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UO Game Code 11th Year Collection


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Anyone have any luck in buying?

The site appears to be broken.



You'd have to be a slittle more specific about what you're encountering before anyone can provide accurate "advice." The answer to your current question is twofold, yes a lot of people are buying successfully, and yes the site still has limitations and remains "outright broken" in some aspects.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
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I didn't encounter any issues... I bought mine last week. I got a full set and 5 bookcases without any trouble.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
My issue is that uogamecodes.com doesn't recognize me as a member. So I have to call. Too troublesome though.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I called for help today. The guy that answered the phone said he could not use the sight either. He said it appeared as if the codes were not working. He said it appears broken to him. He said he would pass the information along.

I only tried for two days. Then posted, decided I should call UO.

On check out I keep geting an error message saying it cannot complete the transaction. I have ordered a number of times from that site. My first time geting error messages.

The error message said to call UO and the number. I did.

I find it rather odd that it worked last week and now even the guy that works there can't use it.


Seasoned Veteran
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I cant even login with my UO login info!..At first I thought I had to turn off the firewall etc...But that didnt work either..If I login with my account information (UO login) it keeps telling me I have to login with a valid UO Account? When I first read that message I got a big scare LOL I checked my billing info and yes my account is still valid *smirks*
Gosh bad enough with all them bugs in the game now there website is "bugged"
I would love to have them 11 anni items! But I guess EA isnt too crazy about making money it seems


too funny
that website sucks, they sure make it hard to buy stuff on there
I guess ive gotten the hang of it though cause its worked ok for me last few times ive used it


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I have the same problem as Nukeworker.
It doesn't like my name or something. Probably cause I when I first created my user account, I had caps and lower case and a space. I think it "adjusted" my name to all lower case and no space (as that's how I log to user account) and somewhere internally my user name has a phantom that's eating the defenseless bits and bytes.


This whole thing is very annoying. I don't have the time to call them and can't get in on UO Codes. I hate the idea of giving anyone my password. Listening to all the hype about hackers etc. and hearing all the nightmare stories here, this is more time than I can spend. It's almost as bad as mining and lumberjacking these days. You'd think they would need the money and so make this just a little easier for people. I'd rather go to a mall and buy it than deal with all this.

I lean more and more toward leaving every day...Closed 4 accounts when they first messed this up - maybe soon ...wonder how much I could get for my castle and stuff to day 1...sometimes very tempting...*Multiplies the $30 they lose for the pixels x 7 accts left, plus the $14/mo per account x the year it will take me to get the stuff...DRACONI - YOU LISTENING!!! I am tired of this...PLEASE FIX IT!


This whole thing is very annoying. I don't have the time to call them and can't get in on UO Codes. I hate the idea of giving anyone my password. Listening to all the hype about hackers etc. and hearing all the nightmare stories here, this is more time than I can spend. It's almost as bad as mining and lumberjacking these days. You'd think they would need the money and so make this just a little easier for people. I'd rather go to a mall and buy it than deal with all this.

I lean more and more toward leaving every day...Closed 4 accounts when they first messed this up - maybe soon ...wonder how much I could get for my castle and stuff to day 1...sometimes very tempting...*Multiplies the $30 they lose for the pixels x 7 accts left, plus the $14/mo per account x the year it will take me to get the stuff...DRACONI - YOU LISTENING!!! I am tired of this...PLEASE FIX IT!
While the whole situation has been frustrating, please focus the complaints where they belong. UOgamecodes.com is not an EA site, but a 3rd-party vendor under contract from EA. Because of this, EA can certainly pressure, but can not fix themselves... Regardless, this is an operations/marketing issue and not a developer issue so it is not something that is on Draconi's plate. I'd complain to Chris Rabideau, or Cal (can't remember his last name). Chrissay as community coordinator would also be good. It is obvious that they do listen to the community lately.


Thank you for the information, but was just an outburst of frustration on my part. When and if I ever get the time to deal with it properly, I'll probably just quit and use my time more wisely. It won't happen again.

Thanks again.


Leeda, sorry it took so long to get back to you, real life gets in the way occassionally! The problem for many of us, but not everyone (there are other issues I can't speak to "first hand" and thus won't reinterate them), is that the codes site was originally set up to restrict the number of transactions you could make within a 30 day time frame. Further, it also restricted the quantity of items you could purchase during a transaction (originally 1 "like item" per transaction, with transactions limited to 2 per month). There have been many theories as to why this occurred, but never a comment to my knowledge from anyone in a position of authority/ knowledge, in other words - players, and only players have speculated for years now.

Some modifications were made prior to this edition of the codes being available (this is the second attempt in the US, and they've been sold on the Japanese codes site for months). The item limit was increased from 1 "like item" to 5. I do not know what the transaction limit is, but it doesn't appear likely it increased from the original 2, and in fact may have decreased. When I tried to purchase 5 items (bookcases), 5 items (earrings), and 5 items (legacy tokens), on my first transaction - I was immediately blocked from that and any further purchases for the "historical" 30 day period. My guess is, which I can not confirm, is that we are probably now able to purchase two 5 "like item" orders per month. But who knows really. I do know from personal experience that had you purchased anything twice within the last 30 days, you were not allowed to order, and won't be until 30 days expires from your last processed order.

The reason why the support folks you speak with when you call the phone number and wait 45 minutes on hold is that the 11th year collection items have not been added to their order generation menu as of yet. This means while they normally could help, they are currently unable to, pending these items incorporation into their tools menu. It's supposedly being worked, I did raise as much hell, politely, as I could. I'm supposedly awaiting a supervisors response (it's a level 3 issue whatever that's supposed to mean to any of us minions), but it'll be a week Friday so I wouldn't hold my breath.

The good news is twofold, they made things better for most of us, though you and I are excluded :p Secondly, I do believe it is being worked. The downside there is that it should have never occurred in the first place, and as long overdue as these items are, this fiasco demonstrates that what may seem "timely" to many of us, may not be seen in similar light by those who are in positions of authority/ responsibility.

Good luck to you, I suspect we'll all get what we want sometime before summer!


While the whole situation has been frustrating, please focus the complaints where they belong. UOgamecodes.com is not an EA site, but a 3rd-party vendor under contract from EA. Because of this, EA can certainly pressure, but can not fix themselves... Regardless, this is an operations/marketing issue and not a developer issue so it is not something that is on Draconi's plate. I'd complain to Chris Rabideau, or Cal (can't remember his last name). Chrissay as community coordinator would also be good. It is obvious that they do listen to the community lately.
Not to be combative, but the inference in this post is not really accurate. I agree, target frustrations where they belong, and the codes site is 3d party. This is a developer, and a producer issue. The item generators for EA support personnel (who do work for EA), were not updated as part of this promotion, nor as of last week were they slated to be. IGS tools, also EA folks, were also not updated. So sorry, but Draconi is a "player," though I strongly agree he's not "lead." Cal is. Chrissay personally tried to help me last week, and I remain sincerely appreciative for her efforts. Where Chrissay is erring, is by not keeping us informed of progress/ intentions. That said, steps appear not to have been taken in an expedited manner to fix this debacle. I'm not angry in the least with any of the folks I mentioned, though given a vote would recommend replacing one of them based on failure to generate revenue players were/ are screaming to provide. While not angry, its also important not to "rush" to jusitify, protect, or defend - some actions can't be reasonably applauded!


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I thank you for your input. Altho I find it strange that in generating income they would limit what we would want to spend. The only thing that the message gave me was there was an error and if I wanted to buy call them. Altho the number was right they gave me. The numbers after that were wrong. It said to key number one. Which is Rock Band. Then key one again.

I just find it all odd. I am frustrated that I am unable to get even one 11th Year Collection.

At this point there is not much I can do except wait.

Thank You again for helping me to understand the process.



Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
All these hoops to go through is just sad.
What I don't understand is... why am I giving a "3rd party" my account passwords???? Verification? If they can't even find our account, what does that say about the site? They've lost credibility with me.
Seems the gold sellers (take your pick) are leaps and bounds ahead, meanwhile, the official uogamecodes site sucks.

If UO is to usher in a new Expansion, new client, and new customers... they better get their act together.


Last time I wanted something off that website I too had the problem where my details could not be recognised.

I ended up going into Help, then into Contact Promotional Store option which takes you to an EA site for which you need an EA account (not your UO account) to get into, and then you can send a report to say you cannot use the site. It's very long winded, took them about a week to get back to me, and only did so when I said I would be cancelling my subscription if their customer service was really this poor. Got a reply back within hours of that last message.


The only thing that the message gave me was there was an error and if I wanted to buy call them. Altho the number was right they gave me. The numbers after that were wrong. It said to key number one. Which is Rock Band. Then key one again.
Again, very sorry for your troubles. When providing the error message, the numbers indicated on the web site are wrong. No surprise I suppose based on the pervailing apathy regarding this. The numbers you need to hit are 2 followed by 7, not 1 followed by 1 as indicated.

BTW, if anyone has a phone number and name of the individual "above" Mythic who has responsibility for marketing or support please PM me with the information. Its a tad insane to ask that here, but I've asked via the support web site, and asked the first line supervisor at the telephone site, and no one will provide said information. I find it flabergasting, odd really. Many folks perceive the military as a "closed," or "restrictive" organization. I wore the uniform for 24 years, and commanded several times. At all levels of command, we were required to maintain an open door policy. This was not optional. Basically, due to this policy, if the newest, lowest "ranked" individual in the entire Army felt "wronged" or not supported, he/ she could see the commander at increasing steps were his/ her issues not fully addressed. So, said Private could see the Chief of Staff of the Army if required, and could not be impeded from doing so at any step along the way. It never "had" to happen. EA should take a look at it. What they're doing here, collectively, is pathedic really. As I've said before, I'm certain that the "powers that be" within EA would clean house if details of this mess were ever to see the light of day!


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Oh My the saga continues. I called again today on the codes was so happy to hear they had them finally.
I was told you can only buy the bundle. I was fine with that.

I got my codes loged in well guess what happened. I kept geting an error saying the codes were invalid.

So I call again. The next guy was friendly as the first. Went thru some things. I log back in guess what codes won't work again.

So I call again. Well next guy was friendly also. He even went into game put the codes in for me. So when I log in it should be offered to me.
So I log in again and only offer I have is my vet rewards. No 11th

So i call again. I was informed that maybe my vet reward was over riding the other. He said was nothing more he could do for me. He would send it to third level person. I should also page GM in game.

Now mind you this was three hours later after the first call.
Now I log in and had to wait an hour for a automated response from GM.
On my other char I had to page Gm also and explained he had answered my question on my other char but I was doing what the one on phone told me to do.

He responded in a manner that at least made me feel better. He said he was sorry about this and it was not anything in his control.
We are now talking over 4 and half hours dealing with this.

So now I have to wait for a response from the third level which only do things by e-mail which could take several days I was told.
At this point I am so wishing I had not made that first call today.
I just cannot understand why this has to be soo complicated.

The people I talked to were all very nice did everything in their power they could do.



Gees. I agree with your assessment of everyone I've spoken to, they have all been polite, kind, understanding and helpful to the extent each can be. There is no "issue" with EA "outside" Mythic studios, and as stated before, I am yet to become angry, despite history similar to your own. I do have "problems" with two folks, Cal, our senior dev person who has sat by and allowed this to occur, with no sense of urgency, explanation, apology, or public acceptance of responsibility. I shouldn't name the other person, but he is the direct supervisor for customer support who refused to provide contact info up or to his supervisory chain. Again, not angry here, but very disappointed in the professionalism and competence of these two :(


Gees. I agree with your assessment of everyone I've spoken to, they have all been polite, kind, understanding and helpful to the extent each can be. There is no "issue" with EA "outside" Mythic studios, and as stated before, I am yet to become angry, despite history similar to your own. I do have "problems" with two folks, Cal, our senior dev person who has sat by and allowed this to occur, with no sense of urgency, explanation, apology, or public acceptance of responsibility. I shouldn't name the other person, but he is the direct supervisor for customer support who refused to provide contact info up or to his supervisory chain. Again, not angry here, but very disappointed in the professionalism and competence of these two :(
I've posted many times that I think this entire deployment, starting with missing the mid-December date, had been a complete FIASCO. I don't honestly know if it's the fault of someone within Mythic, someone in EA Marketing, or someone someplace else... more than likely more than one incompetent soul by now...

My biggest problem is not that they missed on delivering, stuff happens. It's how badly they handled communications. Furthermore, when they did miss and then miss again and a third time, someone SOMEWHERE should have jumped in with enough "juice" to make this thing happen and quick... and sort the BS out later... By the time they put the wrong ad up on the code store the first time, sold items that weren't as advertized and then took another 6 or 8 weeks to "figure out" how to make it right??? a 5th grader in computer class could have made a better code store web site for Heaven's sake!

Anyway, I was really excited about being back in UO again late last year but all that positive energy has drained out of me for now.

Flora Green

Question and slightly OT, but I don't want to start a new thread. Is the new lamp post dyable? Three people have asked me (they don't read Stratics) and I have no clue as to the answer. Anyone know?


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Sorry, Flora, I don't know.

Back to the uogamecodes debacle.... I was just going to ignore that busted lame site, but EA keeps opening the wounds by emailing me to see if it's resolved. Of course it isn't... they haven't done a thing other than tell me to login using my UO account name... DEEeeerrrrrr! :wall:

On top of it, I went into my UO account management to poke around and I hit save for the hell of it. Then i get an email from EA saying :
"Your member account has been updated.
Visit https://www.ultima-registration.com/ at any time to review your
subscription information and make changes to your account."

Guess what? That link doesn't work!!!!!!!!!!! AAAAAAHHHHH!!!!! The AGONY!!! :cursing:
I tried replying, and that bounces back that you can't reply. So I sent a trouble ticket for this too. :dunce:

I'll pass on these Anniversary items. I'll just look for earrings on a vendor. :coco:


Honestly, I'm glad I haven't wasted time trying to order these items...apparently there are issues that I am not willing to undertake.

The UO Code store, ever since I can remember, has NEVER EVER worked for me...and here it thought it was just me


Maybe someday they will take into consideration that we just wanna blow our money and have someone fix it!!!


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I have not heard if one can dye them or not.

I still have not received an e-mail from the third level yet. If I don't hear from them by Monday I will call them again.

Any luck yet Harb?



Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I understand that one. I thought I was the only one having problems with it.



I still have not received an e-mail from the third level yet. If I don't hear from them by Monday I will call them again.

Any luck yet Harb?

Yes and no. No resolution. That said, the level 3 folks took 6 days to get back with me, but it's being done via the support website (which does send an email so that you know your issue has been updated), and was really no more than a confirmation that they were aware and working the issue.

Having said that, the UO person with direct responsibility for the interface between our dev team and support also PMed me. I'll omit names/ details as I pledged I would, but he offered a detailed explanation and apology. This fella has been around a while, and has a solid history of being very helpful and player focused. Knowing he's working the issue resolves my concerns that the right folks are doing the right things behind the scenes to get this fixed within established guidelines (more on that in a sec). While he expressed a strong desire to bear full responsibility, I remain convinced, even with his heartfelt and sincere explanation that ultimate responsibility lays elsewhere. I'm not being coy or secretive, if he wants more known publicly, let’s leave that to him. He is not a decision maker, nor does he drive the train.

The guidelines I mentioned are reference the "limits" imposed by the codes site. As I've rambled about in this thread and others, for several years now, I still have difficulty with said "limits." I don't know details of the history surrounding the intricacies of the site, nor do I want to. I feel that with our subscription rates where they are today, with competition for resourcing within EA at an all time premium, and with comments from other players here on these boards and within the game relating to desires to spend money on our little pastime, that it should be important to the "business side" of our team to acquire the money we want to provide. Growth at best, and longevity at a minimum, requires this - IMHO. I'm not, and never have been, knowledgeable regarding internet sales or the mechanics of doing so - therefore it's tough for me to accurately assess the quality or function of our codes site. I do know that it's rejecting what we want to provide, and as such, does not fulfill its potential for EA.

So I'm standing by, as several of us are. Again though, I'm confident there will be a fix for those of us required by site limits to telephone the support folks. I am not so confident about the future of the site itself, but we'll have to see!


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Just a question,

If I bought the Hitching Post Reward from the uogamecodes would my account need to be an 11th year account to place and / or use it?


If I bought the Hitching Post Reward from the uogamecodes would my account need to be an 11th year account to place and / or use it?
No sir, the 11th year collection is not related to vet rewards or years played, think of them like the previous spring decor set.

Flora Green

Thanks for the lamp answers. I had no intention of buying, but out of curiosity regarding the site issues I decided to buy a tree. I have bought many times from the store before and NEVER had a problem. But, not now. Even switching browsers didn't work. It just keeps prompting me for my username/password.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
If I bought the Hitching Post Reward from the uogamecodes would my account need to be an 11th year account to place and / or use it?
No sir, the 11th year collection is not related to vet rewards or years played, think of them like the previous spring decor set.
Thank you for the prompt reply, would you happen to know if there is a rope supplied to recharge the post, if so is it consumed when you use it to recharge the post?


Thank you for the prompt reply, would you happen to know if there is a rope supplied to recharge the post, if so is it consumed when you use it to recharge the post?
The post comes fully charged, sans rope. I don't know for sure as I haven't recharged a post, but it is my understanding the rope will be consumed upon use.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Again thanks for the reply.

I looked into the probable effort to be able to make the Rope and well ......

For the $8 to buy the post and the 30 charge limit (can be recharged) plus the effort to acquire the components to make the Rope lead me to ..... Continue to use the Serpent's Hold Stables :(

Would have liked to use a Hitching Post but ....


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Question and slightly OT, but I don't want to start a new thread. Is the new lamp post dyable? Three people have asked me (they don't read Stratics) and I have no clue as to the answer. Anyone know?
I tried dyeing it with every dye tub I could think of, as well at the Tokuno dyes - none worked, it's apparently undyeable.


Thanks for the lamp answers. I had no intention of buying, but out of curiosity regarding the site issues I decided to buy a tree. I have bought many times from the store before and NEVER had a problem. But, not now. Even switching browsers didn't work. It just keeps prompting me for my username/password.
I had the same problem a couple of years ago and didn't get it "fixed" until I emailed then called customer service to buy what I needed. I was able to get the codes I wanted AND regained access to the site at the time.

I know, I know... most people don't want to call. I'm just sayin' that is what it took for ME to get the issue resolved.

I wish you good luck, whether you do or don't call. :)


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Sorry to hear you have not gotten any thing fixed at this time.
So far I am still waiting.
They do have my money so I am hoping that means they might be a bit more speedy.



I was also having problems with the site. Same as the other posters here.
The only thing that worked for me was going to the site directly from the UO login patch screen.
Worked like a charm and was able to buy what I wanted.
Try that if you all haven't already and see if that works for you.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I am happy to say my problem got resolved my codes now work.

Thank You


So I call again. Well next guy was friendly also. He even went into game put the codes in for me.
Leeda, this is VERY disturbing. You gave the guy your account name AND password to login for you? If that is the case it should never have happened. That is completely absurd. I hope you have changed your password.