I have picked that post, but I could have picked many others. I used to play an archer, 45 hci, some lower d, 120 archery.
If I fought a player with 45 DCI, 120 weapon skill, and 120 parry, I can honestly say I was lucky to hit 3 times out of 10.
As we are talking about moving shot, lets take the heavy xbow for an example. 20-29 base damage IF you have max str-anat-tactics and DI. Then 1/2 chance (in the best case) that i hit a 8-10 damage fireball and 1/2 chance that I hit 2-10 damage velocity. So in the best case scenario, I hit 29+10 average 3 times out of 10. I have extraordinary high stam, so i shoot every 2 seconds that heavy x bow.
So, if you are bad enough not to turn around and disarm me, or dump and get my stam so low i cant even swing, that means that you are running away from me and in the best case scenario I am dealing 117 damage every 20 seconds. Needless to say that if you bandage yourself every 4 seconds for 50 hitpoints, and that you use greater heal pots, there is no way in the world that you will die to me.
Can an archer disarm you? No. Can an archer bleed you? No. Can an archer parry your weapon? No.
What cracks me up is players that try to fit 10 skills in their template to deal max damage, but no parry and or wrestling (ex. necro - mage and whatever gimp thing such as taming), run the hat of magi/ornament/pendant, so most likely less than 50 physical; yet they will come here to cry: "nerf archers and moving shot!"
Where to start...
Archers aren't over powered because you fought one guy, who probably was a dexer with parry and couldn't kill him? Oh you're right if you couldn't kill this one guy then it should probably be buffed up some more...good logic.
Talking about moving shots with a heavy cross bow and two hit spells, saying you do ~117 damage in 20 seconds. That's laughable. If a target was a 8 tiles while you were shooting them you could do close to 40 damage times a swing every 2 seconds, you're doing close to 400 damage.
Most mages can't disarm these days because they mage weps. Due to a lot of changes(med change was a big one), most mages are forced to use them. A very small % of mages can actually disarm so let's not act like this is an easy solution.
Next you go on to say why doesn't a mage just dump on you, knock down your stam and you're not swinging. Oh you're right I forgot balanced bows don't exist, I mean it's not like you can just drink a total refresh while you're shooting OR divine fury. Man everyone is a noob why didn't they think of that...just bomb on you and your stam is down for the entire fight. I feel so stupid I didn't think of that!
Your next part is that whoever your fighting is healing and potting. Sorry I don't know too many mages that have healing. I've seen about two in the entire game that still have healing. Even with healing depending on how hard you hit an archer could still do massive damage, and don't forget that in pvp anything over 19 damage makes your bandage weaker everytime.
Can an archer bleed, and disarm. I don't know where you've been, but the archer with fencing[or any other meele] Is the all the rage, so yes most archers can do both.
Then we have you talking about a mage without wrestle or parry, but you don't talk about mage weps, a necro mage tamer could just get a -20mage wep + crystaline and have 120 wep skill... so I don't know what your point is there exactly? You go on to talk about low physical with pendant/HoM/and orny. What does the orny have to do with anything, do you have one that has physical resist or something? And how many mages do you see in pvp that are wearing HoM and Pendant, and are they good pvpers..
You post had a lot of bad examples in it, I suggest you try again.
Archers do need a nerf and even the
devs said the QoR is going to be fixed because it IS making archers do an insane amount of damage.
Edit: Forgot to talk about parry, most mages can't use parry because again, much like the med change where they had to go with mage weps, they made it so you need 80dex for it to be worth while. Maybe if they switched it back to just being based off parry skill and not dex that would be an option.