Old Man of UO
I've read the pre-release info from the Samurai release on Confidence, and know that things change and not often update, either here or on UOHerald. So, how exactly does confidence work? How much stamina and HP regen and gains? Is it affected by bushido skill over the min to cast?
Here is the posted info:
Special Ability: Confidence
The Samurai is emboldened as he or she blocks an opponent's strikes, gaining hit points and stamina each time, while the Samurai's hit point regeneration rate is greatly increased for short amount of time. The Confidence defensive stance lasts for a duration of several seconds.
Here is the posted info:
Special Ability: Confidence
The Samurai is emboldened as he or she blocks an opponent's strikes, gaining hit points and stamina each time, while the Samurai's hit point regeneration rate is greatly increased for short amount of time. The Confidence defensive stance lasts for a duration of several seconds.