Some guildmates were setting up a guild donation box, and we discovered an interesting problem:
With a locked down container, set to guild only, in order to add something to it, you have to be friended. This makes sense with the way the code works. Friends can lock down, but not anyone else. However, this makes the ability to set a locked down container to guild-only useless.
I would like to see guild-only give -limited- ability to lock down... in a guild-only container, you can add to it, without being friended.
In the mean time, we've made it so the house owner has friended officers, and everyone else can see that their donations have been deposited, but we would like to see it so that guild members can add items to a locked-down guild-only container.
With a locked down container, set to guild only, in order to add something to it, you have to be friended. This makes sense with the way the code works. Friends can lock down, but not anyone else. However, this makes the ability to set a locked down container to guild-only useless.
I would like to see guild-only give -limited- ability to lock down... in a guild-only container, you can add to it, without being friended.
In the mean time, we've made it so the house owner has friended officers, and everyone else can see that their donations have been deposited, but we would like to see it so that guild members can add items to a locked-down guild-only container.