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In Mani Ylem and PVP


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I've seen alot of people casting "In Mani Ylem" or create food while in the middle of a pvp battle, multiple times when a fight drags on. It seems to be archers or melee fighter doing it. I'm trying to find out the reason why this is being done. Is there some buff eating food does in battle? If so why wouldn't you just carry like 10 fish steaks on you?

Does it help with pot chugging when your poisoned? Help interrupt spells while your casting on them? I play a nox mage so I'm constantly trying to poison to get that healing buff nocked out.

I am curious as to why so many players started doing this in the passed week or so.
I've asked other players and guildmates and I have gotten a variety of different answers which all seem to be I don't know or some nonsense.
Any information would be great I'd like to know if In Mani Ylem is something to be feared.

JC the Builder

Crazed Zealot
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It allows them to bypass the disarm timer. So instead of having to wait a second after disarming, they cast create food and immediately can use a potion or equip a new weapon.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
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Oh nice..... a new little exploit..... how nice.... And people wonder why the DEV's haven't been able to balance PvP.....


It really isnt that big of a deal.

Someone switching weapons faster than usual isnt too extreme


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I was casting weaken on Legends..........approx 4 years ago. This isn't new at ALL! I picked it up from someone that was doing it before me. Please take a peak at my Ultimate PvP fix post.....that would be the most balance to PvP EVER! EA/Mythic, I'm available for hire.


Stratics Legend
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It really isnt that big of a deal.

Someone switching weapons faster than usual isnt too extreme

Far from new. That sploit has been around for a very long time. Using that spell is actually sloppy. There are "quieter" ways of resetting the timer.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Don't slap me with your ham bro!

Cool thanks for the reply. I wonder how it affects anything else. I know I don't disarm as my char has nothing to disarm with. Straight up nox mage, so I was noxing the feller 1 in 10 (120 magery vs 120 resists) I wonder what other timers the sausage maker is able to reset, or even what the "quieter" things they might be doing are.

I was worried he'd create a ham and slap me with it sheesh I feel better now. Well I won't even bother fighting anyone from that guild on pac anymore. Perhaps if they have no one to play with they'll get bored and go to another game. oh well stupid me for playing it legit. Atleast I know what I am up against. Cheers


Babbling Loonie
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Don't slap me with your ham bro!

Cool thanks for the reply. I wonder how it affects anything else. I know I don't disarm as my char has nothing to disarm with. Straight up nox mage, so I was noxing the feller 1 in 10 (120 magery vs 120 resists) I wonder what other timers the sausage maker is able to reset, or even what the "quieter" things they might be doing are.

I was worried he'd create a ham and slap me with it sheesh I feel better now. Well I won't even bother fighting anyone from that guild on pac anymore. Perhaps if they have no one to play with they'll get bored and go to another game. oh well stupid me for playing it legit. Atleast I know what I am up against. Cheers
If he did it right he didnt even finish casting the spell anyways. It's "cast" "weapon drop" "rearm" all in one motion, you will hear the spell fizzle too.

Just one of the many exploits that benefit dexers more than mages.


Lore Keeper
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This exploit is a direct side effect of a cumbersome client that doesn't work properly.

KR allows you to switch wepons seemlessly. In 2d it isn't possible to switch weapons quickly without using UOA and an exploit...

In this case I would say "Don't hate the playa hate the game"

(ps don't say Equip Last Weapon in UO macro system is a substitue because it only allows you to cycle 2 weapons and is bugged in battle as soon as you get disarmed, which happens freequently in PvP)

@ War Ultima: Mages can use this to switch weapons all they want.


Babbling Loonie
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@ War Ultima: Mages can use this to switch weapons all they want.
Well at least in the version of UO I play, mages use these little carebear weapons called spell channeling weapon. But maybe badder mages like you dont ever use SC weapons therefore create food can actually drop your weapon.


Lore Keeper
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Stratics Legend
@ War Ultima: Mages can use this to switch weapons all they want.
Well at least in the version of UO I play, mages use these little carebear weapons called spell channeling weapon. But maybe badder mages like you dont ever use SC weapons therefore create food can actually drop your weapon.
Bah, tank mages that don't use a non sc halberd are not worth their salt and don't deserve a break anyway!!*

*Okay i didn't think that one through lol


The EquipLastWeapon macro in UO is fast enough, if the spell disarm (which is as others said wayyyy old) was THAT beneficial then they'd all be using it. Theres only 2 people I see on Atlantic that ever use it.


This is a new version of a VERY old trick. When the equip left hand and right hand macros first made their way into UO, there was a diffrent one. I found one myself. Mine Only worked on non-spell chan weapons & when changing from one to two handed.
Now the in game macro allows you to change to any other weapon but added a small delay. They are using spell casting auto-disarm to force the weapon out of the hand. By doing so this does not add a disarm timers. This is also not considered an action, so you don't get the dreaded "You must wait to...." so allows you to re-arm yourself in a blink.
I would think there is another timer that is being reset they we are over looking. There has to be another reason than weapon changing.
. This is an old issue with finding things in the game that by-pass all sorts of timers. Some are simple , some are very complex.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Thanks for all the reply's I have found (was messaged) the reason this was happening and why so many mortal strikes and other special moves were going off.
I am submitting a bug report on this but I doubt anything will get resolved anytime soon. Just know if you keep getting hit with special moves one right after the other the player probably does not have 150 mana with an 12+ regen suit they are using in game "features" to own you because they suck. And people call me a lamer for chugging potions.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Just know if you keep getting hit with special moves one right after the other the player probably does not have 150 mana with an 12+ regen suit they are using in game "features" to own you because they suck.
If the Casting of their spell is disarming the weapon Lyconis then they aren't benefiting like your suggesting.... People need to realize that such casting forces you to stop like all casting which is why only a few people use it. I can't think of a single archer that wants to be forced to stop in place while switching weapons all the time, and only a few instances where a true dexxer might benefit from switching between more than just 2 weapons this fast... It's a bug yes.. a small one, but other things are more important...


Grand Poobah
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It allows them to bypass the disarm timer. So instead of having to wait a second after disarming, they cast create food and immediately can use a potion or equip a new weapon.
We are the real reason UO will never ever be exploit-free.

UO players are always looking for exploits. I mean think about it. There is no way to accidentally discover that casting "Create Food" should be related to the disarm timer. You have to be out looking for exploits in order to find them. These are not logical things.

The problem is us. No matter how much we try to blame them...It's our fault.

No matter what game we played, it would be found to be exploit ridden within a week.

The UO client just makes it easier to do. But it's our fault.

-Galen's player


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
If the Casting of their spell is disarming the weapon Lyconis then they aren't benefiting like your suggesting.... People need to realize that such casting forces you to stop like all casting which is why only a few people use it. I can't think of a single archer that wants to be forced to stop in place while switching weapons all the time, and only a few instances where a true dexxer might benefit from switching between more than just 2 weapons this fast... It's a bug yes.. a small one, but other things are more important...
The issue is not disarming so you can arm faster or casting. The issue is negating mana cost with special moves.
as stated
Just know if you keep getting hit with special moves one right after the other the player probably does not have 150 mana with an 12+ regen suit they are using in game "features" to own you because they suck.
Just like the Yumi double shot used to allow you to stack with another weapons armor ignore. Such as a composite bow with Armor ignore. Being hit twice with armor ignore was a strong advantage over your opponent. So is not having to use mana to repeatedly use weapons specials.


We are the real reason UO will never ever be exploit-free.

UO players are always looking for exploits. I mean think about it. There is no way to accidentally discover that casting "Create Food" should be related to the disarm timer. You have to be out looking for exploits in order to find them. These are not logical things.

The problem is us. No matter how much we try to blame them...It's our fault.

No matter what game we played, it would be found to be exploit ridden within a week.

The UO client just makes it easier to do. But it's our fault.

-Galen's player
In every game I have played I have always thought it my duty do find exploits in order to fix things. If they are not corrected in a timely manner, I exploit them and show them how nasty they can be. In most games the coders will notice it by then and fix it. No comment on UO's handling of such things.

In my past I've found several exploits in MUD code bases (and received credit for one).. none in UO (yet). Trust me, they won't listen until you show them very obviously that it can be used to an advantage.

JC the Builder

Crazed Zealot
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UO players are always looking for exploits. I mean think about it. There is no way to accidentally discover that casting "Create Food" should be related to the disarm timer. You have to be out looking for exploits in order to find them. These are not logical things.
It is completely logical. All spells have the same effect. If you cast with a non-spell channeling weapon it is placed in your backpack. People use create food because it is a level 1 spell with no target cursor to cancel.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
In my past I've found several exploits in MUD code bases (and received credit for one).. none in UO (yet). Trust me, they won't listen until you show them very obviously that it can be used to an advantage.
yeah I did a tutorial with images, sent it to the pac em about the worldgem/skull mug exploit to the pacific EM. A week later a post was on about it. Haven't tested it to see the way I showed them is fixed.. but I'm hoping they already fixed it. Some things are fixed in a timely manner in this game.. others depending on how they have to work the code are not. I am glad to not have to work as a developer for UO, cheers to those crazy enough to take that job.