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Looted Items - Getting them Back, or not

  • Thread starter Sevin0oo0
  • Start date
  • Watchers 1


I've had this happen several times before:
Killed by something(s) that looted me and it/they took (insured & Non) items; So I come back back and kill them - my items are still gone - no others in area (did the self rez thing) - so where did my stuff go? This was in wisp dungeon.


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You have probably already done this, but have you shut down UO and restarted the client? I have read posts that state after restarting the client the items have been found on your corpse, or in your backpack. While I personally have never lost a insured/blessed item, many others have. So I believe there is a bug. Sorry for your loss.



Page a GM and ask him/her to check your "ghost pack". Sometimes insured/blessed items can get stuck there.


If you Virtue Self res, all items dropped are put right back in your bag upon resurection (Even if the items arent insured). This does not happen with the spellweaving self res though. Mind you this could have changed. I havnt self-resed in a long time useing Honor virtue.

Bomb Bloke

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That won't return items that have been looted from you.

(Though frankly in this case I don't think the insured items were looted).


Sometimes monsters loot things (they love to take reg bags) and if you dno't kill them... they'll keep it,a nd whoever does will get to benefit.


Crazed Zealot
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if you're having trouble finding a looted item, check the critter corpses again after they go public. It might just be superstition from missing a corpse here or there, but I'm suspicious that sometimes looted items end up assigned to someone else's rights even when you're the only person around.


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They REALLY need to fix champ spawn creatures that loot, to work like the falsehood event spawn, since it is nearly impossible to find the exact creature that looted you to kill and get your stuff back before the ultra-short spawn critter timer runs out. And if it's gold, it just merges with the creature's gold and is lost, if you aren't the one to kill it and the killer doesn't loot it.


Stratics Legend
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if you're having trouble finding a looted item, check the critter corpses again after they go public. It might just be superstition from missing a corpse here or there, but I'm suspicious that sometimes looted items end up assigned to someone else's rights even when you're the only person around.
I tend to believe this happens as well. It's entirely possible that the monster simply despawned in the time it took to get back to your corpse. While not too terribly likely it's a possible answer.


Crazed Zealot
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luckily, nothing important is ever lost to spawn these days. only useless stuff like gold or regs. no worries, you're safe for another day.

Cear Dallben Dragon

Babbling Loonie
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They REALLY need to fix champ spawn creatures that loot, to work like the falsehood event spawn, since it is nearly impossible to find the exact creature that looted you to kill and get your stuff back before the ultra-short spawn critter timer runs out. And if it's gold, it just merges with the creature's gold and is lost, if you aren't the one to kill it and the killer doesn't loot it.
I know right?!
Totally sucks even more that champ spawned creatures have a hightened decay rate.


Slightly Crazed
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Also not nice, if a monster decides to loot your corpse multiple times, and after it finished, an NPC decides to call the guards on the monster.
Since the guards do not even leave dust from a monster they kill, the stuff is also not recoverable in this case.
(I experienced this myself in my earlier UO days, getting killed by a brigand on the Sout bridge of Trinsic. All my stuff and loot sorted in a chest to avoid the backpack clutter at that time, the chest was the first thing getting looted. Just after that a blue NPC cried for the guards - and they came.)
I fully agree, that either looting monsters should not fall under the quick decay rule, or monsters at a quick decay spawn area should not loot.


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Olahorand - I had this happen to me in Jhelom in October - to one of the EVENT lich baddies (that were supposed to be immune to guards), AFTER it had looted my box with my medium Sicarii web in it.... Apparently, while players couldn't guardwhack them, other NPCs could order it done.


Slightly Crazed
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Had such an nasty situation today at Baracoon champ spawn.
Wanted simply run through to unload, got stopped by a ratman mage on the way with para. Other monsters managed to block my char nearly instantly and so he died.
The rats immediatly started to loot bandages, gold, powerscrolls (fortunately only 10s).
As I returned, the next spawn was already started, and the rats got killed by the EVs of another player after my arrival.
Due to the new stupid looting rights (at least for Felucca stupid) there was no chance to check the dead rats for my stuff before the decayed.


I logged out & back in, emptied pack and undressed, nothing.
I've been in/out on this & 2 other toons several times since.
Did a cold boot wednesday, and both items were in pack.
Client or old PC? - I do have some caps puffing up on the top, on MB.


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I cant help you with the *insured item loss thing*, but as a general rule the monsters take the heaviest thing in your bag, Gold Piles, Reg Bags, Loot Bags, then they go for the Tunic and Legs.

The Guild I'm in always tells newer members to split your regs up into piles and carry a few piles of gold(kinda hard now that it weighs less) or anything that weighs more then your valuables just in case you die at the Spawn. It's better then going back to the bank or back home to re-equip or frantically checking bodies for your valuables.

I'd much rather lose a few stacks of gold or whatever then a Reg Bag, or an uber item, the hard thing is getting people to do it consistently.