yea but do they lose max durability when repaired? i thought all items have a chance to loose dura. also should it go down to 0/0 durability would i still be able to wear it or does it poof
That's an interesting question. About a week ago, I used a less-than-GM blacksmith to try to repair some copper ringmail sleeves. Their durability when she started was something like 8/40. Even though she could make new ringmail sleeves out of copper, she couldn't repair the worn ones. Just for grins, I had her keep trying to repair them until the durability was down to 0/0.
When it hit 0/0, guess what happened?
I think she could still be standing there trying to repair those sleeves with their 0/0 durability!
I finally threw them away because it would have been extremely annoying to wear them and keep getting a message about them being on the verge of breaking. I'm also not sure how much protection they would have provided. It's always seemed to me that a melee character, especially, begins to take more damage as their armor falls into disrepair.
Also, it seems like broken armor USED to just poof when it got to 0/0 durability. So I'm not sure what happened and why that particular piece refused to crumble into oblivion.