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Getting an account "Unbanned"


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Has anyone ever heard of this being done?

I used to have a UO account when I was 16 which was banned for granting my RL friend a guild title on his request. At the time we both thought nothing of it but looking back (i'm 25 now) it was pretty god damn offensive.

We both got banned for it, which at the time was a shock to me. Looking back now, I can see their point.

Almost 10 years on and i've got 3 active accounts and generally a fairly decent member of the community, I wondered if there was any way to appeal this ban and have the account reinstated.

Was thinking that it could only be good for EA if I have 4 accounts open instead of 3.

For me it would just be a great buzz to see what my old characters looked like from back then and what weird stuff they would have in their bank accounts and backpacks.

The reason I am wondering is that I heard last year when they allowed all dormant UO accounts to have 2 weeks access for free, this included banned accounts also (not sure if this was true or not).


Queen of The Outlaws
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That account would not be much word anyway, skills will be outdated and there won't be rewards for this 10 years. Also you would need to upgrade it to leave old Britainnia.

Why not just start a new account?


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Only unban cases Ive heard was when they "wrongly" banned "supposedly" "innocent" "suspecious" dupers. They unbanned a few of them after deeming them innocent.

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
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Stratics Legend
I'm afraid you're misinformed on that, the 'return to Britannia' promotions have always stated they are for 'accounts in good standing', ie closed by the player, not EA.

You could, I suppose, state your case in an email to EA customer services, but I don't think anyone here could estimate your chances of success.


I'm afraid you're misinformed on that, the 'return to Britannia' promotions have always stated they are for 'accounts in good standing', ie closed by the player, not EA.

You could, I suppose, state your case in an email to EA customer services, but I don't think anyone here could estimate your chances of success.
- true.

(Btw: I can't afford the time to lookup/create another post, so I say congrats PF on the new bold print :) ! ~ Well deserved, aye.)


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
That account would not be much word anyway, skills will be outdated and there won't be rewards for this 10 years. Also you would need to upgrade it to leave old Britainnia.

Why not just start a new account?
Partly just the thrill of seeing my old characters that i've not seen for almost 10 years and would also get my double blessed black sandles and possibly open book (but i think that would have decayed in my house not sure)

Who knows what else of value could be lurking in the backpacks and banks of my characters. Stuff that wasn't worth anything bitd but might be now? Not sure...

I think i'll send EA an email and see what their thoughts are.

Thanks for the feedback people.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I'm afraid you're misinformed on that, the 'return to Britannia' promotions have always stated they are for 'accounts in good standing', ie closed by the player, not EA.
Yes, but one of them did accidentally reopen banned accounts for a few days. It got corrected quickly when it became public knowledge.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but if you get banned aren't you supposed to be banned from UO completely? If that's the case you might not want to let UO know that you're still playing...


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Correct me if I'm wrong, but if you get banned aren't you supposed to be banned from UO completely? If that's the case you might not want to let UO know that you're still playing...
They only said they have the option to ban you completely as a player... But they dont have to. Judging by the subscriptions UO has... no way unless you somehow figures out a way to continuously dupe some kind of stuff or repeatedly being very "racial" toward some one/group of people.


Ok, so it's a situational type of thing depending on what the "crime" is as to whether or not it's a perma ban. So I'll append my original post and say that if the account was perma banned, then it might not be a good idea to let Mythic know he's still playing.

Thanks for the explanation, which is more than can be said about the OP. I tell ya, kids these days.....


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Corrected, you are wrong.
Nope, he's right. If you're banned from the game you're expected to not play anymore, and registering a new account is a bannable offense in such situations if someone can prove you were banned previously. A ban is lifetime, from the game.. not situational based on account.

You can try to get the original account unbanned, however.


Nope, he's right. If you're banned from the game you're expected to not play anymore, and registering a new account is a bannable offense in such situations if someone can prove you were banned previously. A ban is lifetime, from the game.. not situational based on account.
Ok, now I'm just confuzzled.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Nope, he's right. If you're banned from the game you're expected to not play anymore, and registering a new account is a bannable offense in such situations if someone can prove you were banned previously. A ban is lifetime, from the game.. not situational based on account.

You can try to get the original account unbanned, however.
This is incorrect Crysta. Refer to warultima's post for the correct info.

Anyhow this thread has served its purpose, no need for any further dialogue here. I will send EA an email this evening pleading for my account to be reopened and see if I get lucky. The fact that I didn't appeal the original ban might mean there is some hope in hell.. Who knows, its worth a try.


Once upon a time, you could use the account transfer through uo.com, to get banned accounts unbanned. The link still says that transferring accounts removes bad marks against the account, though I'm sure they fixed the ability to unban accounts.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
This is incorrect Crysta. Refer to warultima's post for the correct info.

Anyhow this thread has served its purpose, no need for any further dialogue here. I will send EA an email this evening pleading for my account to be reopened and see if I get lucky. The fact that I didn't appeal the original ban might mean there is some hope in hell.. Who knows, its worth a try.
Nope, im correct and he's not here... what I said is totally accurate. The problem is that in most cases its not possible to prove the person was banned before.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Nope, im correct and he's not here... what I said is totally accurate. The problem is that in most cases its not possible to prove the person was banned before.
Okay then Crysta, can you please explain to me why the other account I had open at that time using the same credit card details, address, email address, phone number, registered username was allowed to continue as normal? Can you also then explain to me why Origin informed me that no action would be taken against this account and that I would be allowed to access it as normal at that time?


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Things might have changed since then is the only thing I can say. I'm pretty sure what I said is even in the EULA, I just don't have the time to search for it at the moment.

Michael Wolf

Okay then Crysta, can you please explain to me why the other account I had open at that time using the same credit card details, address, email address, phone number, registered username was allowed to continue as normal? Can you also then explain to me why Origin informed me that no action would be taken against this account and that I would be allowed to access it as normal at that time?
Because it's their choice. They have and always have had the option to ban all accounts accociated with the same person. They just rarely if ever have. But yes they can have billing look up CC info and even Address info in case you use different CC cards. Now if they told you specifically they would only ban that one account then I'd say you shouldn't have any issues with them trying to ban the rest.

As far as unbanning that one account, good luck, but it won't hurt to send them an email and try.


I was thinking about this. I do think the EULA does state that all accounts are subject to action. But this person was younger than 18 at the time. Making him a minor. Minor could not open the account. So.. the account that got banned was technically his parents. On the other hand this account most likely never see the light of day again. I only posted a reply due to thinking about the age of the offender at the time.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I'm afraid you're misinformed on that, the 'return to Britannia' promotions have always stated they are for 'accounts in good standing', ie closed by the player, not EA.
Actually this is incorrect. My brothers account was banned about 7 years ago (for possessing a bunch of then "illegal" items.) and my dads account was banned because they used the same CC. Every return to Britannia promotion since then I have been able to log into both accounts.

Michael Wolf

I'm afraid you're misinformed on that, the 'return to Britannia' promotions have always stated they are for 'accounts in good standing', ie closed by the player, not EA.
Actually this is incorrect. My brothers account was banned about 7 years ago (for possessing a bunch of then "illegal" items.) and my dads account was banned because they used the same CC. Every return to Britannia promotion since then I have been able to log into both accounts.
Hate to say, and no offence, but that's just wrong. Your brother had an account which was banned for possessing "illegal" items and you were able to get into it and possibly redistribute those "illegal" items? Sorry but that is just wrong and someone should be slapped for allowing it.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hate to say, and no offence, but that's just wrong. Your brother had an account which was banned for possessing "illegal" items and you were able to get into it and possibly redistribute those "illegal" items? Sorry but that is just wrong and someone should be slapped for allowing it.
The items in question where deleted by the GM at the time of the banning. At the time it was up for review if it was going to be a 72 hour ban or a perma ban.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Has anyone ever heard of this being done?

I used to have a UO account when I was 16 which was banned for granting my RL friend a guild title on his request. At the time we both thought nothing of it but looking back (i'm 25 now) it was pretty god damn offensive.

We both got banned for it, which at the time was a shock to me. Looking back now, I can see their point.

Almost 10 years on and i've got 3 active accounts and generally a fairly decent member of the community, I wondered if there was any way to appeal this ban and have the account reinstated.

Was thinking that it could only be good for EA if I have 4 accounts open instead of 3.

For me it would just be a great buzz to see what my old characters looked like from back then and what weird stuff they would have in their bank accounts and backpacks.

The reason I am wondering is that I heard last year when they allowed all dormant UO accounts to have 2 weeks access for free, this included banned accounts also (not sure if this was true or not).
I know of two players that have been unbanned. Dor of Sonoma and I don't recall the name but maybe Greybeard or was it Dr.Twister? What these two had in common was a large support base that petitioned on their behalf.

First of all you shouldn't admit to your banning if you're a current player. Its in the ToS; If you're banned you are not allowed to create additional accounts without EA's written permission. Some brown-nose here might decide to report you but its not like EA cares about anything at this point.

My original account was banned in 1998, a few months later there was a "bug" that reactivated all banned accounts. In the past I've logged into my banned account to collect vet rewards, etc. However, my characters went poof when they decided to purge old data.