That list does exist *somewhere* there are 20-29 or so books with 2 of the newer ones being Quest for the Virtues or of the Virtues and The Shattering.
There are supposidly 2 versions of "The Grammar of Orcish" but I only seen one. There are supposidly 2 versions of Classic Tales of Vesper...but only get the same one ...ditto for Classic Childrens tales heard there is a version 1 and 2 but we only get one of those all the time.
Npcs have sold these tales since the beginning. There are original ones actually written by Richard Garriott ie Lord British back in the *The Virtues* then you have the other leaders tales...Ethical Hedonism and The Diversity of our land the latter written by (Lord Blackthorn) etc. Sherry the Mouse tale speaks of divisions between the thinking of the two lords over a chess match ....etc.
The books can be stolen from town bookshelves or bought via npcs. But it is a random crap shoot ..they display one title for EVERYTHING...every tale so if they show they are selling *ranking of the trades* you could end up with *taming dragons* or Wild Girl of the Forest etc.
The hue of the covers of all the *books* sold by the npcs is our only way to really know if we are getting a book WE can write *purple or that med. brown one...or if the books are showing whitish green bound books or the black bound tannish book those are pre written tales...over the years history of UO that were always there plus the newer ones.. like The Shattering etc.
I have often had every copy I could get or find open to all to read in any home set up like museum of history/library..and sometimes resold the npcs books for 10 - 20 gp more to other players whom do not like the crapshoot ie they can see the titles on my vendors and buy the ones they are missing instead of spending gp at the npc to get *random* duplicates triplicates of books they already have 10x over. lol
Titles I can remember top of me head are:
The Fight
Primer on Arms and Weapons
Ranking of the Trades
*similar regarding guilds* there are 4 similar sorts regarding trades professions and guilds in game existing of these.
Taming of Dragons
Deceit Dungeon of Horrors
Book on Llamas
book on Birds of Britannia
Book on the flora fauna of Brit.
Grammar of Orcish 1 copy all I ever get, supposidly 2 versions though
Classic Tales of Vesper..supposidly 2 versions so I heard
Classic Childrens Tales ..same get 1 all the time reportedly or rumored to have 2 versions
The Burning of Trinsic with it's follow up tale ..Wild Girl of the Forest
The Wandering Minstrel
Alchemy or alchemist story forgot title atm
The main ones of history:
The Virtues written by Richard Garriott as Lord British
The Diversity of our Land by Lord Blackthorn
Ethical Hedonism an introduction
Sherry the Mouse tales as she overhears listens in to both Lord British and Lord Blackthorn over their game of chess. I keep that book atop a wheel of cheese under my Sherry the Mouse statuette.
Samanthe's tale of killing a bear..oft displayed by my bear skin rugs lol
I think *how to loot and plunder in Kuldain dun whatever that dungeon is lol is amongst them...assorted player written ones that became *classics* yet oft found in the *purple book player written tale* versions before red leaves could seal em...thus can be lost easily the tales inside till we now if we find those seal em up.
ie 20 - 29 books all together and yep I left some out can not recall em all, atm. I do have a copy of all of em in my homes' *libraries* on both shards.
But the one that began one of my museums was Blackthorns Diversity of our Land...with Lord British's Virtues...near the Order Chaos Shield, back in the day when we had Order and Chaos over factions, which both our Lords each once stood for.