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SCNP mage weps...

Restroom Cowboy

Crazed Zealot
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I keep hearing people mentioning a fighter having a wep skill in order to use UBWS...but none of them mention that a mage wep also requires a skill...magery...and in addition to this use of a mage wep does not allow for specials.

@ the OP...wth were you thinking? if you really wish to present something at least be knowledgeable and open minded to both sides of the argument. Dont ask a question without at least giving others a chance to consider both sides...thanks.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
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I hoping you have at least basic knowledge of this game (this aint pac-man ya know). In your second paragraph you mentioned a dexxor disarming a mage, i've previously stated this in this thread, and i agree with you. Then you mentioned knocking him to the ground with an archer. Are you stating now that a dexxor would need 240 skill points to compete with the extra 120 free skill points a mage gets? Cause im unaware of an archery wep that disarms if your talking about just usin an archer. And if your talking about lets say, using fencing with a lance, that means the dexxor has to be on foot. Ya, i see alot of dexxors running around on foot these days. Thanks for pointing out though that a dexxor would need 240 skill points dedicated to do just what you said versus a mage that uses one wep and automatically gets 100 extra skill points (if not using crystaline ring).

I didn't say DISMOUNT I said DISARM! You don't need to be on FOOT to disarm..... ever.....

I'm an archer.... and I don't whine about some mage with a staff... And I CAN NOT disarm.... but as a dexer if your complaining about his having 120 extra points that insane..... since you can just take those 120 points away by disarming thats what I was saying.....

*rolls eyes*


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I told you hes a very bad dexer. He thinks that the only way to kill a mage is if you disarm AND dismount him. He seems to be lacking in skill to kill a mage if the mage isnt disarmed AND dismounted.

Again it amazes me that dexers are complaining about mages when mages has lower damage lower burst dmg stop to attack stop to heal and zero counter against a dexer when the he decides to offscreen...

red sky

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I just wish I knew why OSI decided that spells and specials cannot stack. That's the whole reason all mages use mage weps now is because of that. If someone can give me a good reason for why that was implemented please do so. I mean not only do you need tactics but you have to stop casting a spell in order to do a special. Totally pointless.:danceb:


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I just wish I knew why OSI decided that spells and specials cannot stack. That's the whole reason all mages use mage weps now is because of that. If someone can give me a good reason for why that was implemented please do so. I mean not only do you need tactics but you have to stop casting a spell in order to do a special. Totally pointless.:danceb:
To make mages even more "skill" dependent. At least in UO everyone knows how the game works would agree mage requires more player skill to make it good or "useful". I guess the DEV is trying to emphisize that point by make mages even harder to play.

Get ready for some dude coming in and comment on how an archer takes just as much skill to play as a mage IF NOT MORE. I remember some dude a few months ago was saying mage is simply pushing of bottoms. Push 1 then push 2 and 3 then 4 when archer is pure player skill because you can "whiff". And that guy also commented on mages dont need any timing just press a key that triggers a script and people will die... something like that.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Should they be nerfed? Why give a mage the opportunity to utilize and extra 120 skill points (achieved by mage wearing crystaline ring)? This is NOT a cry thread so if your gonna cry please don't post. This is meant do discuss why a template should be able to reach 840 skill points when other templates are limited to 720.
I haven't read through all the posts, so I'm sure someone already mentioned this...

It's already nerfed..It takes 3 weapon properties and one piece of jewelry to reach what you are talking about. That is a major nerf in my book.


Personally I HATE Mage weapons in PvP. Wrestling should be given a MAJOR boost and trash all Mage weapons. You should have to have skill to use the weapon. UBWS would need to be removed as balance.

Try to break a board,cinder block or even a leg, with a skinning knife..Now watch a real wrestling combat MMA fight. You can crush a fighter with wrestling in one flawless move ** WITH ARMOR ON **. UO maximizes wrestling damage with what equates to a fat lip.

Here are a few non fat lips as an example.


Personally I HATE Mage weapons in PvP. Wrestling should be given a MAJOR boost and trash all Mage weapons. You should have to have skill to use the weapon. UBWS would need to be removed as balance.

Try to break a board,cinder block or even a leg, with a skinning knife..Now watch a real wrestling combat MMA fight. You can crush a fighter with wrestling in one flawless move ** WITH ARMOR ON **. UO maximizes wrestling damage with what equates to a fat lip.

Here are a few non fat lips as an example.
Not agreeing with the rest but that part I definitely agree with. Not saying that they should boost wrestling so high that it makes mage weapon templates useless, but I would like to see a little boost to wrestling itself.

Sir Morder

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I haven't read through all the posts, so I'm sure someone already mentioned this...

It's already nerfed..It takes 3 weapon properties and one piece of jewelry to reach what you are talking about. That is a major nerf in my book.

Sir Morder

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Personally I HATE Mage weapons in PvP. Wrestling should be given a MAJOR boost and trash all Mage weapons. You should have to have skill to use the weapon. UBWS would need to be removed as balance.

Try to break a board,cinder block or even a leg, with a skinning knife..Now watch a real wrestling combat MMA fight. You can crush a fighter with wrestling in one flawless move ** WITH ARMOR ON **. UO maximizes wrestling damage with what equates to a fat lip.

Here are a few non fat lips as an example.
Frankly, i could care less if they removed UBWS, but that is a topic for another thread. This thread is about a mage template gaining the advantage by using a scnp - magery wep and gaining the ability to use 100+ extra skill points over any other template.

Sir Morder

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Not agreeing with the rest but that part I definitely agree with. Not saying that they should boost wrestling so high that it makes mage weapon templates useless, but I would like to see a little boost to wrestling itself.
And what would be your idea of a mage wep template? Please post what you have.


And what would be your idea of a mage wep template? Please post what you have.
I would assume its a mage template that doesn't have wrestling and uses a mage weapon instead. Like I said, I don't play mages that carry weapons or shields myself. But that's just an rp preference.


Should they be nerfed? Why give a mage the opportunity to utilize and extra 120 skill points (achieved by mage wearing crystaline ring)? This is NOT a cry thread so if your gonna cry please don't post. This is meant do discuss why a template should be able to reach 840 skill points when other templates are limited to 720.
Hey, big baby, why dont you start ANOTHER anti mage thread, because hey! you got your boxxors roxxored!

Let me tell you a littel sekret about all dem nasty sc no pen mages! They hate *drumroll*


Your welcome and next.


Hey, big baby, why dont you start ANOTHER anti mage thread, because hey! you got your boxxors roxxored!

Let me tell you a littel sekret about all dem nasty sc no pen mages! They hate *drumroll*


Your welcome and next.
Just curious, but what is the success rate for a 120 wrestle mage to disarm the standard mage weapon user?


I would say a 120 wrestle mage with no hci, attempting a disarm on another mage with 45 dci would be 35%?

Totally guessing. Maybe someone with solid numbers could come along.


I would say a 120 wrestle mage with no hci, attempting a disarm on another mage with 45 dci would be 35%?

Totally guessing. Maybe someone with solid numbers could come along.
Cool. Thank you.


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Frankly, i could care less if they removed UBWS, but that is a topic for another thread. This thread is about a mage template gaining the advantage by using a scnp - magery wep and gaining the ability to use 100+ extra skill points over any other template.
And thats where your problem lies, For a mage weap to be effective you need 120 magery (just like a warrior needs melee skill to use UBWS except they dont have -x melee skill :( , a mage weap will not allow you to do specials as if you had 120 weap skill. All you get is DCI. It makes it no where close to having 100-120 melee skill witch means your are not gaining 100-120 free skill if it did with 90 tactics i should be able to do specials.

it takes 3 properties to even make one weapon (SC fc-1,+ FC+1,+ mage weap-X), Then you either have to find a leet ring brace combo with fc/fcr lrc and magery or spend 15-18 mill for a crystaline ring and another 20-25 mill for the inquis to regain that magery and fc3, and another 12-15 for an orney. All that work just for DCI seeing this is archer/dexer online is very much needed.

Why do you think so many non archers wear quiver of infin? If anything needs to be nerfed its Things like: Balanced, Hit lower defense, running shot, LMC vs Specials, Dart trapped boxes, Super dragons, DreadMares, and UBWS should be -melee skill the same range as mage weapons.


Why do you think so many non archers wear quiver of infin? If anything needs to be nerfed its Things like: Balanced, Hit lower defense, running shot, LMC vs Specials, Dart trapped boxes, Super dragons, DreadMares, and UBWS should be -melee skill the same range as mage weapons.
Personally I think that's silly too. A swordsman that runs around wearing a quiver but doesn't use a bow? A mage wearing a quiver but doesn't use a bow? Bah. Then again, this is coming from a guy that things Bushido and Necro shouldn't be allowed to be used together because it makes no sense. Same with things like Chivalry and Necro. A chivalrous Knight that summons the undead? Umm, ya.

I know, I know, I let my rp sensibilities weight too much on my thought process. And, what? :D


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Personally I think that's silly too. A swordsman that runs around wearing a quiver but doesn't use a bow? A mage wearing a quiver but doesn't use a bow? Bah. Then again, this is coming from a guy that things Bushido and Necro shouldn't be allowed to be used together because it makes no sense. Same with things like Chivalry and Necro. A chivalrous Knight that summons the undead? Umm, ya.

I know, I know, I let my rp sensibilities weight too much on my thought process. And, what? :D
I do make use out of mine I keep them full of arrows/bolts just in case one of my guildies runs out of arrows for some oddball reason.


Why do you think so many non archers wear quiver of infin? If anything needs to be nerfed its Things like: Balanced, Hit lower defense, running shot, LMC vs Specials, Dart trapped boxes, Super dragons, DreadMares, and UBWS should be -melee skill the same range as mage weapons.

Bruce Dickinson

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Personally I think that's silly too. A swordsman that runs around wearing a quiver but doesn't use a bow? A mage wearing a quiver but doesn't use a bow? Bah. Then again, this is coming from a guy that things Bushido and Necro shouldn't be allowed to be used together because it makes no sense. Same with things like Chivalry and Necro. A chivalrous Knight that summons the undead? Umm, ya.

I know, I know, I let my rp sensibilities weight too much on my thought process. And, what? :D
I have a wrestling/necro/bushido/mage. The fact I have a quiver is the least odd thing about my character.


I have a wrestling/necro/bushido/mage. The fact I have a quiver is the least odd thing about my character.

Ya, you fall into the 'samurai that summons undead creature while carrying a quiver but no bow' category of buhhh to me. heh


Morder hes refering to how hard these weapons are to get.

spell channeling
1 faster caste
-20 mage weapon

Plus any other mods, yeah there might be a couple on Siege but on prodo, im told these things go for hundreds of millions.

And yes Morder I think you should just drop this, the mage weapon is not over balanced, its just mages are finally getting a piece of the "overpowered weapons" pie.

For the longest time on Siege, a weapon could have DI,SSI,Hit spell, HLD and HCI while a mage ran a scrappers.

That was completly unbalanced, those two weapons VS each other is no contest. Now we actually have something to fight back with, and yes Dexxers are still extremly viable. You just don't run mages down like a small chinaman under a tank anymore.

Seriously, just because you don't completly own mages by hitting them 100% of the time doest mean its unbalanced.

Thats like saying, your fireball weapon allows you to disrupt me but you dont have magery.

You can caste fireball and interupt my next spell, thats saving you like 80 skill point in magery and you dont even have to carry regs.

Weapons in general are overpowered NOT one particular one. So drop it. You asked your question, everyone has responded.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I have a wrestling/necro/bushido/mage. The fact I have a quiver is the least odd thing about my character.
Take off wrestling unless you need certain mods on one of the special spellbook. Since you have Bushido with a weapon skill or even mage weapon you enable yourself with the ability to do lighting strike and when it crits even a mage can sometimes score 30 dmg melee hits.

Just a thought. :thumbsup:


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Thats like saying, your fireball weapon allows you to disrupt me but you dont have magery.

You can caste fireball and interupt my next spell, thats saving you like 80 skill point in magery and you dont even have to carry regs.

Weapons in general are overpowered NOT one particular one. So drop it. You asked your question, everyone has responded.
Actually hit spell effect according to the DEVs counts as potency of 50 magery + 50 eval is I recall directly. It's either 50/50 or 70/70. Either way it's also "free skill" what dont even need to have ANOTHER skill to be effective. While enabling the ability to instant cast the spell on the run, with a melee/ranged hit PLUS a special.