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[UO Herald] Do you have Facebook or Twitter?


Flora Green

Yep, you gotta spill after putting that tease :p out there, Devils!


Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend

only for Viq and Flora would I do this....

Tiffany PassionSunny is my stripper name :eek:

as a balance, I also took the "which Sesame Street character are you?" and that said, and rightly so, Oscar

and my oldest daughter is certain that a "which Muppet are you?" quiz would prove me to be Statler ;)


Crazed Zealot
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Stratics Legend
Well, the good news is that TPS is only one character longer than DO.

You have been so dubbed.



Grand Poobah
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Stratics Legend
I can understand why Facebook (though I wonder why Facebook and not Myspace if you were gonna use only one....but why not both?), but why Twitter?

Twitter is all about quick, frequent updates. It's blogging based on status messages.

"I feel sick today." "My teeth hurt." "I just had sex, did you?"

That kind of thing.

Either UO's going to have a lot more to say more frequently than it does now, or...I don't know. Why else would you use Twitter? If it was just for the publicity of saying "we tweet!" then I guess I can totally understand that from a marketing perspective.

-Galen's player


Crazed Zealot
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Stratics Legend
Well, I can't speak for the Twitter thing. Don't know much about how it works, MySpace either except I understand its luster has faded to be replaced by the Facebook which will eventually Im sure be replaced by something else.

But Facebook has this nifty share option which allows you to throw songs or video, pictures and discussion up on your homepage, effectively allowing you to passively advertise for UO.

I like the concept, and the fact that they are taking advantage.


Grand Poobah
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Stratics Legend
Well, I can't speak for the Twitter thing. Don't know much about how it works, MySpace either except I understand its luster has faded to be replaced by the Facebook which will eventually Im sure be replaced by something else.

But Facebook has this nifty share option which allows you to throw songs or video, pictures and discussion up on your homepage, effectively allowing you to passively advertise for UO.

I like the concept, and the fact that they are taking advantage.
Something that just hit me.....One reason for Twitter could be that we're closer to the release of Stygian Abyss than we realize, and we're about to get a steady stream of notifications and updates.

As to Facebook, if the capabilities that you describe are superior to those of Myspace, then this also could be due to SA being close-at-hand, and we're about to get videos and things.

-Galen's player


I hope that we are that close, considering how long it been set back with the debugging of the KR client.

But, (just voicing my opinion, so keep the flaming to a minimum pls.) I doubt that, that is the reason for them expanding to face book and twitter.
Most likely the will show how much work is going into the SA expansion.
A great idea for EA would be streaming video of activities in the Dev area.
(of course, minus any inside info or coding).
Just to let us see that they are actually working on the many projects they have in the works, and not sitting around sipping cappuccinos, eating scones and just general horseplay. (not saying that it is going on, but when I have my back turned, I know that is what my employees will try to do).
Who knows, EA might be having them working on warhammer for all we know. :D


Crazed Zealot
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Even the Devs are not using the term, close.

We should, in all likelyhood, have some kind of an open beta that will be the final stage before actual release. I think I saw mention of that somewhere within the last month.

You could be partly right, and it certainly will be exciting when we can "feed" new client info through several mediums. I think we should be pretty close to 500 fans now in less than 72 hours, and that's just the ones willing to jump right on in. So, exciting.

Or at least, I find it exciting.

But I still want a client that plays, "done" or mostly (is anything in online gaming ever really done?) at release.


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People just have to remember the security issues when using these tools.

I would make a separate facebook account for my character if I were to use it!


I love the idea. A company not having an FB presence in 2009 akin to not having a website in the first part of this decade.

I'm a huge fan of facebook. It's kind of like Tivo. People used to tell me they would never get Tivo because they didn't watch that much TV. But once they got one, they loved it.

Believe me, if you are online enough to get over 100 posts on stratics, you'll have a blast on fb.