I've had no problems but I believe Harb has, among others.Anyone have any luck in buying?
The site appears to be broken.
While the whole situation has been frustrating, please focus the complaints where they belong. UOgamecodes.com is not an EA site, but a 3rd-party vendor under contract from EA. Because of this, EA can certainly pressure, but can not fix themselves... Regardless, this is an operations/marketing issue and not a developer issue so it is not something that is on Draconi's plate. I'd complain to Chris Rabideau, or Cal (can't remember his last name). Chrissay as community coordinator would also be good. It is obvious that they do listen to the community lately.This whole thing is very annoying. I don't have the time to call them and can't get in on UO Codes. I hate the idea of giving anyone my password. Listening to all the hype about hackers etc. and hearing all the nightmare stories here, this is more time than I can spend. It's almost as bad as mining and lumberjacking these days. You'd think they would need the money and so make this just a little easier for people. I'd rather go to a mall and buy it than deal with all this.
I lean more and more toward leaving every day...Closed 4 accounts when they first messed this up - maybe soon ...wonder how much I could get for my castle and stuff to day 1...sometimes very tempting...*Multiplies the $30 they lose for the pixels x 7 accts left, plus the $14/mo per account x the year it will take me to get the stuff...DRACONI - YOU LISTENING!!! I am tired of this...PLEASE FIX IT!
Not to be combative, but the inference in this post is not really accurate. I agree, target frustrations where they belong, and the codes site is 3d party. This is a developer, and a producer issue. The item generators for EA support personnel (who do work for EA), were not updated as part of this promotion, nor as of last week were they slated to be. IGS tools, also EA folks, were also not updated. So sorry, but Draconi is a "player," though I strongly agree he's not "lead." Cal is. Chrissay personally tried to help me last week, and I remain sincerely appreciative for her efforts. Where Chrissay is erring, is by not keeping us informed of progress/ intentions. That said, steps appear not to have been taken in an expedited manner to fix this debacle. I'm not angry in the least with any of the folks I mentioned, though given a vote would recommend replacing one of them based on failure to generate revenue players were/ are screaming to provide. While not angry, its also important not to "rush" to jusitify, protect, or defend - some actions can't be reasonably applauded!While the whole situation has been frustrating, please focus the complaints where they belong. UOgamecodes.com is not an EA site, but a 3rd-party vendor under contract from EA. Because of this, EA can certainly pressure, but can not fix themselves... Regardless, this is an operations/marketing issue and not a developer issue so it is not something that is on Draconi's plate. I'd complain to Chris Rabideau, or Cal (can't remember his last name). Chrissay as community coordinator would also be good. It is obvious that they do listen to the community lately.
Again, very sorry for your troubles. When providing the error message, the numbers indicated on the web site are wrong. No surprise I suppose based on the pervailing apathy regarding this. The numbers you need to hit are 2 followed by 7, not 1 followed by 1 as indicated.The only thing that the message gave me was there was an error and if I wanted to buy call them. Altho the number was right they gave me. The numbers after that were wrong. It said to key number one. Which is Rock Band. Then key one again.
I've posted many times that I think this entire deployment, starting with missing the mid-December date, had been a complete FIASCO. I don't honestly know if it's the fault of someone within Mythic, someone in EA Marketing, or someone someplace else... more than likely more than one incompetent soul by now...Gees. I agree with your assessment of everyone I've spoken to, they have all been polite, kind, understanding and helpful to the extent each can be. There is no "issue" with EA "outside" Mythic studios, and as stated before, I am yet to become angry, despite history similar to your own. I do have "problems" with two folks, Cal, our senior dev person who has sat by and allowed this to occur, with no sense of urgency, explanation, apology, or public acceptance of responsibility. I shouldn't name the other person, but he is the direct supervisor for customer support who refused to provide contact info up or to his supervisory chain. Again, not angry here, but very disappointed in the professionalism and competence of these two![]()
What earrings are you looking for and on what shard?. . . I'll pass on these Anniversary items. I'll just look for earrings on a vendor.![]()
Yes and no. No resolution. That said, the level 3 folks took 6 days to get back with me, but it's being done via the support website (which does send an email so that you know your issue has been updated), and was really no more than a confirmation that they were aware and working the issue.I still have not received an e-mail from the third level yet. If I don't hear from them by Monday I will call them again.
Any luck yet Harb?
No sir, the 11th year collection is not related to vet rewards or years played, think of them like the previous spring decor set.If I bought the Hitching Post Reward from the uogamecodes would my account need to be an 11th year account to place and / or use it?
Thank you for the prompt reply, would you happen to know if there is a rope supplied to recharge the post, if so is it consumed when you use it to recharge the post?No sir, the 11th year collection is not related to vet rewards or years played, think of them like the previous spring decor set.If I bought the Hitching Post Reward from the uogamecodes would my account need to be an 11th year account to place and / or use it?
The post comes fully charged, sans rope. I don't know for sure as I haven't recharged a post, but it is my understanding the rope will be consumed upon use.Thank you for the prompt reply, would you happen to know if there is a rope supplied to recharge the post, if so is it consumed when you use it to recharge the post?
I tried dyeing it with every dye tub I could think of, as well at the Tokuno dyes - none worked, it's apparently undyeable.Question and slightly OT, but I don't want to start a new thread. Is the new lamp post dyable? Three people have asked me (they don't read Stratics) and I have no clue as to the answer. Anyone know?
I had the same problem a couple of years ago and didn't get it "fixed" until I emailed then called customer service to buy what I needed. I was able to get the codes I wanted AND regained access to the site at the time.Thanks for the lamp answers. I had no intention of buying, but out of curiosity regarding the site issues I decided to buy a tree. I have bought many times from the store before and NEVER had a problem. But, not now. Even switching browsers didn't work. It just keeps prompting me for my username/password.
Leeda, this is VERY disturbing. You gave the guy your account name AND password to login for you? If that is the case it should never have happened. That is completely absurd. I hope you have changed your password.So I call again. Well next guy was friendly also. He even went into game put the codes in for me.