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Basic Weapon Question



I would put this in the Warrior or the Newbie section, but I need a fairly rapid response. Is there any disadvantage to taken any of the melee weapon choices? Maces, Swords or Fencing, does it really matter what I may take on my PvE Warrior?

I see that there many Sword weapons that seem superior, but I am not aware of Mace or Fencing weapons that are on par with these weapons.

Any opinions?



You will find most superior weapons are UBWS
that says it all


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Most of my Mêlée chars are fencers. The choice for this really had nothing to with the weapons. It was the cost of the 120 power scrolls, fencing is cheaper than swords (usually). If I was following the rule of cheapest 120, then most of my chars would be macer's. I just find that they swing to slow on most of their weapons. Also, I have a fair number of poisoners. Fencing has 4 weapons that allow infectious strike, swords only 2.

Perhaps the reason the swords 120 scroll is more expensive, is because most people think the weapons are superior.



Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It depends on your playing style ...
- fencing has no weapon with wirlwind-special
- macing has no weapons that can take poisons
- swords has the only one-handed weapon with whirlwind
- macing has no skinning tool
- the soulseeker (a marty) is a swords weapon
- fencing weapons are usually the fastest (you need less dex for max swing speed)
for pvp:
- superior specials on a warfork (disarm/bleed)
followed by
- mace (conc blow/disarm)
- war mace (bleed/armour ignore)

Not to mention the different looks on many weapons. Swords has very stylish ones with scythe, bone harvester and halberd. *g*


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The weapons are pretty well balanced. You have to look at your favorite special moves and then make a decision. Pick the weapon skill with the best choice of weapons for your favorite special moves.

Old Man of UO

You will find most superior weapons are UBWS
that says it all
UBWS is fine for starting out. But remember it takes one mod slot and have a max of 5 mods on a weapon. I would rather have a good mod on the weapon of my choice than depend on UBWS.

Stupid Miner

swordsmanship is far superior. Fencing is fast but low damage. Mace is slow but high damage. Swords is everything because it has way too many weapon choices compared to the other 2.

Bomb Bloke

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
There are way more swordsmanship weapons available then any other class. That gives you a lot more versatility when looking for speed/damage/special moves combinations. It also offers axe class weapons that deal more damage based on your lumberjacking skill.

Pretty much all the weapons that can be used with poison are in the fencing/archery classes (the swords class has two, but they're tinkered - can't use runics on 'em).

Mace weapons deal damage to target's armor at a higher rate (for what that's worth).


In each group (swords 1h, swords 2h, axes, fencing 1h, fencing 2h, maces 1h, maces 2h) as you look at each weapon going from fastest to slowest the base damage (for the most part) goes the other way. So the fast weapons have low damage and the slow weapons have high damage.
This means that in each group there is an average. Though this average is dependant on what swing speed you can reach. There are also a few weapons that don't follow the average.
The base damage of the weapons that can reach the swing cap depends on what stamina and SSI you consider the average.
If you consider 150 stamina, 30 SSI something easily reachable then 3s weapons offer the highest base damage.

The 3s weapons in each class have the following base damages:
Swords 1h, 13-15
Swords 2h, 15-17
Axes, 14-16
Fencing 1h, has no 3s weapon but at 2.75 is 13-15
Fencing 2h, 14-16
Macing 1h, 14-17
Macing 2h, has no 3s weapon but at 2.75 is 13-16

So if you compare the 1h weapons they're pretty much the same, Fencing gets the same damage as Swords but one tick faster (which means 30 less stamina for you). Macing is better than both.
Macing 2h is 1 damage less than Swords 2h but reaches it 1 tick faster (again you'd need 30 less stamina to get that)

Ornate Axes, Diamond Maces & Black Staffs are the exception to the average in each class.

Then if you take into account special moves the only really worthwile special moves in PvM are Whirlwind & Feint. Whirlwind is available on Radiant Scimitars, Halberds, Kami, Black Staff, War Hammer. Feint is available on Bokutos, Daisho, Leafblade, Tessen, Nunchaku. Of those, the ones that are closest to the average for speed and damage are Black Staffs, Radiant Scimitars & Leafblades.

However Black Staffs can't be crafted so good ones are hard to find.
Leafblades can be crafted with UBWS.

All in all its best to go with Macing or Fencing, personally I go with Macing for its higher damage and Whirlwind I use UBWS Leafblades if I need Feint. This is also because I have good Black Staffs & Diamond Maces, if I didn't I'd probably go with Fencing.

I don't know why people get the impression Swords are superior when they aren't.

Stratic Fanatic

Mace weapons also deal an extra hit to the stamina level of targets, and they always damage an opponent's armor when a hit is scored.


It depends on your playing style ...
A. - fencing has no weapon with whirlwind-special
- macing has no weapons that can take poisons
- swords has the only one-handed weapon with whirlwind
B. - macing has no skinning tool
C. - the soulseeker (a marty) is a swords weapon
- fencing weapons are usually the fastest (you need less dex for max swing speed)
for pvp:
D. - superior specials on a warfork (disarm/bleed)followed by
- mace (conc blow/disarm)
- war mace (bleed/armour ignore)

Not to mention the different looks on many weapons. Swords has very stylish ones with scythe, bone harvester and halberd. *g*
http://uo.stratics.com/content/arms-armor/arms.php Here is a list of all weapon and the moves.

A. Kama has whirlwind attack. Marty is Darkened Sky, and the Lajatang had the frenzied whirlwind. Good for Bushido due to being two handed, Cons are you have to disarm to chug potions.(until we can balance 2 handed)

B. Diamond Mace and war axe both cut & skin.

C. Exiler is a very nice demon slayer in maces and super fast. Also have Winds Edge.

D. Is more an opinion but a very nice Butcher Knife has PvP action written all over it. Poison & disarm. I personally enjoy killing the big mouths with Talon Bite. Disarm heavy hitter.