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Why does inscription...


Slightly Crazed
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...reveal a hidden player? Other trade skills do not, why does inscription?...la
Bizarre! I would never have even thought to inscribe a scroll any where but in my home or possiblely in the bank. How did you find out this fact. I know I wouldn't stop to inscribe a scroll in an combat situation.


UO Forum Moderator
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some times people will work a craft like alchemy or scribe while waiting for spawn and its handy not to get targetted while doing so

Stratic Fanatic

Inscription uses mana, other trade skills do not.

Probably a coding flaw. It sees mana getting used so it reveals like a spell. Thats my assumption :)


Belaern d'Zhaunil
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Perhaps it is tied to mana..... because you reveal if you meditate too... I find it interesting you can't meditate and hide at the same time anymore. And I noticed this too when trying to copy books using inscription.


Stratics Legend
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Inscription uses mana, other trade skills do not.

Probably a coding flaw. It sees mana getting used so it reveals like a spell. Thats my assumption :)
Problem was, I was copying books using the inscription skill. No mana is used to do this, so it shouldn't reveal...at least imo...la

Stratic Fanatic

Problem was, I was copying books using the inscription skill. No mana is used to do this, so it shouldn't reveal...at least imo...la
That is odd.
I dont think anything scribe related should reveal. It should work like the other trade skills.

Ive had a scribe mage since day 1 but I must admit Ive never done more than make books/scrolls at home or at the bank. I wasnt aware it would reveal. Definately needs to be addressed by the Devs.

Even using RL common sense, making armor/weapons/clothes would be louder and require more movement than writing a book. Other trade skills should reveal before Inscript does ;)


Stratics Veteran
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UO logic....You can bang on metal with a hammer and anvil all day while hidden but you can't hide and write a scroll. I must also add that the question was a little poorly written in that at first it sounded like if you had inscription on a char it would reveal a hidden player. Wonder how many people just soulstoned inscription back onto their chars to reveal stealth archers.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Let me guess..... Rico is working scribe while sitting at Luna bank on Siege waiting for someone, anyone to come close enough so he can steal their regs/aids.

It's a sad lonely little world you live in pal.


Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
Let me guess..... Rico is working scribe while sitting at Luna bank on Siege waiting for someone, anyone to come close enough so he can steal their regs/aids.

It's a sad lonely little world you live in pal.
Care to try again sweety?...la


Stratics Veteran
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Nope.... haven't had anything stolen because I'm just that good.

But I still love you anyways Rico. :grouphug:


UO Forum Moderator
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Ever think it's because if you're invisible (since hidden & invisibility are treated as the same thing for most purposes), it's kind of hard to see what your invisible pen is writing on your invisible book, with invisible ink? Especially if you're copying a book that is itself invisible...

Think about the logic involved.....

Stratic Fanatic

Yes, invisible ingots/scissors/hammers/cloth/etc. are much easier to see.

Your logic fails :)


UO Forum Moderator
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Yes, invisible ingots/scissors/hammers/cloth/etc. are much easier to see.

Your logic fails :)

Your logic fails, not mine....

I know people who crochet/knit in the dark. There are legends of blind smiths making incredible weapons.

Crafting is something that can be done by feel; it's something that is the result of practice (And note that you still hear the crafting being done in UO).... most people can't write in a straight line with their eyes closed. And you definitely can't copy something you can't see TO copy.

Apples and oranges, my friend.

Stratic Fanatic

Your logic fails, not mine....

I know people who crochet/knit in the dark. There are legends of blind smiths making incredible weapons.
Blind. Yes.
Invisible. No.

Crafting is something that can be done by feel; it's something that is the result of practice (And note that you still hear the crafting being done in UO)
Making books and scrolls would qualify as this. You can also hear scribes writing.

I stick by my logic :)


Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
Yeah, when you are "hiding" you arent invisible. The game may treat you the same way, but in the reality of the game world you would be able to see yourself just fine, as you are only hiding yourself from others.


You can scribe while hidden. You can't stealth for a few seconds after inscription. I play a scribe on SP and stealth while I make scrolls. You just have to wait the few seconds before your char. makes a stealth check.


Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
You can scribe while hidden. You can't stealth for a few seconds after inscription. I play a scribe on SP and stealth while I make scrolls. You just have to wait the few seconds before your char. makes a stealth check.

I was standing still...la


Well, I don't know what to say to that, Rico. I have always been able to scribe scrolls while hidden, in my house, at the bank, in dungeons, and everywhere else. I scribe a lot of scrolls, and it is only when attempting to stealth immediately afterwards, which I was revealed.


Maybe it's when you copy a book as opposed to a scroll. Try it out...la
Yes, you are right, sir. My apologies. It seems anything crafted with a pen does not reveal you, but copying a book does. I had never noticed this before.


Lore Master
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I must also add that the question was a little poorly written in that at first it sounded like if you had inscription on a char it would reveal a hidden player. Wonder how many people just soulstoned inscription back onto their chars to reveal stealth archers.
No, not at all.


Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
Maybe it's when you copy a book as opposed to a scroll. Try it out...la
Yes, you are right, sir. My apologies. It seems anything crafted with a pen does not reveal you, but copying a book does. I had never noticed this before.
No biggy. I just about have inscription into RoT now, so I'll begetting my points slow and easy from now on.

By the by, do you have an inscription SoT I can buy? 10k per .1 points...la

Emil Ispep

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Well, scribing and copying books makes a lot of noise while doing it.. thats why it unhides you..

But pounding away on an anvil and sawing boards is pretty quiet..


UO Baja News Reporter
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I have a GM Scribe, so I know what I am talking about. If I try to copy a book while hidden (directly using the skill), it will reveal me. However, if I am scribing scrolls using the scribe's pen, I will remain hidden.
