Have they changed anything about golems in the past couple years?? my golem keeps hitting me. last i played you had to be guilded and it guarding you and you do 1 dmg.. but now he just keeps hitting me.
ROFL and I thought I was that only comedian heheDevs, can you change wild monsters to also do the "all stop" , "all stay"? I mean, when I am fighting the Dark Father, IT KEEPS HITTING ME! I know, I know, I attacked it and I should probably get hit, but it would make everything so much easier if I could just tell them to stop hitting me!
Especially shadow elementals. Tamers love to use them to train their pets, but the ele keep hitting back, and the pets require constant healing. It's such a pain to actually have to pay attention while training, I mean REALLY. Is that necessary?
So Devs, I ask you, can you please give me the God-Mode code (like "all stop" , "all stay" for golems) so I can use it for, OH boring things like learning to play the game, so I can adjust my skills on a production shard (umm, much like TC!)? That would be so nice. Thank you.
I know a few Ladies who don't do too badly against Balrons. And, I would NEVER call them sissies!Golems are for sissies....
Real men beat on Balrons.