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In this week's Five on Friday we cover Imbuing, Gargolyle slayers, and the KR Client.

To see the full article click here.



Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Personally I wanted to hear something about the Warriors of Destiny event cycle.

After a few weeks of being really on top of it and having multiple events (which I sadly ended up missing all of), it's kind of fallen away again. Not all the shards have even had Clainin's funeral.

Very frustrating.

-Galen's player

JC the Builder

Crazed Zealot
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Imbuing question was probably answered once in the huge topic about it.

How many people have been affected by that backpack bug in the client which is used by very few people? Why don't they bother to answer the issue which affects a huge number of people where you health bars stay permanently yellow/green in the 2D client? Or why when someone runs on to your screen already poisoned their health bar doesn't show green?

Another question about a lacking KR feature which has no importance. If you want to see the coordinates, put the rune in a rune book. Or stand at the location and use a sextant.

The gargoyle question has been asked at least a half dozen times now and answered just as many.

The housing in new lands question has also been asked and answered several times.

There was literally no questions answered of any level of importance in this Five on Friday. This is possibly the worst one ever done.


WOW stop answering questions about something that doesnt even exist yet. Answer questions that affect the game right now. What a damn waste. I mean im sure when sa comes out people will have year or so to ask questions and what not just like KR.


Soon they'll start answering questions about the expansion after SA instead of answering current issues.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I don't understand the concern with their answering questions about SA....Some of these questions have been posed pretty frequently. Also, they are likely wrapped up heavily in SA and thus that's what's mostly at the tip of their tongues.

Now, granted, someone could say the same thing about my wish that they address the event!

*chuckles, shrugs* That's how things go I guess....All of us have different preferences.

-Galen's player


UO Forum Moderator
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I don't understand the concern with their answering questions about SA....Some of these questions have been posed pretty frequently. Also, they are likely wrapped up heavily in SA and thus that's what's mostly at the tip of their tongues.

Now, granted, someone could say the same thing about my wish that they address the event!

*chuckles, shrugs* That's how things go I guess....All of us have different preferences.

-Galen's player
I agree and it sounds like a lot of the bugs and such are being addressed in SA
but then we have no idea for sure when that will be released but with UO adding facebook and twitter in I am thinking not to long I am betting around end of summer and if you checked out the photos in facebook you will see most everyone with a computer terminal had the game or game files on there screen to bad the resolution wasn't better :)

Marcus Blackwell

Imbuing question was probably answered once in the huge topic about it.

How many people have been affected by that backpack bug in the client which is used by very few people? Why don't they bother to answer the issue which affects a huge number of people where you health bars stay permanently yellow/green in the 2D client? Or why when someone runs on to your screen already poisoned their health bar doesn't show green?

Another question about a lacking KR feature which has no importance. If you want to see the coordinates, put the rune in a rune book. Or stand at the location and use a sextant.

The gargoyle question has been asked at least a half dozen times now and answered just as many.

The housing in new lands question has also been asked and answered several times.

There was literally no questions answered of any level of importance in this Five on Friday. This is possibly the worst one ever done.

My question is this then are these questions of importance that arent being answered being sent via feedback on uo.com? As Im to understand that is how they get there FoF questions these days.

JC the Builder

Crazed Zealot
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Campaign Benefactor
My question is this then are these questions of importance that arent being answered being sent via feedback on uo.com? As Im to understand that is how they get there FoF questions these days.
Last week the faction question was taken word for word from a topic I created on the Faction forum a couple days earlier.

My Topic: "Why do faction artifacts have so much durability?"
FoF Question: "Why do faction artifacts have so much durability compared to regular articfacts?"

By the way, did anyone else notice that misspelling?

This week's Warhammer Online grab bag (what they do on Fridays) answered 20 questions. That is about average for their weekly roundup.


In KR I accidentally moved my backpack off of the game screen and its saved that spot as the place to open it so I can't use it normally anymore. What’s the best way to fix this?

This is easily fixed by changing you UI to max(everything is small), put your bag or window in the center and move the UI to its original setting. This is caused by holding a bag or window and then going to another application. The KR client seems to recognise a huge area and not just what is on your desktop, it wont drop anything till you click into the other app. I found using the ctr-tab will help with this.


What about tamers!
I think you mean, "What about any of the issues we currently ask about?"

The next FoF with questions about SA should answer, "Check the SA thread/forum. We are concerned with fixing current problems and getting SA developed, as opposed to teasing people with future delights. Some things are best left as a surprise."

Like that will happen.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
In KR I accidentally moved my backpack off of the game screen and its saved that spot as the place to open it so I can't use it normally anymore. What’s the best way to fix this?

This is easily fixed by changing you UI to max(everything is small), put your bag or window in the center and move the UI to its original setting. This is caused by holding a bag or window and then going to another application. The KR client seems to recognise a huge area and not just what is on your desktop, it wont drop anything till you click into the other app. I found using the ctr-tab will help with this.
Now, that's a better answer than 'delete your character file'


Oh geez.... why bother having a Five on Friday anymore? Just call it "Zelda Predicts".. what may or may not happen in the future..

I can see from other posts peeps are getting as fed up as I have been over all the questions answered about a client that doesn't exist yet... but which has been excitedly talked about for more than 2 years now. Thread after thread on stratics and domination of the Five on Friday. I'm fed up with it.

.. but just for good measure.. let's also talk about a client that maybe 10 people use. ... I guess I'm the only one that has questions about the current client!

Sir Morder

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
SA is gonna be released sometime this year? WOW, only got 8 more months till the end of the year. Then whats gonna be the excuse?