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Help Cut Down GM Page Times

Lord Gareth

UO Content Editor | UO Chesapeake & Rares News
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I am starting this thread with simple little bugs that we have to page a Gamemaster for. I wanted to use Uhall since everyone checks this forum. I have one little thing that I have to page for because you all know I like to deco and customize houses. So if you have small things the Devs can fix which will cut down Q time and help customers service then please post them.

(Then once we get em all together send it in by Email unless they just read it here.)

This one is mine. (maybe this will help you understand what I mean) I also sent this under when I was giving two GMs a A+ review....which I don't do often... *cough* anyways.

"Also something to help your Game masters out. This might cut down on some pages. Vet rewards cannot be re-deeded by an account not old enough even if they own the house. So you might want to think about making that change to help your customer service department save time and resources. Since you can transfer a house (messed up in email and wrote account.) to a one year old vet account with a Two year old banner deed in."

My suggestion isn't to change house rules but to allow any account to be able to re-deed any Vet Item if they OWN the house. And no, once the house is transferred even if you co-own the person who put it up they cannot take it down.

ALSO another thing many people page for is when a house decays and an Add-on such as a water trough is floating blocking house placement. Might want to look into that as well.

Lord Gareth

UO Content Editor | UO Chesapeake & Rares News
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Mmmm.... No I think its safe for you to do that.


2011 Winter Deco Contest 1st Place
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They need to fix it so stuff doesn't fall under the house plot when you put it down...

Anon McDougle

"wanted to use Uhall since everyone checks this forum"

this is false and a huge issue the patch screen is where any and all info should go


this is false and a huge issue the patch screen is where any and all info should go
You must be like me.. a fool. To think EA/Mythic would post important information on the patch screen in an insult to the devs. Let the non-Stratics bugged-quiver folks get banned, let everyone who doesn't use this forum get banned.

Why should we slave away to check this forum when people who aren't interested in drama be forced to check it? Ban them!!!

/sarcasm.. Whoever has the job of updating the patch screen should be fired. I've pointed out at least the past 3 items that should have been on the patch screen. It's horribly sad that the website is not up to date (although recently they are making an effort), and that the patch screen only gets updated when they feel like it or when people complain enough.

The patch screen should be tied to the Herald Updates. How ****ing hard is that to do?

Lord Gareth

UO Content Editor | UO Chesapeake & Rares News
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"wanted to use Uhall since everyone checks this forum"

this is false and a huge issue the patch screen is where any and all info should go
Your post makes no sense. how are the people that play the game and know small bugs that you have to page a GM for going to use the patch screen????? The patch screen has nothing to do with this post what so ever. We cant post on that. I'm asking for small in game bugs not issues with information outside of the game.

Anon McDougle

ok not everyoine who plays UO comes here (this make sense?)

anything to do with any bugs or issues (things that happen in game) should be posted,talked about,listed etc etc on the patch screen the only place EVERYONE who plays UO really goes

is this clearer for you ??

this is not meant to trash the OP but a dig at the DEV's who need to remove heads from place with no sun and get our beloved game updated and marketable!!!


Not sure about anyone else...but when I click on the link in the
patch notes for Pub 58...it takes me to the Pub 57 notes on UOHerald.

So yes, the patch note page definitely needs some updating. And add
the 11th anniversary collection info to it also. Not everyone reads Stratics.

Lord Gareth

UO Content Editor | UO Chesapeake & Rares News
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Wiki Moderator
ok not everyoine who plays UO comes here (this make sense?)

anything to do with any bugs or issues (things that happen in game) should be posted,talked about,listed etc etc on the patch screen the only place EVERYONE who plays UO really goes

is this clearer for you ??

this is not meant to trash the OP but a dig at the DEV's who need to remove heads from place with no sun and get our beloved game updated and marketable!!!
I really don't see UO putting up a discussion place because they already said they will not do anything they have to moderate. So what every person doesn't read Uhall. All I'm asking for IN THIS THREAD is small bugs IN GAME that you have to page a GM for. If you are paging a GM for a list of Bugs or information about an update I guess I'm confused as to why you would even do that and waste the GMs time.

Im not asking for something for ULTIMA ONLINE PLAYER BASE to read and find information on them just list any small things that you need a GM to fix in game.

Now as I said I just wanted a list of small easy fix UO bugs that would cut down on GM Page time. Like floating Idoc Items that block placement that people page for etc etc.

Tina Small

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I rarely page for help. However, nearly every page I've made for the last two years has been for the same issue: A demon stuck on the middle floor of the small tower in the hedge maze.

From around the time the KR client was introduced and someone went nuts with landscaping and interior decoration changes in the hedge maze, you've been unable to use the steps in that tower to visit the 2nd story. On some shards, if you're lucky, you can somehow use the broken steps to get to the roof of the tower; however, the sparkly gate on the roof casts you out onto the grass when you use it. I have yet to figure out how to get the attention of a demon that has spawned on the 2nd floor so it will walk around on that floor and MAYBE go up or down a level so it's at least within reach of a mage's spells.

Every time I've ever paged and politely asked to have the demon booted to the roof or to the bottom floor or to the grass, the response has consistently been a positive one and generally done within 20-30 minutes of my page. In a way, I kind of hate to ask to have the problem fixed because it's been just about the only reason I've had in a long time to page for help. However, if someone could just take a few minutes to study that tower (both in Tram and in Fel) and make a few structural tweaks to it, my reason to page would go away!

Anon McDougle

Gareth my lord i do understand what you want and why you want. it but doing it here gets only a small fraction of the player base doing it