I think putting in a 2-3 second delay between when you hide and when you can stealth will solve this problem.
All that does is stick him in one spot so you can spam cast Meteor Storm at the spot you last saw him.
Stealth is for ambushing a target... sneaking around and the element of surprise. It is not meant as a get out of jail free card.
275-340 Skill used to ambush in PVP which limits your attack power and definitely makes you vulnerable. Your also leaving out the Crafters and new players that use it on Siege for pure Survival, considering there is no GZ in any Faction Town atm, Id hate to see the fully loaded crafter at the Bank without the ability.
They put in "you cannot flee in the heat of battle" because players would just recall out whenever they were getting close to dying in a fight and I could make the same arguments that you can counter someone who's recalling (by weaken spam, poison, blah blah) but the point is... a stealth ninja can pop out... attack me and the second I start winning the fight *poof* they are gone. LAME
You cast one spell, Mana Vampire on your Stealther that has Zero Magic Resist and not only can he not Smoke Bomb, he cant use any specials, or go in animal form.
They put in "heat of battle" because they didn't want players doing it and now players are doing it, but in a different way.
The skill set is overpowered. You can see it on Siege CLEARLY because the majority of the shard is either a stealth ninja tamer, stealth ninja archer, bok ninja stealther, ninja stealth mage, ninja stealth thief, or <insert anything here> ninja stealther.
The only overpowered skill in this game is Magery, Its the one Skill that can do everything for you, get you a pet, hide you, buff you, attack with damage that never misses, as quick as some of the fastest firing bows, it does have a range like archery, but you never miss.
There are VERY few straight templates. I believe (and someone PLEASE correct me if I'm wrong) that I'm the only tamer mage PvPer on the shard... everyone else is basically a ninja stealth tamer. I am one of the FEW mage PvPers and I can't tell you the last time I saw a straight up dexer (maybe Hugi? Tide?!?!? That's about it.)
When more than 90% of the shard is all using the same skill set... something is wrong.
People on Siege use it for a lot of Reasons, sneaking into places to farm unseen, sneaking up on farmers, going to the bank un-molested, stocking vendors un-molested.
And lets not forget why there are not so many straight up Dexers, and why you dont see People running solo PVP anymore. Its a FACT that EVERY Main PVP Guild runs a Dismounter with a Heavy, or a Teleporting Bola Master and a Gank Squad right behind or a Tamer or all of the above.
It's a problem. It needs to be fixed. Not nerfed into oblivion, but fixed. Period.
The thing that needs fixed is to REMOVE Dismount from the Heavy and replace it with another Move like Force Arrow, and make it so you cant teleport with items or spell with a Bola up. Fix Pet Damage 2 screens away while your at it. And allow a Damn Tamer doing a Spawn to defend himself from other Guilds in his Faction that kill him while his pet stands there unable to defend.
Make there a delay between hiding and when you can stealth. Allow us to counter the damn move.
There are plenty of counters already, not everyone wants to fight every time they see someone on their screen, and not everyone wants to be run down by Gank Squads from hell.