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new item - Working Switch

Cear Dallben Dragon

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
there are switches and levers alllll over this game. And none of them do anything.
the ones in brit sewers even tell you they are worthless.

Let tinkers craft levers and switches and levers. lock them down in their houses and target what they want them to use.

it would pretty much work like the telekinesis spell. so when you hit the lever, the desired item gets set off or "used"

you could even have the lever attach to multiple objects. One lever could turn on all the lights in the house.

could revolutionize home/siege combat.


Ah... but the ones in game do work... one in Despise teleports you across the level... others in the citadel unlock secret doors...

but I still like the idea. :)


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
What about the ones in Terath Keep, I spent hours in there walking the tightrope and *slipping* to *flip* the switch over and over and cant find a thing it opens or changes, the room with the switch inside below the alter still says the door wont bundge, so ive never made it inside to get to that switch. I did have a friend go through the door as a Ghost and self rez,lol but he had to call a GM to get him out, for some reason the Help stuck wasnt working and the door didnt budge from inside either :)


One day they will all work it is on the bottom of the bug list now I wonder how that is going?


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I remember in the early days, people would speculate on what the switches does, much like the gem in Diablo 2's chatroom...

Always thought they had a function that we'd not discovered yet...

Black Sun

Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Cool idea. Would have been really neat to have tied to all the candles in my old 18x18.
UO Light switch FTW!


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I thought there were two switches in Tera Keep that opened up that small room a little SE from the Tera bridge?
Perhaps im confused...


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Ill go back down and look again when i get a chance, but the only 2 switches Ive seen were one above the tightrope, and one in the room kinda south of the alter area(on Siege it says the door doesnt budge), I tryed magic unlock, telekinesis and everything else i could think of at the time.

If there is another switch besides the two I mentioned, you might throw an Old Man a clue...*hint* *hint* :)


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Khaldun has switches that allow access to a room with a puzzle chest in it. :)

But yeah, switches and levers should do more stuff in this game! How neat would it be to be in your house and flip a switch to open up a hidden wall or a raise a platform you're on to the next floor, or teleport you to another room, turn on a comm crystal like having intercoms in the house. Lotta potential here.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Oh, and a player named House of Een used to create really cool homes with their own flash pages and backgrounds. He had one illusion home that was set by the water (I think north yew area), made a docks out of it and had a gruesome story about the people who lived there. He also had one that was an excavation of a home that progressed in stages. Very cool stuff.

Here's his take on switches in UO:

House of Een's "The Switchmaker"


I'd love to have a drawbridge that I could raise or lower by a switch inside the house.


I read the thread title and thought hmm...I wonder what the OP has in mind for all those lumberjacked switches I have besides making runed switches. I thought about tinker crafted manacles and spined leather mempos. Figured I might have stumbled on an S&M in UO thread. :p


I like the idea of binding switches/levers to object use, very creative.


siege combat.
now your talking
oh wait not siege perilous?
thats the place to be for real uo

but yeah working switch would be nice
and your wrong, there are several switches in the game that actually perform a function. the Citadel comes to mind...