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What shards have the best em,s?



If I look at the past by far Baja has lost standing with the last two, Deco contests were the best the second to the last could come up with, this one I guess who has the fastest inernet conection works, no content at all, No thought, Enjoy folks some boots just cant be filled. Remember tihis should be just for comments on your EM'S Please dont trash the posters.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Ours ( Siege ) Is to busy on his home production shard, we only get a 10th of his time Im sure.

I think he/she is horrible. I saw no easter bunny on easter. :(

Dor of Sonoma

I am entranced with what I just witnessed of Pacific's EM. It made me quite nostalgic :)

Haven't had a chance to meet with Sonoma's new event moderator, yet.


I was hunting Troglodyte's on Siege and had EM Vytacca dropped two eggs on the ground but the spawn was too much for me to pick them up. So, the Easter bunny grabs the eggs and tells me to run outside where I was handed the eggs safely.

Thanks for that EM Vytacca!


Belaern d'Zhaunil
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GL's are very active and pretty gosh darn good!
Agreed!..... Can't say enough.... they have their work cut out for them that's for sure.... I give them a lot of credit..... GL can be very difficult. There are several on GL that are just horrible disruptive and full of constant complaints.... and so far ours haven't lost heart....

I really have enjoyed the events and always look forward to them. I just wish they could do more...


I was hunting Troglodyte's on Siege and had EM Vytacca dropped two eggs on the ground but the spawn was too much for me to pick them up. So, the Easter bunny grabs the eggs and tells me to run outside where I was handed the eggs safely.

Thanks for that EM Vytacca!
EM Vytacca gave me 2 eggs on Siege as well :) So Atlantic has the best Siege EMs I guess :p

Sir Kelek

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Napas EM'S are FANTASTIC! Very interactive and fun to be around. Can tell they truely enjoy their job.


Lore Master
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Napa's are awesome, and from what I have seen of Pacific's, they are as well.

Lord Nabin

High Council Sage - Greater Sosaria
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Glorious Lord
I am going with Napa Em's being excellent. Thanks for all your hard work!!! We really appreciate it. :)


A big shout out to the EMs who came to Siege to give us an Easter event! It was late in the day but still worth it.

Lady Vivian

ORIGIN!!! Best EMS ever. They've given us events from a country fair to fiction writing to Easter Egg Hunts with several others in between. They have even been working with the PVP players to bring safe, controlled events to Fel so that those not involved in PVP can take part in or watch without fear of getting ganked and loosing their possessions. Origin has a lot to be thankful for because of the actions of our EMS.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hats off to Pacific EMs. Thanks for taking the time not just to run the events, but to listen to us, banter with us, and even take tours of old EM sites and what not! :thumbsup:


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
This question cannot really be answered as unless you have characters on every shard there is no comparison possible.

The question should really be 'Are you satisfied with your EM's?' which is also a more important one.

So I will answer my own question with regard to Europa and state that I am totally satisfied with our EM's. Since the start they have both tried very hard to fill their role and make Europa a great shard to play on.

Ok, the start was a little shaky but that was to be expected. Any new role is demanding and they had large boots to fill. Since then their performance has improved and improved till, as I said, I am real happy with them.

Great work guys and congratulations to you both.


Europa's EM's are doing a fine job not only with what is expected of them but also the extra time they spend listening to players comments in 'meet and greet' sessions.
The web site and criers are always updated with the latest news so that everyone can be involved and they clearly enjoy what they are doing.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Both of Catskills EMs have showed that they want to make a mark on the shard. They interact with the players and show up at player ran events adding a extra touch to make those events even more special.


Queen of The Outlaws
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EM Vytacca gave me 2 eggs on Siege as well :) So Atlantic has the best Siege EMs I guess :p
I hope he will be kind tu us an other time as Atlantic have 2 EM's, he may have a little time for us.

Even when I was sleeping at that time, I want to say thanks to EM Vytacca for comming to our shard :danceb:


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I found the original posters words pertaining to Baja's EM's confusing at best.

EM Seppo and EM Pallando are doing Excellent jobs for Baja by all I have seen and heard of from others.

Thanks and Kudos to Baja's EM's and to all her characters.

Elladan of Baja

Nyte Doombringer

This question cannot really be answered as unless you have characters on every shard there is no comparison possible.

The question should really be 'Are you satisfied with your EM's?' which is also a more important one.

So I will answer my own question with regard to Europa and state that I am totally satisfied with our EM's. Since the start they have both tried very hard to fill their role and make Europa a great shard to play on.

Ok, the start was a little shaky but that was to be expected. Any new role is demanding and they had large boots to fill. Since then their performance has improved and improved till, as I said, I am real happy with them.

Great work guys and congratulations to you both.

I agree. Been attending the events and they are really putting alot of effort in them.


Napas EM'S are FANTASTIC! Very interactive and fun to be around. Can tell they truely enjoy their job.
I'll echo this assessment.

Our EM's are very interactive and inclusive. If only EA/UO would give them proper footwear. Every time I see one of them the grandmother in me wants to give their bosses an earful about it being centuries since civilized people went barefoot.

They are cute though. EM Kaen even put some ugly sneakers on (just to appease me I'm supposing).

Made me want to ruffle his gold trimmed hooded head. LOL


2011 Winter Deco Contest 1st Place
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Well, I love Atlantic's EMs so far. They're really fun to talk to :)

For Easter they dropped eggs in and around the cities, had the big egg hunt later in the evening then for another 30 minutes after that, if you found the bunny, you got an egg.

Still love my cracked and dirty Easter eggs :)

Lord Drakelord

you know I really cannot say anything about the Sonoma EM's as I have only see one role play event in New Haven [just happen to recall in a catch the act], I have not see any call to arms in game, [RBG call out to stop raid, etc..] all I have see is the V day event, the St Patty event, a meet and greet where the EM wanted to give me a sash, [thanks, I have one it says RBG], there was the PvP toury, was cool to watch till one of the major PvP guilds kept killing the people that came to just watch the event, there is the weekly Virtue classes, [that I have not gone to because I really don't need to], so over all I have to say that the current EM events just are sad.

Now if they get off their butts and rally the RBG to do something in game then I will be there, but till then sorry I rather fight the spawn at the CS.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I found the original posters words pertaining to Baja's EM's confusing at best.

EM Seppo and EM Pallando are doing Excellent jobs for Baja by all I have seen and heard of from others.

Thanks and Kudos to Baja's EM's and to all her characters.

Elladan of Baja
I agree - Seppo & Pallando have been great! And, I believe they went out of their way during this Easter event to include as many people as possible.

Damia TMC

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Legends has wonderful EM's. EM Tashik and EM Helios are very active in the shard, the events are fun, spread around different times so everyone can attend something.

They worked very hard on Easter passing out and hiding eggs, and we had 2 mini events during the day where we had to kill egg thieves. Some brightly colored liches and later on some brightly colored demons.

They are both really wonderful, they take the time to talk to people, and plan events well. They make sure notice is given both at their hall, and in Luna bank, so you can't miss an upcoming event. I couldn't be happier with ours on Legends.

zared of napa

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Em Kaen and Em Sezja ;) rock all the way.........Even tho they are Casca Lovers i try not to hold that against em .
i hated that damn easter bunny could never catch him to steal his eggs.I got 1 from him after a fist fight and a few unkind words .Damn smack talking bunny

Ok Kaen I said a few nice things can i have my sanity back u took ?

zared of napa

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
you know I really cannot say anything about the Sonoma EM's as I have only see one role play event in New Haven [just happen to recall in a catch the act], I have not see any call to arms in game, [RBG call out to stop raid, etc..] all I have see is the V day event, the St Patty event, a meet and greet where the EM wanted to give me a sash, [thanks, I have one it says RBG], there was the PvP toury, was cool to watch till one of the major PvP guilds kept killing the people that came to just watch the event, there is the weekly Virtue classes, [that I have not gone to because I really don't need to], so over all I have to say that the current EM events just are sad.

Now if they get off their butts and rally the RBG to do something in game then I will be there, but till then sorry I rather fight the spawn at the CS.
Well if u dont attend the event and dont give the EM's ideas of course they are gonna be sad.


UO Baja News Reporter
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Campaign Benefactor
I actively play on two different shards and both sets of EM's do an excellent job.



Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
While I do agree that it is a little too early to make an honest and complete assessment of them after such a short time. I however believe that Pacific's EM's are doing a fantastic job so far.

If I take the events out of the equation, they pop in from time to time just to talk to people, see whats going on, crack a few jokes, flaunt their EM powers...its absolutely wonderful to see that they are attempting to be a part of the community.

The events have also been a great time. No, I haven't been rewarded with any item, or even pick up one of the eggs in that little "egg basket" of a room last night. I have left every event empty handed, but I still feel completely satisfied with how the events have turned out. They are fun, and well planned out.

People seem to think that EM's just show up, make a few monsters appear, and poof they are done for the week. I can see that it takes a lot of time and effort to make these events happen, and I for one, am very pleased with what they have done so far!

I give them an A on their quarterly report card!

Michael Wolf

Origin! OK I'm prejudice. Not only are they very active but after every event they have a meeting to discuss upcoming events as well player ideas and wants. And at stuff like the Easter egg hunt yesterday they actually took the time to have everyone line up so they could make sure everyone got at least one egg for their trouble.

zared of napa

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I'll echo this assessment.

Our EM's are very interactive and inclusive. If only EA/UO would give them proper footwear. Every time I see one of them the grandmother in me wants to give their bosses an earful about it being centuries since civilized people went barefoot.

They are cute though. EM Kaen even put some ugly sneakers on (just to appease me I'm supposing).

Made me want to ruffle his gold trimmed hooded head. LOL
Yes but you have to admit he was looking good in theses pics

Was this before or after he said he loved us in a manly way .

Lady Aalia

Atlantic's Finest
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I am really happy with our Atlantic EMs ...

Vytacca is a real sweetheart and Kanmare ...OMG does that woman know her UO :)
they are both awesome ...and i guess we can share Vytacca , but only if we have to !!


I have been to events on Baja and Napa and the Em's on both shards are great. Friendly and I have been having a lot of fun. The egg hunt yesterday on Baja was a lot of fun.


I must say Pacific's EM's really pulled it together for the easter event. EM Lillimu and i think EM Cyno Razik worked pretty damn hard to try and make it fun for each of the 60 or so player's that attended(Think it was many more including the fel side easter hunt). And it lasted for hours. I really look forward to seeing more good time's like this in UO.

I actually had dreams i was still hunting for eggs in UO sunday night. And its been a long time since i had a dream about UO.

*Tips Hat*

A Job well done


I dont think i'm safe anymore he is gonna kill me for those pics.
Next meet, I'll have to remind ya to wear your asbestos armor before heading to the CG. Oh, and if he attempts sumfin', you can always hold the voodoo doll hostage! LOL


Colorblind Collector
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hats off to Pacific EMs. Thanks for taking the time not just to run the events, but to listen to us, banter with us, and even take tours of old EM sites and what not! :thumbsup:
I agree! Especially trying to catch up with old shard lore... They both love to learn and play. Definitely play...

This is Evil Easter Bunny checking out the special aquarium and doing some water sport. It could have been lack of sleep at work here but we'll take it all.



I agree! Especially trying to catch up with old shard lore... They both love to learn and play. Definitely play...

This is Evil Easter Bunny checking out the special aquarium and doing some water sport. It could have been lack of sleep at work here but we'll take it all.

Wowowowowwow! Next we'll be having resort areas popping up all over Britain! :lol: Where's the monorail!

Seriously though, that is awesome, I must say. :)


Oh I missed this. Atlantic EMs are beyond awesome. They go in and out of character, depending on who they are talking to, keeping in mind both the rp'ers, the pvm'ers and the pvp'ers. Each event gets better, and the Easter bunny event was a blast. I couldn't believe I stayed up so late on Easter Sunday without one second of boredom.

*stares at Seige, frowning* Alright, you can borrow, but don't keep. :p


you know I really cannot say anything about the Sonoma EM's as I have only see one role play event in New Haven [just happen to recall in a catch the act], I have not see any call to arms in game, [RBG call out to stop raid, etc..] all I have see is the V day event, the St Patty event, a meet and greet where the EM wanted to give me a sash, [thanks, I have one it says RBG], there was the PvP toury, was cool to watch till one of the major PvP guilds kept killing the people that came to just watch the event, there is the weekly Virtue classes, [that I have not gone to because I really don't need to], so over all I have to say that the current EM events just are sad.

Now if they get off their butts and rally the RBG to do something in game then I will be there, but till then sorry I rather fight the spawn at the CS.
Getting an inkling you like the RBG.

Why not start something yourself? Set yourself up as Captain Drakecaptain rolleyes:, lead an assault on some hapless monsters, perhaps one of your beloved champs, call it a "cleansing" or "crusade" or some other euphemism for religious genocide. Clearly there currently aren't any invasions going on, not since the faction towns were corrupted, but don't let that stop you.

You list quite a few events there. It seems your EMs are doing a good job whether or not it panders directly to your playstyle. Give them some credit. :thumbsup:


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The most common thing I hear about atlantic's EMs are, what are EMs? I've only come across 1 person in my heavy UO playing that could say they've actually seen an atlantic EM and his response was that at some pvp event, nearly nobody showed because it was during a time that most pvpers are not logged in.

The catskills EMs have been quite active, the pacific EMs are highly visible and frequently seen all over. It just strikes me as a bit sad that the highest population shard, atl, has been caught with less than desirable EMs.