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A question about guilds....

Jirel of Joiry

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Stratics Legend
Here's the question my sister has belong to a guild for a long time now (5 yrs) and the guildmistress logs in maybe once a year.

Sis wants to restore this the guild to its formerly glory but its filled with the Guildmistress and her best friends characters.

We're talking about at least 13 accounts worth of chars.

Is there no way for her to claim the guild?

She's voted for herself as guildmistress but with it taking 2/3 majority, even if we put all our char in there we are still out numbered by her inactive chars.

Any ideas or suggestions? This definatly a problem that the Devs never considered. :p


have everyone leave the guild and forn a new guild. its not that hard to do. It may also be easier than trying to find and get the guild leader to sign it over. I know this may not be an option but it may be the only option you have. I dont know.

Jirel of Joiry

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LOL That'd be just sis, Long John and Spooky. Everyone else is Hers and her best friend's. Only reason Sis wants to hang on to the Guild is beause of the Alliance its in otherwise she'd of quit long time ago. :( I wish there was something she could do.

Bomb Bloke

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Has she asked the alliance leaders if they'd consider adding her new guild?

Jirel of Joiry

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The alliance leader doesn't long on much due to RL stuff. I will try to contact him and see. :) thank you for the idea.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
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That would be the best suggestion..... it does take awhile for the guild to update when you vote too.... And I think those that are severely inactive don't count in the vote I think the only ones that count are the ones that show up on the guild roster on uo.com.... I'm not 100% on that but having done that to get a guild into active hands before I know it took a day or two...

Best bet really is to just all quit form a new guild and you can name it extremely similar.. if the old guild only had three letters in it's tag you can also put a space before or after the letters and still have the same "tag".... just has a " " in it..... hardly noticabe.....

Good luck.

Jirel of Joiry

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
She was checking and she's still an Emissary so she considered booting people. However she felt that would be extremely mean and hostile. However some people haven't logged in since Jan. 1, 2006 so sorta figure those need to go but sis doesn't want to anger anyone so she's looking for the path of least resistance.

Tina Small

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If you really think voting one of you in as the guild leader is the best route to take, it looks like you need 2/3rds of the vote from the guild members who have logged in within the past 30 days. http://support.ea.com/cgi-bin/ea.cfg/php/enduser/std_adp.php?p_faqid=1938. I don't think ronins can vote, so it would seem as though they would not be counted when determining the magic number of votes needed to become the new guild leader.

If your sister still has an emissary character in the guild, what is it that she can't do as an emissary but could do as the guild leader? If what she is really interested in is being able to say she is a guild leader, my suggestion would be starting a brand new guild and leaving a character or two in the old guild just to be able to check periodically to see if it becomes active again. In the long run, starting your own guild may cause far fewer hurt feelings and less drama than trying to take over the existing guild.


Crazed Zealot
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If you're talking 3 accounts vs 13, you're definitely in the minority and its time to start over. (At least that would be the way I would look at it)


Here's the question my sister has belong to a guild for a long time now (5 yrs) and the guildmistress logs in maybe once a year.

Sis wants to restore this the guild to its formerly glory but its filled with the Guildmistress and her best friends characters.

We're talking about at least 13 accounts worth of chars.

Is there no way for her to claim the guild?

She's voted for herself as guildmistress but with it taking 2/3 majority, even if we put all our char in there we are still out numbered by her inactive chars.

Any ideas or suggestions? This definatly a problem that the Devs never considered. :p
SoaB ! 13 accounts , damn she must own stock in EA ! Either way thats not a guild thats a UO sponsorship , like all those peeps that buy gym memberships but nerver go.

I think its obvious you should join another guild or start your own, if the current guild is mostly one player with a bunch of accounts then its a guild in name only anyways. If you are into the guild leadership thing offer to be an officer in another guild after joining.


Lore Keeper
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Okay, your sis is an emissary, so this is the way you can do it.

All of your mates have voted for you, I presume, so you have some number N of votes.

Now your sister needs to look at the guild list, and demote to ronin all the inactive players that she can. That is, everybody who is not an emissary, a warlord, or the current GM. If this leaves fewer than N/2 inactive players who by default are counted as voting for the old GM, she will be elected as leader. I am not sure how long is the delay on this coming into operation. If there are too many inactive players left, then she will have to recruit some more active ones to vote for her.

Once she is safely elected, then she can reinstate as members all those that were demoted to ronin, without having to boot anybody from the guild. She doesn't have to boot anybody (except the GM from her place, and maybe the inatcive emissaries and warlords from theirs).


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I just add this note, I know of two other guilds in similar situations. In both of them the active members have changed their votes to a new guild leader, giving the new choice the percentage needed as stated in the Knowledge Base.


the Guild Roster NEVER updates.

This has been reported to EM's, GM's to Mesanna, and filed in feedback and bug reports...All to NO AVAIL!

Hopefully this Topic will get read by someone in EA and they will verify it isnt working as intended and FIX IT!!!


Stratics Veteran
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Cant vote a GM out...
Uh...yes you can. That's why there's the voting system set up. It was designed to vote an inactive GM out, provided folks had the right voting privledges.


You tested it lately?

Make a guild of three and try to vote the gm out...


Stratics Veteran
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Lately no, last year, yes.

Even then it took a day or two for it to work, sometimes up to a week. Honestly I haven't heard any problems with the GM not being able to be voted out until now. If there's a problem I hope folks have sent a bug report on it.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
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I know you can... I was able to not that long ago.... possibly last year... and I know it works.

Dor of Sonoma

She was checking and she's still an Emissary so she considered booting people. However she felt that would be extremely mean and hostile. However some people haven't logged in since Jan. 1, 2006 so sorta figure those need to go but sis doesn't want to anger anyone so she's looking for the path of least resistance.
Why doesn't she just form her own guild?

Doesn't sound to me like she's happy with the one she's in, anyway.

That is not a good reason to mess with someone else's creation. Sorry, but I am not fond of guild usurpers. We've had some sad, ghastly experiences with that. *sighs*