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[NEWS] EM's Build Origin PvP Arena!



Yeah I know I'm supposed to be retired but this one was too big to pass up. I went the Origin EM meet-n-greet last night to see what's going on with the shard events and to see if my story was good enough to win a local writing contest.

At the end of the meeting EM Laurana told us they had a special announcement and EM Faine Morgan said she had one of her field trips to take us on. After several jokes about her field trips she announced a warning, this one was to Fel to show us her new PvP Arena. We were given a few minutes to collect whatever we needed for a trip to Fel, or in my case to leave at home everything I didn't need. Faine told us she would open a gate and on the other side we would find a red vortex, to go through it to our destination. An off we went.

Ten of us came through a red vortex into a tunnel which we later found out is somewhere beneath the Lost Lands so transport spells such as Mark,Gate, Recall and Sacred Journey will not work in this place. The only way in or out is when the EM's open their vortex. There was nothing to see when we first arrived except a healer and priest, obviously placed there to resurrect those in need. We traveled a very short distance to find Origins PvP Arena.

The first floor is simple, some stable for your pets, a center table with a book of house rules, and a row of empty stone tables intended to display future trophies to the winners of tournaments. The second floor is the arena itself, all entry and exit is controlled by EM Faine Morgan. The third floor is the observation area where you have seating to wait for your turn to fight and full view of the fights below. There are communications crystals in the house so you can easily hear what's being said throughout the house. Since the house belongs to EM Faine Morgan the EM's do have the power to ban anyone who breaks the rules. The rules are simple:
  1. No Looting.
  2. No casting outside of the battle.
  3. No killing outside of the battle.
  4. Stay in the observation area until your name is called.
Violation of house rules may result in banning from the house and forfeiting you place in the competition.

I couldn't wait and said, "I want to be the first to Die in there." I saw a message on my screen "You've been transferred to EM Faine Morgan!" and Faine said, "come Ghost Writer". Next thing I knew I was being pulled through the half wall that surrounds the ring, and a call was sent out, "Who wants to kill Ghost?" Surprisingly enough there were only 2 volunteers and James of [CoM] ["R"] was selected to be my executioner. I attacked James so he needn't worry about getting flagged and was dead quite quickly after that. That's when we found a minor issue, the healers would not res me because I was flagged a criminal, EM Faine said she'd get that fixed. For testing the arena and being the first to christen it with my blood, James and I were honored with the first Book on the Trophy wall:

Arena Now Open
On Thursday, April 9th, in the year of our Lord 2009, this PvP Arena was officially christened when James of "R" killed Ghost Writer. James has the honor of having the first kill in the house while Ghost Writer has the honor of the first blood spilled!
Welcome to all who come to fight (and die) here!

So the obvious next questions were, how's this going to work and when is going to be open? Entry to the area is controlled by the EM's opening the vortex for us to even get in here. Once there the EM's can ban anyone from the house but they are relying us to behave and not give them reason to. This is an opportunity for controled PvP tournaments with bragging rights to the winner in the form of your name in a book or some type of named statue in permanent recognition on the trophy wall. I hope I'm the only one ever noted for dying there, that would normally be embarrassing to most, but I am most pleased to get my name in that first book and my blood the first spilt in this arena. I should be good at dying, I am a Ghost after all.

The EM's said they plan to do all types of tournaments, one on one, pets, chicken fights, and I believe I heard teams but I'd imagine they would be small, this is house size. When? Em Faine Morgan said she'd like to get the first tournament scheduled before the end of the month! So keep an eye on the EM's web site for a date for the first Origin PvP tournament run by EM Faine Morgan and EM Laurana! Be the first to get your name on the first trophy.

Oh I'll bet you want to see what this place looks like... Here is the first floor with stables, the rule book and trophy wall.

This is the arena, notice no doors to enter.

This is the observation area with seating.

And the Rules.

The first Death in the Arena.

Well I better get back to the grave yard before someone notices I'm missing.

Safe Travels,
Ghost Writer


Hmmm, over a hundred views and no comments? As many complaints as I've heard about the EM's ignoring Fel, I thought you guys would be more vocal about the EM's finally trying some PvP events.

*scratches head*


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Is it a placable custom house or a construct? It looks like a nice place, but if its a construct (made by items locked by GM I mean) there might be speed issues when it comes to actual fights...

Tina Small

Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Possible reasons for lack of comments:

(1) Saturdays are sometimes a slow day for posts in U.Hall.

(2) The arena is on Origin. Since you play there yourself, Ghost_Writer, you surely know how small the Origin population is. Anyone who wants to experience EM-sponsored PvP events on Origin and doesn't already have a PvP-ready character there will most likely have to transfer one from somewhere else or transfer items there to use to train and equip a character. Shopping on Origin just isn't the same as on some of the "bigger" shards.

Since the EMs can't post here, perhaps Mesanna can let us know if this is only being done on Origin at this time as a trial, or if we can expect to see these arenas pop up on some other shards as well.


I believe it's a placed custom, at least that's the feeling I got. I think Faine was just given access to some unused tunnel under T2a and allowed to place a house there. She designed it so it would seem it's just a custom house.

Then they stuck 2 healers there and I wouldn't be surprised if she doesn't have to have GM open that vortex on a schedule or something like that. It didn't look like any type of gate at all, in 2d it looked like I was walking into an EV.

As far as the rest of the shards, well for one I would think it be worth a couple of transfer tokens for a chance at your name on the first trophy. Second, it's an EM run event, if we can make work on Origin, (i.e. everyone behaves) why couldn't you guys bug your EM to do the same. EM's are volunteers that try to do what the players on their shard want, work with them... Well at least ours are.

We have a couple of great EM's on Origin.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
On Origin there is a constant vortex to our new Museum. I'll try and get a pic and edit it in later.

I play on Origin, some other shards too but this looks really nice. I'm looking forward to polishing up my long rusting dueling skills.

Michael Wolf

I just a message from Ghost Writer, he heard from a fairy that he was mistaken, that Vortex is permanent, it is located outside the Counselor's Guild Hall Fel side. You can go check out the Arena any time you like. It is in Fel, the Arena is open to the public, but to the best of my knowledge you can't get in the actual ring without an EM. There are healers if you need them.

Restroom Cowboy

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I think its great that your EMs are this involved with tournament play.

I do have one very important question involving the ring...can words of power from the contestants be seen by those observing? If they cannot, this issue should be brought up with your EMs...as the fights are not as much fun to watch.


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I think it's great! (and pets' fights too!)
................but no chickens poor little beasts...could'nt watch that (true!)

Dor of Sonoma

Excellent reporting, Ghost! :D

And many kudos to Origin's event moderators for endorsing PvP events!

Michael Wolf

Anyone remember this tournament? That's what I want to see again.
If we can get enough of these arenas going I don't see any reason we get something similar to that tournament going. Did they ever go through with that Tournament? Who won?

Which brings up another good point, if this arena works out no one will ever have to ask who won, it will be recorded on some type of trophy.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
1. No Looting.
2. No casting outside of the battle.
3. No killing outside of the battle.
4. Stay in the observation area until your name is called.

Why don't they just say "no fun allowed" ?

good idea tho, finally a pvp arena is built


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
1. No Looting.
2. No casting outside of the battle.
3. No killing outside of the battle.
4. Stay in the observation area until your name is called.

Why don't they just say "no fun allowed" ?

good idea tho, finally a pvp arena is built
The fun, as with most things in RL, is really in the contest, the seeing what you can do. Not so much in what you can acquire.

What a novel concept.


I wish Napa would get one. Being a Trammy, I'd love to go watch people fight each other. Perhaps wager a few gold pieces in the process or, throw my embroidered kerchief to the tournament champ, etc. *Imagines going to a jousting tournament in Felluca*

That would be super fun.


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
That's ok, we had a tourney months ago...thanks for that. Maybe this will get all of the Ems to do something similar...on a regular basis...la


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Unless the area blocks the use of all 3rd party programs, it's about as pointless as UO PvP is in general.

I can see it now..... A pile of trophies awarded to the biggest piles of trash in gaming.

Fix all the damn cheats EA!!!!