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Necromancy Ideas


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Lets take a look down memory lane:

At its introduction, Necromancy, IMHO, was more of a dexxer skill. Actually both Chivalry and Necromancy were dexxer-friendly skills at the launch of AoS. Without the benefit of FC, most players using Necromancy would load up on FCR and cast protection for "uninterruptability". There were few, if any pure casting necromancers, simply b/c it was unviable to cast spells due to interrupts for longer-than-magery casting times. However, this was compensated for by the much higher potency of spells. This all changed with the addition of FC to the necromancy equation. Yet another game-changing nerf that no one had requested, nor probably even wanted (I'm beginning to wonder who thought of these changes, did not test, nor informed the player base of these changes, before making them).

Necromancy has been reduced to a shell of its former self, yet is still finds its place in the most powerful template in UO, the x6 120 Necromage. It has been eons since I've seen a Necro-Dexxer. Without LRC, balancing 3 stats instead of 2, and the need for more secondary and tertiary skills, this game has really killed off this otherwise fun template.

Something should be done to break apart the synergistic abilities b/w Magery and Necromancy (IMHO, should remove FC from Necromancy...never should've been done).

Certain spells should be buffed:
Summon Familiar -besides the Horde Minion and Shadow Wisp, seriously, who uses the Dark Wolf or Death Adder or Vampire Bat (something that requires double GM status!!)
-Dark Wolf: Cu Sidhe control (again)
-Death Adder: DP on weapon
-Vampire Bat: Clones your character and fights along side you, randomly changes back into bat form.

Mind Rot -Increases mana usage per spell based on % of total int/mana.

Poison Strike -Increase damage (remove FC and rebuff damage to AoS launch damage)

Lastly, Spiritspeak + Necromancy should have an ability to resurrect. Example:

Spell: Tome of Resurrection
Skill Requirement: GM Necro/SS
Casting Requirement: 100 Stam
Single use tome/book appears in backpack after casting.
Each successive spiritspeak leeches life from a dead body and charges Tome, amount dependent on Fame of killed creature (Player will NOT receive life leeched back when Tome is active). At a given # of charges, Tome is activated and can be used. Double clicking activates, target player ghost to resurrect. This action drains life from Tome to player. Tome is destroyed.
Essentially using the drained life of the dead to resurrect another player.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
WoW 6x120 necromage is the most powerful template in game eh. That's interesting.
So lets break necromancy for mages because mages got too much already.

For example,
Chiv more mage compatible than a dexer skill. Mages have lower stam so divine fury is mage skill.

Bushido works great with wresl and spells so its a mage skill. Like explosion counter attack, confidence combo... wait... anyways bushido is mage skill.

Ninjitsu isnt mainly used by stealth archers (dexer) and helps you do magery combos.

SW is crazy mages use explosion (30dmg) + WoD(4dmg) + Ebolt combo(30dmg) combo all the time. And Immolate weapon helps mages to increase their melee damage.

Ok I give up, please break necromancy for mages.

Speaking the Truth

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
If it's too hard to fit everything with lrc carry regs. If you don't like that then don't play the template. Also fimilar is a great spell and plenty of people use them.

Your suggested changes are terrible idea.
A lot of changes have occured and its one of the few temps a mage can use with no down side. For example Chiv is stupid on a mage since you only get half the casting on all the spells that matter.

A lot of templates are similar to this where this is a down side trying to use those skills with magery. Necro is one of the few where you can use all the spells effectively. However with the current state of apples, it's not that great like it use to be.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Vampiric Embrace should be reverted back to the way it originally was, would be nice to use this again.

red sky

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Nice try but no cigar. Oh and it's quite easy to create a necrodexer if you aren't worried about buying reagents of course. Too bad most people in the game are glued to LRC like a couch potato to a TV.


I know a lot of necro dexxers, I have one myself. And yes, I normally have a vampire bat as a familiar for the hp mixed with curse weapon. Don't mess with my bat, please. It works fine as is.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
All I can say is that you seriously underestimate the power of familiars. In fact, they have abilities you don't even know about...

Also, I rallied for a long time to get Tact to look at familiars for a serious flagging bug, and he fixed it and fixed it well. I don't want them to touch familiars again for fear it shall return.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I just read a little deeper, this guy is delirious...

-Vampire Bat: Clones your character and fights along side you, randomly changes back into bat form.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
wtf is this about, necro dexer is a very very viable template, it is just hard to build a solid dexer suit, while worrying about lrc, stat incs, regens, lmc, and throw in hci and dci somewhere. Very powerful char, just hard and time consuming to build the suit.

WoW 6x120 necromage is the most powerful template in game eh. That's interesting.
So lets break necromancy for mages because mages got too much already.

For example,
Chiv more mage compatible than a dexer skill. Mages have lower stam so divine fury is mage skill.

Bushido works great with wresl and spells so its a mage skill. Like explosion counter attack, confidence combo... wait... anyways bushido is mage skill.

Ninjitsu isnt mainly used by stealth archers (dexer) and helps you do magery combos.

SW is crazy mages use explosion (30dmg) + WoD(4dmg) + Ebolt combo(30dmg) combo all the time. And Immolate weapon helps mages to increase their melee damage.

Ok I give up, please break necromancy for mages.

bushido is junk for a mage, outside of confidence it has ZERO decent use.
bushido for a dexer is rediculusly powerful, allows easily chugging pots, confidence, counter attack EVASION, lightning strike critcals at minimal mana use.

the day i see use of ninja by mages....jesus... are you stupid? once in a great great while u see a mage in pvp use animal form, but very rarely, that skill could be much better in all kinds of things, normally if that mage uses animal form, it is for running away, and he isnt much of a threat anyways...

Chiv...divine fury for a mage? are you high? divine fury lowers ur dci, why would a mage wanna make himself more suseptible to a dexer. Chiv for a dexer...cmon 4/6 casting, consecrate weap, holy light spamming.....u know the drill.
Spellweaving could be nice, but the speed of the casting and insane amount of mana needed makes SW not very viable in pvp, so this exp-wd-eb combo you "see all the time" is highly unlikely.

unless you are griding a small area with wind, and maybe wildfire, and maybe a sw heal here and there, sw is a pvm skill, hell id rather have sw on my dexer to use pixies and stuff....

Jusy my 2 cents...Thoughts? thought so.


UO Forum Moderator
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Let me join in the "What alternate world did the poster come from" crowd.

I can't remember the last time I saw a necro that WASN'T a dexxer. Most are Sampires or Whammys - and some them are even Bard hybrids (peace and music, with only enough necro to cast Wraith form, using GM+SS to heal).

I think the last mage/necro I saw was a CRAFTER (scribe in training, using the wisp and lich form for mana regen)


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
wtf is this about, necro dexer is a very very viable template, it is just hard to build a solid dexer suit, while worrying about lrc, stat incs, regens, lmc, and throw in hci and dci somewhere. Very powerful char, just hard and time consuming to build the suit.

bushido is junk for a mage, outside of confidence it has ZERO decent use.
bushido for a dexer is rediculusly powerful, allows easily chugging pots, confidence, counter attack EVASION, lightning strike critcals at minimal mana use.

the day i see use of ninja by mages....jesus... are you stupid? once in a great great while u see a mage in pvp use animal form, but very rarely, that skill could be much better in all kinds of things, normally if that mage uses animal form, it is for running away, and he isnt much of a threat anyways...

Chiv...divine fury for a mage? are you high? divine fury lowers ur dci, why would a mage wanna make himself more suseptible to a dexer. Chiv for a dexer...cmon 4/6 casting, consecrate weap, holy light spamming.....u know the drill.
Spellweaving could be nice, but the speed of the casting and insane amount of mana needed makes SW not very viable in pvp, so this exp-wd-eb combo you "see all the time" is highly unlikely.

unless you are griding a small area with wind, and maybe wildfire, and maybe a sw heal here and there, sw is a pvm skill, hell id rather have sw on my dexer to use pixies and stuff....

Jusy my 2 cents...Thoughts? thought so.
Rofl, bro you know what... you just made my day. I didnt expect anyone wouldnt think that post was being sarcastic. You just made me feel relaxed in my office waiting to get off work.

The point is "actually" making is... other than necromancy, EVERY SINGLE NEW POWERFUL SKILLS THAT CAME OUT AFTER AOS MADE FOR THE DEXERS. If you read what the OP said he think necromancy is dexers and mage should be screwed out of their only true viable complementry skill "necromancy" thus I made up whole bounch of BS to prove the point where mages really gotten nothing but necromancy since hmm 7 or 8 years ago.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Rofl, bro you know what... you just made my day. I didnt expect anyone wouldnt think that post was being sarcastic. You just made me feel relaxed in my office waiting to get off work.

The point is "actually" making is... other than necromancy, EVERY SINGLE NEW POWERFUL SKILLS THAT CAME OUT AFTER AOS MADE FOR THE DEXERS. If you read what the OP said he think necromancy is dexers and mage should be screwed out of their only true viable complementry skill "necromancy" thus I made up whole bounch of BS to prove the point where mages really gotten nothing but necromancy since hmm 7 or 8 years ago.
oh ok sorry lol, i thought you were being sarcastic, but when i read the end i didn't know, so i just jumped on it lol.
with uhall you never know here is an example, the above poster:

I can't remember the last time I saw a necro that WASN'T a dexxer. Most are Sampires or Whammys - and some them are even Bard hybrids (peace and music, with only enough necro to cast Wraith form, using GM+SS to heal).

I think the last mage/necro I saw was a CRAFTER (scribe in training, using the wisp and lich form for mana regen)

And you may wonder why i took your post seriously lol


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Let me join in the "What alternate world did the poster come from" crowd.

I can't remember the last time I saw a necro that WASN'T a dexxer. Most are Sampires or Whammys - and some them are even Bard hybrids (peace and music, with only enough necro to cast Wraith form, using GM+SS to heal).

I think the last mage/necro I saw was a CRAFTER (scribe in training, using the wisp and lich form for mana regen)
Hmmm. Basara, this is a funny old post. I thought at first you meant that you couldn't remember the last time you saw a dexer that wasn't necro and got it jumbled up the wrong way but then the rest of the post makes me think otherwise.

Most of the mages i see PvPing are necro's and at spawns? Forget about it, hands down the most effective template for doing most of the spawns is the necro mage and they are ten a penny.

Necro is awesome for both dexers and mages.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Chiv...divine fury for a mage?
I always liked having a little Chiv on my mage. I mean what else am I going to do with that left over 50 points.

Divine fury is great for getting through the critter crowds in Fel.

Remove Curse is a nice little benefit.

I'm sure there was something else, but I'm tired and haven't played in awhile.

Just saying........Chiv is not a total waste on a PvP Mage.


I will agree with ColterDC's assessment: Chivalry is pretty useful on a mage, especially the remove curse spell. When working with a group on my tamer/mage or my macer I think it is my most used spell while fighting powerful monsters like those in Doom or the recent Crimson Dragon incursion. I find myself casting it whenever I see a yellow health bar now, even if I have never met the character before.

Now, my personal desire for a change in necromancy is a little off topic from the intentions of the OP's reason for this thread, but I have always thought that it would add some flavor to necromancy if your special moves (for wrestling only) would change to reflect the form you are using. Like having Bleed Attack in vampire form, maybe Armor Ignore if you were a wraith, or Double Strike when I am a moloch. I know this would add extra complexity and all, and don't get me wrong: Disarm and Paralyzing are great, but I always thought this would be cool. Nothing game-breaking, and definitely shouldn't be high on a list of developers' priorities, but I thought I'd throw this out there.



Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
remove curse is merely a dexxers version of faction bandaids, a timed curse removal to compliment apple use.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Just saying........Chiv is not a total waste on a PvP Mage.
I dont disagree. But considering on mage you can use maybe hmm 3 spells of them at 2/6 while dexers can use all of them at 4/6...

Chiv isnt a complete waste on a mage. Yes they can use it to an extinct. While Chiv on dexer is completely sweet...

So the point remained the same, unless someone is delusional, chiv even tho not 100% useless on a mage would work 400% better on a dexer... :next:

Barry Gibb

Of Saintly Patience
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Strike that, Reverse it...
remove curse is merely a dexxers version of faction bandaids, a timed curse removal to compliment apple use.
Apples and faction bandaids were items introduced to do the same thing as Remove Curse (apples first, then bandaids).

Necromancy definitly needs a way to ressurect others. It would benefit from a spell that heals others too, like "Convey Life Energy" that would act similarly to Greater Heal or Heal Wounds, but has a necromancy flavor. Definitely tied to the caster's Spirit Speak.

Stayin Alive,


Kratos Aurion

Nice try but no cigar. Oh and it's quite easy to create a necrodexer if you aren't worried about buying reagents of course. Too bad most people in the game are glued to LRC like a couch potato to a TV.
I just load up on good armor then use arcane clothing. As long as my armor supports my needs, arcane will take care of the rest. Sure it's parishable but it lasts quite a while and is insurable:thumbsup:

I had a necrodexxor sampire that pretty much doubled whirlwind/wither back to back which took care of just about everything. My only problem was I couldn't play the character where I live because my connection sucks.

Kratos Aurion

I dont disagree. But considering on mage you can use maybe hmm 3 spells of them at 2/6 while dexers can use all of them at 4/6...

Chiv isnt a complete waste on a mage. Yes they can use it to an extinct. While Chiv on dexer is completely sweet...

So the point remained the same, unless someone is delusional, chiv even tho not 100% useless on a mage would work 400% better on a dexer... :next:
4/6 chiv/mage tamers till work pretty well. I would say the necro tamers work far better but I didn't want to lose the karma side effect and have to pick up another skill to make necro viable. I basically did 49.9 magery + the faction crystal ring which meant I was capped at 69.9 magery and 4/6'd holy light during spawns as my dragon took the hits.

Its a fun template, not entirely mage inspired, but fun never the less. At the end I just used my dragon + massive FBs or Lightnings with GM eval. Its a decent spawn template but like I said its not entirely mage friendly either.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
4/6 chiv/mage tamers till work pretty well. I would say the necro tamers work far better but I didn't want to lose the karma side effect and have to pick up another skill to make necro viable. I basically did 49.9 magery + the faction crystal ring which meant I was capped at 69.9 magery and 4/6'd holy light during spawns as my dragon took the hits.

Its a fun template, not entirely mage inspired, but fun never the less. At the end I just used my dragon + massive FBs or Lightnings with GM eval. Its a decent spawn template but like I said its not entirely mage friendly either.
I wont say its bad but again you are not a real mage and for pvm a 4/6 chiv archer tamer will achieve a lot better damage on bosses and even tho w/ lower mana pool you can have a hit area magic short and be pretty close in killing trash mobs against HL spammer. But agaist single boss you get super dragon + EoO + Slayer weapon and sometimes slayer talisman too the damage agaist a single big mob is insane.

Again at least for me I dont see mages with 69.9 magery killing anyone in pvp (unless you have a pet or two in tow but then we all know tamer is OP as crap rightnow) and I am more pvp oriented in PvP and with apples and faction bandies alternating I dont see chiv being mage friendly if at all. Now look back on dexers... Id say on the safe side 80% of them has at least some chiv in their template.