1. Your Computer and password.
Keep your system clean.
Tools to help (they are all free, or free for personal use)
Hijack This - finds oddities in your system easy to pass text version of its logs to friends or forums.
CCleaner - Nice registry cleaner
AVG - Free AntiVirus
GMER - Root Kit Revealer
Spybot Search and Destroy - Spyware Cleaner
Ad-Aware - Spyware Cleaner
Host File Replacement -
http://www.mvps.org/winhelp2002/hosts.htm redirects DNS names of known bad systems to localhost so you will never be able to access these sites.
and if you really want to get into it
NMAP - port scanner, listening ports are bad thats a method a malicious individual can get in your system. Alot of the large worms that attack windows use listening ports to gain access your system via a zero day exploit.
Also port scanning your system from an outside source is good try
shields up
Wireshark - a free network protocol sniffer. This will use the winpcap library to communicate to windows networking. This tool will let you know what data is being sent to and from your system. You should see alot of windows garbage packets being sent around ports 137,138, 139, 445 etc.
Random Generated Passwords
20 character minimum with letters (a-z), numbers(0-9) and symbols(!@$#^&*{]".)
Know what your system should be running.
Windows XP task manager process should have the following on a base system load
svchost.exe (about 3 - 5 depending on your network settings)
I dump alot of the normal system processes things not needed. If you run your system for gaming only you can disable all your system ports instead of needing a firewall.
******If you do not know how to reinstall your operating system ignore this following link******http://hilands.com/security-windows_security.html incase your interested in turning all your ports off on XP.
2. Firewalls and NAT'ing (name address translation)
A basic hardware firewall/router like a DLink, LinkSys or other popular brand unit uses what will run a NAT. This will convert your ISP's IP address into virtually unlimited LAN IP addresses. When your firewall/router is working properly you should be on a private LAN IP address of - or - or -
Software Firewalls are great. Windows firewall is common and if someone wants in your system they will be able to turn it off easily. Try something like WIPFW (Windows Internet Protocol Firewall). Its the port of the BSD IP Firewall to the windows system!
3. Securing your email and password.
Don't use your password or email on anything other than UO!. There are also tools that store and encrypt your password and send it to the correct text field for login purposes. They can help you avoid keystroke loggers.
4. Email
Web based email is fairly easy to access for the user and for a thief. Don't use email like hotmail, gmail, yahoo etc if you can help it. If you can set up a forward to your cell phone.
I googled "cell phone email addresses" and found this. Try sending your self an email to your cell phone first. You can set this up two ways. 1. use the direct email address for your cell phone provider and add it to your account (but then they will have your cell phone information) 2. Make an email address for the soul purpose of redirecting. Preferable an email account you can't access through a common web email provider like the ones listed above.
[10-digit phone number]@message.alltel.com
AT&T (formerly Cingular)
[10-digit phone number]@txt.att.net
Boost Mobile
[10-digit phone number]@myboostmobile.com
Nextel (now part of Sprint Nextel)
[10-digit telephone number]@messaging.nextel.com
Sprint PCS (now Sprint Nextel)
[10-digit phone number]@messaging.sprintpcs.com
[10-digit phone number]@tmomail.net
[10-digit phone number]@vtext.com
Virgin Mobile USA
[10-digit phone number]@vmobl.com
5. What are you installing on your computer
Don't install cheats or go to cheating websites. Don't use filesharing utilities, things like Limewire or whatever else is hip and cool. Be warry of social networking sites, like myspace facebook facespace and whatever is hip.
Use the host file replacement as noted in section one, and turn off your active X features in Internet explorer if you use it. 90% of the viruses/adware/spyware and other crap I see getting installed on user systems is from basic web browsing. Web browsers by default are not safe you might not even know if you install something on your system.
You have to know your enemy. They are smarter than you and know more about your system then you do. They sit there reading about security issues, updates, and learn how to exploit these systems. They read more computer magazines, subscribe to more email lists, read more forums and take the time to learn more about YOUR SYSTEM then you will. A token with a time based password still gives your enemy roughly a 5 minute window to keylog your code and log in to kick you out.
If you read this post, you are either smarter than you were one minute ago or confused and scared. Either way it was worth your time.