendor house work and be profitable, I am all for it. I hope you do succeed and I hope many many more like you do as well.

If you play atlantic look for runes to MALKINS imports or something with Malkin it.
That sounds lazy. Why would I use a rune to go directly to a vendor when I can do something more work-like like running around 4 facets trying to find one? Lazy that is.

Time to dance my friend you win. :danceb:

Usually, yes. But, I have to consider my competition. And when I do, its not really much of a challenge.


Number 2 that wont do much. Imagine the complaints now. "well I found my item and had to recall there and buy it"
Only people like you would complain about that. Some of us WANT to do more than walk around Luna looking for things to buy up and resell at higher prices like you. Its called interacting with people. Try it.

Number 3 I would actually be for a searchable database if it charge 100k per use. YES 100k. WHY? I can feel for the guy searching for a weapon, piece of armour or jewelry. Maybe a steep cost would be a balance feature.
I would totally pay 100k gold to be able to search for powder of fortification so I can save 2k. Totally. Great idea!

NUMBER 4 Well 24 hours, 48 hours, whats the diff. I would sell it 3 days. And think of the complication of programming it.
Of course you would. You are that type. People in Luna are closing their shops every day because people swoop in at server up and buy up all their stock and then turn around and resell it for twice as much. Yep. Every day those vendors that are selling out their stock are all quitting the game. Yep. Totally.

I say give use display cases made by craftsman. Let us set up cool vendor houses and advertise on a board at banks. People can read the BRIT PENNY SAVER and see whats going on.
I would be all for having advertising for vendor houses at banks. But that won't even come close to changing the stranglehold that Luna has on the vendor playstyle. I wish it wasn't that way. But AoS changed UO forever and we are still seeing that today.

I still don't think the display case does anything for non Luna vendors. And, since you won't even attempt to explain how it helps non Luna vendors, I probably never will understand that. But, keep dancing instead. Those who can, think. Those who can't, dance. Or something like that.